October 2024 Astro

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Jan 5, 2023
Quite a volatile looking month!

We begin with the last Eclipse in Libra, which by now we should be feeling the energies. A South Node eclipse, conjunct Mercury and Lilith, and square Mars Cancer.

There will also be a Water Grand Trine with Venus Scorpio/Mars Cancer/Saturn Pisces, at the same time.

Pluto finally stations direct, and will move forwards in its final journey in Capricorn but it won't leave quietly! It will be involved in a rather intense Full Moon Aries, and will form a Cardinal Grand Cross with Sun Libra, Mars Cancer, and Chiron Aries.

The Sun is in Fall in Libra. Mars is in Fall in Cancer but makes a Mutual Reception to the Moon Aries, and also is the ruler of the Full Moon. Mars will also be in shadow. Sounds delightful! 😮

And lastly, Uranus will conjunct Algol for a second time. We all know what happened around mid-July during the first pass ...

The dates:

2nd - Solar Eclipse at 10°04' Libra - South Node Eclipse - conjunct Mercury and Lilith - square Mars Cancer

- Mars enters Shadow Zone at 17°01' Cancer

4th/8th - Grand Trine of Venus Scorpio, Mars Cancer, Saturn Pisces between 14° to 18°

9th - Jupiter stations retrograde at 21°20' Gemini

12th - Pluto stations direct at 29°38' Capricorn

- Jupiter Gemini sextile Chiron Aries at 21°19'

13th - Mercury enters Scorpio

13th/14th - T-Square with Sun Libra, Mars Cancer, and Chiron Aries at 21°15'

- Venus Scorpio opposite Uranus Taurus at 26°51'

17th - Full Moon at 24°35' Aries - Grand Cross! Moon conjunct Chiron Aries - opposite Sun Libra - square Mars Cancer - square Pluto Capricorn. Also sextile Jupiter Gemini

- Venus enters Sagittarius

23rd - Sun enters Scorpio

25th - Uranus Taurus conjunct Algol at 26°10' - second pass

- Venus enters Out of Bounds at 9° Sagittarius (returning in bounds on 3rd Dec)

27th - Venus Sagittarius square Saturn Pisces at 12°58'

30th - Mercury Scorpio opposite Uranus Taurus at 25°57'

Here's the chart for that Full Moon:

Indeed, it looks like it's not just Halloween that will provide some hairy moments 😮

But then the planets do have a bizarre way of surprising us!

Like the recent Chiron Aries exactly square my Mars, I expected something bigger and emotionally earth shattering, I didn't know it would be about swarms of mosquitoes literally attacking my face for a week!

Sometimes, I've noticed it plays out in the mundane and collective. Like the first Uranus conjunct Algol, all that happened personally for me was a bumpy bruise on my head (windowsill fail). Quite a few people I know seemed to have very mild head injuries, or headaches/migraines, that particular week. Surprisingly underwhelming.

However, it manifested much more dramatically for a certain presidential candidate...
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Sorry to hear that SummerBliss. It's all very tricky.
My IBS has been terrible for months, Jupiter has moved away from it's opposition to my Moon, but, along with other transits too numerous to mention, Saturn is transiting square to my Moon.
Fingers crossed for your meal plan
Oh no, hope you get better soon @SummerBliss and that the meal plan resolves it.

Interesting that Jupiter Gemini had been stationary all week, there's a nasty cold bug doing the rounds, Gemini ruling the lungs and respiratory system, everyone seems to have been struck by it. Caught it myself as well.

We also have Pluto stationed to a standstill all this week too, ready to go direct this Saturday and making the last trip through Capricorn, until it leaves it forever

