Be advised: Adult discussion ahead. I hope it is not too explicit- I want to follow rules- but it is something very important to my chart and my identity, as I'll explain. Also, this post may be TL;DR- use the Find function for TL;DR to skip past my bio if it grows tedious
Hello everyone Venus here- at least, that's what some men call me. I'm looking for a little input on jobs, so I came here. I've been lurking on this forum for well over a year now and you seem to have some knowledgeable people here. I've been studying astrology for about five years now, off and on, in the constant expansion of my being... along with everything else I do in my occult and religiospiritual work. I'm very big on all that- I would have minored in something to do with religiospirituality at university if I'd had the time, but everything turned out for the best. I've learned a lot on my own, at any rate, especially after finally opening up to the possibilities of magic in my life. It's like one day, five years ago, I just let go and let it in, because I was so confused about what to do with my life. I still am! That's why I'm here, after all. The day I started studying, though, everything changed, almost instantly, and continued inexorably. I learned well of my destiny and true vocation- what I am here for now is help, more specifically, with monetary concerns. How is it that I am to earn money?
I read through your stickies, and they were very helpful. They have already helped me to shape a somewhat better idea, although there are people here who know so much more than I. I'm not very experienced with aspects, transits, or things like elements, for instance- your experience will lend much. And I thank you very much for any help you may offer. I've attached my chart, and of course now I will give you a little bit better idea about myself, what I've done in the past, and what I see in my chart myself. I will try not to be too long-winded, although I have pages of notes thanks to your stickies already. But of course I want to be thorough.
As mentioned, I am very religious and spiritual- Catholic, occult, new age, yogi, you name it. I appreciate rituals from many religions and have incorporated them into my life. I very much enjoy Hellenistic gods, for instance, which really helps in astrology! But besides this, my degree is in theatre and classics- Latin and Greek- and, well, I tried Hebrew and Sanskrit, but I just didn't have the time what with the other languages and shows. I know a bit. I've worked in theatre extensively and in many capacities. I mostly like to produce, write, and perform, and make use of all the other things I've learned therein- there are so many words for all the things that I do, both theatrical and spiritual, that I had no idea what to put on my business cards! I ended up using my own astrological symbol instead of a job title. It felt a little too pretentious to write, “Hollywood mogul”, being as that I am not exactly some illuminata controlling the silver screen (yet! Hah).
No, I'm just a starving artist. I've produced art and promoted it and performed in it, sure, but that hasn't made any money. I always break even. Or get paid in booze (praise Bacchus!). I have connections and influence, but no money- and I could do more with more money. I could produce more, advertise more, promote more, do more public relations. I want that.
I briefly studied under another Catholic occultist- a former OTO gal who is now a successful tarot reader to the rock stars and what-have-you. I once asked her how to make money (as I'm now asking you!) and she said, “You don't want to know that. You want to know your vocation.” She told me that I want to be a performer, and would be good at it, but that I will be a leader and “control the illusions of reality” through the theatre of Hollywood. Well, using that to save the world would be cool. That is what inspired me to start producing- sometimes you really do need the advice of a psychic to see what direction to take in life. It was there all along, but you just couldn't see it. I've also had several lucid dreams which have helped to shape my progress, with help from the various spirit guides in my life.
But, yes, meanwhile- I am also a starving artist. So like most other artists in this town, until I find that way to earn a living wage with my art, I have the McJobs. Even with a university degree these end up being barely enough to pay for rent and food, much less produce and invest in art (I've had help with money here and there from investors and friends, but nothing huge, and nothing steady). I appreciate what these jobs have taught me- hospitality, and how to be pleasant with perfectly horrible human beings. I learned what it was to literally serve celebrities and royalty and to be utterly impecunius, impoverished, myself. I learned what it is to serve all sorts in mankind- beautiful dying children, plastic Beverly Hills wives wearing bangles that cost more than my rent each, leering grandfathers, generous families, ungrateful brats, gawky teens, women in burqas toting little tomboys in light-up sneakers, people who yell to get their way, distracted and attentive fathers, locals and international tourists, rich and poor, sick and healthy, prejudiced and kind, religious and non. These jobs have taught me the value of service in every human life- how service is the glory of God. I think everyone should spend at least one year of their lives like that.
But I am sick and tired of making diddly. It's stressful and I am burnt out. This began to show at my latest job- a job where I was passed over for promotion four times- the last time they simply decided to delete the position- while I was given more and more duties that I would have had in said position, and my pay was not increased, but decreased due to the removal of tipping, and hours being cut. I was better at my job than my supervisors were- they would admit I knew more than them. Meanwhile, the company shows record profits, and is very impressive compared to other companies in this difficult time. Those a couple positions above me make hundreds of thousands a year. (But maybe it's good I didn't sell my soul and become one of them, I think.) I also became stressed out by the neighborhood I was living in neighboring Skid Row- constant domestic violence, and the unfortunately mentally imbalanced junkies begin to wear. I can hear them every day. I walk past what I consider unimaginable horror every day on the sidewalks- It's so much different from the pristine mansions of estranged family and distant friends, where there is a sidewalk on one side for people and a sidewalk for horses on the other. I'm not sure how the world let itself come to this. I took up drinking for a little while rather than continue on with my art. I stopped caring about showing up to my job on time.
