Next Solar Eclipse: 10th May 2013 .... stellium TAURUS !

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Aug 10, 2011
I'm more into eclipses recently and therefore I'm already looking up to the next solar and lunar eclipses in 2013, in the sign Taurus; my sun and venus - sign :joyful:

On the 10th May, the eclipse will be accompanied with the planets Mercury and Mars.

And this stellium will be in my tenth house.
The sun eclipse is conjunct MC, conjunct VENUS (in domicile), sextile JUPITER (in domicile) in 7th, trine MARS (in exaltion) in 5th house, square AC Leo :joyful:
And Venus will be conjunct natal Venus (Venus return).

Are there other people who look forward to this day?
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I'm more into eclipses recently and therefore I'm already looking up to the next solar and lunar eclipses in 2013, in the sign Taurus; my sun and venus - sign :joyful:

On the 10th May, the eclipse will be accompanied with the planets Mercury and Mars.

And this stellium will be in my tenth house, in close conjunction to my MC and natal Venus (10th).
The sun eclipse sextiles my natal JUPITER in 7th and trines natal MARS in 5th house :joyful:
Also a square to ASC.
And Venus will be conjunct natal Venus.

I think my pent - up artistic energies will find its outlet then :happy:
finally.. And maybe some value - changes and progress in romantic life.

Are there other people who look forward to this day?

The May 10 eclipse is connected to the Scorpio New Moon eclipse of a couple of few weeks ago at 21 Scorp. They kind of come in pairs like this.

The Taurus New Moon eclipse will be approximately opposite the Nov eclipse point at 19 Taurus, with Mercury along to hopefully amplify our understanding. So I would look to the effects of the Nov 13 eclipse, which more closely aspected your Venus, but by opposition, to see what it may tell you about potential of the one coming up in May.
I just noticed this upcoming eclipse on one of my eclipse charts that i keep and was happy to see this thread posted here. I'm sort of excited about this one too. and a little apprehensive. It's going to conjunct my sun natal sun exact. my natal sun is at 19 taurus in house 12. eeek! hopefully this doesn't mean i'll go belly up. :crying: :biggrin: lots of trines from pluto tho, in my SR. so i am looking forward to things to come... whatever they may be. time for changes.
this eclipse will be full of energy as it is conjunct mars. It will oppose my n.moon at 20* n.Neptune @ 21* and Mars at 12* . My mom has been very very ill and I am praying for her. it will also square my sun which is 19* leo. :unsure:
Eclipses occur in regular cycles so it is worthwhile to check events in your life at the time of previous eclipses on that degree

... and if a previous eclipse on that degree occurred before you were born, then ask your parents/family members if they recall any unexpected events around those dates

For example:

11 May 1975 solar eclipse degree 19º[FONT=Times New Roman, serif] Tropical Taurus 59'[/FONT]

10 May 1994 solar eclipse degree 19º Tropical Taurus 48'

10 May 2013 solar eclipse degree 19
º Tropical Taurus 31'

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Astrologer Celeste Teal discusses Eclipse Phenomena at[/FONT]



Eclipses occur in regular cycles so it is worthwhile to check events in your life at the time of previous eclipses on that degree

... and if a previous eclipse on that degree occurred before you were born, then ask your parents/family members if they recall any unexpected events around those dates

For example:

11 May 1975 solar eclipse degree 19º[FONT=Times New Roman, serif] Tropical Taurus 59'[/FONT]

10 May 1994 solar eclipse degree 19º Tropical Taurus 48'

10 May 2013 solar eclipse degree 19
º Tropical Taurus 31'

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Astrologer Celeste Teal discusses Eclipse Phenomena at[/FONT]



Do you use some sort of eclipse ephemeris? is there such a thing? I have a chart from an astronomy book, which obviously doesn't tell me all the info I want..and it only goes from year 2000 upwards. what do you use?
It's in my career house, conjunct Venus and MC, and other aspects are harmonious, dominant too and exalted.
So I really expect a little more dynamics in my life.

The time I started this thread I had no idea about what could happen.
Now, closer to the eclipse date, I understand that it could have to do something with the job I've been offered as flight attendant.
The 10th May is the last day of my training..
Now, closer to the eclipse date, I understand that it could have to do something with the job I've been offered as flight attendant.

Wow it must be that! If so, I feel the eclipses do mark significant events in our lives. :)

I am curious but also apprehensive.

Teb, I hope your mum is healing.

This eclipse is stellium in my 5th house. The November eclipse was in my 11th sextile Sun and trine Jupite.r

I do like to study eclipses. The pre-lunar eclipse will trine my natal Moon. The lunar eclipse will also conjunct transit Saturn which makes me worry, and opposite Mars. Looks like a tricky lunar eclipse.

The solar eclipse will trine my Sun and sextile Jupiter and Ceres and eclipse is the 5th house. Maybe I will make lots of pancakes, I usually get my sweet tooth triggered when Ceres is aspected. Its also conjunct a natal Asteroid called Child at 18 Taurus, but I don't know anything about that asteroid. I am not sure what to make of the eclipse.

As JA lists, the previous eclipse, the only thing I can remember from 1994, wow its a bit uncanny. I was very lost at the time, living with a soul mate boyfriend and had a Neptune transit conjunct to natal Sun. This time round, I have a Neptune transit conjunct to natal Moon/progressed Sun. Even more lost.

I thought, to look at the lunar return for the return just prior to the solar eclipse, just for a few clues.
This eclipse is midpoint mania. The planets are spread in way that connects them through midpoints.

SE = uranus/BML
SN = jupiter/uranus = SE/mars = uranus/BML
mercury = SE/mars = uranus/BML
venus = mars/jupiter
mars = jupiter/uranus
saturn = venus/uranus
uranus = SE/neptune
neptune = NN/BML
pluto = NN/neptune = saturn/chiron
chiron = mars/pluto = mercury/pluto

My interpretation of above depends largely on how uranus will play. Uranus will be getting within orb of the pluto square at the beginning of May. The next exact square will be on May 21. Mars will cross the SE point on May 16. :andy:

I'm really curious how this eclipse might effect me. I've been through a hard time with losing my career path. I've struggled with knowing what the next career path is for me, with no answers. But only in the last few months I received an expected inheritance and can start my own business. For years I've tinkered with the idea of opening my own day spa, but never had resources to open one. I suddenly have rekindled this dream.

Could this eclipse indicate success in doing this? I'm a bit worried, since I"m also under a Neptune square Mars transit, and Mars is my MC ruler. So, I'm concerned I might be setting myself up for failure due to unrealistic ideas.

I've posted my chart for the eclipse. It conjuncts my Venus. My question has to do with the South Node conjunct my Venus as well. I've heard the S. Node on planets can indicate loss. Any interpretations?



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