Part of Fortune in the signs and houses?

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Aug 15, 2014
Hello fellows :)

I was wondering if anyone have some great and informative information on the Part of Fortune in both signs and houses? Also I didn't know where to put this thread, so I apologize if it's wrong :)

~ Neptunia
Hello fellows :)

I was wondering if anyone have some great and informative information on the Part of Fortune in both signs and houses? Also I didn't know where to put this thread, so I apologize if it's wrong :)

~ Neptunia

Modern astrologer Martin Schulman has a book on the Part of Fortune which contains chapters on the POF in the signs and in the houses. I have not looked at it lately, but it might be a place to begin. Amazon carries it at:

Martin also has his own site.
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I think you only have to type in the keywords with Google search engine and you will find all sorts of information.
There's an interesting article on on the Part of Fortune :smile:

Posted in the Newsgroup alt.astrology in February and March 1996.

Author's Intro


'...Similarly to what I have been doing on Prodigy,
I shall be talking about discoveries and lore of ancient and medieval astrology.
The main difference between these postings and Prodigy postings is
these will be slightly more technical, but actually you don't need to be much of an expert to understand the old astrology.
Those who could justifiably be called "experts" in modern astrology actually have to learn as much as the beginners.
The concepts are quite simple,
but become complicated in the putting together.
But this should not be a surprise.
This is just as true of modern astrology.
Anyhow here is my first note.....'

The Lot or Part of Fortune

Part 1


'….Most astrologers have encountered the Part (or Lot as the Greeks called it) of Fortune,
but have little idea of what to do with it.
The modern literature on the subject is of little help
tending to make it an extremely abstract symbol, something "karmic."
To complicate things further,
it is now clear that for approximately 50% of all people the Part of Fortune is usually computed incorrectly,
namely those persons born at night between sunset and sunrise
Most people born at night have been given the wrong Part of Fortune
because most of the modern authorities used the day formula for night births!.....'

'….This is because one ancient authority, Ptolemy,
seemed to advocate doing all charts with the day formula.
We are now fairly certain from our new translation of Ptolemy and his ancient commentators
that he did not intend this.
Most other ancient sources advocated using the day formula for day births
and the night formulas for night
and so did the medieval astrologers.
And these people knew what to do with the Part of Fortune.

Briefly, Part of Fortune describes how an individual is physically connected with the surrounding world.
It's one of the significators of body and health,
and is the primary significator of prosperity,
and also career as it relates to prosperity.....'

But the method of using it will come as a bit of a surprise.
This is one of the most important discoveries that Project Hindsight has made.
In my next note I'll go into that
Unfortunately, no, but I just want to say I love your signature!

(If you ever do find some PoF info, I'd like to know more about it. I have PoF in Libra, 9th house and it baffles me.)
Lilly had a section on delineating the pof. He gave point values to it in various signs, some signs had a positive point value and others were negative....imo this is quite silly as the pof isnt any better in one sign or an other, wherever it is posited you want to look at its dispositers, if theyre strong and aspect the lot by sign then it will be strong, period. Beyond that however his guidelines are pretty accurate, ie its stronger in "good" houses and if it has accidental dignities like being conjunct a good fixed star or in tight easy aspect to Jupiter or venus its stronger.

He also says its weaker when under the suns beams, which I dont buy. Its a part, not a planet, so just as say an ascendant wouldnt be weak under the suns beams, then neither would a part.
Modern astrologer Martin Schulman has a book on the Part of Fortune which contains chapters on the POF in the signs and in the houses. I have not looked at it lately, but it might be a place to begin. Amazon carries it at:

Martin also has his own site.

His book on Ascendants is very insightful. Been wanting to purchase Karmic Astrology I-IV, maybe this year I will actually make that purchase. I didn't know he has own site, thank you for pointing that out. I bought the book in 2009, no url is listed there

edit: found this site --
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There's also

available on amazon

PUBLISHERS BLURB STTES: illustrated book teaches the reader
how to easily interpret the ancient and essential "Part of Fortune" in the astrological birth chart.
Included are: "The Three Keys" of Interpretation
The Part of Fortune in the twelve signs
through the twelve houses
conjunct the eight planets, also the Sun and Moon
conjoined to the South and North Lunar Nodes (rare).
Very few texts exist on this important subject, making this a valuable addition to the student's library :smile:
Suitable for beginning to advanced students
The award winning author is renowned for her pithy guide books on a diverse array of astrological topics.
This is a newly revised edition of one of her personal best sellers.
An attractive, affordable and unique booklet for your Astrology or Metaphysics section.