Obsession with Freedom

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Apr 2, 2008
Hi guys,
I was just wondering, what in my chart is responsible for my extreme demand for freedom. Everything I do is matter of freedom. I absolutely cant stand things such as deadlines, yet i can follow a goal relentlessly if I find it worthwhile. Its so obsessive. Everything I do has to be different from everyone else, I have to do it my way. I love anything that sounds crazy or someone says is un-doable. Simple challenges don't seem to interest me. If a challenge seems impossible, I'm gona go at it, win or loose. I don't brag about any of these qualities to others nor do i verbalize these to people in an overbearing way when I talk. I am naturally reserved, and quiet.
I can't seem to find any reasons in my chart that would explain this extremeness.


[Moderator edit - Thread moved here, as the thread-starter's astrological interpretation is missing.]
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astroman1 said:
Hi guys,
I was just wondering, what in my chart is responsible for my extreme demand for freedom. Everything I do is matter of freedom. I absolutely cant stand things such as deadlines, yet i can follow a goal relentlessly if I find it worthwhile. Its so obsessive. Everything I do has to be different from everyone else, I have to do it my way. I love anything that sounds crazy or someone says is un-doable. Simple challenges don't seem to interest me. If a challenge seems impossible, I'm gona go at it, win or loose. I don't brag about any of these qualities to others nor do i verbalize these to people in an overbearing way when I talk. I am naturally reserved, and quiet.
I can't seem to find any reasons in my chart that would explain this extremeness.


Hi astroman1!

I can so relate to this!!! It's like I hear myself talking. I hate, hate, hate it when people tell me what to do, I always have to do everything my way. I hate to admit this, but I would rather do something the wrong way then to listen to somebody and to it the right way :D :eek: .
My freedom is one of the things i'm most grateful for.

I tried to compare your chart to mine and I found that both of us have Uranus (I guess the planet that represents freedom, since Uranus rules Aquarius and Aquarius rules the 11th house of friends and friendships) trine Sun. This aspect represents a love for unconventional things and lots of freedom. Humanitarian causes tend to be important. I read somewhere that a person with this aspect is bold and unafraid of other peoples opinions, so this is probably why you're not a person to easily brag about your accomplishments.

Also I see you have your Moon in the 11th house. Since the Moon rules ones emotions, you tend to need a lot of freedom and being independent is important. The 11th house ruler is Aquarius.

(Your North Node is in again...aquarius.)

I also have this: Mars sextile Sun. This aspects tends to make a person respond to challenges and problems.

I also have this one Mercury in Taurus: Stubborn and doing everything your own way. This strenghtens the need for individuality and since Taurus is a fixed sign you actually keep going until you have exactly what you need freedom and independence.

I hope it was helpfull :) , since I'm relatively new to astrology.
Sun and mercury opposing pluto, as well as being squared by the moon.
Sun opposite Pluto, by itself, is famous for being this way.
which makes sense
personal self/will (the sun) is being opposed by pluto the planet of extremeness
"You can be arrogant, boastful, willful, over-bearing and rebellious and this may put you in physical danger. You have trouble putting your energy to positive use. You're impulsive when applying your energy, especially when it involves changing the world, which must be changed to fit your perception. You can be a great manager, but first you must learn the art of compromise. You can't gain others' support since you're often too forceful and direct. You can also be overly aggressive in the matters of love and sex. Learn to control you temper and develop moderation in all your relationships. Positive self-expression is difficult due to added tension and strain and blockage of key elements of your personality. You could place yourself in imminent danger if you become involved in social or political revolutions or wars."

...and then with mercury and the moon added to the mix plutonic extremes are also affecting your logical mind and instinctual feelings.

also, you have and 8th house sun, just like me, but i do not personally relate to many of the so called 8th house themes. instead i think of it the like the house of scorpio. scorpio has extreme dislike for surface reasons and ways for doing things and prefers to themself penetrate to the bottom of issues/projects/whatever to figure out and do it their own way. so i dont relate 8th house to "sex death and taxes" i relate it to freedom.

