"Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world": Edgar Cayce vs corporate media

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Oct 12, 2007
Alta California
"Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world": Edgar Cayce vs corporate media

I started writing the following early in the evening yesterday. I started with the intention of saying a few words about the constant onslaught, the relentless attack on president Trump and the Russians, as I can see it for the corporate paid horse s**t that it is.

I'm not an admirer of Trump not did I vote for him. I did predict his winning the election back in January of 2016 and that is posted here in this forum if anyone doubts that. I predicted his taking the whole pie when the experts, the pundits, gave him but a 2% chance of winning the primaries.
While I gave $600 to Senator Sanders campaign ...of which less than half I ever got a receipt for... which was just one of the many problems that Barry suffered due to Hillary's machinations ...I'm quite relieved that Trump got the office and not her.

I started writing the following for a posting at facebook but it grew and grew as I realized I had to cite sources so as to give explanations for many issues and my present stand on them...as those friends I do have on facebook are but very old friends from childhood and school days, family, and some fellow astrologers but there are a few that are also right wing Evangelistic Christians... there are a few that are long haired left wing radicals, some Hindus, a number of Roman Catholics [fathers' side of the family] maybe a Buddhist, or two, a few atheists, an agnostic or two, or three... got someone for just about everything... and something for just about everyone>

It grew too large to post on facebook. No one I know wants to read more than a few brief lines at a time while they're cruising the boards on fb. Me neither, I go there to socialize not get politicized, marginalized, etc. etc.

What I began writing and finished but never did nor will post on facebook [maybe just the link?] copied and pasted as follows,

I am still presently witnessing a continuous, unrelenting, effort by the established media, i.e. journalists, reporters, newscasters, editors, et al of the presently bought and sold out news sources, that until i was in my late 50's I had so deemed as to be mostly dependable and reliable and for the most part honest but always possessing personal integrity that while not always being personally pleasing at least it was honest and genuine as for being understandable to some greater or lesser degree. What I'm trying to say here is] that while it may not have always made good logical sense as to why anyone of the media took a stand or gave bias and favor to someone or some cause, or another. at least it always made sense as to regarding the person, or source, that gave the report and as to the particular subject of that news and. at one time, we could and did so in fact, trust those sources for honest facts, eye witness accounts and, not withstanding any aforementioned noticable yet understandable bias, impartial and discerning editorial evaluations and opinions of what "True News" there was.

Lately those same sources, or what has become of, or has replaced, them, Or, perhaps, have been seemingly forthright and noble, or most resolutely in an attempt to be perceived as such, in condemning social media participants for, both, creating and willfully distributing "fake news". These alleged fake news items being such, as for a few examples, that the Clintons' may have been directly responsible for the deaths of some five or six dozen people these last 40 years. that Barry Sotero, aka Barrack Obama, didn't have a legitimate birth certificate because He had't been born on U.S.A. soil and that He had actually been a "foreign student', or at the very least did so declare and pose as being that and knowingly did so unlawfully apply as being a foreign student to improve his chances of approval for admission to college and any financial grants that were offered and available here in the USA ....or if He was rightly eligible as for a reason that He was honest about his nationality status having been foreign then He is guilty of seeking and accepting the office of president of these United States, or that the events on Sept. 11th, 2001 were in fact not what the mainstream media and our own government have proclaimed them to be as to having been actually what happened, why, and how, or perhaps who was actually responsible for the planning and execution even though just about anyone that is lettered in any of the fields of science that one would consult regarding seeking an expertise explanation for the collapse of the "Twin Towers'" and building # 7 at the WTC, the successful breech of three walls in one attempt, the outermost being bunker hardened, of the Pentagon by a commercial jet airplane and the explanation that it "vaporized" inside those three walls immediately afterward. Or, perhaps, the rumor/belief that had Hillary "won" the election she would have had us at war with Russia before her term was over. I certainly believe it. Hillary and Bill Clinton have both been invited to a Bilderberg conference. Bill attended one in 1991. at least one that is known of, and He "won' the presidential election the following year, Hillary was invited and attended in 1997 when she was "First Lady". From what I have read every candidate for president that has ever attended that conference "won" the election for president...except for Hillary.