So I'm fired ^__^ I am at once pleased and displeased. I am pleased I never have to return to that Hell again. I am displeased because I am still a starving artist in a very harsh universe. I feel like I know a lot about said universe and how it works- but that doesn't make it less harsh.
I don't really want to go back to another McJob to repeat the last five years of making ends meet. I will if I have to- I am prepared to, obviously, for survival. I am doing the usual steps of applying and agencies, though it makes me want to tear out my hair. And, living in government-assisted housing, they will want to see paychecks very shortly. But I want to transcend this. I want to have a job that helps me have enough money and time to create my ~own~ job. I tried working two or three jobs at once, double shifts and so on, but this was even more stressful, besides which, I don't have a car, and I've had enough unpleasant experiences taking public transit at night as a petite beautiful woman to want to avoid any jobs that go too late into the night hours. And they still didn't help me save money.
I had meant to write all this even before I was fired, but, now, well, here we are! So, TL;DR let us take a look at what my chart says!
I will attach a couple. One is simple and clean. Another I did just for fun, with lots of bodies- since I enjoy mythological figures so, I have included ten of some of those most significant to me, even though I know that they have such small astrological influence. I've included the name of a soulmate, James (2335), and also Chaos (19521), Dionysus (3671), Bacchus (2063), Ganymed (1036), Ishtar (7088), Urania (30), Magdalena (318), Cora (504), and Persephone (399).
This brings to mind that even the larger asteroids and fixed stars have much smaller influence, so, with that said- let's begin with my tenth house- my tenth house is Leo. This is creativity, and here would have to do with the world at large. The only bodies here are Regulus and Ceres. Now, here, this also brings to mind orbs- I heard that we shouldn't consider minor bodies like these unless they were conjoined at an orb of 1 degree. Regulus is conjoined with my MC at 1.33. Is that too distant? I read that MC conjoining with Regulus means dealing with famous people- which I already have, both in my McJobs and my vocation- and that it will raise one to a high station in life. I hope that this trend will expand and that it will indeed raise me up so that I can help influence the world.
Ceres, here, in 10th and Virgo, if she is important, means I nurture in business details, and that I am popular once I step into the spotlight, and people come to me for nurturing. Those in the biz do ask me about spiritual matters very occasionally, and look to my words for inspiration- and there was that one time some random stranger came up to me in a crowd and asked me to forgive him for his sins, but I think he was just hitting on me. At any rate I do try to help humanity when I perform my true calling, from discussing each tactic with my actors in the first read-through to the guests at parties after closing night.
Now as I think of my MC I think of another question besides small bodies and orbs- I have read many interpretations on many sites and in many books about the various placements of celestial bodies, but I have also been using to look at the meaning of the exact degree. It kind of reminds me of Tarot- I've read so many sites and books on Tarot as well- and, while they often have a good deal in common to say about each card, each author has something different to say too, to the extent that I may see a card in an entirely new light. So I am not sure how seriously to take CafeAstrology's interpretations of each degree. After joining this site I learned about other ways to interpret degrees, and Sabian symbols too, so that helped, but I am still not sure what to think of it all, and still not sure exactly how to round off the degree to get the right symbol. With my MC at 28 degrees Leo, CafeAstrology tells me that I pursue noble goals, and will have a remarkably brilliant destiny full of altruistic glory, like “the angel of the sun” giving off sparks.
The ruler of my MC is the Sun, which is in Aries in my fifth house- just like in the example in your sticky, and I agree, “(1) The career has to be fun for the person and a source of creative expression. (2) The person may not be best suited to a career... 3) The person might be good at a 5th house type of career, such as … the theatre” I have also worked with children before in a few jobs, simply because I am naturally good at it, but I don't particularly fancy it, nor do I have any desire to have one. My only children are my artistic endeavors. And indeed without them life is meaningless. Incidentally, Eris is combust here, if that means anything.
Moving on to the 6th house of work and service: My North Node and Venus are here.
My North Node is right on the cusp- so this gives me even more questions, about whether to consider Mean or True! Mean it is 0 degrees Taurus. True is 29 Aries. Everything I read on sites and in books doesn't really clue me in- both the advantages and disadvantages seem right for me. I am doubly blessed and doubly cursed. I looked at degree descriptions here, too- some people stand hard by using one or the other, but mine are so different. If we use my mean degree, I get a positive interpretation that I can overcome. If I use a true degree, it spells misfortune, sorrow, and ruin- both with my Node and with Lilith!
