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Total Govt Takeover of Internet Begins! Democrats Demand Draconian Controls!


The Mainstream Media is right now calling for Congress to approve legislation that empowers the federal government to literally take over the Internet. The MSM wants to remove any and all competition from the playing field. The major MSM news platforms can no longer tolerate their lies from being exposed by way of the real journalism offered by the Alt Media. They know that the “fake news” meme is entirely true and causing their inevitable demise. For these and many other reasons, the Democrats Are Pushing For Total Govt Control Of Internet.

Deep State fabricates the fake narratives as the C.I.A. controls what media can and cannot report

State of the Nation

Make no mistake about it, “THE MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
The Mainstream Media (MSM) has never been so up in arms and conspicuously enraged about anything as they are about this self-evident truth. They all know — every single journalist — that they cannot report the truth about anything. Factual reporting has been banished from the MSM; once that happened the press inevitably became “the enemy of the people”. And every journalist knows in their bones that this is absolutely true.
Corporate Media Now Poses Existential Threats To The American Republic

President Trump’s greatest achievement to date

If Donald Trump were to leave office today, there’s no question that his single greatest achievement would be the launching of the “fake news” meme. His nonstop warnings have become the clarion call to patriots and nationalists around the globe. Not only that, but Trump recently went one step further and dropped this truth bomb. BOMBSHELL: Trump Finally Tells The Forbidden Truth
Trump’s extraordinary accomplishment has awakened people across the planet to the incessant lying by the media. It’s important to understanding that the Alt Media and Fifth Estate are not included in this label. Yes, there’s a lot of shoddy reporting going on in the alternative media by those news platforms that are owned and operated by the C.I.A. but they’re the exception, not the rule. In point of fact, The Fifth Estate Casts Its Shadow Like a Massive Mothership.
The reality, over many decades, is that the MSM simply does not know how to present the facts…about anything Outright lying, subtle deceptions, misleading titles, veiled falsehoods, clever deceits, fictitious narratives, gross exaggerations, purposeful distortions and many other devices are routinely used by the MSM organs of propaganda.
What the POTUS has continually pointed out is that you can NEVER — EVER — trust a single thing that comes from the MSM. The whole bunch of them has become pathological liars to the extreme.
In other words, if the talking heads on TV are moving their lips, they are either lying or deceiving. Likewise, if the print media publishes it, you know it’s ********. Should a mainstream radio channel announce the news, it cannot be trusted and is never reliable.
For real, it’s quite difficult to overstate the degree of sheer perfidy and utter betrayal that the MSM perpetrates against its audience every day of every month of every year. These corporate media platforms are so addicted to deception that they wouldn’t recognize the truth if it busted them upside the head with a four by four.
Mockingbird Media

What’s been asserted thus far is quite obvious to any truth seeker. What may not be so obvious is the historical fact that the entire Mainstream Media was completely taken over by the C.I.A. after World War II. Of course, the MSM was totally controlled during the Second World War by the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), but when the C.I.A. was established in 1947 it had been effectively taken over by the many high-level Nazis, Gestapo agents and SS members who were secretly given safe passage to America under the rubric of Operation Paperclip.
The Nazi regime was quite proficient at taking over the German media upon which they continued to exert ironclad control throughout the duration of the war. This exact process of media infiltration by the state and covert oversight by the Central Intelligence Agency is what transpired post WW2 throughout the USA. The overt phase of Operation Mockingbird, as it’s known in intelligence circles, officially began in the early 1950s.

The only way for the average citizen to really apprehend the true breadth and depth of this clandestine overthrow of American media is to understand this highly organized conspiracy that was hatched between the titans of Corporate Media, key officials within the U.S. Federal Government and strategically placed leaders within civil society. Once the deal was done by these Operation Mockingbird co-conspirators, America has never seen a free press since.
OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD: How The CIA Took Over The Mainstream Media

The critical point here is that the C.I.A. delivers your news — print, network and radio — each and every day from all the major MSM news platforms. Everyone knows that CNN’s primary anchor Anderson Cooper is a card-carrying CIA agent. Well, truth be told, every other anchor and famous talking head, acclaimed MSM author and Pulitzer prize-winning journalist are all on contract with the C.I.A. as well. In this way these transparently fake journalists answer directly to The Company, as the C.I.A. is known within the intel community, not to their corporate management.
With this crucial understanding, it’s clear that nothing which issues forth from the MSM can be trusted. It’s all fake news all the time. The C.I.A. spinmeisters have an agenda for each and every media piece that’s released to the public. This fastidiously hidden agenda is one of complete mind control.
In their world of 24/7 spying and surveillance every bit of information in considered intelligence. Hence, all information and data is intelligence that must be protected and often manipulated to hide the truth. That intelligence can be used to either exert more control or lose control of the audience; therefore, the info gatekeepers will always attempt to control the narrative so as to exercise maximum control.
The media is downright dangerous

Much of the fake news disseminated daily by the MSM is downright dangerous. Nowadays, MSM reporting is extremely dangerous to the U.S. citizenry as it is to the longevity of the America Republic.

