Out of sign aspects, modern rulers & no transits

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Dima Gur

Well-known member
Jun 3, 2019
Hi everyone,

As I continue to practice astrology, I have a google keep note, with questions which get added from time to time.
Technical questions, doctrine questions, experiment methods of chart analysis, etc.
Here're a few, if you'll be kind and willing to participate in a discussion:

1) As far as I know/remember, the Hellenistic approach to houses can be primarily sign-based. Say, Sun in 5 degrees of Capricorn and Moon in 25 degrees of Taurus would be considered 'in a trine configuration' under such an approach.
This raises the question of what modern astrologers consider out-of-sign aspects. Say, Sun in the first degree of Cancer and Moon in the 29th degree of Sagittarius.
If I correctly understand the Hellenistic approach, the Luminaries in such a scenario wouldn't be considered in an opposition. That is, despite the fact that in modern astrology such a configuration would be called an 'out of sign opposition'. If we'll take this logic to it's conclusion, in Hellenistic the luminaries would be considered 'in aversion' - no aspect whatsoever.
What say you on this matter?
Very Happy

2) I sometimes experimentally use modern rulers (scorpio-pluto and such) in an otherwise traditional chart setting.
I do it not because I think that Pisces is ruled by Neptune (or the rest), but rather to give myself additional tools to examine the roles of outer planets in a given chart.
Say in a theoretical chart, where Pisces rules the 8th, Jupiter would rule the 8th, but when I'll be examining Neptune, I could tie him in with certain themes and topics (8th house themes and topics) in that given chart.
This proves to be rather useful, although I consider such an approach experimental and secondary.
Anyhow, I did wander if any of you do anything remotely similar?

3) I experimented with some clients, doing predictive work without employing transits whatsoever (maybe only in the back of my mind), and was surprised by the sturdiness and consistency of the results.
I employed instead such techniques (not all at once, but several): Profections, Firdaria, Secondary Progressions, Primary Directions, Distributions, Solar Arc Directions, and Zodiacal Releasing.
Wanted also to employ Solar Returns, but did not as I consider them a derivative of transits.
Did you ever try such an approach, and what were your results?


2) I sometimes experimentally use modern rulers (scorpio-pluto and such) in an otherwise traditional chart setting.
I do it not because I think that Pisces is ruled by Neptune (or the rest), but rather to give myself additional tools to examine the roles of outer planets in a given chart.
Say in a theoretical chart, where Pisces rules the 8th, Jupiter would rule the 8th, but when I'll be examining Neptune, I could tie him in with certain themes and topics (8th house themes and topics) in that given chart.
This proves to be rather useful, although I consider such an approach experimental and secondary.
Anyhow, I did wander if any of you do anything remotely similar?
I know that this board is for traditional discussion only, but the topic title caught my eye and I was curious as to the content. :smile:

I just want to say that, as one who works through 'modern' astrology, I do the opposite to you. Over the years I have come to consider the value and meaning behind the traditional rulerships, especially in cases concerned with physical disorders of every kind. Where Moon is dominant in a chart, the trad. rulerships seem to impart more information. Where Sun is dominant the modern rulerships come into their own.

Trad. and modern and ne'er the two shall meet? Might be old-fashioned in modern times. :biggrin:

[Thread moved from the Traditional Astrology board since it's not a strictly traditional topic. It is no longer on the board for traditional discussion only. - Moderator]
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I actually posted this thread in the trad-astro forum section, but they moved it here because there's a reference to modern rulers,

I use techniques from both trad and modern astro.
Quintiles are out of step with houses, but what if you have enough of them to go through 10 houses as below:-
So i thought i would add Larry Dean James to the mix.
His details below however i don't have time of birth, he trained as an astronaut but missed out on any missions, he worked in the PENTAGON, which is strange as like attracts like!
Later he was involved with guarding US airspace which would be typical of a pentagram to be involved in protection, he now works for Nasa!
http://www.spacefacts.de/bios/astronauts/english/james_larry.htmhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_D._JamesI've set the chart for sunrise, and am using Mean South Moon node as a point, he has a lot of Quintiles and Bi-Quintiles, so there are a lot of Phi and Fibonacci numbers!
Graph below, very strange:-

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Hi everyone,

As I continue to practice astrology, I have a google keep note, with questions which get added from time to time.
Technical questions, doctrine questions, experiment methods of chart analysis, etc.
Here're a few, if you'll be kind and willing to participate in a discussion:

1) As far as I know/remember, the Hellenistic approach to houses can be primarily sign-based. Say, Sun in 5 degrees of Capricorn and Moon in 25 degrees of Taurus would be considered 'in a trine configuration' under such an approach.
This raises the question of what modern astrologers consider out-of-sign aspects. Say, Sun in the first degree of Cancer and Moon in the 29th degree of Sagittarius.
If I correctly understand the Hellenistic approach, the Luminaries in such a scenario wouldn't be considered in an opposition. That is, despite the fact that in modern astrology such a configuration would be called an 'out of sign opposition'. If we'll take this logic to it's conclusion, in Hellenistic the luminaries would be considered 'in aversion' - no aspect whatsoever.
What say you on this matter?
Very Happy

2) I sometimes experimentally use modern rulers (scorpio-pluto and such) in an otherwise traditional chart setting.
I do it not because I think that Pisces is ruled by Neptune (or the rest), but rather to give myself additional tools to examine the roles of outer planets in a given chart.
Say in a theoretical chart, where Pisces rules the 8th, Jupiter would rule the 8th, but when I'll be examining Neptune, I could tie him in with certain themes and topics (8th house themes and topics) in that given chart.
This proves to be rather useful, although I consider such an approach experimental and secondary.
Anyhow, I did wander if any of you do anything remotely similar?
You know the planets are opposite, even if the signs are not opposite, even if the houses are not opposite,
because you clearly see the tendencies of the opposition.

You can write a basic psychological/astrological profile of someone without any signs or houses,
using only planet aspects. The signs and houses only add extra detail.

As for traditional and modern rulers, I use both, but this makes the interpretation more complicated/nuanced,
especially if the houses in question have two rulers. ;)