Mean node interpretation: “Opponents are numerous and, although reluctant to wage war, they don't hesitate to fight back in case of aggression. It is through mental strength, philosophy, and diplomacy that the fiercest conflicts can be solved.”
True node interpretation: “Self-centredness finally puts off family members, friends, and colleagues. Therefore, no external help is to be expected in days of misfortune and sorrow.”
It is the same with Lilith at her mean 4 degrees Gemini: “One readily forgives one's enemies and strives to alleviate deprived people's sufferings. Although one is not particularly interested in worldly gains, one easily attracts success, wealth, and honours owing to a vivid imagination and artistic gifts.”
True Lilith at 27 Taurus: “Owing to limited intellectual abilities and to lack of competence, projects are doomed to fail. Furthermore, instead of acknowledging the kindness of protectors, one takes it for granted and believes that it is the just reward for one's worth. One must face the sad reality, understand that one lacks qualifications, and start to learn a job. Otherwise, one will remain a total laughing stock.”
I'm just mentioning this as something that I have pondered more than a few times... but in the end, those are just one interpretation each, and neither Lilith nor my Node are by any means the most dominant bodies in my chart.
HowEVER, according to Pullen, Venus is the most dominant planet in my chart, I suppose as she is in her ruling sign and well aspected. And I suppose this should have been obvious earlier in my life, considering. I might have devoted myself to other gods, but I emulate her. I am very connected to feelings and sensations, beauty and love, art, passion, sensuality. My love life is consuming. I am a pansexual and polyamorous woman, who occasionally acts as a man (I enjoy the expressions of both genders and do not recognize hard gender boundaries), and I take no pains to hide it or censor myself, and indeed I champion sexuality. Sex is one of, if not the, most sacred experiences a human can have, becoming one with another person(s), in this microcosm of the macrocosmic Universe who makes constant love to herself. Destigmatizing sex, sex outside of marriage, sex between people who are not opposite genders in (Maybe I should start to censor myself here? Trying to think what would be ok to say on network tv, hah.) in a certain... traditional... position... for the specific purpose of creating a baby and not employing... anything... pleasurable for the lady... even going outside that... one... position... (I mean come on realllllly?), is a cause of mine. It is one of the reasons I learned Greek, et al, in fact, so that I could better understand ancient texts regarding the matter.
Charm, femininity, art, my charisma- all of these have been important to my social identity. CafeAstrology describes Venus' placement at 5 degrees Taurus thus: “In a conference hall, a man at the height of his glory is standing on a podium with a scroll of paper in his hand and a laurel wreath on his head. Among the participants, there is a three-headed man who looks in different directions. Intelligent, shrewd, and fickle character. The three-headed man symbolises the host of talents and abilities one is blessed with. Sharp perspicacity, scientific knowledge, and artistic skills enable to overcome many an obstacle and to achieve success and fame.” Also, looking at the William Lilly sticky, I had to look up a lot of new terms that I'm not entirely sure I'm using correctly, but I am definitely, as he describes, “Venereal”. Hah.
My 6th house cusp is on Aries, which is ruled by Mars- who is in my 2nd house, Capricorn, so he will come into play with the 2nd house of individual resources as well. I am not sure what to read here- I do work hard- but like I said, I'm burnt out, despite the fortitude Mars lends me. Yet I firmly march toward a goal to conquer it. Another interpretation of this position says that despite the fact I am very intelligent I make bad decisions, and have risky asset management.
Other planets in my 2nd house of individual resources are Juno, Uranus, and Neptune. Juno here seems to symbolize eccentric mastery of occult mysteries. Uranus right here with Neptune seems so oddly placed- Uranus indicates risk as did Mars, that I am so willing to lay myself open to a total change of fortune, a complete risk of all I have- well, that's what I did when I moved to L.A. with only my suitcase and a carryon. That was a change of fortune. And now I'm in the middle of another. Neptune seems to be similarly dour, in that, while I am wrapped up in my passions, which is good, it is impossible to keep good fortune under my control. Please someone correct me if I am wrong; maybe I need to look up new interpretations
My 2nd house is ruled by Jupiter, which is in one of his dignities, Pisces, in my 4th house, which has Aquarius on its cusp. He too is sensual, and here, points to my considering the world as my family- indeed I consider us all one tribe. And I do easily integrate into a variety of social structures. I try to understand people.
Onto the 8th- shared resources. An empty house, beginning with Gemini. Well, Pallas is there. Sirius is there but hardly important except personal curiousity, because of a vision someone had about a guardian spirit of mine from that area, which coincided with one of mine, and a guardian angel, and some mythological lore we looked up later- but then, “Visions are seldom what they seem”. Once again, CafeAstrology says something about Pallas like “international affairs aiming at collective good”.
