New relationship?

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Jan 13, 2017
BEC2D261-F041-4D85-AB7B-94FF28D3CB48.jpegI’m hoping to meet someone new and my question was plainly when will I be in relationship?

Ascendant is 11.25 degrees Gemini and mercury is at 6th house 5.22 degrees Virgo. Jupiter is at 12th house 13.46 Taurus. Moon is at 11th house sign of Aquarius and 10.56 degree. Moon’s next aspect is square to 7th house ruler Jupiter. Mercury will trine Jupiter aspect and is applying 8.40 degrees. Mars is separating from Jupiter 0.01 degrees. Mars is not ruling any house but is considered as planet of divorce. Someone that has recently separated? Mars is at 6th house. 1st house ruler Mercury is applying opposition to Saturn 0.29 degrees. Saturn is ruling houses 8-11. I have work related difficulties currently. Saturn Rx is at 12th house 5.39 degrees. Saturn is separating sextile from Jupiter. So it is collecting light here?

Is there positive outcome for me?
Do you do online dating? Because, if not, the 11th house moon trine the ascendant suggests this would be beneficial to you.

This chart also suggests that *before* you consider a serious committed relationship, you should use the time to connect with others, chat with different people, have some fun, and keep it light.
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I have done some online dating but it’s not going anywhere. Like it’s not turning even real dates. That is btw separating trine.

How chart suggest it should be light? That is def something in not interested at.
I have done some online dating but it’s not going anywhere. Like it’s not turning even real dates. That is btw separating trine.

How chart suggest it should be light? That is def something in not interested at.
Moon to asc is not a separating trine. And w/ the moon square L7 Jupiter in the 12th shows you are expecting too much. Not helped by you/merc opposing Saturn suggesting you're being too serious, fussy.
Well I have 0 % tolerance for toxicity and players. And for men who don’t know if they want serious relationship and kids in their 40’s. So I guess they have to deal wit serious fussy person 😅👍🏻☺️
I’m hoping to meet someone new and my question was plainly when will I be in relationship?

Ascendant is 11.25 degrees Gemini and mercury is at 6th house 5.22 degrees Virgo. Jupiter is at 12th house 13.46 Taurus. Moon is at 11th house sign of Aquarius and 10.56 degree. Moon’s next aspect is square to 7th house ruler Jupiter. Mercury will trine Jupiter aspect and is applying 8.40 degrees. Mars is separating from Jupiter 0.01 degrees. Mars is not ruling any house but is considered as planet of divorce. Someone that has recently separated? Mars is at 6th house. 1st house ruler Mercury is applying opposition to Saturn 0.29 degrees. Saturn is ruling houses 8-11. I have work related difficulties currently. Saturn Rx is at 12th house 5.39 degrees. Saturn is separating sextile from Jupiter. So it is collecting light here?

Is there positive outcome for me?
Hello, HeartTree.
What is going on with you as Merc gives me a bit of pause: Merc meets Sat by opposition and receives poorly by reception. This feels like an obstacle to me. When Merc does finally trine someone new/Jup, Jup will receive Merc poorly, by fall.

Moon applies to square someone new/Jupiter with Moon receiving Jup by exaltation is favorable. So the reception is favorable, but meeting by square is not a comfortable kind of coming together. If there had been something more encouraging between Merc and Jup, I might have had more faith in the square from the Moon. But without it, I have reservation about meeting someone with whom you will have the kind of serious meaningful relationship that you want and also deserve.

Regarding collection of light, Deb Houlding's website defines it as:
Where two planets, whether applying, separating or making no aspect to each other, both apply by to a third planet that "collects their light" and thereby establishes a relationship between the two.​
Merc applies to Saturn, but Jupiter does not. Jup and Sat both separate from each other. So I do not believe there is collection of light. I would be interested to know what others might think about this assessment of whether there is COL or not?

But to answer your question and based on your comment
Well I have 0 % tolerance for toxicity and players. And for men who don’t know if they want serious relationship and kids in their 40’s. So I guess they have to deal wit serious fussy person 😅👍🏻☺️
I think that it may not favorable to find the kind of relationship you are seeking in the time frame that you consciously or unconsciously had in mind. But don't give up hope; just remain open to possibilities that we have no way of understanding until they present themselves to us.
I am truly wishing you the best as always.
Thank you IleneK ☺️ Disappointing to hear that. Isn’t Jupiter receive Mercury by term? And Mercury receiving Jupiter by detriment? I’m not sure if this chart is about old love coming back to my life. But I was truly asking if I meet someone new. It just seems to fit better him coming back as my attitude toward him is poor. And then there would be distrust and tension. Or it could be that after him I can’t trust anyone easily.
Thank you IleneK ☺️ Disappointing to hear that. Isn’t Jupiter receive Mercury by term? And Mercury receiving Jupiter by detriment? I’m not sure if this chart is about old love coming back to my life. But I was truly asking if I meet someone new. It just seems to fit better him coming back as my attitude toward him is poor. And then there would be distrust and tension. Or it could be that after him I can’t trust anyone easily.
You are welcome, HeartTree. Since the question was about meeting someone new, I take Jupiter to be someone new, rather than an ex.

There are two ways to read reception. The way I do it, I see that Jup receives Merc by detriment, rather than Merc receiving Jupiter. I do think that the alternative reading that you are employing is valid, so you may wish to look at it that way.
Then I would read the table of dignities to say that Merc is in its own term at 6 Virgo. And if Merc were at 17-21 Vi, to be Jupiter's term. So Jup would be receiving Merc by term. I hope I am not completely confused [which is always a possibility] or confusing, because sometimes I just lose it when trying to read the table at this level of complexity. :)o_O:)