The MSM has also proven to be exceedingly dangerous to the physical health and welfare of the American people in so many ways it boggles the mind.
Let’s take a quick look at all the false information the MSM puts out weekly about things that are actually a slow-mo killing of the populace.
Murderous false flag mass shootings
Destructive false flag bombings
Deadly vaccinations
Geoengineering weather catastrophes
Geoengineering seismic and volcanic disasters
Highly toxic chemtrails
Harmful water fluoridation
Perilous 5G frequencies
Noxious GMOs in food supply
Poisonous aspartame in beverages
Radiated produce from foreign countries
This is just a short list of some of the most dangerous things happening in American society which have put people everywhere in great jeopardy.
9/11: Mother of all Cover-ups by the MSM

The Mainstream Media couldn’t even investigate the obvious inside job and false flag terror attacks conducted by Deep State and Gladio on September 11, 2001. Because of the profundity of that institutional neglect and shocking malfeasance of the Fourth Estate, a fake “War on Terror” was fraudulently declared on the world by the very perpetrators of that classic Operation Gladio terrorist operation.
Talk about “the enemy of the people”: the entire Mainstream Media is essentially guilty of the greatest criminal coverup in the Third Millennium. See: 9/11 VERDICT: Mainstream Media Guilty Of The Biggest Coverup In US History

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NEO: Press and the Militarization of Fakery

A phony war has begun, a war on the newly powerful and influential independent media, a war waged by social media and internet giants like Google and Facebook, a war of censorship and economic sanctions.
Behind the giants of social media and technology is a cabal of fraudsters from the financial community who have engineered totally fake trillion-dollar companies that, with the exception of Apple, make nothing, have no clear revenue stream and continually censor, spy, exploit and bully the world.
Then again, we all know who makes Apple’s merchandise.
To protect itself, these monstrosities are now unilaterally assuming authority for saying what is right and wrong, real and fake, what ideas live and die, they have exceeded Orwell’s worst nightmares a hundredfold.
Entering the real of what our “friends” love to call “conspiracy theory,” their actions go further, were one to track the number of mysterious deaths of investigative journalists. There are only a few dozen of those, however, the daily exercise of censorship is generally comprised of:

  • Banning media platforms from YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Google
  • Delisting all articles that an AI (artificial intelligence) that exists but “doesn’t exist” deems a threat to the prevailing fake narrative
  • DDOS, Stuxnet and Malware attacks, invariably tracked to US government computers at Ft. Huachuca, located in Sierra Vista, Arizona, taking down servers and attacking computers of individual journalists as well
  • Coordinated smear campaigns by the ADL and SPLC, long suspected as tied to Israeli security and espionage efforts in the US (according to sources in the Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Beyond this is a far more successful approach, loosely based on Lenin’s precept on dealing with opposition:
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
Thus, for every event that needs to be controlled as to public perception and opinion, where choking of readership isn’t enough and killing a journalist isn’t possible, another solution is chosen. If one alternative theory, perhaps one that fits far better than the “fake” theory chosen by the controlled media, poses a threat, simply “drown it.”
To do this, platforms are created, mysteriously funded alternative media sites that the mainstream media mentions continually, that Google pushes traffic to, whose wild and obscene videos are protected by YouTube and whose homicidal pronouncements are ignored by authorities. To this end, Info Wars comes to mind, but so do a dozen others.
Anytime a real source, a real whistleblower with real information on government complicity in terrorism or large-scale corruption, comes forward, and they aren’t jailed or forced to flee the country, their revelations are overwhelmed with spin, fluff, smears and an endless stream of conspiracy theories carefully engineered.
You can easily note an engineered conspiracy theory, it will contain all relevant details and have the elements of narrative construct and tenor of a television drama. Such efforts, and they are detected with increasing regularity, follow every event that has the “smell” of a possible false flag act.
One must recognize without question the simple fact that false flag attacks are as old as war and politics itself and that, were there another brother available, Cain would certainly have seen to it that he wasn’t blamed for killing Abel.
There is little question that the world press had, for at least a generation, been put under centralized control and fed a false narrative. That narrative has become “recent history” and more is created daily, feeding the gulf between reality and fantasy, smothering not just the public.