Donald Trump has never been known to attend one of those conferences and as such, despite a number of members of his Cabinet attending since Donald has took the office I don't believe that he is supportive of the plans for a NWO. Surely He must be an irritating thorn in their side.
As the Soviet Union was communist along with having so very few people of any notable wealth, and of such little wealth comparatively, Russia isn't a "friendly" to the NWO. Hence why the constant barrage from the "owned" media about some "ghastly", horrific, devious, threat Donald Trump and the Russians have been up to...even though what deals Hill and Bill had made with the Russians is known and documented. So what if Trump got some financing from a Russian because he needed a bail out? China has been buying up as much farmland in California as it can and owns, or is the majority stockholder, of the Union Oil Co. of California and China is yet still a Communist nation while the Soviet Union dissolved over thirty years ago and is no more.

Which brings me to the point of why I've written all of this so far. In 1944 just six months before the renowned clairvoyant, Edgar Cayce, passed away He gave an "open reading" at the Thirteenth Annual Congress of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. June 22, 1944 [A.R.E.] had a reading done by Mr. Cayce for their own "enlightenment". This reading, [3976-29], was conducted by Mrs. Cayce and she began with this directive to her husband while in trance. " Please take most particular notice that Edgar Cayce gave part of the following discourse as it pertains to "Russia". not the Soviet Union but rather "Russia". Russia was no more in 1944. It had long disappeared some 26 years prior. It was not an oversight, mistake or blunder of any kind. It was quite deliberate as for what Cayce said about Russia was entirely about it's future. That could only have meant that He was prophesying that the Soviet Union would fail and that Russia would re-emrge someday in the future. In the reading Edgar addressed seven different nations. "Russia was the first that He spoke of.

[From Jeffrey Furst's book, "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus, Chapter 12 The Church of Laodicea - Lucius, Summation - Several Readings Concerning Jesus". The following is part of the "Summation" and is a selective excerpt of the reading which I noted above.]

"Mrs. Cayce: It has been indicated through this channel that much might be given regarding what vibrations of nations, as individuals, might mean. You will give such information concerning these vibrations and their relations to the spirit of various nations, particularly in connection with the seven sins and twelve virtues in the human family, which will be helpful to us as an organization and as individuals in our attempt to be channels of blessing to our fellow men. You will then answer questions which may be submitted, as I ask them.

Mr. Cayce: When there came about the periods of mans' evolution in the earth, what was given then as to why man must be separated into tongues, into nations, into groups? 'Lest they in their follish wisdom defy God'. What is here then intimated? That man, seeking his own gratification of the lusts of the flesh, might even in the earth defy God. With what, then, has man been endowed by his Creator? All that might be necessary for each individual soul-entity to be a companion with God. And that is Gods' desire toward man.
Then when man began to defy God in the earth and the confusion arose which is represented in the Tower of Babel - these are representations of what was then the basis, the beginnings of nations. Nations were set up then in various portions of the land, and each group, one stronger than another, set about to seek their own gratifications."

At this point Edgar went on about how nations have come and gone and each had failed in some way succumbing to the flesh. He continued on at a later point with; [ibid.] "

"...Then, just as in the days of old, the nature of the flesh, human flesh and its natures, has not changed, but the spirit maketh alive. The truth maketh one free. Just as man has done throughout the ages, so in the present, as one takes those of the various nations as have seen the light and have, through one form or another, sought to establish as the ideal of that nation, of that people, some word, some symbol that has and does represent those peoples in those days of the fathers of the present land called America. What is the spirit of America? Most individuals proudly boast 'freedom'. Freedom of what? When ye bind mens' hearts and minds through various ways and manners, does it give them freedom of speech? Freedom of worship? Freedom from want? Not unless those basic principles are applicable throughout the tenets and lines as has been set, but with that principle freedom. For God meant man to be free and thus gave man will, a will even to defy God. GOD has not willed that any soul should perish, but hath with every trial or temptation prepared a way of escape. ... Those nations who have taken those vows that man shall be free should also take those vows 'He shall know the truth and the truth shall make him free'."