(well, forever in our current lifetime anyway. It will be another 248 years until Pluto returns to Capricorn!)
I have Sat/Moon in my natal chart and had GI issues as a young child (stress related). Now, it's occasional. I take probiotics, but you have to find which one is best for your particular situation. And, digestive bitters (tincture) helps w/ occasional mild GI problems, too. Naturopaths know a lot about nutrition, more than allopathic physicians.
In addition to being conjunct Juno, the full moon on October 17th will be conjunct the Lilith/Mercury midpoint, revealing buried resentments.
Lilith may also get you wondering about how you've given up your power by disregarding your wants, or playing nice when you should be angry,
The full moon will bring things to a much needed climax.
In addition to being conjunct Juno, the full moon on October 17th will be conjunct the Lilith/Mercury midpoint, revealing buried resentments.
Lilith may also get you wondering about how you've given up your power by disregarding your wants, or playing nice when you should be angry,
The full moon will bring things to a much needed climax.
On a positive note Venus will be at an anaretic degree (29°) sextile Pluto.
This will result in feelings of love, affection, or self-esteem stemming from the realisation that the power you possess has grown. The bond gently deepens, enjoyment grows more deeper, and the gift is rewarding. This is a transforming moment, yet it occurs quietly and possibly unnoticed-there is a profound change as everything falls into place. Again, this is quiet, to the point where you may even overlook it.
In addition to being conjunct Juno, the full moon on October 17th will be conjunct the Lilith/Mercury midpoint, revealing buried resentments.
Lilith may also get you wondering about how you've given up your power by disregarding your wants, or playing nice when you should be angry,
The full moon will bring things to a much needed climax.
Yikes, we are having a mini family reunion weekend starting on the 19th----some relatives from the East coast arriving that I rarely see. ---"Buried Resentments' and 'family reunion' don't seem to mix well....:oops: I hope we can just focus on the little children and enjoy ourselves. No politics, no gossip.
On a positive note Venus will be at an anaretic degree (29°) sextile Pluto.
This will result in feelings of love, affection, or self-esteem stemming from the realisation that the power you possess has grown. The bond gently deepens, enjoyment grows more deeper, and the gift is rewarding. This is a transforming moment, yet it occurs quietly and possibly unnoticed-there is a profound change as everything falls into place. Again, this is quiet, to the point where you may even overlook it.
Ohhhhh, thank goodness...sounds better already. That tr Pluto is conjunct my MC @ 0 Aquarius. During a family reunion, I think my MC will be activated---discussing ancestors, family relationships, etc.
And the visiting relatives are from my father's side. I know there is still dissension concerning if MC is father or mother. I say it's father just because it fits in my chart that way.

Tr Venus will be sextiling the MC/Pluto from my 7th. So maybe my husband can be the buffer and mediator. [My parents were divorced and so I kind of lost touch with the relatives who are going to visit]
Ohhhhh, thank goodness...sounds better already. That tr Pluto is conjunct my MC @ 0 Aquarius. During a family reunion, I think my MC will be activated---discussing ancestors, family relationships, etc.
And the visiting relatives are from my father's side. I know there is still dissension concerning if MC is father or mother. I say it's father just because it fits in my chart that way.

Tr Venus will be sextiling the MC/Pluto from my 7th. So maybe my husband can be the buffer and mediator. [My parents were divorced and so I kind of lost touch with the relatives who are going to visit]
Degrees that will be triggered by the Full moon are 24° Cardinal.
29° from Venus/Pluto
6° Scorpio (or fixed) from Mercury.
Then approx 5° mutable from the Full Moons antiscia.
And approx 25° fixed from Mercury's antiscia.

But then theres also midpoints at these degrees o_O......lets just leave it at that.
Thanks @StarchaserNancy @Columbine @PenguinTrauma
I hope so to. For now as I'm quite worries, sorry for the personal content, but it was recommended I do colon hydrotherapy. I do that tomorrow - very Pluto SD

@katydid have a good family reunion, maybe things revealed or in depth connections. I note I find I talk more about things when Pluto goes direct. (Pluto 3 h).
Quiet. I love that word! I hope for some quietness for the rest of October, the rest of the year, the rest of my life .... 😁

Well, clearly that didn't happen! 🤦🤦 or it actually did, but in a "be careful what you wish for"

Emergency surgery, gallbladder removal, due to several gallstones and inflammation (definitely Mars territory! I had my Mars Return right on the surgery day 😮)

I am getting a lot of quietness, in the form of my life completely stopping altogether. I can't work, can't drive, can't exercise, can't lift heavy objects, etc, way too fatigued to socialise, for the next 2 weeks at least.

Took me 3 days to recover from the general anaesthetic alone! Wasn't expecting the weird depressive episode to follow surgery, an odd feeling of disconnection and hopelessness, but apparently that's normal and temporary.

Today is the first day of feeling that sliver of light called normality. Feeling less battered today 🙂
Wealthy. I love that word! I hope for some wealth (a big Lottery Jackpot win, or a lovely gorgeous rich husband) for the rest of October, the rest of the year, the rest of my life ..... 😁