As for anything else that might be found in my 8th house, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which is in his detriment in Pisces, in my 4th house whose cusp is Aquarius- he's hanging out here with Jupiter, whom I mentioned before, and also the moon. I am not sure what to say here other than that I do my best, most honest communicating once I am close to people. Before that I suppose I am rather standoffish or introverted- I try to be “normal” before telling people my true thoughts, which invariably leads to my being bored and banal. But with those around whom I am comfortable- most people in theatre, though not always- I am an extroverted and opinionated woman. Don't get me wrong, I can still be extroverted and charming with strangers if I try. It's just like putting on any other mask. But I really don't care to discuss the topics most do. I'll be all smiles while serving someone, then, when left to my own devices on a break, I ignore everyone around me, reading something rather than discuss the latest reality television scandal, homogenous blockbuster, sports game, or for God's sake the weather. Like I said, at the theatre, I usually say anything I want- but let me give you an example of when I wouldn't: Recently, at one of those after-parties with a celebrity or so, I was trying to discuss the pertinence of the words “cult” and “belief” as being highly misused in today's society- one of my lovers tried to get me to cease such activity and took my drink away. I suppose because not everyone wants to hear that cult simply means “a religion with ritual practices”- he didn't want anyone in that crowd to overhear me even using such words. So maybe those are the sorts of things I might normally not discuss with a stranger upon first meeting, but rather, wait until we're discussing etymology upon at least a second reading of a script, or some such. This lover says that I have, in such instances, a tendency to be a little too “corrective” - I have definitely had a few successes as a critic. But again, no money there! (Yet.)
I suppose I will also mention my Part of Fortune, if that is pertinent, at 11 degrees Sagittarius in my 1st House, whose cusp, my rising sign, is Scorpio- now, CafeAstrology REALLY doesn't have anything flattering to say here: "A woman lying on a sofa stretches her hands towards a casket full of jewellery. Outside, a man is trampled by a billy goat. Greedy and sensual character. One indulges in depravation and is willing to sacrifice everything to meet one's materialistic and sexual needs. There is a strong probability of ruin. In the chart of males, there may be premature senility or impotence. In the chart of females, sex and flattery are used in order to misappropriate other people's wealth.” Well! That sounds a bit off to me. Of course, if you've been reading along, you know how much I champion the cause of sex. I don't, however, champion swindling people out of their money. I have worked as a sex worker and a model before- I have definitely used sex appeal and flattery to obtain money. But I hardly call it misappropriation. But moving on from that odd interpretation- other sites tell me that this placement indicates I feel it is important that I am educated to place myself up higher and overcome judgments, and that it has to do with developing myself- knowing myself and all, overcoming the ego and such. Getting fortune at the expense of others will come if I am insecure. Well, so long as I don't become envious and try to “take” what other people have, then.
So, this brings me to what I might do to earn money. Like I said I'll sign up for another McJob if I have to, but it is not fulfilling. I have been considering going back into sex work, but not in the same way that I did years ago. Mind you, this is all legal, decent sex trade. Although I'm really not sure why prostitution itself is illegal in most places in the U.S., that's not what I'm talking about here. Nor performing in pornography- that seems a little too rigorous for me. Nor stripping; too many drunk touchy-feelies- though if it weren't for that I think I'd have a pretty good time dancing in pretty underthings. I have a dominatrix friend who has inspired me- that could be fun, but I am not sure I could dominate people full-time, as I am more of a switch. I have the occasional show in a dungeon, but that's just for fun- I'm not as experienced, yet. Nor am I as experienced in hypnotism, but like astrology it's something I've been studying here and there- maybe someday I could do erotic hypnotism/therapy. But I need money now, and I want to start something now, not after I gain accreditation. Maybe phone sex, editing pornography articles, or a couple other ideas I've had- you see, like I said, sex is so fun for me, and so important, and it's one of the things I practice most often. Whenever I did my homework at university, I was almost constantly chatting in the background in such ways that would often lead to cyber-sex- so since that is one of the things I most enjoy, I have definitely been considering doing it for a living. And honestly, to preemptively dispel certain misguided notions if anyone has them because they are unfamiliar with irl sex workers, I felt more degraded working in every corporate environment I've experienced. It wasn't service that bothered me- like I said service is the glory of God and I actually enjoy serving others- it was the corporate environment. I felt far more taken advantage of. I felt my soul being constantly sucked away. My time is worth more than that. This can provide a better foundation for my future and my art. Hell, this is something that can move me away from Skid Row and make me more comfortable, for starters. This is something I've been thinking about returning to for a long time- my higher self seems to be in accordance with this, according to my lucid dream travels. S/he also wants me to return to modeling and acting. So okay, I'll have to lose a couple dress sizes again to get back down to very XS before doing any more lingerie shoots or promo work, but that'll take a few months of sober vegan active lifestyle, and I'll still need lots of cash for proper transportation, so meanwhile....