Cayce went on about how man did once live to be a thousand, or more, years old and how with the passing of time and mans' increasing desire for self gratification and succumbing to them lowered life expectancy more and more. He then added that everyone should [ibid.]

..."Look to the nations where the span of life has been extended from sixty to eighty-four years. You will judge who is serving God. These are judgments. These are the signs to those who seek to know, , who will study the heavens, who will analyze the elements, who will know the heart of man, they that seek to know the will of the Father for themselves answer 'Lord, here am I, use me, send me where I am needed'."

Cayce continued on and spoke of the conflict at hand [W.W. II] and that there were two principles in conflict with one another and how there arose a cry for help for reason given as 'mans' heritage of freedom might be taken away', but then asked "By whom" and then noted that it would be taken away by one of those two principles and then identified them. [ibid.]

"There are those two principles, two conflicting forces in the earth today: the prince of this world, and the Principle that says to every soul, 'Fear not, I have overcome the world and the prince of the world hath nothing on me'. Can ye say that? Ye must! That is thy hope; that 'The prince of this world, Satan, that old serpent, hath no part in any desire of my mind, my heart, my body, that I do not control in the direction it shall take'. These are the things, those are the principles.
What then of nations? In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the Communistic, of the Bolshevistic; no. But freedom, freedom that each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years fr it to be crystallized but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world. Guided by what? That friendship with the nation that hath even set on its present monetary unit 'In God We Trust'. Do ye use that in thine own heart when you pay your just debts? Do ye use that in thy prayer when ye send thy missionaries to other lands? 'I give it, for in God we trust'?
In the application of these principles, in those forms and manners in which the nations of the earth have and do measure to those in their activities, yea, to be sure, America may boast, but rather is that principle being forgotten when such is the case, and that is the sin of America."

Cayce continued on and adressed the sin of England, the sin of Italy, but spoke only of Rome, the sin of India, which by my evaluation is not nearly so much a sin, but rather self sacrifice as Cayce said the sin is SELF, but also added ''and leave the 'ish' off - just self."

I do hope you caught what Cayce said about Russia being the ''hope of the world". and that it needs to have and maintain freindship with the United States so as to be guided successfuly.
Keep in mind that Snowden, who was looking out for all our interests that hinge on freedom was offered sanctuary by only one nation and it sure the heck wasn't this one that boasts of fredom and is the measure that Cayce spoke of and failed just as Cayce admonished in that "...rather is that principle being forgotten when such is the case."?
I have found myself saying to someone, somewhere, almost everday for the last year and a half that Russia is not our [the U.S.A.'s] enemy. Yet everyday I see yet another newscast spinning yarns about a perpetration of evil that has came from, did come from, will surely come from Russia.
That unrest in the Ukraine has been revealed to have been C.I.A. instigated and supplied... all to vex and make Russia appear as an ogre of agression and greed, yet the gre of agression andgreed is actually a different nation busily making and giving excuses for running amok in the desert lands Soputh of the lands of the Cossacks. Trying to grab all the oil reserving it for itself and it gluttinous appetite for energy, which was induced and maintained by those that would profit greatly by feeding it.
Fake news being spun and spread in the social media? IF by that it is meant that media in which society has no part other than to watch and be led on to believe as truth? ...and all thye while filling your heads with the notiion that if an election becomes suspect to tampering then you can da** well blame the Russians...and later will we be told we can just blame ourselves as well for not letting our country get into a war with Russia?
We probably will if we keep electing to office those that come from the tired, old, corrupted, politcal parties that have also been bought and sold to the ones that own all our traditional media.
Keep the internet nuetral, keep it unrestricted, and you had all best remember what my Free Quaker granddad, soldier in the Virginia Regiment, from 1778 to the Battle of Yorktown, said back in the day, "keep your powder dry".
There will be more false flags perpetrated in order to get the Second Amendment abolished, learn to discern the difference. A very good friend of my sisters was in Las Vegas at the time of the mass slaughter some months ago. She had rented a room a couple of floors below that of the alleged shooters' and facing the same direction, a window on the same scene below and she says the rapid fire was coming from a floor, a window, below her own.
I believe the NWO was depending on Obama to get the gun grab completed and His failure to do so along with Trump beating the approved candidate has got a lot of people very agitated, angry, and impatient by now so we had all best serve our mutual interest in maintaining what freedom still remains here in the USA by speaking out anytime someone wants to tell you some reason why Russia is our threat by speaking louder, saying "Russia is not our enemy" and remember the words of Steven Van Zandt, "...I ain't no Democrat, sure ain't no Republican, I believe in one Party, the Party of Freedom" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUJCI-GGHGI

