North node at Aries Point what does that mean

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Aug 2, 2013
What opportunity in life does this present. Also it seems to mean my Draconic chart is the same as my regular chart only around a degree off all the placements are the same.

So what does it mean.
First of all I am a to-be astrology student and I'm not a professional astrologer.

Technically the NN is conjunct the Aries point and not on it. It's a pretty tight conjunction although I think tighter orbs are used for nodes, and especially for points, but someone might tell us otherwise if that's wrong.
The interpretation of nodes on Aries points is very limited online, but since nodes are relatively slow moving compared to personal planets, you are one of a large group of people with a "destiny pull" (my quote) towards public recognition on a larger than normal scale - now you may be embracing that direction or not.

As for every body in your chart being in tight conjunction with themselves in your draconic chart - I don't know for sure but it interests me. Based on what I've read about draconic charts it seems to me, you might feel that your "soul", whatever that feels like, is in harmony with and strengthens the manifestation of your incarnation on Earth.

I would be very interested in hearing how you feel about this (draconic chart).

You also have 5th and 11th house cusps on Aries points, so the areas of life represented by these houses might be quite potent for you - then again Moon in the 5th (in Cancer) suggests you associate great joy with children and then the Aquarius ascendent might make you naturally concerned with the matters of the 11th house.

Also Sun Ascendent square suggests you might feel that your mask invites others to misinterpret you and your intentions, but obviously when talking about soul and incarnation harmony, it is harmony at an entirely different level that is being alluded to, and has nothing to do with how easy or hard the natal chart is. I am intruigued to know whether this resonates with you, or whether it is something too subtle to detect, or too abstract even, seeing as it is asking you to know your soul. I'm not sure how useful asking you whether, you feel that your thoughts and desires deeply resonate with a soul sense of self, would be.
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I like your answer this does fit me I honestly don't understand the Draconic thing fully that is partly why I asked this question cause that chart is calculated by the NN being on the 0 Aries point. My NN It's very close to being on it maybe is depending on the strange stuff between true node and mean node wobble idk it close or on it. apparently in Ancient times they knew something about this we don't know today about NN on or conjunct the original Aries point (meaning 0-1 degrees of Aries) that is why I ask. So I thought since node is destiny maybe I have some kind of opportunity. I actually will take it if it comes lol so far no opportunity like that. I actually feel like I could handle being well known for something as I have a sense of humor and I do have a well defined philosophy about life I feel could benifit some people if they listened to a little of it at least. I am not that pushy though.

But I still am not completely sure what I want to do with my life (retrograde ruler of MC I think) but

Do you know anything about location astrology this May give me some clues as to my NN it's a long story but the city I currently live in has 5 planets in Aries in my second house I assume that means at some point I will have several opportunities to make more money or I do I just don't know where to look. None are conjunct my north node though but there was this whole long thing about years ago something nagging me to move here a psychic bringing it to my attention and the Aries planets I think for now I am in the right place to seize the opportunity my north node offers even though I hate the idea of being stuck in Michigan and the weather ***** I remind myself I must stay here till my north node destiny thing happens
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I am not that pushy though.

It is easy to ignore our destiny ;)

To sacrifice for something easier, safer, "more realistic". Life wears on our incarnated selves. (In sharing this with you I'm just as freaked out as you are, I hope you don't get yourself in a bad situation in the name of passion.. but you're a Scorpio so maybe a part of you doesn't care if you do ;) )

I double checked that it was the True Node on that chart, it is not on the Aries point but it is conjunct and some will consider that that counts for something.

You talk about sharing your wisdom with a Saturn-Uranus conjunction in your 10th house IN SAG with a Sag MC, and then the 11th house cusp of hopes and dreams, universal social endeavors and humanitarism is even closer to an Aries point than your NN is. --> Humanitarian type of public recognition involving philosophy, and communication and wit related talents (5th house cusp in Gem conjunct Cancer Aries point and Chiron --> this area of life is inspired by your wounds)