So, what do you, new friends, see here for sex work; for art- theatre, writing, production, performing, etc.; for spiritual work- Tarot, hypnosis, etc.; and for anything else, regarding cash flow? I am so very curious!
Hello everyone Venus here- at least, that's what some men call me. I'm looking for a little input on jobs, so I came here. I've been lurking on this forum for well over a year now and you seem to have some knowledgeable people here. I've been studying astrology for about five years now, off and on, in the constant expansion of my being... along with everything else I do in my occult and religiospiritual work. I'm very big on all that- I would have minored in something to do with religiospirituality at university if I'd had the time, but everything turned out for the best. I've learned a lot on my own, at any rate, especially after finally opening up to the possibilities of magic in my life. It's like one day, five years ago, I just let go and let it in, because I was so confused about what to do with my life. I still am! That's why I'm here, after all. The day I started studying, though, everything changed, almost instantly, and continued inexorably. I learned well of my destiny and true vocation- what I am here for now is help, more specifically, with monetary concerns. How is it that I am to earn money?
I read through your stickies, and they were very helpful. They have already helped me to shape a somewhat better idea, although there are people here who know so much more than I. I'm not very experienced with aspects, transits, or things like elements, for instance- your experience will lend much. And I thank you very much for any help you may offer. I've attached my chart, and of course now I will give you a little bit better idea about myself, what I've done in the past, and what I see in my chart myself. I will try not to be too long-winded, although I have pages of notes thanks to your stickies already. But of course I want to be thorough.
As mentioned, I am very religious and spiritual- Catholic, occult, new age, yogi, you name it. I appreciate rituals from many religions and have incorporated them into my life. I very much enjoy Hellenistic gods, for instance, which really helps in astrology! But besides this, my degree is in theatre and classics- Latin and Greek- and, well, I tried Hebrew and Sanskrit, but I just didn't have the time what with the other languages and shows. I know a bit. I've worked in theatre extensively and in many capacities. I mostly like to produce, write, and perform, and make use of all the other things I've learned therein- there are so many words for all the things that I do, both theatrical and spiritual, that I had no idea what to put on my business cards! I ended up using my own astrological symbol instead of a job title. It felt a little too pretentious to write, “Hollywood mogul”, being as that I am not exactly some illuminata controlling the silver screen (yet! Hah).
No, I'm just a starving artist. I've produced art and promoted it and performed in it, sure, but that hasn't made any money. I always break even. Or get paid in booze (praise Bacchus!). I have connections and influence, but no money- and I could do more with more money. I could produce more, advertise more, promote more, do more public relations. I want that.
I briefly studied under another Catholic occultist- a former OTO gal who is now a successful tarot reader to the rock stars and what-have-you. I once asked her how to make money (as I'm now asking you!) and she said, “You don't want to know that. You want to know your vocation.” She told me that I want to be a performer, and would be good at it, but that I will be a leader and “control the illusions of reality” through the theatre of Hollywood. Well, using that to save the world would be cool. That is what inspired me to start producing- sometimes you really do need the advice of a psychic to see what direction to take in life. It was there all along, but you just couldn't see it. I've also had several lucid dreams which have helped to shape my progress, with help from the various spirit guides in my life.
But, yes, meanwhile- I am also a starving artist. So like most other artists in this town, until I find that way to earn a living wage with my art, I have the McJobs. Even with a university degree these end up being barely enough to pay for rent and food, much less produce and invest in art (I've had help with money here and there from investors and friends, but nothing huge, and nothing steady). I appreciate what these jobs have taught me- hospitality, and how to be pleasant with perfectly horrible human beings. I learned what it was to literally serve celebrities and royalty and to be utterly impecunius, impoverished, myself. I learned what it is to serve all sorts in mankind- beautiful dying children, plastic Beverly Hills wives wearing bangles that cost more than my rent each, leering grandfathers, generous families, ungrateful brats, gawky teens, women in burqas toting little tomboys in light-up sneakers, people who yell to get their way, distracted and attentive fathers, locals and international tourists, rich and poor, sick and healthy, prejudiced and kind, religious and non. These jobs have taught me the value of service in every human life- how service is the glory of God. I think everyone should spend at least one year of their lives like that.
But I am sick and tired of making diddly. It's stressful and I am burnt out. This began to show at my latest job- a job where I was passed over for promotion four times- the last time they simply decided to delete the position- while I was given more and more duties that I would have had in said position, and my pay was not increased, but decreased due to the removal of tipping, and hours being cut. I was better at my job than my supervisors were- they would admit I knew more than them. Meanwhile, the company shows record profits, and is very impressive compared to other companies in this difficult time. Those a couple positions above me make hundreds of thousands a year. (But maybe it's good I didn't sell my soul and become one of them, I think.) I also became stressed out by the neighborhood I was living in neighboring Skid Row- constant domestic violence, and the unfortunately mentally imbalanced junkies begin to wear. I can hear them every day. I walk past what I consider unimaginable horror every day on the sidewalks- It's so much different from the pristine mansions of estranged family and distant friends, where there is a sidewalk on one side for people and a sidewalk for horses on the other. I'm not sure how the world let itself come to this. I took up drinking for a little while rather than continue on with my art. I stopped caring about showing up to my job on time.