For those of you that might need to revise your opinion of Putin, [which is the majority of people that I know personally] those of you that believe He has aims on destroying America, or Christianity, or any thing spiritually oriented at all... you had best watch this following video, for which I give a link to. Don't fret as it is very brief and you can go back to whatever it is you have got pressing you and it should, in fact, help free up some time for you. You won't have to spend time wondering and worrying about the fellow and what He might be up to.

I love glasnost.
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Re: "Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world": Edgar Cayce vs corporate media

I do so apologize for the poorly written condition of the above. I'm not very good at writing, terrible at the subject while I was in school and despite my constant efforts these last eleven years I don't seem to have gotten much better at it.
The problem with me writing opinion pieces such as the above is that I end up cutting and pasting erasing and rewriting until it becomes the hodge podge the above is...that and I'm not very good at expressing myself and grammar was my worst subject in school.

I might try to clean up the syntax and grammar and all that other stuff ...or just move on
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Re: "Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world": Edgar Cayce vs corporate media

in one Party said:

For those of you that might need to revise your opinion of Putin, [which is the majority of people that I know personally] those of you that believe He has aims on destroying America, or Christianity, or any thing spiritually oriented at all... you had best watch this following video, for which I give a link to. Don't fret as it is very brief and you can go back to whatever it is you have got pressing you and it should, in fact, help free up some time for you. You won't have to spend time wondering and worrying about the fellow and what He might be up to.

I love glasnost.

putin certainly hits themark on the rothschild/new world order program, but the author continues to say trump is with putin in these views, especially the pushing of pedophilia, how cab the author omit that trump had atrial for statutory rape when he was running for president. how can he ignore and compare tumpo toputin when trump flew with convicted celebrity pedophile saville to saville's sex island?

the bottm line is both trump and putin have recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.i suggest those you look at the above mentioned video, continue and watch the next video which totally shows putin is in fact one of the oligarchy who are pushing pedophilia and de-nationization.

Re: "Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world": Edgar Cayce vs corporate media

putin certainly hits themark on the rothschild/new world order program, but the author continues to say trump is with putin in these views, especially the pushing of pedophilia, how cab the author omit that trump had atrial for statutory rape when he was running for president. how can he ignore and compare tumpo toputin when trump flew with convicted celebrity pedophile saville to saville's sex island?

the bottm line is both trump and putin have recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.i suggest those you look at the above mentioned video, continue and watch the next video which totally shows putin is in fact one of the oligarchy who are pushing pedophilia and de-nationization.


What "next video" are you referring to?

I can only imagine how many different rumors about Trump there may be floating around. If He has participated in sexual deviance then God will judge him and mete out his due,
The "bottom line" is that Hillary didn't get the office and war with Russia will not happen...at least not as long as Trump remains in office and hopefully the next president to follow will be someone other than a NWO lackey also.

I cannot even imagine Putin as being a pedophile especially not after seeing that video. Why would He have given such a speech especially as it was given no attention by our media... surely He would have known beforehand that would be what the result was and if not for this one source I doubt that I would have ever heard about Putin's speech

It is not in any interest of Russia to go to war with the United States as long as we stay out of their affairs and allow them to pursue as much economic prosperity as they find a need to have. Our country spends more on its military budget than any other country in the world and in fact we spend more than the next nine nations combined and the USA accounts for 35% of the entire worlds' military budget expenditures. The USA spends more than 8 times what Russia spends on its military [2016 figures]. Any country foolish enough to engage the United States in a war stands to lose just about everything they have.