Edit: I forgot to mention that Saturn and Uranus in this house are significant because Saturn I once heard called by an AstroTwin "the personal trainer that'll kick your butt". I fell upon that video pretty randomly but no joke I feel that is the most accurate description of Saturn I have come across to date. So Saturn drives you to achieve career-wise with its karmic threats of failure and keeps you realistic about your path to achievement, and with regards to the Sat-Uranus conjunction in Sag it brings grounding and control checks to your philosophies, that can get pretty idealistic and "out there" due to Uranus, anti-conventional and rebellious, but also in favor of open-mindedness and universalism giving you a tendency to want to touch anyone in your career, and not just guard the goods of what you do for those who know you. It also gives you a revolutionary stroke, but because its ruler is retrograde, it may be somewhat internalized, although not too much, because Uranus itself is in an angular house. By house it is ruled by Saturn which shares its house and sign and is even more angular than it, so Saturn overpowers it to an extent. But the influence of Saturn is necessary and I'm actually starting to feel that it is a somewhat reassuring one, as incarnated beings we identify truth in its down-to-earth qualitiy. Jupiter retrograde may be part of the reason you're more contemplative about how you will use Uranus as well as your optimism and wisdom, instead of jumping full-force, but it also means you will be more inclined to use it for good in this life time (you feel the weight of that). With Jupiter retrograde I actually think you got a good deal because it has contributed to your contemplative, philosophical path. In summary, your public persona has the potential to inspire many with a philosophy approached from a different, individualized, deeply thought-out, revolutionary angle, but still grounded in rough-personal-trainer-style realities, which can be very helpful in the practical application of the philosophies.

Final point of this post: you have to make the opportunity
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Do you know anything about location astrology this May give me some clues as to my NN it's a long story but the city I currently live in has 5 planets in Aries in my second house I assume that means at some point I will have several opportunities to make more money or I do I just don't know where to look. None are conjunct my north node though but there was this whole long thing about years ago something nagging me to move here a psychic bringing it to my attention and the Aries planets I think for now I am in the right place to seize the opportunity my north node offers even though I hate the idea of being stuck in Michigan and the weather ***** I remind myself I must stay here till my north node destiny thing happens

I honestly don't know, and I don't know much about location astrology. Maybe you need to stay in that city and maybe not, but don't be too single-minded about where the opportunity has to come from if this limits what you do to get there. At the end of the day the opportunity, I would think, is more likely to come from passion, hard work, and putting yourself out there as much as possible.
It is easy to ignore our destiny ;)

To sacrifice for something easier, safer, "more realistic". Life wears on our incarnated selves. (In sharing this with you I'm just as freaked out as you are, I hope you don't get yourself in a bad situation in the name of passion.. but you're a Scorpio so maybe a part of you doesn't care if you do ;) )

I double checked that it was the True Node on that chart, it is not on the Aries point but it is conjunct and some will consider that that counts for something.

You talk about sharing your wisdom with a Saturn-Uranus conjunction in your 10th house IN SAG with a Sag MC, and then the 11th house cusp of hopes and dreams, universal social endeavors and humanitarism is even closer to an Aries point than your NN is. --> Humanitarian type of public recognition involving philosophy, and communication and wit related talents (5th house cusp in Gem conjunct Cancer Aries point and Chiron --> this area of life is inspired by your wounds)

Edit: I forgot to mention that Saturn and Uranus in this house are significant because Saturn I once heard called by an AstroTwin "the personal trainer that'll kick your butt". I fell upon that video pretty randomly but no joke I feel that is the most accurate description of Saturn I have come across to date. So Saturn drives you to achieve career-wise with its karmic threats of failure and keeps you realistic about your path to achievement, and with regards to the Sat-Uranus conjunction in Sag it brings grounding and control checks to your philosophies, that can get pretty idealistic and "out there" due to Uranus, anti-conventional and rebellious, but also in favor of open-mindedness and universalism giving you a tendency to want to touch anyone in your career, and not just guard the goods of what you do for those who know you. It also gives you a revolutionary stroke, but because its ruler is retrograde, it may be somewhat internalized, although not too much, because Uranus itself is in an angular house. By house it is ruled by Saturn which shares its house and sign and is even more angular than it, so Saturn overpowers it to an extent. But the influence of Saturn is necessary and I'm actually starting to feel that it is a somewhat reassuring one, as incarnated beings we identify truth in its down-to-earth qualitiy. Jupiter retrograde may be part of the reason you're more contemplative about how you will use Uranus as well as your optimism and wisdom, instead of jumping full-force, but it also means you will be more inclined to use it for good in this life time (you feel the weight of that). With Jupiter retrograde I actually think you got a good deal because it has contributed to your contemplative, philosophical path. In summary, your public persona has the potential to inspire many with a philosophy approached from a different, individualized, deeply thought-out, revolutionary angle, but still grounded in rough-personal-trainer-style realities, which can be very helpful in the practical application of the philosophies.