I was just wondering, what in my chart is responsible for my extreme demand for freedom
Your Sun trine Uranus and your Moon in the 11th house (the Aquarius house) could be the reason. Moon also rules that Jupiter which opposes Uranus, the planet of freedom, making it even stronger. Uranus in Capricorn shows the wanting to break out of limitations.
Yes, that 11th moon in the natural house of Aquarius and that sun/pluto too. I love Freedom and can understand this feeling well.
Didn't take a close look at those aspects... silly me!
I personally thought that there would be something major that stands out right away. I read some of these aspects you guys pointed out and they make sense.
The Pluto square and oppositions sounds a bit too much. Im not boastfull or overbearing, tyranical, etc. Im more willfull then aggressive. Im patient because i know i can achieve anything.
But I can see Pluto is responsible for much of the obsession. It has second most influence in my chart after Mercury.
astroman1 said:
Hi guys,
I was just wondering, what in my chart is responsible for my extreme demand for freedom.

AC is 14:14 Virgo


AC is 27:20 Virgo

That's more than 1/2 hour difference in birthtime.

Which chart is correct? :confused:
astroman1 said:
Hi guys,
I was just wondering, what in my chart is responsible for my extreme demand for freedom. Everything I do is matter of freedom. I absolutely cant stand things such as deadlines, yet i can follow a goal relentlessly if I find it worthwhile. Its so obsessive. Everything I do has to be different from everyone else, I have to do it my way. I love anything that sounds crazy or someone says is un-doable. Simple challenges don't seem to interest me. If a challenge seems impossible, I'm gona go at it, win or loose. I don't brag about any of these qualities to others nor do i verbalize these to people in an overbearing way when I talk. I am naturally reserved, and quiet.
I can't seem to find any reasons in my chart that would explain this extremeness.


I agree pretty much with what has been written on the thread so far, so I will try not to be redundant. However, another things you might want to look at is this: Much of your chart is in Earth and Water, and in the signs dealing with money, security, etc. It would seem that much of what is holding up the freedom you seek is your emotional life and your relationship with money/physical world. If you seek healing and a spiritual path in these areas, you may just find the freedom you desire.

Also, watch for Venus in Pisces smack on your Dsc. Venus rules your 2nd and 9th. One of your major lessons will be in giving freely and compassionately to others, especially of your personal resources. BUT at the same time you need to guard yourself against deception and "users". Venus in Pisces, if not properly balanced, can be quite the "doormat". And, as we all know, doormats have no freedom. They just get walked on.:(

Taurus and Scorpio are both fixed signs, both willfull, patient, and reserved, but also to a degree obsessed with power (money, sex, etc). the combo is physically oriented and fixated on goals. this polarity is probably instrumental in shaping who you are not only because your most powerful opposition takes place across this axis but also because they are in each others respective houses (thanks to libra rising) I would definetly suggest reading up on the taurus/scorpio axis because its such a part of you

with that being said your sun and mercury are in 8th. definitely not a house of flamboyance. 8th house keeps to themselves and quiettly goes about things in their own way, with deep need for mental/intellecual freedom. perhaps this is what mutes some of the "tyrannical" pluto behavior. if sun were in say 3rd or 5th, you might be more flamboyant in expressing the qualities that certain websites depict about the opposition. but alas you have penetrating reserved scorpionic 8th house and wilfull steady taurean sun, which in the end is what the pluto opp must filter through
freedomlover said:
Also, watch for Venus in Pisces smack on your Dsc. Venus rules your 2nd and 9th. One of your major lessons will be in giving freely and compassionately to others, especially of your personal resources. BUT at the same time you need to guard yourself against deception and "users". Venus in Pisces, if not properly balanced, can be quite the "doormat". And, as we all know, doormats have no freedom. They just get walked on.:(

FL, the reason I asked about Astroman's chart is that I had seen his earlier chart in another thread. But in that version, apparently from a year ago or more, the AC is around 20 Virgo. That's why there is a difference of about 1/2 hour between the earlier chart and this one. I was wondering if he got the time adjusted by finding a copy of his birth certificate. :)

gaer said:
FL, the reason I asked about Astroman's chart is that I had seen his earlier chart in another thread. But in that version, apparently from a year ago or more, the AC is around 20 Virgo. That's why there is a difference of about 1/2 hour between the earlier chart and this one. I was wondering if he got the time adjusted by finding a copy of his birth certificate. :)



Apparently, you were posting at the same time as I was posting to MidnightxPoison's query. I did not see your post until much later.:eek:

freedomlover said:

Apparently, you were posting at the same time as I was posting to MidnightxPoison's query. I did not see your post until much later.:eek:

I know. We crossed posted, only a minute difference. :)

There are so many things that might indicate needing freedom. In my own chart Uranus may make more aspects than any other planet, and it is only one of two that are angular.