There were always fallbacks, think tanks, esteemed academics, professional diplomats with standing and “sage” personalities of the press. In America those were Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow and Helen Thomas, all no longer with us and clearly never to be replaced.
There are other “journalists” who are “famous” but hardly “sage,” a list beginning with names like Katie Couric, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Tim Russert and Judith Miller. This is the list from which the “fake news” we hear about so often was born, fed by fake sources, tons of corporate cash and handlers from national intelligence agencies.
Any “known” individual in the modern press, anyone with a degree of fame, is likely to be easy to identify by a series of “red line” issues, foremost of all Israel.
Israel has been the litmus on which all journalism can be judged. It began so long ago, covering up the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty, feeding the world a totally fake version of the 1967 War with Israel as “victim,” and decade after decade of demonization of millions of Palestinian refugees and the systematic censorship of the holocaust against the Palestinian people.
Yes, fake journalism protects companies like Monsanto, now facing ruin for half a century of salting the planet with Class I carcinogens. But, by and large, journalists, like police, see themselves as employees, tasked with what they are assigned, with “duties” to perform, too often easily pushed beyond the line, pushed into doing harm.
Many reasons are given for this, but generally it is toadying up to wealth and power in hopes of staving off a life of mediocrity and suffering that being born without talent and living without a moral compass, in a Darwinian world, would normally consign one to the human scrap heap.
We use Israel as a model as issues involving Israel have, for generations, dominated not only controlled news but entertainment as well and, since both have melded into a newer and “higher” form of blended fakery, fostering the total destruction of reality as perceived by the public.
When the new device driven fake media, dominated by Silicon Valley’s secret underbelly of hedge fund scamsters, controls all device driven information fed to a public addicted to instant gratification, new avenues of propaganda and control are created.
Within a few short years nothing can stand in the way, not the courts, not elected officials, not the military, all simply bow to a public lulled into fake circular controversies based on the inane and the machinations of a financial world driven by the esoteric world of IPO’s and fiat currencies.
In a world where billions, even trillions of dollars in political and military power are created through “tweets and trolldom,” through incessant collection and processing of personal data, all to no known end or value, daily events, wars, bombings, disasters, mean nothing.
Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”


The Social Media Purge Is Silencing ALL Dissenting Voices, Not Just Conservative

Just about every website owner I know is feeling personally victimized by the recent social media purge that has been going on. But here’s an interesting fact: it isn’t, as is widely perceived, just conservative voices that are being silenced. It is dissenting voices.

by Daisy Luther , guest writer (small edits)

It’s the voices of critical thinkers whose ideas run the gamut of philosophies who find that they no longer have much in the way of reach.

This social media purge affects everyone, even people who are not on social media. It does so in several ways:

  • Dissenting information is silenced which stifles discussion

  • Young people who are avid consumers of social media are being literally brainwashed because they only see one side of the story – any story

  • The social media purge harms websites that post non-establishment information because it stamps out their ability to reach readers who would be interested in their content.

  • The unfairly biased search results show people who are trying to learn more about a topic only one side of the information.

You don’t have to be on a Twitter feed to see how this is an overwhelmingly anti-American problem. Like it or not, social media is a monumental source of information these days, and when it’s censored to only show one point of view, the future of our republic is in peril.

We are well on our way to peak censorship and this has been carefully orchestrated.

Non-establishment websites are in trouble

Their website traffic is plummeting because they no longer show up anywhere near the top of search results. Their posts on social media are not presented to the public – or even the people who deliberately opted to “follow” them.

Edits from Alexander to reflect my own numbers: Here’s an example from my own page. I have more than 44K people who chose to follow my page [by the way, Facebook basically blocked my page from gaining more followers, since I'm at 44k for over a year — this is basically "shadow banning"], as you can see in the top image. But in the image below, you can see how many of those people were actually shown my post. Some posts are censored entirely:

And the same thing goes for social media like Twitter too. I have an email list and if I didn’t, I’d hardly reach anyone.

If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter, you can do so right here.

And I really have to wonder – will our “offensive” websites one day just disappear, scrubbed from the internet permanently? It’s only a matter of time until the web hosting companies are being pressured to get in on the censorship game.

For the record, I consider myself neither conservative nor liberal. I try to veer away from any form of extremism and I make an effort to think a situation through before automatically aligning myself with a “side.”

If anything, I’m a small l libertarian. My core beliefs are personal autonomy and freedom of association are to be sought in all cases that are not harmful to others. And yet, somehow, that is threatening to some people.

Don’t think it’s limited to website owners. Twitter recently banned 70 million accounts, claiming they were “fake.” But there have been repeated accusations that conservative accounts have been at the very least “shadow-banned” if not all out deleted.

The most notable purge recently has been Alex Jones and Infowars

Love Alex Jones, hate him, or feel utterly ambivalent aside from an occasional eye-roll, he has been the most notable victim to have been thoroughly erased from the public eye as far as the large social media outlets are concerned.

He lost his voice on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Apple, and Google. Even his email service provider dumped him.

I’m not personally a huge fan of Jones, but I do believe what happened to him was collusion between social media giants. Big Tech got together and now Alex Jones has to find new ways to reach his very large audience.

No one is going to stumble across him accidentally in a Google Search anymore. No one is going to see his videos embedded in another website anymore. Like him or not, he has the right to exist publicly.