Final point of this post: you have to make the opportunity

The saturn Uranus thing I like hearing as much about it as possible so thanks it's explosive it feels like a push pull thing most definitely my 5th house is related to my wounds I write about them and use them for inspiration no lol I am not emo but pain is an opportunity to be creative and can give inspiration to others. Ok cool so it just won't come to me automatically some day meeting the right person or doing the right thing at the right time by destiny. This life I wanted a repeat of about two or three other past lives long story in those lives I was in a group of people kind of like a coven and we did most things together how would I meet the people from that past life. We all went to the same place between lives some psychics helped me and some of this I remember myself some was revealed in dreams. I feel everyone is supposed to do things tougher but this time around I am supposed to lead this group and organize them together that was done by the white female with dark hair average height she was the leader last time but i want her to help me find the others so i must find her first before any group can happen. I don't know her name exactly last time she is in the city I am as this is where this stuff happened the last three lives. The pain or wound is not having that sense of family anymore or knowing my roots I was adopted.

This time around I want the group to start some kind of public charity last time we hung out in the tunnels sometimes. I found one of the buildings abandon we used to meet in it looks like maybe someone else from the group did too it's like they left messages and symbols almost as if to get my attention or the attention of other members and stuff I know the meaning of and is from my philosophy.

So I know what I am supposed to do whether or not I will ever meet them or not I don't know but I could recreate that group dedicated to the principals of "home" the place we all go to between lives I had an out of body experience by force note I don't know how to astral project lol when some alignment of planets happened in this home place I saw a giant brown gas giant with tan swirls bigger than Neptune but looking similar a royal blue smaller planet and I was trying to go towards what appeared like a space highway I said home and was excitedly headed toward the second planet but snap like an electric shock I am back home

So destiny is to try to have some humanitarian group dedicated to the principals of this place and meet my soulmate get these people back together and if I can't find them restart the thing from others who are from home as I call it.

The philosophy is not from me but these other people basically it is this

Here is how it is on the other place vs here

1. Earth should be a basic planitary civilization like them we have no need for all the extra things that were added we should all be one planet with reigions each related to the native people kind of like city states no central government people should govern themselves there is no need for laws as nature provided the laws already most of our laws are on our heart.

2. Community is most important everyone should kind of do things together the community should together decide how to live. Everyone knows everyone telepathically and no one is left out

3 there is no concept of me and mine it is us yet we are still all individuals more so this way than autonomy could ever create

4. Private property does and doesn't exist homes are like the social centers of the community and people share all but the most personal resources.

5. Kindness is natural and everyone loves everyone because we have transcended the lower vibration however nothing is forced anger is natural all emotions are natural we express them before they become a problem.

6. I repeat life is all social and traveling learning and exploring in the astral the world itself can be changed at will.

7. Most people are optimistic happy and care free there really are no problems as we are all in it together

8. No one starves there is no pain there is no sadness there is nothing bad everyone is in it together we are community. People on this other world are immortal and live in a state of paradise

9. Artwork is central to the community cities are built in layers giant glass like material different than anything here with a golden silver hue to it. Everything should be beautiful and perfect
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Ok cool so it just won't come to me automatically some day meeting the right person or doing the right thing at the right time by destiny.

As I said I'm not an astrologer, I actually can't know that for fact, although what I expressed was an opinion, not that things can't happen automatically, but that generally it is best to work towards goals whether they end up happening automatically or not, it could be as an energetic result of the work.
A watched a few videos about draconic charts today and I realize that your near identical natal and draconic charts confirm your sense of having repeated many lives before, as practically the same person.

As for the path you should take, or how you should handle this, I really have no clue.
What opportunity in life does this present. (...)
View attachment 42738

North node is Aries means that your South Node is in Libra. The typical lesson of such placement is to learn to stop trying to find compromises or to be scared of annoying others because you are making your own choices. You have to take decision and stick to them even if people are unhappy around you, otherwise, you might be the eternal unsatisfied one.

This placement is the opportunity to learn to live a life that makes YOU happy.
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What opportunity in life does this present. Also it seems to mean my Draconic chart is the same as my regular chart only around a degree off all the placements are the same.

So what does it mean.

View attachment 42738
Your North Node is at 1 degreee Aries
"The Aries Point" = zero degrees Aries
so the Aries Point is at 0 degrees Aries
So your North Node is not on the Aries Point

Aries ruler is Mars :smile:
so sign location as well as house location of natal mars
are both important factors
as well as aspects made by natal mars
Hi jupiterianguru,
An interesting chart. Lovely trine between the sun and moon. The inner, psychological harmony it suggests should, I would think, give you some good ground to work with towards fulfilling the themes of your north node, which to me – an early degree of Aries in the 1st house – is all about a life of individuation (discovering and shaping your self as an individual, distinguishing your self from the collective) in a search for authenticity and uncomplicatedness.
I’d agree with Poupouidou that the first and key thing you want to do to dig deeper into your nodal placement is study the themes of Libra and Aries, particularly because the nodes are also in the houses naturally associated with these signs. North Node in Aries, the direction here is from Libra to Aries, so there’s a way that this life should involve pulling away from an instinctual concern for justice, equity, diplomacy and seeing things from everybody else’s perspective, to being clear on your own sense of what is right and true and standing up for that bravely.