So I'm fired ^__^ I am at once pleased and displeased. I am pleased I never have to return to that Hell again. I am displeased because I am still a starving artist in a very harsh universe. I feel like I know a lot about said universe and how it works- but that doesn't make it less harsh.
I don't really want to go back to another McJob to repeat the last five years of making ends meet. I will if I have to- I am prepared to, obviously, for survival. I am doing the usual steps of applying and agencies, though it makes me want to tear out my hair. And, living in government-assisted housing, they will want to see paychecks very shortly. But I want to transcend this. I want to have a job that helps me have enough money and time to create my ~own~ job. I tried working two or three jobs at once, double shifts and so on, but this was even more stressful, besides which, I don't have a car, and I've had enough unpleasant experiences taking public transit at night as a petite beautiful woman to want to avoid any jobs that go too late into the night hours. And they still didn't help me save money.
I had meant to write all this even before I was fired, but, now, well, here we are! So, TL;DR let us take a look at what my chart says!
I will attach a couple. One is simple and clean. Another I did just for fun, with lots of bodies- since I enjoy mythological figures so, I have included ten of some of those most significant to me, even though I know that they have such small astrological influence. I've included the name of a soulmate, James (2335), and also Chaos (19521), Dionysus (3671), Bacchus (2063), Ganymed (1036), Ishtar (7088), Urania (30), Magdalena (318), Cora (504), and Persephone (399).
This brings to mind that even the larger asteroids and fixed stars have much smaller influence, so, with that said- let's begin with my tenth house- my tenth house is Leo. This is creativity, and here would have to do with the world at large. The only bodies here are Regulus and Ceres. Now, here, this also brings to mind orbs- I heard that we shouldn't consider minor bodies like these unless they were conjoined at an orb of 1 degree. Regulus is conjoined with my MC at 1.33. Is that too distant? I read that MC conjoining with Regulus means dealing with famous people- which I already have, both in my McJobs and my vocation- and that it will raise one to a high station in life. I hope that this trend will expand and that it will indeed raise me up so that I can help influence the world.
Ceres, here, in 10th and Virgo, if she is important, means I nurture in business details, and that I am popular once I step into the spotlight, and people come to me for nurturing. Those in the biz do ask me about spiritual matters very occasionally, and look to my words for inspiration- and there was that one time some random stranger came up to me in a crowd and asked me to forgive him for his sins, but I think he was just hitting on me. At any rate I do try to help humanity when I perform my true calling, from discussing each tactic with my actors in the first read-through to the guests at parties after closing night.
Now as I think of my MC I think of another question besides small bodies and orbs- I have read many interpretations on many sites and in many books about the various placements of celestial bodies, but I have also been using to look at the meaning of the exact degree. It kind of reminds me of Tarot- I've read so many sites and books on Tarot as well- and, while they often have a good deal in common to say about each card, each author has something different to say too, to the extent that I may see a card in an entirely new light. So I am not sure how seriously to take CafeAstrology's interpretations of each degree. After joining this site I learned about other ways to interpret degrees, and Sabian symbols too, so that helped, but I am still not sure what to think of it all, and still not sure exactly how to round off the degree to get the right symbol. With my MC at 28 degrees Leo, CafeAstrology tells me that I pursue noble goals, and will have a remarkably brilliant destiny full of altruistic glory, like “the angel of the sun” giving off sparks.
The ruler of my MC is the Sun, which is in Aries in my fifth house- just like in the example in your sticky, and I agree, “(1) The career has to be fun for the person and a source of creative expression. (2) The person may not be best suited to a career... 3) The person might be good at a 5th house type of career, such as … the theatre” I have also worked with children before in a few jobs, simply because I am naturally good at it, but I don't particularly fancy it, nor do I have any desire to have one. My only children are my artistic endeavors. And indeed without them life is meaningless. Incidentally, Eris is combust here, if that means anything.
Moving on to the 6th house of work and service: My North Node and Venus are here.
My North Node is right on the cusp- so this gives me even more questions, about whether to consider Mean or True! Mean it is 0 degrees Taurus. True is 29 Aries. Everything I read on sites and in books doesn't really clue me in- both the advantages and disadvantages seem right for me. I am doubly blessed and doubly cursed. I looked at degree descriptions here, too- some people stand hard by using one or the other, but mine are so different. If we use my mean degree, I get a positive interpretation that I can overcome. If I use a true degree, it spells misfortune, sorrow, and ruin- both with my Node and with Lilith!
Mean node interpretation: “Opponents are numerous and, although reluctant to wage war, they don't hesitate to fight back in case of aggression. It is through mental strength, philosophy, and diplomacy that the fiercest conflicts can be solved.”