Jones has a lot of money so this may not be the end of him, but for most website owners, this would be the absolute end of our ability to do business. And to be able to bring the information we bring, we do have to run our websites as businesses.

It’s far more expensive than most people realize to run a site. I know that my own operating costs every month are more than $2000. A site as big as Jones’s would be many times that amount. When all your avenues of monetization are cut off, it wouldn’t be hard for a site – and the dissent and information they share – to cease to exist.

If nothing else, dissent is the American way.

A little allegory on becoming an unperson

Think back to high school lit class when you read 1984 by George Orwell.

If it’s been a while, I’ll recap the pertinent parts of the plot from Spark Notes.

"Winston Smith is a low-ranking member of the ruling Party in London, in the nation of Oceania. Everywhere Winston goes, even his own home, the Party watches him through telescreens; everywhere he looks he sees the face of the Party’s seemingly omniscient leader, a figure known only as Big Brother.

"The Party controls everything in Oceania, even the people’s history and language. Currently, the Party is forcing the implementation of an invented language called Newspeak, which attempts to prevent political rebellion by eliminating all words related to it. Even thinking rebellious thoughts is illegal. Such thoughtcrime is, in fact, the worst of all crimes…

"…As the novel opens, Winston feels frustrated by the oppression and rigid control of the Party, which prohibits free thought, sex, and any expression of individuality. Winston dislikes the party and has illegally purchased a diary in which to write his criminal thoughts…

"…Winston works in the Ministry of Truth, where he alters historical records to fit the needs of the Party." (source)

The Ministry of Truth is control of all the things from which people could garner their opinions. They provide their own twist on history, current events, entertainment, education, and the arts. The people of Oceania believe them because there isn’t enough information to believe anything else.

And questioning the Ministry is a thoughtcrime, punishable by horrible torture or worse. Part of Winston’s job is to turn anyone who doesn’t follow the Ministry line into an unperson and erase them from history as though they never even existed.

So who is behind this mass purge of dissenting voices?

There’s always a money trail to follow. Any time you wonder why or how something has occurred, look for the money. In this video by Ben Swann, an independent journalist who was mysteriously silenced for quite some time, he provides some important insight.

This is happening RIGHT NOW. We are living it. We are living in the world of 1984.

Rest assured, the way things are going, it isn’t long before we will see only what “they” – the people with the power and money to make it happen – want us to see.

Social pressure is also limiting free thought

And not only do we have organizations limiting our views of things that would broaden our minds, there’s also the rampant social pressure that we’ve seen since the last election.

When we were recently looking at rental homes, a potential landlady asked me for whom I voted in the last election. I didn’t even bother looking at the place because that is not a standard question one asks of a new tenant.

It certainly has nothing to do with my ability to pay the rent. It has nothing to do with my potential for keeping things clean and in good shape. I just left because no house is worth dealing with a person who clearly let me know she was not someone with whom I wanted to do business.

And that is only my personal example. Employers check the social media accounts of prospective employees to see if they approve of how the person thinks. People who disagree publicly with powerful groups get doxxed.

Dozens of stories have circulated about social pressure, lost friendships, disagreements, and mistreatment in the workplace that originated from differences in political beliefs.

How can people be expected to form accurate opinions without all the information? How can they do so when they’re under pressure for their livelihood or their ability to rent a home or when they fear for their privacy?

It’s pretty clear that there are those who don’t want people to form accurate opinions. They want to gently, quietly, insidiously get everyone on board by limiting our access to the variety of philosophies and theories that make the world go round.

By making free thought something that is frowned upon and erased, they silence us all.
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Google Goes All-in with Communist China — Agrees to Create State-Controlled Search Engine that Crushes Human Freedom

As Google and its video platform YouTube stand accused of censoring and shadow banning conservative and pro-Trump content in the U.S., the social media behemoth is set to partner with the communist Chinese government to offer the Chinese people a censored search engine in the world’s most populous country.

As reported by The Intercept, according to leaked documents, the China-market site will blacklist websites and search terms containing “human rights, democracy, religion, and peaceful protest.”

Code-named Dragonfly, the project has reportedly been under development for nearly a year-and-a-half, launching in the spring of 2017. The development sped up after a December 2017 meeting between Google CEO Sundar Pichai and a top official from the Chinese government, according to internal documents, and interviews with some who are familiar with Dragonfly.

The investigative news site noted further:

Teams of programmers and engineers at Google have created a custom Android app, different versions of which have been named “Maotai” and “Longfei.” The app has already been demonstrated to the Chinese government; the finalized version could be launched in the next six to nine months, pending approval from Chinese officials.

The planned move represents a dramatic shift in Google’s policy on China and will mark the first time in almost a decade that the internet giant has operated its search engine in the country.

At present, the current Google search function cannot be accessed by the vast majority of Internet surfers in China as it is blocked by Beijing’s so-called “Great Firewall.”