But, I’d stress that it’s no longer my sense that reading the nodes is so easy as to say “We’re supposed to move away from the themes of our South Node and try to embrace the themes of the North Node.” (I used to think that.) You don’t want to turn your back on whatever Libra-like instincts you find yourself with in this life. Who wants to deny justice, equity and diplomacy. The nodes, after all, unlike the planets, are not one point in your chart but an axis. Inherently, the nodes are a polarity – in your case, Aries 2 and Libra 2. The message has to be, I think, about balancing a polarity – and so I think you want to focus on the goods of Libra, the goods of Aries, and see your nodal placement as suggesting you have a tendency in this life to lean towards the other-regarding Libra themes over the self-regarding Aries themes to a degree that you’re psychology might be tipped towards whatever ills arise when we over-Libra-ize.

As JA suggests, your Mars placement is going to say something about your North Node theme, and notice that your Mars is in Libra! Ah ha!!! More fuel for the fire I’m trying to light here suggesting that your nodes suggest a life of balancing the Aries-Libra themes. You may want to pull your Martian energy out of diplomatic Libra and move it to Aries, where your instinct is to defend the singular truth of the thing (I tend to think of Aries as the little boy in the Emperor’s New Clothes that called through everybody’s BS and said out loud “but, he’s naked!”). But at the same time, you can’t change or deny your chart. You’ll have to work with that Mars in Libra, even as you work towards developing a more individuated Aries nature.

The Aries-Libra polarity is about the One and the Two. Libra is the interaction of two individuals – the encounter and negotiation of two unique entities, and so at it’s best it’s a concern for how individuals should relate, and thus all the associations with justice, equity, contracts, diplomacy, a kind of intellectual empathy, and at its worst, things like war. Aries is the raw fact of subjectivity and individuality itself.
Of course, this in no way covers everything the two signs represent. In no way. For example, Aries is also the raw (cardinal) drive to BE, to simply BECOME. It's the life-seeking energy of libido. Libra is the raw (cardinal) drive to interact, to be in partnership. Not quite the urge to merge (that's the next sign, Scorpio - which, of course, has a lot to do with who you are as well), Libra is the meeting point that may or may not lead to merger. Every symbol in astrology, in turns out – each planet, every sign, even perhaps each degree, as your original post wonders about – is overwrought with associations.
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Hi again jupiterianguru,
In post number 6 above you mention a group that you have continually reincarnated with, and that you’re looking for or would like to find – or more, feel destined or fated to find – in this life, because you work together as a group, a collective. You mentioned that you want to move the group in a certain direction - to be more actively in a humanitarian way, to “start some kind of public charity.” You also noted that you are feeling alienated from this group, “the pain or wound” being “not having a sense of family anymore or knowing my roots,” though it’s not clear to me whether you mean you feel alienated from the group because you’re moving in a different political direction (wanting the public charity work) or because you were born into this life separated from them and want to heal that wound by merging back with them.

So, of course, I don’t know you and have nothing to comment on but an astrology chart (a bunch of squiggles interpreted in an array of ways by an array of different people) and what you’ve posted here. I’m just musing. And what do I know? But my immediate thought, jumping off from my last post on the Aries-Libra axis, is that I'd warn against reliance on a group, because that seems to me exactly what your chart is suggesting you should want to be moving away from. (And you may well be. If that's not a helpful thought or message, please just forgive this whole post.)

Again, I’d stress it’s all about balance. If this group is your karmic family I wouldn’t mean to to suggest you distance yourself from them. But the Aries North Node in 1st house seems to me a pretty clear indication of a soul trying to develop or rediscover their individual, authentic expression of their individual self against the pressures of collectivity. Particularly if you want to be the leader of this group, and lead them in another direction, it seems like going through a period of individuation is something you’d have to do as a step towards that goal. Aries certainly is a leaderly kind of energy. But so are Capricorn, Libra and Cancer. The specific kind of leader energy Aries represents, to my mind, is the kind that just does what it does because Aries is so authentic it only knows how to do what it does, and in that uncomplicated doing of a thing – the first launch – everybody else just picks up and follows.

