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Total Govt Takeover of Internet Begins! Democrats Demand Draconian Controls!
The Mainstream Media is right now calling for Congress to approve legislation that empowers the federal government to literally take over the Internet. The MSM wants to remove any and all competition from the playing field. The major MSM news platforms can no longer tolerate their lies from being exposed by way of the real journalism offered by the Alt Media. They know that the “fake news” meme is entirely true and causing their inevitable demise. For these and many other reasons, the Democrats Are Pushing For Total Govt Control Of Internet.
Deep State fabricates the fake narratives as the C.I.A. controls what media can and cannot report
State of the Nation
Make no mistake about it, “THE MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!”
The Mainstream Media (MSM) has never been so up in arms and conspicuously enraged about anything as they are about this self-evident truth. They all know — every single journalist — that they cannot report the truth about anything. Factual reporting has been banished from the MSM; once that happened the press inevitably became “the enemy of the people”. And every journalist knows in their bones that this is absolutely true.
Corporate Media Now Poses Existential Threats To The American Republic
President Trump’s greatest achievement to date
If Donald Trump were to leave office today, there’s no question that his single greatest achievement would be the launching of the “fake news” meme. His nonstop warnings have become the clarion call to patriots and nationalists around the globe. Not only that, but Trump recently went one step further and dropped this truth bomb. BOMBSHELL: Trump Finally Tells The Forbidden Truth
Trump’s extraordinary accomplishment has awakened people across the planet to the incessant lying by the media. It’s important to understanding that the Alt Media and Fifth Estate are not included in this label. Yes, there’s a lot of shoddy reporting going on in the alternative media by those news platforms that are owned and operated by the C.I.A. but they’re the exception, not the rule. In point of fact, The Fifth Estate Casts Its Shadow Like a Massive Mothership.
The reality, over many decades, is that the MSM simply does not know how to present the facts…about anything Outright lying, subtle deceptions, misleading titles, veiled falsehoods, clever deceits, fictitious narratives, gross exaggerations, purposeful distortions and many other devices are routinely used by the MSM organs of propaganda.
What the POTUS has continually pointed out is that you can NEVER — EVER — trust a single thing that comes from the MSM. The whole bunch of them has become pathological liars to the extreme.
In other words, if the talking heads on TV are moving their lips, they are either lying or deceiving. Likewise, if the print media publishes it, you know it’s ********. Should a mainstream radio channel announce the news, it cannot be trusted and is never reliable.
For real, it’s quite difficult to overstate the degree of sheer perfidy and utter betrayal that the MSM perpetrates against its audience every day of every month of every year. These corporate media platforms are so addicted to deception that they wouldn’t recognize the truth if it busted them upside the head with a four by four.
Mockingbird Media
What’s been asserted thus far is quite obvious to any truth seeker. What may not be so obvious is the historical fact that the entire Mainstream Media was completely taken over by the C.I.A. after World War II. Of course, the MSM was totally controlled during the Second World War by the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), but when the C.I.A. was established in 1947 it had been effectively taken over by the many high-level Nazis, Gestapo agents and SS members who were secretly given safe passage to America under the rubric of Operation Paperclip.
The Nazi regime was quite proficient at taking over the German media upon which they continued to exert ironclad control throughout the duration of the war. This exact process of media infiltration by the state and covert oversight by the Central Intelligence Agency is what transpired post WW2 throughout the USA. The overt phase of Operation Mockingbird, as it’s known in intelligence circles, officially began in the early 1950s.
The only way for the average citizen to really apprehend the true breadth and depth of this clandestine overthrow of American media is to understand this highly organized conspiracy that was hatched between the titans of Corporate Media, key officials within the U.S. Federal Government and strategically placed leaders within civil society. Once the deal was done by these Operation Mockingbird co-conspirators, America has never seen a free press since.
OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD: How The CIA Took Over The Mainstream Media
The critical point here is that the C.I.A. delivers your news — print, network and radio — each and every day from all the major MSM news platforms. Everyone knows that CNN’s primary anchor Anderson Cooper is a card-carrying CIA agent. Well, truth be told, every other anchor and famous talking head, acclaimed MSM author and Pulitzer prize-winning journalist are all on contract with the C.I.A. as well. In this way these transparently fake journalists answer directly to The Company, as the C.I.A. is known within the intel community, not to their corporate management.