Trump is not invested in the munitions industry to my knowledge, if there is any I would surmise it is a pittance compared to what He has invested in real estate. War is not a profitable prospect for those in the real estate business, in fact it is quite the opposite.

...and what is wrong with recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? It is what it is.
Are you familiar with the phrase, in Hebrew, 'Barauch Atah Adonai Ohev Amo Yisrael?
If you are then you would also know that as long as even one Jew on earth is keeping the covenant Israel is solely the possession of the Hebrews.
..and here's a little information that I was made privy to that I will share that you might make some use of...
One need not come from an unbroken matriarchal line of Hebrews to be considered to be one in the eyes of God. i.e. It's in the DNA.
Now, think about how many of us there are in the world presently that are keeping the covenant.
Re: "Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world": Edgar Cayce vs corporate media

What "next video" are you referring to?


when I watched the video you posted,i did not stop th eyoutube channel and another video about putin followed spontaneously,as is the method of you tube. this video clearly showed that putin is corrupt and super rich. much more than his $150,000 ruble salary could explain.he is part of the oligarchy that is ruled by the Rothschilds as is prez drumpf.the pedophilia starts at the top... the rothschilds
Re: "Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world": Edgar Cayce vs corporate media

when I watched the video you posted,i did not stop th eyoutube channel and another video about putin followed spontaneously,as is the method of you tube. this video clearly showed that putin is corrupt and super rich. much more than his $150,000 ruble salary could explain.he is part of the oligarchy that is ruled by the Rothschilds as is prez drumpf.the pedophilia starts at the top... the rothschilds

Unexplained excessive income doesn't necessarily mean He's any of that except corrupt. Show me a politician of equal rank of any nation and I'll bet they have just as much explaining to do.

I only know of four honest politicians in the United States, at least I would very much be willing to wager they're "clean".
Governor Jerry Brown, Senator Barry Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. I imagine there are a few more but my imagination likes to wander in the fields of optimism.

I'm focusing on the bigger picture here, rahu.
That a friendship with Russia is seemingly imperative for the entire worlds welfare.

Considering that it was most very likely one of the Ascended Masters that spoke through Cayce at the time and that could have as likely be Saint Germain as anyone of them I'll see what his disciple, Dorothy Leon, might have to say about the current situation.

I don't know if she is still among the living though as I haven't spoken to her in quite a number of years, about eight, I think. If anyone would know what the Great White Brotherhood has to say about the current situation it will likely be Dorothy. She was the only living disciple the last time I spoke to her.
Re: "Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world": Edgar Cayce vs corporate media

Unexplained excessive income doesn't necessarily mean He's any of that except corrupt. Show me a politician of equal rank of any nation and I'll bet they have just as much explaining to do.

I only know of four honest politicians in the United States, at least I would very much be willing to wager they're "clean".
Governor Jerry Brown, Senator Barry Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. I imagine there are a few more but my imagination likes to wander in the fields of optimism.

I'm focusing on the bigger picture here, rahu.
That a friendship with Russia is seemingly imperative for the entire worlds welfare.

Considering that it was most very likely one of the Ascended Masters that spoke through Cayce at the time and that could have as likely be Saint Germain as anyone of them I'll see what his disciple, Dorothy Leon, might have to say about the current situation.

I don't know if she is still among the living though as I haven't spoken to her in quite a number of years, about eight, I think. If anyone would know what the Great White Brotherhood has to say about the current situation it will likely be Dorothy. She was the only living disciple the last time I spoke to her.

forgive for not commenting to the thrust of your post here....

but concerning jerry "moonbeam" brown, I do have a anecdote....

