for a number of reasons, there is no certainty regarding past life astrological inferencesHello everyone, can someone give me insight into my past life
what is my destiny (meaning) in this life.
Thank you for any information.
for a number of reasons, there is no certainty regarding past life astrological inferences
quite simply, interpretations on any natal chart
are dependent for accuracy on a reliable time of birth
the time of birth is reliable, it is not YOUR "past life"
astrology CANNOT provide VERIFIABLE details of "past lives"
such as name in a past life, name of house in a past life and so on
especially amateur astrology as practiced on an online forum of learners
all is hypothetical speculation
which is fun
but unreliable
there ARE remarkable cases of people recalling past lives
ExactlyI agree with some of your points.
Karmic astrology is not able to pinpoint specific past lives.
Past Life Regression has all too frequently been proven to be without substance
This can be done via a PLR (Past Life Regression) conducted
by a trained, reputable therapist.
"psychic abilities" of that nature are claimed but unprovenAlso, some karmic astrologers possess something called "Far Memory",
which is the ability to use psychic abilities to see past lives when doing a
And indeed some people are able to see their own past lives on a
conscious level,
via spontaneous recall (those with a 12h Uranus).
The chart you uploaded is a Relocated natal chart, the houses and angles are going to be different.
You need to upload your natal chart for your birthplace, for a semi-accurate astro reading.
and so
There is debate in the karmic astrology community about past lives in general.
Are the past lives literal, true or highly symbolic?
Are we given stories that shed light and assist us in our growth?
The latter would be more consistent
with the fact that astrology itself is highly coded, sophisticated, complex data set.
Also the term "past lives" is not really correct.
Time is linear on Earth, organized in neat past, present and future categories, an artifact of life on this planet.
It is a way for the incarnating soul to make sense of a physical reality.
In reality, time is quite fluid according to modern quantum physics.
So the more correct term would be "other lives" not past lives,
but it is easier to stick with the terms people are comfortable with.
I prefer to not become too esoteric and theoretical when doing a reading.
Past Life Regression has all too frequently been proven to be without substance
historical data regarding the allegedly past lives is simply not found by experienced, trained historians
that does not rule out the fact that those mundane or incongruent facts
Experienced trained historians in reputable academic institutions would not be permitted to do this kind of research.
However, there are a number of rogue, highly respected credentialed scientists who have done considerable research in the area of past lives. And with a great deal of courage have published their material.
In terms of psychic research, the American and Russian governments spent a small fortune (tax payer funded) during the Cold War researching and using various types of psychic abilities. Diving into this material is quite interesting.
Anecdotally, when I have done PLRs, I always check out the historical detail given by clients to determine accuracy.
In the majority of cases, seemingly mundane or incongruent facts are proven to be true when checked with historical fact.
given that
But even if the past life story is not literally true,
we still have a situation where a client is reaching deep into his or her unconscious
to reveal a story which must have some meaning for them.
and so therefore as a "Past Life Astrologer"
The point of past life work is not entertainment or parlor tricks,
but to help with soul growth and personal development.
So the PL real vs not real
is not germane to my work.
there's plenty
Musta pressed the JupiterASC sensitive button! Popcorn anyone?
Tik has some.