My humble two cents is that in this life you should just do what you do, and if your karmic family shows up, bonus. But if they don’t, I wouldn’t let that stop you doing on your own whatever work you're hoping to do with them. I guess what I’m saying is I wouldn’t wait or even focus too much on the karmic family. Let them follow your actions. (Again, I realize you may already feel this. Or completely disagree. Just offering thoughts :happy:)

As I read post #6 I see an illustration of the need I was pointing to in my last post to sort out the balancing act between the Individual and the Collective, Self and Other, the One and the Two (or Many).
For example, in your social vision: “there is no concept of me and mine it is us yet we are still all individuals more so this way than autonomy could ever create.”
Notice that, in and of itself, this statement is nonsensical, in that it’s conceptually contradictory. “There is no concept of me and mine” contradicts “Yet we are still all individuals.” Individuality requires, inherently, some awareness of one’s self as separate in identity from the collective – a “me” and a “mine” (Aries and Taurus). We could maybe shift the meaning of the concept “individual” to take this awareness of a me-identity away – denying at least the first two signs of the zodiac if not the first six (and, I would suggest, making Libra impossible because Libra requires at least two “me”s to do the Libran interacting). But if we did that, it would render the notion of individuality meaningless.

Which isn’t to say that there isn’t a way of making the insight behind this sentence make sense. And be revealed as profoundly important. But it would need to be further thought out. Further theorized. In a rigorous way. With your MC/IC in Sagittarius and Gemini, it may well be your vocation to work this idea out intellectually and culturally.

The Aquarian age may be all about the reign of collective awareness, of understanding ourselves as a unified species. But the polarity of Aquarius is Leo – the sign of the Sun, of Self awareness and expression. We’ve already begun to see how the two will work hand in hand. Say, for example, how the technologies of social media have manifested in a wide cosmos of Selfies and individualized facebook pages.

Post #6 makes me think of Karl Marx as someone to study. The right way of conceptualizing the individual and the collective was a major preoccupation in his work (he spoke of us as "Species-Beings"), and contrary to the popular notion that his answer was to do away with our individuality, he argued that in a communist set-up we are more individual than ever. In communism, he argues, each of us does in a day whatever we want to do, and not what the market demands of me. In capitalism, he argues, we are our job and only our job: for example, all day a nurse, and never a poet, a car mechanic, a carpenter, etc. In communism, Marx mused, we can be a musician in the morning, a farmer in the afternoon, a nurse at dinner time, an astrologer in the evening, expressing in every moment our authentic, individual selves.

The question with Marx's work, of course, always, is how much of it is an impossible dream.

Marx, by the way, was also an Aquarius rising with Uranus in Sagittarius in the 10th. Though he had Neptune in the 10th to compliment that Uranus, as where you have Saturn. Maybe that gives you an edge on staying reality-bound???
I honestly don't know, and I don't know much about location astrology. Maybe you need to stay in that city and maybe not, but don't be too single-minded about where the opportunity has to come from if this limits what you do to get there. At the end of the day the opportunity, I would think, is more likely to come from passion, hard work, and putting yourself out there as much as possible.

Honestly I was right. North node stuff did happen in that city but I have since moved to the capital city in Michigan Lansing which is cool cause I've always liked politics and activism Well I met someone who i was dreaming about and talked about they are almost exactly as described but it's not completely working out. I wanted to update this i know it's an old post and i dont even have my old account anymore. I ordered a reading from a professional astrologer. This reminded me to ask her specifically about this. I know it was expensive but it will answer a lot.

So far as nodes. I go into libra naturally and over compensate then I go extreme into Aries and almost get violent. I haven't treated people greatly but I figured out this is why i have the push pull effect and it IS stronger in my chart than most people it almost rules my life i think cause my nn is in 1st house. Anyways any comments on that would be great. I think the aries point just intensifies things in my personality. Yeah I feel a strong pull towards public recognition and being a leader type. I think the best thing in life is to cultivate positive aries traits (seeing as jupiter is in that sign as well it will probably bring me luck etc on top of what I'm saying) like being confident standing up for the weak and those that dont have a voice not getting taken advantage of teaching and wisdom loving others but being me. Trying to balance aggregation into a positive cause. Thinking me first but caring about others still etc. Its odd these were the main themes in life other than religion and philosophy travel etc (the sagittarius part of my chart) however in my philosophy I too have the aries ideals and libra relationship angle confusing me.
Anyways I just wanted to update.