True node interpretation: “Self-centredness finally puts off family members, friends, and colleagues. Therefore, no external help is to be expected in days of misfortune and sorrow.”
It is the same with Lilith at her mean 4 degrees Gemini: “One readily forgives one's enemies and strives to alleviate deprived people's sufferings. Although one is not particularly interested in worldly gains, one easily attracts success, wealth, and honours owing to a vivid imagination and artistic gifts.”
True Lilith at 27 Taurus: “Owing to limited intellectual abilities and to lack of competence, projects are doomed to fail. Furthermore, instead of acknowledging the kindness of protectors, one takes it for granted and believes that it is the just reward for one's worth. One must face the sad reality, understand that one lacks qualifications, and start to learn a job. Otherwise, one will remain a total laughing stock.”
I'm just mentioning this as something that I have pondered more than a few times... but in the end, those are just one interpretation each, and neither Lilith nor my Node are by any means the most dominant bodies in my chart.
HowEVER, according to Pullen, Venus is the most dominant planet in my chart, I suppose as she is in her ruling sign and well aspected. And I suppose this should have been obvious earlier in my life, considering. I might have devoted myself to other gods, but I emulate her. I am very connected to feelings and sensations, beauty and love, art, passion, sensuality. My love life is consuming. I am a pansexual and polyamorous woman, who occasionally acts as a man (I enjoy the expressions of both genders and do not recognize hard gender boundaries), and I take no pains to hide it or censor myself, and indeed I champion sexuality. Sex is one of, if not the, most sacred experiences a human can have, becoming one with another person(s), in this microcosm of the macrocosmic Universe who makes constant love to herself. Destigmatizing sex, sex outside of marriage, sex between people who are not opposite genders in (Maybe I should start to censor myself here? Trying to think what would be ok to say on network tv, hah.) in a certain... traditional... position... for the specific purpose of creating a baby and not employing... anything... pleasurable for the lady... even going outside that... one... position... (I mean come on realllllly?), is a cause of mine. It is one of the reasons I learned Greek, et al, in fact, so that I could better understand ancient texts regarding the matter.
Charm, femininity, art, my charisma- all of these have been important to my social identity. CafeAstrology describes Venus' placement at 5 degrees Taurus thus: “In a conference hall, a man at the height of his glory is standing on a podium with a scroll of paper in his hand and a laurel wreath on his head. Among the participants, there is a three-headed man who looks in different directions. Intelligent, shrewd, and fickle character. The three-headed man symbolises the host of talents and abilities one is blessed with. Sharp perspicacity, scientific knowledge, and artistic skills enable to overcome many an obstacle and to achieve success and fame.” Also, looking at the William Lilly sticky, I had to look up a lot of new terms that I'm not entirely sure I'm using correctly, but I am definitely, as he describes, “Venereal”. Hah.
My 6th house cusp is on Aries, which is ruled by Mars- who is in my 2nd house, Capricorn, so he will come into play with the 2nd house of individual resources as well. I am not sure what to read here- I do work hard- but like I said, I'm burnt out, despite the fortitude Mars lends me. Yet I firmly march toward a goal to conquer it. Another interpretation of this position says that despite the fact I am very intelligent I make bad decisions, and have risky asset management.
Other planets in my 2nd house of individual resources are Juno, Uranus, and Neptune. Juno here seems to symbolize eccentric mastery of occult mysteries. Uranus right here with Neptune seems so oddly placed- Uranus indicates risk as did Mars, that I am so willing to lay myself open to a total change of fortune, a complete risk of all I have- well, that's what I did when I moved to L.A. with only my suitcase and a carryon. That was a change of fortune. And now I'm in the middle of another. Neptune seems to be similarly dour, in that, while I am wrapped up in my passions, which is good, it is impossible to keep good fortune under my control. Please someone correct me if I am wrong; maybe I need to look up new interpretations
My 2nd house is ruled by Jupiter, which is in one of his dignities, Pisces, in my 4th house, which has Aquarius on its cusp. He too is sensual, and here, points to my considering the world as my family- indeed I consider us all one tribe. And I do easily integrate into a variety of social structures. I try to understand people.
Onto the 8th- shared resources. An empty house, beginning with Gemini. Well, Pallas is there. Sirius is there but hardly important except personal curiousity, because of a vision someone had about a guardian spirit of mine from that area, which coincided with one of mine, and a guardian angel, and some mythological lore we looked up later- but then, “Visions are seldom what they seem”. Once again, CafeAstrology says something about Pallas like “international affairs aiming at collective good”.