I only know of four honest politicians in the United States, at least I would very much be willing to wager they're "clean".
Governor Jerry Brown,

when jerry brown was running for his first term as governor and dating
linda Ronstadt, he was the darling of the far left.... I had a close friend who was a college educated
"escort" and she related to me about a "engagement "she was taken to ,where pat brown, ben swig and other hard right establishment power brokers were "recreating". some were concerned about jerry being elected because of his far left rhetoric. bit ben swig assured them that jerry was "under their wing" and so not to worry about any far reaching left wing changes. ........so you can take this for what it is worth....
Re: "Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world": Edgar Cayce vs corporate media

forgive for not commenting to the thrust of your post here....

but concerning jerry "moonbeam" brown, I do have a anecdote....

I only know of four honest politicians in the United States, at least I would very much be willing to wager they're "clean".
Governor Jerry Brown,

when jerry brown was running for his first term as governor and dating
linda Ronstadt, he was the darling of the far left.... I had a close friend who was a college educated
"escort" and she related to me about a "engagement "she was taken to ,where pat brown, ben swig and other hard right establishment power brokers were "recreating". some were concerned about jerry being elected because of his far left rhetoric. bit ben swig assured them that jerry was "under their wing" and so not to worry about any far reaching left wing changes. ........so you can take this for what it is worth....
Funny you should mention such an engagement. My sister attended one such an "engagement in San Francisco around 1988, I think it was. Jerry asked my sister out for a date. She turned him down.
What side of the political fence Jerry really was on doesn't give me reason to say He was dishonest, unless you are talking about his political leanings, then if what your friend says is true I suppose He was.
Yet, I wouldn't put too much trust in conversation overheard at cocktail parties that comes to me secondhand
I was thinking along the lines of graft and such schemes as the Bush clan, Obama, the Clintons all pulled and got away with.
I tend to forget that Jerry was with the Jesuits for some time. Now there's a bunch I wouldn't trust with the position of dog catcher.

Now, if we were to talk about Pat Brown's honesty...that a horse of a different colour altogether. Reagan on the other hand was too slow witted to figure out how to steal candy from a baby, imho, but the cronies He worked for, they were first class crooks and they would steal the candy along with everything else they could get their hands on...and did.

All things considered though, if Jerry had run and gotten the nomination in '92 and gone on to beat the Republican candidate...who was it, Doyle?
We'd be living in a much different world presently and the nation would be far better off today than it presently is...that is if Dubya didn't still end up in the Oval Office in 2000. Then we'd still be better off, but not a whole lot.
The economic recession and the housing market debacle most likely wouldn't have occurred as I very much doubt that Brown would of messed with the Glass Steagall act.
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Re: "Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world": Edgar Cayce vs corporate media

Funny you should mention such an engagement. My sister attended one such an "engagement in San Francisco around 1988, I think it was. Jerry asked my sister out for a date. She turned him down.
What side of the political fence Jerry really was on doesn't give me reason to say He was dishonest, unless you are talking about his political leanings, then if what your friend says is true I suppose He was.
Yet, I wouldn't put too much trust in conversation overheard at cocktail parties that comes to me secondhand
I was thinking along the lines of graft and such schemes as the Bush clan, Obama, the Clintons all pulled and got away with.
I tend to forget that Jerry was with the Jesuits for some time. Now there's a bunch I wouldn't trust with the position of dog catcher.

Now, if we were to talk about Pat Brown's honesty...that a horse of a different colour altogether. Reagan on the other hand was too slow witted to figure out how to steal candy from a baby, imho, but the cronies He worked for, they were first class crooks and they would steal the candy along with everything else they could get their hands on...and did.

All things considered though, if Jerry had run and gotten the nomination in '92 and gone on to beat the Republican candidate...who was it, Doyle?
We'd be living in a much different world presently and the nation would be far better off today than it presently is...that is if Dubya didn't still end up in the Oval Office in 2000. Then we'd still be better off, but not a whole lot.
The economic recession and the housing market debacle most likely wouldn't have occurred as I very much doubt that Brown would of messed with the Glass Steagall act.

