On Using Any of the Variations of the Original Sabian Symbols

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Oct 12, 2007
Alta California
I'm a member of a facebook group dedicated to the works of Dane Rudhyar. there is a member that lives in Brazil whom wrote that He finds a different authors descriptions more illuminating for many of the symbols. I am quite partial to Rudhyar, and don't see myself using anything else the rest of my years, but I had to confront myself and question what I had initially written in response.
Here's what I wrote,,, copied and pasted as follows...
I can see your point of view, Not everyone sees the same thing in symbolism, that is to say what, "the message" is that,, they derive from it. Remember that Dane identified three levels that the Sabians can belong to. One of. Actional, or Emotional/Cultural, or Individual/Mental. Then consider that they all play the appropriate part for each of the four points of a chart axis, i.e. the "Who", "Where-to", "How", and "Why" of the natal chart. Each fits each different roll quite clearly to a mind that can "see" how the symbolism is to be interpreted just a bit differently as those seven different possible placements of the symbols are then relevant to any one of the seven different possible "motives" that they might be aspiring to. The symbolism remains the same but the motive is what changes.
There are probably very many that will be able to readily see and understand the symbolism in one or two types of motives, some will accomplish a few more.
But, there's other roles for them to play too. As for when they are found in any "Grand aspect", such as a trine, a square or cross, a pentagram, and so on, they become of relevance to those precepts as well. Then also, as to how the precept of any Astrological Part they are found to be in, is of relevance to the symbol of the degree, that natal Part is found in?

So, yes, I have to agree with you, that it would do many well to study more than one set of symbols and find what works for their selves, otherwise, to impede is to obstruct natural evolution.