As for anything else that might be found in my 8th house, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which is in his detriment in Pisces, in my 4th house whose cusp is Aquarius- he's hanging out here with Jupiter, whom I mentioned before, and also the moon. I am not sure what to say here other than that I do my best, most honest communicating once I am close to people. Before that I suppose I am rather standoffish or introverted- I try to be “normal” before telling people my true thoughts, which invariably leads to my being bored and banal. But with those around whom I am comfortable- most people in theatre, though not always- I am an extroverted and opinionated woman. Don't get me wrong, I can still be extroverted and charming with strangers if I try. It's just like putting on any other mask. But I really don't care to discuss the topics most do. I'll be all smiles while serving someone, then, when left to my own devices on a break, I ignore everyone around me, reading something rather than discuss the latest reality television scandal, homogenous blockbuster, sports game, or for God's sake the weather. Like I said, at the theatre, I usually say anything I want- but let me give you an example of when I wouldn't: Recently, at one of those after-parties with a celebrity or so, I was trying to discuss the pertinence of the words “cult” and “belief” as being highly misused in today's society- one of my lovers tried to get me to cease such activity and took my drink away. I suppose because not everyone wants to hear that cult simply means “a religion with ritual practices”- he didn't want anyone in that crowd to overhear me even using such words. So maybe those are the sorts of things I might normally not discuss with a stranger upon first meeting, but rather, wait until we're discussing etymology upon at least a second reading of a script, or some such. This lover says that I have, in such instances, a tendency to be a little too “corrective” - I have definitely had a few successes as a critic. But again, no money there! (Yet.)
I suppose I will also mention my Part of Fortune, if that is pertinent, at 11 degrees Sagittarius in my 1st House, whose cusp, my rising sign, is Scorpio- now, CafeAstrology REALLY doesn't have anything flattering to say here: "A woman lying on a sofa stretches her hands towards a casket full of jewellery. Outside, a man is trampled by a billy goat. Greedy and sensual character. One indulges in depravation and is willing to sacrifice everything to meet one's materialistic and sexual needs. There is a strong probability of ruin. In the chart of males, there may be premature senility or impotence. In the chart of females, sex and flattery are used in order to misappropriate other people's wealth.” Well! That sounds a bit off to me. Of course, if you've been reading along, you know how much I champion the cause of sex. I don't, however, champion swindling people out of their money. I have worked as a sex worker and a model before- I have definitely used sex appeal and flattery to obtain money. But I hardly call it misappropriation. But moving on from that odd interpretation- other sites tell me that this placement indicates I feel it is important that I am educated to place myself up higher and overcome judgments, and that it has to do with developing myself- knowing myself and all, overcoming the ego and such. Getting fortune at the expense of others will come if I am insecure. Well, so long as I don't become envious and try to “take” what other people have, then.
So, this brings me to what I might do to earn money. Like I said I'll sign up for another McJob if I have to, but it is not fulfilling. I have been considering going back into sex work, but not in the same way that I did years ago. Mind you, this is all legal, decent sex trade. Although I'm really not sure why prostitution itself is illegal in most places in the U.S., that's not what I'm talking about here. Nor performing in pornography- that seems a little too rigorous for me. Nor stripping; too many drunk touchy-feelies- though if it weren't for that I think I'd have a pretty good time dancing in pretty underthings. I have a dominatrix friend who has inspired me- that could be fun, but I am not sure I could dominate people full-time, as I am more of a switch. I have the occasional show in a dungeon, but that's just for fun- I'm not as experienced, yet. Nor am I as experienced in hypnotism, but like astrology it's something I've been studying here and there- maybe someday I could do erotic hypnotism/therapy. But I need money now, and I want to start something now, not after I gain accreditation. Maybe phone sex, editing pornography articles, or a couple other ideas I've had- you see, like I said, sex is so fun for me, and so important, and it's one of the things I practice most often. Whenever I did my homework at university, I was almost constantly chatting in the background in such ways that would often lead to cyber-sex- so since that is one of the things I most enjoy, I have definitely been considering doing it for a living. And honestly, to preemptively dispel certain misguided notions if anyone has them because they are unfamiliar with irl sex workers, I felt more degraded working in every corporate environment I've experienced. It wasn't service that bothered me- like I said service is the glory of God and I actually enjoy serving others- it was the corporate environment. I felt far more taken advantage of. I felt my soul being constantly sucked away. My time is worth more than that. This can provide a better foundation for my future and my art. Hell, this is something that can move me away from Skid Row and make me more comfortable, for starters. This is something I've been thinking about returning to for a long time- my higher self seems to be in accordance with this, according to my lucid dream travels. S/he also wants me to return to modeling and acting. So okay, I'll have to lose a couple dress sizes again to get back down to very XS before doing any more lingerie shoots or promo work, but that'll take a few months of sober vegan active lifestyle, and I'll still need lots of cash for proper transportation, so meanwhile....
So, what do you, new friends, see here for sex work; for art- theatre, writing, production, performing, etc.; for spiritual work- Tarot, hypnosis, etc.; and for anything else, regarding cash flow? I am so very curious!