But the app being built for the Chinese market by Google will fully comply with all of Beijing’s censorship laws and regulations against allowing citizens to access materials that the Communist Party has determined harmful to its leadership.

Already the central government in Beijing has walled off access to certain subjects and materials otherwise available online. They include information about freedom of speech, political opponents, news, sex, and university studies. The Great Firewall also blocks access to any references to the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, as well as references to “dissidents” and “anti-communism.”

Access to books like George Orwell’s “1984” and “Animal Farm” have long been prohibited on China’s social media platform Weibo. And Beijing’s censors also block access to Western social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as American media including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, reported The Intercept.

Profits over human rights

Censorship in China is nothing new but keeping ‘revolutionary’ ideas hidden from the Chinese people has been more difficult in the Internet and tech era. Firewalls are effective in China as well as laws forbidding access to certain information, which is one reason why it’s been difficult for Google to break back into the Chinese market.

Google began operating a search function in the Chinese market in 2004, but by 2013 China’s search market share had dropped to 1.7 percent after the company announced in January 2010 it was ceasing most operations in response to a Chinese-origin hack attack. Now, it appears as though the company and China’s communist censors have found a way to reintroduce the search giant to Chinese consumers.

The problem for Google is that the company claims it supports a free and open Internet – and that may be true insofar as it goes, though the claim does not comport with its censorship of conservative and pro-Trump materials. Obviously, outright government censorship would not comport with that claim, either.

But it’s all about money for the Left-wing corporation, CNN Tech reports: China has hundreds of millions of Internet users, many of whom are prolific online shoppers. When it comes to making a buck versus doing the right thing, it appears as though Google has made its choice.

Don’t get us wrong – profit is a good thing. But China is a hostile revisionist power and there’s no telling what Beijing will glean (steal/hack) from Google’s technology suites.

And then, of course, there’s that abysmal human rights record.
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Meet Facebook’s New Propaganda Partners

Media giant Facebook recently announced (Reuters, 9/19/18) it would combat “fake news” by partnering with two propaganda organizations founded and funded by the US government: the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI). The social media platform was already working closely with the NATO-sponsored Atlantic Council think tank (, 5/21/18).
In a previous FAIR article (8/22/18), I noted that the “fake news” issue was being used as a pretext to attack the left and progressive news sites. Changes to Facebook’s algorithm have reduced traffic significantly for progressive outlets like Common Dreams (5/3/18), while the pages of Venezuelan government–backed TeleSur Englishand the independent Venezuelanalysis were shut down without warning, and only reinstated after a public outcry.
The Washington, DC–based NDI and IRI are staffed with senior Democratic and Republican politicians; the NDI is chaired by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, while the late Sen. John McCain was the longtime IRI chair. Both groups were created in 1983 as arms of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a Cold War enterprise backed by then–CIA director William Casey (Jacobin, 3/7/18). That these two US government creations, along with a NATO offshoot like the Atlantic Council, are used by Facebook to distinguish real from fake news is effectively state censorship.
Facebook’s collaboration with the NED organizations is particularly troubling, as both have aggressively pursued regime change against leftist governments overseas. The NDI undermined the Sandinista government of Nicaragua in the 1980s, and continues to do so to this day, while the IRI claimed a key role in the 2002 coup against leftist President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, announcing that it had
served as a bridge between the nation’s political parties and all civil society groups to help Venezuelans forge a new democratic future…. We stand ready to continue our partnership with the courageous Venezuelan people.
The Reuters report (9/19/18) mentioned that Facebook was anxious to better curate what Brazilians saw on their feeds in the run-up to their presidential elections, which pits far-right Jair Bolsonaro against leftist Fernando Haddad. The US government has a long history of undermining democracy in Brazil, fromsupporting a coup in 1964 against the progressive Goulart administration to continually spying on leftist President Dilma Rousseff (BBC, 7/4/15) in the run-up to the parliamentary coup against her in 2016 (CounterSpin, 6/2/17).
Glenn Greenwald (Intercept, 12/30/17) reported that “Facebook has been on a censorship rampage against Palestinian activists who protest the decades-long, illegal Israeli occupation, all directed and determined by Israeli officials.”
Soon after it partnered with the Atlantic Council, Facebook moved to delete accounts and pages connected with Iranian broadcasting channels (CNBC, 8/23/18), while The Intercept (12/30/17) reported that in 2017 the social media platform met with Israeli government officials to discuss which Palestinian voices it should censor. Ninety-five percent of Israeli government requests for deletion were granted. Thus the US government and its allies are effectively using the platform to silence dissenting opinion, both at home and on the world stage, controlling what Facebook‘s 2 billion users see and do not see.
Progressives should be deeply skeptical that these moves have anything to do with their stated objective of promoting democracy. Bloomberg Businessweek (9/29/17) reported that the far-right Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) party went to Facebookheadquarters for discussions with US companies about how it could use the platform for recruitment and micro-targeting in the 2017 elections. AfD tripled its previous vote share, becoming the third-largest party in Germany, the far right’s best showing since World War II.
Public trust in government is at 18 percent—an all-time low (Pew, 12/14/17). There is similar mistrust of Facebook, with only 20 percent of Americans agreeing social media

Paul Craig Roberts is Calling for the Arrest and Prosecution of Tech Giants for Mass Censorship and Collusion

As the Left-wing social media giants continue to target Infowars and Alex Jones, banning his channels and pages and disrupting his ability to earn a living, some analysts and experts say the CEOs who run those companies are crossing a legal line and ought to be held accountable.

