375692 said:
i don't have mental illness R.J and one can take measures to prevent it if they know that before(dr. farr opinion)
thanks sagicap.
does anyone know what these aspects mean in this horary?
Sorry for the misunderstanding...Assessing mental health is going way beyond the purvue of this site...so I'm not going there, deliberately...
What I was suggesting was that maybe... you might need some sympathetic ear to talk to... about your current situation.
In any event, horary astrology is a very special sub branch of astrology that has literally helped thousands of people over the years...
But, even the horary chart, as magnificent as it is, has its limitations...
Some very well known horary astrologers (like John Frawley and Radu, the former owner of AW) advocate or claim that that EVERY horary chart..is a readable chart....
I strongly disagree... Not ALL horary charts are readable...
They claim that horary charts are also event charts, so why not interpret the event, as well as the question...
So...according to Mr. Frawley's reasoning...? If you can't enter the house from the front door, simply go to the back door or to another room and break into the house...like a burglar...? LOL
Break and enter, at your will ? And, as long as you get your way..."all is good" according to Mr. Frawley...
This is just incredibly misguided advice...How about... if the front door (or a house?) cannot be opened, for some reason, then maybe it's because you were NEVER meant to live in that house....
Fate versus free-will, perhaps ?
So, maybe you, the beginner, have been sucked in... to believe Frawley, as well ?
Horary astrology is actually the highest, purest form of astrology that there is... The honest answer that you often get from a horary chart must supercede all other answers and auguries...
This is why the Lillys and Bonanos have taught us you only have ONE chance to ask the question...You cannot repeatedly ask the question in horary astrology...
Therefore, if you consult a horary chart, then later go to see a tarot card reader and psychic to ask the very same question, you are essentially telling the universe.... that you do not really trust or have faith in the horary chart process...
It's that very notion of non-confidence in the astrologer, that is the key issue, here...
Unfortunately. many newcomers to horary try to get sneaky by re-asking the question until they (finally)
hear what they want to hear ?!
Consulting a horary astrologer is much like getting a verdict from the Supreme Court...
If you do not 'like' the verdict given by the Supreme Court judge, you'll have to live with it...in other words, 'tough *******' for you, the querent !
You cannot appeal or re-ask the question, over and over, as Frawley or Radu suggest...That would make a complete mockery of the strictures against judgement...
In real life, you cannot sleep or reside at the local court house or judge's chambers in your community. A courthouse is a place of judgement and court business, BUT, it is NOT meant to be a dwelling place....
How ironic, then, that some people live on this horary bulletin board ask repeated questions about their personal lives on an almost daily basis...
Should the horary section be like a hotel for tourists, or should it be a place for only the most critical of judgements (like a court house ?)
This is my main beef with this horary site, that people are coming here mostly out of curiosity and boredom, but not for any real intents and/or purposes...
We must remember that consulting a horary chart is never your personal ' right, nor is it a game or toy ? it's a priviledge..
In Lee Lehman's book,
The Martial Art of Horary Astrology, she claims that horary astrologers must seize the moment, (like martial artists) by somehow concentrating or focusing on the question asked...
I honestly think that Lee Lehman wants to propogate her martial arts phiiosophy onto astrologers...
That's unfair of her...
As a long-time horary specialist myself, I personally do not make such demands on my own clients...
I also do not feel that its necessary that horary astrology should be turned into a martial art, nor should horary practicioners practice martial arts...
What should we expect, then, of the horary querent ?
In my view, the
only expectation that we should have (of the querent) is that the querent have a sense of honesty, open-mindedness, and/or humility and that they will accept the higher wisdom of the astrologer interpreting the chart...
The reason? If you, the querent of horary astrology, cannot defer to the wisdom of a higher authority, then why bother asking the question in the first place ?
yours in horary astrology,
R.J. Smith