Uranus is *very* widely opposite Jupiter, barely over 8 degrees, and I don't normally count that, but I think the influence is there.

Uranus is barely 1/2 degree from semi-sextile Pluto, sextile Sat, trine Merc, and also sextile Venus, but out of sign. I am coming to think more and more that aspects that are normally easy that show out-of-sign connections do add a lot of friction.

I am thinking about this because I *hate* rules and have managed to live a fairly peaceful life by working for myself and making my own. ;)

I personally thought that there would be something major that stands out right away.
Yes, there actually is something that stands out. In fact, this something relates to the topic quite spot-on.

"Obsession with freedom." Pluto and Uranus in your chart aspect almost the same personal planets: Sun, Merc and Mars. This means that your basic personality and focus (Sun), your mind (Merc) and subsequently your actions (Mars) are obsessed with attaining freedom. Btw, I have considered the 8° wide Plu-Mars aspect as it is a trine (major aspect). Additionally Plu aspects your 11th-house Moon, which in turn relates with Sun & Mer, both of which are again aspected by Ura & Plu. This attaining freedom bit, however, is not 'a walk in the park' for you with all that earth (stability, also stubborness) and water (depth, also clinginess) in your chart; and, except a Leo Moon, with no planets in air or fire signs. You do have Moon in 11th (Aqua house) and Venus in 7th (Libra house), but that's about it. All in all, with your North Node (direction in this life) in Aquarius and the 5th house (Leo), freedom is your path in life and something you need to make part of your self-expression (N-node in 5th house).

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astroman1 said:
Hi guys,
I was just wondering, what in my chart is responsible for my extreme demand for freedom. Everything I do is matter of freedom. I absolutely cant stand things such as deadlines, yet i can follow a goal relentlessly if I find it worthwhile. Its so obsessive. Everything I do has to be different from everyone else, I have to do it my way. I love anything that sounds crazy or someone says is un-doable. Simple challenges don't seem to interest me. If a challenge seems impossible, I'm gona go at it, win or loose. I don't brag about any of these qualities to others nor do i verbalize these to people in an overbearing way when I talk. I am naturally reserved, and quiet.
I can't seem to find any reasons in my chart that would explain this extremeness.

Your chart overall shows an Earth/Water dominance this explains why your more reserved and quiet. I would look at your Jupiter in tight opposition to Uranus for the need for freedom, Jupiter symbolises the need for expansion, growth, and discovery, both planets represent freedom from restrictions, limitations (Saturn) the aspect favours progress, innovations, discovery, it can be an excitable aspect, all themes activated by this pairing can be about breaking away and a strong insistence on freedom. Two Celebrities with this aspect both known for their extreme rebelliousness is singer Pink she has Jupiter in Leo square Uranus, and Marilyn Manson he has Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Libra.
I corrected my birthtime when I found out that the old chart time was wrong. Which is why i posted the updated one. So i guess ignore the old one :38:

On a personal level, my growing up was different from the average family. I never met my dad from birth to age of 9. I lived in a very big house and I roamed freely. I also use to leave home and go exploring by myself when i was young. When I finally met my dad at 9, my family moved to another country. New language, new environment. Then my dad passed away after 4 years when i was 13. I only got to see my dad for about 4 years. I was beginning to grow attached to him and idolize him a bit. That ended abruptly.

These things can be seen in my 4th house: ( Uranus, Neptune, Saturn)
So now Im guessing if its my upbringing that is responsible for this obsession. My mother always had very high expectations for me and she let me knew. And now I have a habit of breaking expectation of anyone who projects them on me...

Generally speaking, my 4th house could be responsible for much of this...:34:

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