Paul Craig Roberts, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Ronald Reagan, told USA Watchdog’s Greg Hunter in an interview this week that the only way Leftist elites in government and the private sector can promote their “awful” ideas is to censor and ban free speech from anyone who disagrees.

“The agendas of the elite are hidden,” Roberts said. “They are not something the American people would support. The elite are fearful that their cover stories are so thin that if truth can be shown on their agendas, they will be discredited.

“They will lose their abilities to impose their agendas,” he continued. “So they are closing down truth tellers in order to maintain control over explanations. Alex Jones is a threat to the elites’ control over the explanations… They are sending the message that says get on board with the official explanations or we will terminate you.”

Recently, Jones was notified that Facebook and YouTube had banned Infowars’ and Jones’ pages, while tech giant Apple removed entire libraries of Jones’ podcasts, along with Spotify.

And while not every agrees with Jones’ content, many of them do not support the censoring of his content. “I don’t support Alex Jones and what Infowars produces,” said Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell, Fox News reported.

“However, banning him and his outlet is wrong” because it will inevitably lead to similar actions being taken against anyone or any organization outside the Left-wing acceptance bubble.

In fact, the censorship and banning had already begun. Twitter “shadow bans” conservatives, while many Right-leaning media have noted that their referral traffic from Facebook has dropped as much as 90 percent in some cases.

Violations of the law

But Roberts says there is a legal remedy to all of this censorship and banning – it’s just not being used, for some reason.

“Why is this possible?” he told Hunter in reference to the censorship. “It is possible because the antitrust laws of the United States have not been enforced. These are all monopolies. Monopoly is against the law. It’s against the Sherman Antitrust Act, but they don’t enforce it because they’re so powerful.”

He adds that the media-tech companies have grown so large that they no longer feel they have to operate in a fair, unbiased manner.

“They should be broken up,” he said, “or they should be nationalized or actually they should be arrested … they are part of a plot” to overthrow POTUS Donald Trump. Included in the plot, he said, were several traditional media including The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and even NPR.

“There is not an ounce of integrity in the media,” Roberts continued.

As to his monopoly allegations, Roberts has a point. As of June, according to the statistics website Statistica, Google accounted for an astounding 78.81 percent of all search traffic, giving the platform incredible influence and control over results. Google is even more pervasive in other countries, rising as high as 94.39 percent in India, where more than a billion people live.

The site also noted that Google receives nearly one-third – 32.4 percent – of all digital ad revenue.

Facebook’s share is far greater. Statistica reports that the platform’s ad revenue market share in 2018 is 79.2 percent.

Google and Facebook “have taken over the digital ad industry,” Fortune declared in January 2017.

Founder of the Natural News Network Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, agrees with Roberts. Watch:


Facebook bans famous Veterans Today site
Hardline Facebook censorship has spread across America. USA Really has received information that the Veterans Today independent media page was banned from Facebook almost two weeks ago.
Veterans Today Chief Editor Gordon Duff offered us exclusive commentary on the situation.
“Facebook has been in continual contact with us for over two years. This isn’t just simple censorship, you can’t even mention VT on Facebook. This is warfare,” Duff said.
“They aren’t winning; they are only Facebook and it gives us both credibility and attention,” he added.
Jeffrey Silverman a contributor to both Veterans Today and USA Really also commented on the issue:
“The situation is not getting any better, and it is only the alternative media that is willing to speak up and expose what the MSM is covering up (spinning) or NOT reporting.
I was harassed by US Homeland Security on arriving and departing from the US over the summer, repeatedly searched at the airport. I am almost certain that is directly related to my articles, investigations and my links with various none-mainstream media outlets—ones which refuse to march in step with the mainstream view.
It is also threatening, to the powers to be, that many of the writers for Veterans Today have military backgrounds and took their Oath on the US Constitution very serious, to defend the US Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
They [folks at VT] are mostly old school, including myself, and we still believe and know what it means to be real Americans and why freedom of speech must be protected.”
USA Really expects that the grip of corporate-political manipulation will become more severe in the US. More independent media and persons will be banned and filtered. Voices from the people will be manipulated with assistance from tech giants like Facebook and Twitter.
Author: USA Really

Alan Sabrosky on this week’s censorship avalanche

NYT, Jeremy Corbyn, Roger Waters, Alain Soral, David Icke, Louis Farrakan, Alex Jones…who’s next?


