October 2024 Astro

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Just watching a Molly McCord video, she mentions there will be two Grand Trines on 28th October:

Mercury Scorpio - Mars Cancer - Neptune Pisces​
Moon Virgo - Uranus Taurus - Pluto Capricorn​

She calls it a "Unicorn Day" 😂 I'm not going to go that far haha, but I'll take whatever small joys it could bring, however minor!

How has people found the Pluto stationing direct so far?

Aside from the very day it stationed direct, resulting in me doubling over in pain and being carted off to hospital lol, I can feel there is a transformation under way. I've lost a whole load of weight since the op (Pluto transit 1st) and I'm now on a completely low-fat diet. I'm now too scared to eat any junk food or sugary treats, but I think it's for the better. Once I recover I can get back to my exercise regime anew 🙂

I have noticed there are transformations in people around me. A friend has had a major reinvention and changed her appearance since Pluto went direct, and now looks a million dollars! I'm genuinely so pleased for her 🙂🙂
It feels like the sand, after having been dragged back during high tide, is about to come crashing down on the beach! Personally it's too early to say, I'm sure than a year from now I will look back and have that "Ah!" moment..
October opens with game-changing astro energy, in fact with the agitated Solar Eclipse of Libra that as South Node eclipse could challenge the deep bonds with our feelings and relationships. This is further augmented by the shifting and unpredictable presentation provided by Mars in Cancer, opposition being squared. However, a positive Water Grand Trine for Venus, Mars, and Saturn presents occasional opportunities for dealing with feelings in the turmoil.

When Pluto stations direct, the resulting or heightened energies are much more powerful and when we combine that with the Full Moon being in Aries it forms a Cardinal Grand Cross which means you cannot avoid facing the real issues. Finally, let’s recall Uranus’ aspects with Algol folks, which strikes with a call to be prepared for the unexpected, as we have already noticed such surprises before in 2021.​