Your pof is doing alright, actually.
Pof is conjunct Jupiter. jupiter is your pofs dispositer via triplicity and face and Jupiter is pretty dignified as hes in his own triplicity (jupiter rules fire signs by night).
Pof squares its domicile dispositer, the sun. Your sun also has some dignity as he is in his own face in scorpio. Imo Face is a stronger dignity than most traditionalists believe it to be.
When judging the pof first you want to look at which house he's in and yours is in house 11 which is a very fortunate house, so thats great. Then you want to look at his dispositers by all 5 dignities: domicile, exaltation, triplicity, term, and face. Judge how strong they are and whether they aspect the part via a traditional aspect. Ie conj, trine, opp, square, or sextile. Dont worry so much about orbs, as long as the signs the planets are in aspect the part then thats enough. Your pof aspects most of his dispositers and they all have some level of dignity so the pof is strong in your chart.
The aspects to your pof is more of a secondary consideration though they still have some importance. Venus aspecting your pof even by square isnt exactly a bad thing. Though your Venus is in detriment and is inconjunct her dispositer via triplicity and domicile: mars. So your Venus probably isnt very lucky for you, so you probably will have to make the first moves when it comes to dating, as opportunities may not fall into your lap very often.