Watch False Flag Weekly news above, click HERE for the list of stories we covered
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
This week the West got buried beneath an avalanche of censorship. Can you guess who was behind it?
Hint: Here are some of the news stories about the week’s superficially unrelated cases of censorship:
Facebook bans “dangerous extremists”
French intellectual sent to prison for a cartoon
Los Angeles Aero theatre bans David Icke film
Republicans rally to quash panel discussion at U. Mass
Florida bill outlaws criticizing a certain powerful group
Jeremy Corbyn targeted for mentioning who owns the banks (and the West)
New York Times forced to apologize and pull truthful and accurate cartoon
80-year-old grandma imprisoned since 2016 for discussing history
In every single one of these cases, and in hundreds of similar cases, the annihilation of free thought and free speech in the West is being perpetrated by the same group.
Can you guess who these people are?
Can you think of any ways to eliminate their influence from public life so we can re-establish the Bill of Rights?
43( as I have caught the moderator/trolls here altering the number of views before, such as erasing 4000 views over night in one instance, I find it interesting that this thread had 26 views within a hour of posting and 2 hours later when logged out their were 43 views. it is hard to believe that there has not even been 1 more view in 24 hours. the statistics on this site are suspect when my posts are invoved rahu)
The US Government Won’t Care About the Definition of Journalism After the Julian Assange Precedent is Set

Since I published my last article about about the idiotic “Assange isn’t a journalist” smear, this talking point has become more and more commonplace in online discourse.

It’s very important to defenders of the political status quo for us all to believe that Assange is not a journalist, because otherwise that would mean they’re cheering for a dangerous precedent which would allow for the prosecution of journalists who exposed the truth about US government malfeasance.

And that would mean cognitive dissonance, which all defenders of the political status quo spend most of their day-to-day mental energy running away from.

So in the past few days, editorials like this one from free press avatar Peter Greste have popped up all over the place with their own definitions of what journalism is in order to argue why that label can’t possibly apply to Assange.

All of these definitions ultimately boil down to the argument that because Assange doesn’t publish leaks in a way that they feel journalism ought to be practiced, it isn’t journalism and therefore sets no legal precedent for journalists around the world.

As though the US government is going to be consulting their feelings about what specifically constitutes journalism the next time they decide to imprison a journalist for doing what Assange did.

It doesn’t work that way, sugar ****. Assange is being prosecuted by the Trump administration for standard journalistic practices, he stands no chance of receiving a fair trial, and it is very likely that he will be hit with far more serious charges for his activities once on US soil.

The next time the US government, under Trump or someone else, sees another journalist anywhere in the world doing something similar to what Assange did, there will be nothing stopping them from saying, “We need to lock that person up like we did Assange; they’re doing the same sort of thing.”

It’s just so amazingly arrogant how people imagine that the way their feelings feel will factor into this in any way. Like the US Attorney General might show up on their doorstep one day with a clipboard saying:

“Yes, hello, we wanted to imprison this journalist based on the precedent we set with the prosecution of Julian Assange, but before doing so we wanted to find out how your feelings feel about whether or not they’re a real journalist.”

You won’t get to define how the US government will interpret what constitutes journalism in the future. Only the US government will. It’s amazing that this isn’t more obvious to more people.

In reality, journalism has always been and will always be defined as an activity. It’s not like being a doctor.

If you happen to witness a car crash and you give CPR on the scene, you are not a doctor in that moment, but if you take some photos and post them online with a summary of what you saw then you are engaging in the act of journalism and all the legalities and rules of journalism apply to you.

The particular journalistic activities that the US is currently trying to extradite Assange for is encouraging a source to give him more documents and conspiracy to help Manning hide her identity so that she would not be persecuted for her heroic act of whistleblowing.

In other words, Assange was attempting to make sure Manning’s leaks had enough impact to justify the risk, and also to try and make sure she wasn’t caught and tortured for it.

As Glenn Greenwald has pointed out on Twitter, the indictment describes an activity that all investigative journalists partake in all the time. A source offers you some docs and you see a gap that needs to be filled, you will ask them to get them for you.

A source fears they will be found out and you do what you can to hide their identity. That’s journalism at its most raw and dangerous and important. Check out the film Spotlight to see a fairly true version of what the journalists at the Boston Globe had to do in order to expose the pedophile ring of the Catholic Church.

These high level crimes must be exposed for people’s safety, but the higher the level the crime, the more risk there is in its exposure.

To be clear, you only have to engage in these kinds of activities when you are exposing the most powerful people with the most political clout for the most heinous of crimes. Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning suspected she was risking years of torture if she was found out, and history has since proved them both correct.

So of all the many enraging aspects of all of this extraordinary act of Nice Guy Fascism, one of them is the constant bloviation of the mainstream media elite with their endless personal definitions of what makes a one journalist. You’d think they were quaffing wine at an opening and wanking on about whether the paintings in the gallery were really art.