With this crucial understanding, it’s clear that nothing which issues forth from the MSM can be trusted. It’s all fake news all the time. The C.I.A. spinmeisters have an agenda for each and every media piece that’s released to the public. This fastidiously hidden agenda is one of complete mind control.
In their world of 24/7 spying and surveillance every bit of information in considered intelligence. Hence, all information and data is intelligence that must be protected and often manipulated to hide the truth. That intelligence can be used to either exert more control or lose control of the audience; therefore, the info gatekeepers will always attempt to control the narrative so as to exercise maximum control.
The media is downright dangerous
Much of the fake news disseminated daily by the MSM is downright dangerous. Nowadays, MSM reporting is extremely dangerous to the U.S. citizenry as it is to the longevity of the America Republic.
The MSM has also proven to be exceedingly dangerous to the physical health and welfare of the American people in so many ways it boggles the mind.
Let’s take a quick look at all the false information the MSM puts out weekly about things that are actually a slow-mo killing of the populace.
• Murderous false flag mass shootings
• Destructive false flag bombings
• Deadly vaccinations
• Geoengineering weather catastrophes
• Geoengineering seismic and volcanic disasters
• Highly toxic chemtrails
• Harmful water fluoridation
• Perilous 5G frequencies
• Noxious GMOs in food supply
• Poisonous aspartame in beverages
• Radiated produce from foreign countries
This is just a short list of some of the most dangerous things happening in American society which have put people everywhere in great jeopardy.
9/11: Mother of all Cover-ups by the MSM
The Mainstream Media couldn’t even investigate the obvious inside job and false flag terror attacks conducted by Deep State and Gladio on September 11, 2001. Because of the profundity of that institutional neglect and shocking malfeasance of the Fourth Estate, a fake “War on Terror” was fraudulently declared on the world by the very perpetrators of that classic Operation Gladio terrorist operation.
Talk about “the enemy of the people”: the entire Mainstream Media is essentially guilty of the greatest criminal coverup in the Third Millennium. See: 9/11 VERDICT: Mainstream Media Guilty Of The Biggest Coverup In US History
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Continued on Next Page
Total Govt Takeover of Internet Begins! Democrats Demand Draconian Controls!
The Mainstream Media is right now calling for Congress to approve legislation that empowers the federal government to literally take over the Internet. The MSM wants to remove any and all competition from the playing field. The major MSM news platforms can no longer tolerate their lies from being exposed by way of the real journalism offered by the Alt Media. They know that the “fake news” meme is entirely true and causing their inevitable demise. For these and many other reasons, the Democrats Are Pushing For Total Govt Control Of Internet.
Deep State fabricates the fake narratives as the C.I.A. controls what media can and cannot report
State of the Nation
Make no mistake about it, “THE MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!”
The Mainstream Media (MSM) has never been so up in arms and conspicuously enraged about anything as they are about this self-evident truth. They all know — every single journalist — that they cannot report the truth about anything. Factual reporting has been banished from the MSM; once that happened the press inevitably became “the enemy of the people”. And every journalist knows in their bones that this is absolutely true.
Corporate Media Now Poses Existential Threats To The American Republic
President Trump’s greatest achievement to date
If Donald Trump were to leave office today, there’s no question that his single greatest achievement would be the launching of the “fake news” meme. His nonstop warnings have become the clarion call to patriots and nationalists around the globe. Not only that, but Trump recently went one step further and dropped this truth bomb. BOMBSHELL: Trump Finally Tells The Forbidden Truth
Trump’s extraordinary accomplishment has awakened people across the planet to the incessant lying by the media. It’s important to understanding that the Alt Media and Fifth Estate are not included in this label. Yes, there’s a lot of shoddy reporting going on in the alternative media by those news platforms that are owned and operated by the C.I.A. but they’re the exception, not the rule. In point of fact, The Fifth Estate Casts Its Shadow Like a Massive Mothership.
The reality, over many decades, is that the MSM simply does not know how to present the facts…about anything Outright lying, subtle deceptions, misleading titles, veiled falsehoods, clever deceits, fictitious narratives, gross exaggerations, purposeful distortions and many other devices are routinely used by the MSM organs of propaganda.
What the POTUS has continually pointed out is that you can NEVER — EVER — trust a single thing that comes from the MSM. The whole bunch of them has become pathological liars to the extreme.
