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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2023
This thread is for those of us who are longer in the tooth than most members but anyone is welcome!

Perhaps I should expect 'multiple conditions' at my age but it's still frustrating and annoying. There is another grand cross coming up tomorrow: Moon on my Asc in Virgo opposite the Venus Saturn conjunction in Pisces, Square to Jupiter (and my personal asteroid) in Gemini and opposite my Moon Chiron conjunction in Sagittarius.

I have had two successful hip replacements and had the joy of walking normally for about two years but now I seem to have a bad knee, probably osteo arthritis again. I am waiting for X ray results, physio appointment and the wheels of the UK NHS to slowly turn. I won't mention my other health conditions :LOL: as it will be too boring.

I don't think there are any answers particularly (astrological or otherwise); I am meditating, swimming (sort of one-legged) reading and investigating YouTube for my spiritual interests, which has been exceptional and helpful.

This is a sort of mild rant. Any contributions are welcome.
Hi Columbine, sorry to hear about your health issues, Saturn rules bones and the opposition to your Asc (the physical body) may have brought the knee issue to your attention. I hope you can get a quick resolution and that the NHS queue is not too long.
My Asc is in the last decanate of Virgo, so is currently in my 6th (getting closer to my 2nd Saturn return) and I underwent shoulder surgery in November. Bone injuries take a long time to heal and are rather painful, just like Saturn ;-)
Hi silviam66, sorry to hear about your shoulder surgery. Ouch - I can't really imagine what that was like. I had some shoulder problems years ago but fortunately they passed when I retired.

Thanks for the reminder about the Asc as physical body. I may have had a few niggles at the last Virgo Moon.
This thread is for those of us who are longer in the tooth than most members but anyone is welcome!

Perhaps I should expect 'multiple conditions' at my age but it's still frustrating and annoying. There is another grand cross coming up tomorrow: Moon on my Asc in Virgo opposite the Venus Saturn conjunction in Pisces, Square to Jupiter (and my personal asteroid) in Gemini and opposite my Moon Chiron conjunction in Sagittarius.

I have had two successful hip replacements and had the joy of walking normally for about two years but now I seem to have a bad knee, probably osteo arthritis again. I am waiting for X ray results, physio appointment and the wheels of the UK NHS to slowly turn. I won't mention my other health conditions :LOL: as it will be too boring.

I don't think there are any answers particularly (astrological or otherwise); I am meditating, swimming (sort of one-legged) reading and investigating YouTube for my spiritual interests, which has been exceptional and helpful.

This is a sort of mild rant. Any contributions are welcome.

Hi Columbine,
Without a chart anything written is speculative.

The hip region is the territory of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. As 'a replacement' of a natural body part falls under Pluto, I am wondering if the successful surgery took place whilst Pluto was in Capricorn with a transit from Jupiter in Aries (new hip) to natal planets.
From what I have heard it takes time to begin to walk normally again. Before a hip placement there is more strain placed upon the good leg which takes the weight of the body and puts extra pressure on the knee area. It takes time for this pressure to ease, even with the replacement.

With Jupiter in its long retrograde in Gemini (agility) having squared Saturn, and tr. Mars and tr. Pluto in opposition making a harsh aspect to tr. Saturn, and should they aspect planets in the chart, the pain you are experiencing could be a combination factor of the replacement upon the (hip) bone, through which you may have walked differently without being aware of it to ease it. That affects the leg/knee area.

Hopefully, physiotherapy will prove to be the answer, and not a return of osteo arthritis.

My mum had to have a hip replacement following a fall a few years ago, while Mars was transiting her Gemini Moon and Saturn was on her natal Venus/Mercury (again, ephasis on mobility).
Hi Frisiangal

Thanks for your comments. I do have a physio appointment on Wednesday when the X ray results will be looked at. I do hope that you are right, although the right knee joint clunks and clicks when I move.

I had my first (the right) hip done in March 2021 and the left hip in May 2022. There was a longer delay than planned because I got post-operative anaemia which took ages to rectify. Pluto was in Capricorn as you say and was square to my Mars Sun and Venus. Jupiter conjuncted my Aries planets in April 2023.

You will see from my chart that there is the added complication at present of Chiron transiting all my Aries planets, over the next couple of years; T Pluto is conjunct my Jupiter and T Uranus is coming up to square my Saturn at 29 Leo.

You have seen my chart before when you advised me about my IBS (still with me!)

I don't feel hopeful that this will be easily resolved, in view of the transits. But I also feel that things could be a lot worse and I am coping.



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I'm not 70, but it looks like Mars Rx has been squaring your Sun/Mars. I know retro Mars can exacerbate chronic issues (physical and/or emotional), making them more acute. I've had this happen more times than I can count. I hope as Mars stations more answers and something that aids resolution. You had success w/ your hips so a new knee would maybe be another welcome addition. Swimming is good to maintain cardio because they look at heart function, etc. before surgeries.
Just an update for those who were kind enough to respond, it was NOT osteoarthritis in my knee. Hurrah! The X Rays showed that the knee joint was good and both hip replacements are fine. The physio was not sure what had caused my problems and has given me loads of exercises to do. So I should be fine.
My daughter is always telling me that I am usually wrong! And she was right again.:ROFLMAO:
As usual I do not understand my own astrology, except that it seems that most of my transits manifest in emotion and thoughts, which fortunately do not then manifest in 'physical reality' .
That's good to know Columbine, I'm glad it wasn't too serious.
I also have a late Virgo rising, which means that most of my 12th is in Virgo, hence misdiagnosis/unexplainable conditions (nothing too serious though - just a lot of question marks).
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That's good to know Columbine, I'm glad it wasn't too serious.
I also have a late Virgo rising, which means that most of my 12th is in Pisces, hence misdiagnosis/unexplainable conditions (nothing too serious though - just a lot of question marks).
Thanks silviam66. Ah - Pisces misdiagnosis and unexplainable conditions, I hadn't seen that before, thanks
That's good to know Columbine, I'm glad it wasn't too serious.
I also have a late Virgo rising, which means that most of my 12th is in Pisces, hence misdiagnosis/unexplainable conditions (nothing too serious though - just a lot of question marks).
Might you mean with late Virgo rising most of your 6th, rather than 12th, is Pisces? :)