“This journalist is not a journalist, my five year old son could paint that!” they grandstand to any poor ******* within earshot while inhaling olives and patting the waitress on the bum.

These people have obviously had their personal opinions taken far too seriously for far too long. It’s truly the hallmark of someone whose mother put too many of their ****** crayon drawings on the fridge when you think that your precious little homespun definition of what constitutes journalism will serve as a legal precedent in the years to come.

No one will care about your feelings regarding who is a real journalist or not when the long arm of the US empire reaches out across the planet and nabs the next guy for exposing inconvenient truths about the US military-industrial complex or US corporate interests.

No one is going to grant you a sit-down and consult you about your oh-so-fascinating ruminations about the next journalist they wish to use Assange’s precedent on.

It’s obvious to any journalist who doesn’t have their head up their *** that this is the beginning of the end of the fourth estate. Want to expose the US corporate corruption fueling the degradation and desecration of your environment in your particular province in the world? Oh well, uh-oh, now you’ve found yourself on a plane to Gitmo.

Journalism is an activity. It is bringing the detrimental activities of the powerful to the light, regardless of how you do it, whether it’s through the legacy media, publishing documents, or making a Facebook post.

The powerful are not entitled to a private space where they can abuse humans or resources. They don’t get to commit crimes in secret just because they are rich or in government.

Journalism is the only way the everyday person has any window into what the powerful are doing to them, doing to their planet, doing with their tax money, and doing in their name.

So in every way it is probably even worse if you don’t consider Assange a journalist.

This precedent puts every single person on earth in danger. That means you can be nabbed wherever you may be on the globe for helping a whistleblower, and I’m sorry to say to all you impassioned bloviators, you will not be consulted on how your feelings feel about whether they fit your dubious definition of what a journalist is, because journalism is an activity, not an elitist club of which you have been the self-proclaimed gatekeeper for so long.

These narcissistic ******s are a severe danger to press freedom and they need to put their personal proclivities aside and start fighting a very dangerous legal precedent that is being set right before our eyes.

By Caitlin Johnstone, Guest writer
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( I can relate to this because I can't keep a cell phone, it gets hacked in a few days. first the net gets blocked, then wifi gets blocked then the phone itself begins to be destroyed.
I have to reboot every time but this works for a limited time and then the tones for the key pad become corrupted and I can even input. this happens to every cell phone I get. rrhau)

Nuclear Extermination of Jim Stone - Free Speech is Dead!


They cut off the business phone. It is fully paid and working perfect. It will not ring for calls from anyone other than the 3 phones we already have right here. If we test it, it “works”. When anyone other than us tries to call it, it will not work.

The phone shadow ban is real. If I can’t get an income stream from this business and they succeed in blocking donations this month, we are TOAST. There’s no conceivable way we can pay employees if the phone won’t work. It could be over.
Last time we mentioned the phone being shadow banned, they stopped shadow banning it. This time they are keeping the shadow ban in place. They can totally destroy the white race with this. If even part of the time a white guy (other than a Jew) goes to make an important call or is supposed to receive and important call it “cuts to voicemail” or “rings without answer” the entire white race is *******. The phone system, if used this way, is a weapon on par with a nuclear weapon, they can totally destroy anyone or any segment of society they want. IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. Last week it was saying “number not in service” and this week it is blaming the connection from the phone trying to make the call. And it is dead to the world when normally it rings constantly.
We are definitely going down. There’s no way out of it. After doing everything right on top of being a great employer, we are DEAD.
Absolutely nothing we do can overcome not having a phone, other than changing locations so static local business and advertising does it all, which we are far too broke to do.

Folks, this seems FAR worse than cutting a journalist off from social media/Youtube, and SADLY the Trump Administration will do NOTHING to stop this.
Trump likes to complain about FAKE mainstream media news, and praise Wikileaks = REAL JOURNALISM on the campaign trail for exposing the evil truth regarding his opponent Hillary, but now that he is the head puppet of Zionist/Israeli power = USA, and Julian has been arrested, Zionist Trump publically proclaimed that he really has no vetted interest in Freedom/REAL JOURNALISM, or excuse me … Wikileaks! Trump shows us his TRUE 100% Zionist ANTI-USA Freedom colors here! Even the Zionist ADL admits that Zionists are not PATRIOTS — PEOPLE WAKE UP!! Trump ABSOLUTELY SHOULD pardon Julian Assange, but CLEARLY HAS NO INTENTION OF DOING SO. Here is OVER ONE THOUSAND PERCENT PROOF that Donald Trump is just ANOTHER Zionist Liar in Chief, just like his predecessors [because you only have to read 1/10th of it to see that it's true]:

you get censored for telling the truth


- The Internet is About To Change FOREVER

they want to cancel them :)
they want us to be as unaware & distracted as possible

asking the right questions for an informed, entertained and educated society