In other words, if the talking heads on TV are moving their lips, they are either lying or deceiving. Likewise, if the print media publishes it, you know it’s ********. Should a mainstream radio channel announce the news, it cannot be trusted and is never reliable.
For real, it’s quite difficult to overstate the degree of sheer perfidy and utter betrayal that the MSM perpetrates against its audience every day of every month of every year. These corporate media platforms are so addicted to deception that they wouldn’t recognize the truth if it busted them upside the head with a four by four.
Mockingbird Media
What’s been asserted thus far is quite obvious to any truth seeker. What may not be so obvious is the historical fact that the entire Mainstream Media was completely taken over by the C.I.A. after World War II. Of course, the MSM was totally controlled during the Second World War by the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), but when the C.I.A. was established in 1947 it had been effectively taken over by the many high-level Nazis, Gestapo agents and SS members who were secretly given safe passage to America under the rubric of Operation Paperclip.
The Nazi regime was quite proficient at taking over the German media upon which they continued to exert ironclad control throughout the duration of the war. This exact process of media infiltration by the state and covert oversight by the Central Intelligence Agency is what transpired post WW2 throughout the USA. The overt phase of Operation Mockingbird, as it’s known in intelligence circles, officially began in the early 1950s.
The only way for the average citizen to really apprehend the true breadth and depth of this clandestine overthrow of American media is to understand this highly organized conspiracy that was hatched between the titans of Corporate Media, key officials within the U.S. Federal Government and strategically placed leaders within civil society. Once the deal was done by these Operation Mockingbird co-conspirators, America has never seen a free press since.
OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD: How The CIA Took Over The Mainstream Media
The critical point here is that the C.I.A. delivers your news — print, network and radio — each and every day from all the major MSM news platforms. Everyone knows that CNN’s primary anchor Anderson Cooper is a card-carrying CIA agent. Well, truth be told, every other anchor and famous talking head, acclaimed MSM author and Pulitzer prize-winning journalist are all on contract with the C.I.A. as well. In this way these transparently fake journalists answer directly to The Company, as the C.I.A. is known within the intel community, not to their corporate management.
With this crucial understanding, it’s clear that nothing which issues forth from the MSM can be trusted. It’s all fake news all the time. The C.I.A. spinmeisters have an agenda for each and every media piece that’s released to the public. This fastidiously hidden agenda is one of complete mind control.
In their world of 24/7 spying and surveillance every bit of information in considered intelligence. Hence, all information and data is intelligence that must be protected and often manipulated to hide the truth. That intelligence can be used to either exert more control or lose control of the audience; therefore, the info gatekeepers will always attempt to control the narrative so as to exercise maximum control.
The media is downright dangerous
Much of the fake news disseminated daily by the MSM is downright dangerous. Nowadays, MSM reporting is extremely dangerous to the U.S. citizenry as it is to the longevity of the America Republic.

The MSM has also proven to be exceedingly dangerous to the physical health and welfare of the American people in so many ways it boggles the mind.
Let’s take a quick look at all the false information the MSM puts out weekly about things that are actually a slow-mo killing of the populace.
• Murderous false flag mass shootings
• Destructive false flag bombings
• Deadly vaccinations
• Geoengineering weather catastrophes
• Geoengineering seismic and volcanic disasters
• Highly toxic chemtrails
• Harmful water fluoridation
• Perilous 5G frequencies
• Noxious GMOs in food supply
• Poisonous aspartame in beverages
• Radiated produce from foreign countries
This is just a short list of some of the most dangerous things happening in American society which have put people everywhere in great jeopardy.
9/11: Mother of all Cover-ups by the MSM
The Mainstream Media couldn’t even investigate the obvious inside job and false flag terror attacks conducted by Deep State and Gladio on September 11, 2001. Because of the profundity of that institutional neglect and shocking malfeasance of the Fourth Estate, a fake “War on Terror” was fraudulently declared on the world by the very perpetrators of that classic Operation Gladio terrorist operation.
Talk about “the enemy of the people”: the entire Mainstream Media is essentially guilty of the greatest criminal coverup in the Third Millennium. See: 9/11 VERDICT: Mainstream Media Guilty Of The Biggest Coverup In US History
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Continued on Next Page