I spoke with my friend, and fellow yogi, Suryakant by telephone yesterday...he lives in Oregon nowadays... near where Dorthy Leon lives and He has known her personally for many, many years... He hasn't contacted Her in quite a long tim, He said, and is of the belief she passed away a few years ago.
I've yet to get confirmation of that.
Re: "Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world": Edgar Cayce vs corporate media

I spoke with my friend, and fellow yogi, Suryakant by telephone yesterday...he lives in Oregon nowadays... near where Dorthy Leon lives and He has known her personally for many, many years... He hasn't contacted Her in quite a long tim, He said, and is of the belief she passed away a few years ago.
I've yet to get confirmation of that.

I found Dorothy's phone number among my belongings and gave it a call.
It's no longer a working number. Knowing, as I do, how older folks...like ourselves, or should I say as we are getting to be? ...Naw...you and I are "up there", rahu, as I seem to recall you've got a few years on me...anyways, knowing about how older folks don't like to change their phone numbers , and Dorothy was instructed by Saint Germain to stay away from the internet... Which sounds like very good advice for a number of reasons and not just for Dorothy...
....sigh... sadly, Dorothy has most very likely gone on to another realm. Although I can quite well imagine that she's not resting peacefully but rather keeping very busy trying to save us all from our own selves and our foolish endeavors.
Right on, Dorothy... You go girl.
...and thank you for all you did for me personally.
Om Shanti
Re: "Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world": Edgar Cayce vs corporate media

Seeing as how Dorothy has now passed on and apparently quite some time ago...or shall I say, quite enough time ago. I figure that there won't be any problem publicly sharing Her natal chart. ...and Dorothy Leon was her "pen name", so I very much doubt it would cause the least bit of any concern to anyone.

I'll get around to initiating a thread on it soon.
Russia has already been cut off from CNN, Pornhub and Facebook. The US is also depriving Russians of McDonalds and CocaCola.
If they keep going with these sanctions, Russians will be the healthiest, most well adjusted and best informed people on the planet.....…

In Moscow
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Russia has already been cut off from CNN, Pornhub and Facebook. The US is also depriving Russians of McDonalds and CocaCola.
If they keep going with these sanctions, Russians will be the healthiest, most well adjusted and best informed people on the planet.....…

In Moscow
View attachment 109326
Barry Sotero, aka Barrack Obama, didn't have a legitimate birth certificate because He had't been born on U.S.A. soil and that He had actually been a "foreign student', or at the very least did so declare and pose as being that and knowingly did so unlawfully apply as being a foreign student to improve his chances of approval for admission to college and any financial grants that were offered and available here in the USA
Actually, President Obama was born on USA soil, but not the MAINLAND, as he was born in Hawaii.,the same place where we entered WW2 when the Japanese bombed our Ship at Pearl Harbor in 1941 - Dec. 7th. He was born in the 1960s however, a few decades later.

attacks on American economic interests challenged the notions of national sovereignty and security. The US felt compelled to defend its economic and territorial integrity, which ultimately drove its entry into World War 2

People born on American territories, are U.S.A. Citizens by birth. His bio father was not, but his mom was a Midwesterner and prior to her remarriage, his maternal grandparents raised him in the Midwestern part of the U.S. . Because of this and the fact of his mom's 2nd successful marriage, he had a very well-rounded childhood educationally and philosophically speaking. This happens when you live and are educated in various places, you can and often do expand your horizons (mind) compared to those who never leave their place of birth until they die.

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"...Hence why the constant barrage from the "owned" media about some "ghastly", horrific, devious, threat Donald Trump and the Russians have been up to...even though what deals Hill and Bill had made with the Russians is known and documented. So what if Trump got some financing from a Russian because he needed a bail out? China has been buying up as much farmland in California as it can and owns, or is the majority stockholder, of the Union Oil Co. of California and China is yet still a Communist nation while the Soviet Union dissolved over thirty years ago and is no more.."

Scott Ritter Reveals :)

PRESIDENT Putin's Powerful Slap WORKED

As Signs Of Nato's DISINTEGRATION Have Appeared!
