Hi again jupiterianguru,
In post number 6 above you mention a group that you have continually reincarnated with, and that you’re looking for or would like to find – or more, feel destined or fated to find – in this life, because you work together as a group, a collective. You mentioned that you want to move the group in a certain direction - to be more actively in a humanitarian way, to “start some kind of public charity.” You also noted that you are feeling alienated from this group, “the pain or wound” being “not having a sense of family anymore or knowing my roots,” though it’s not clear to me whether you mean you feel alienated from the group because you’re moving in a different political direction (wanting the public charity work) or because you were born into this life separated from them and want to heal that wound by merging back with them.
So, of course, I don’t know you and have nothing to comment on but an astrology chart (a bunch of squiggles interpreted in an array of ways by an array of different people) and what you’ve posted here. I’m just musing. And what do I know? But my immediate thought, jumping off from my last post on the Aries-Libra axis, is that I'd warn against
reliance on a group, because that seems to me exactly what your chart is suggesting you should want to be moving away from. (And you may well be. If that's not a helpful thought or message, please just forgive this whole post.)
Again, I’d stress it’s all about balance. If this group is your karmic family I wouldn’t mean to to suggest you distance yourself from them. But the Aries North Node in 1st house seems to me a pretty clear indication of a soul trying to develop or rediscover their individual, authentic expression of their individual self
against the pressures of collectivity. Particularly if you want to be the leader of this group, and lead them in another direction, it seems like going through a period of individuation is something you’d have to do as a step towards that goal. Aries certainly is a leaderly kind of energy. But so are Capricorn, Libra and Cancer. The specific kind of leader energy Aries represents, to my mind, is the kind that just does what it does because Aries is so authentic it only knows how to do what it does, and in that uncomplicated doing of a thing – the first launch – everybody else just picks up and follows.
My humble two cents is that in this life you should just do what you do, and if your karmic family shows up, bonus. But if they don’t, I wouldn’t let that stop you doing on your own whatever work you're hoping to do with them. I guess what I’m saying is I wouldn’t wait or even focus too much on the karmic family. Let them follow your actions. (Again, I realize you may already feel this. Or completely disagree. Just offering thoughts

As I read post #6 I see an illustration of the need I was pointing to in my last post to sort out the balancing act between the Individual and the Collective, Self and Other, the One and the Two (or Many).
For example, in your social vision: “there is no concept of me and mine it is us yet we are still all individuals more so this way than autonomy could ever create.”
Notice that, in and of itself, this statement is nonsensical, in that it’s conceptually contradictory. “There is no concept of me and mine” contradicts “Yet we are still all individuals.” Individuality requires, inherently, some awareness of one’s self as separate in identity from the collective – a “me” and a “mine” (Aries and Taurus). We could maybe shift the meaning of the concept “individual” to take this awareness of a me-identity away – denying at least the first two signs of the zodiac if not the first six (and, I would suggest, making Libra impossible because Libra requires at least two “me”s to do the Libran interacting). But if we did that, it would render the notion of individuality meaningless.
Which isn’t to say that there isn’t a way of making the insight behind this sentence make sense. And be revealed as profoundly important. But it would need to be further thought out. Further theorized. In a rigorous way. With your MC/IC in Sagittarius and Gemini, it may well be your vocation to work this idea out intellectually and culturally.
The Aquarian age may be all about the reign of collective awareness, of understanding ourselves as a unified species. But the polarity of Aquarius is Leo – the sign of the Sun, of Self awareness and expression. We’ve already begun to see how the two will work hand in hand. Say, for example, how the technologies of social media have manifested in a wide cosmos of Selfies and individualized facebook pages.
Post #6 makes me think of Karl Marx as someone to study. The right way of conceptualizing the individual and the collective was a major preoccupation in his work (he spoke of us as "Species-Beings"), and contrary to the popular notion that his answer was to do away with our individuality, he argued that in a communist set-up we are more individual than ever. In communism, he argues, each of us does in a day whatever we want to do, and not what the market demands of me. In capitalism, he argues, we are our job and only our job: for example, all day a nurse, and never a poet, a car mechanic, a carpenter, etc. In communism, Marx mused, we can be a musician in the morning, a farmer in the afternoon, a nurse at dinner time, an astrologer in the evening, expressing in every moment our authentic, individual selves.
The question with Marx's work, of course, always, is how much of it is an impossible dream.
Marx, by the way, was also an Aquarius rising with Uranus in Sagittarius in the 10th. Though he had Neptune in the 10th to compliment that Uranus, as where you have Saturn. Maybe that gives you an edge on staying reality-bound???