Past life person not meant for this life? /South node with Pluto/Juno and Chiron on Venus

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Aug 26, 2019

I am wondering if anyone could take a look at the synastry and composite I have with a person who came into my life in the summer, when loads of planets were retrograde! I knew at the time that it all felt wrong, but for some reason I continued seeing him until last week. In the beginning, I couldn't decide whether he was good or bad for me, but now I believe he is definitely bad for me. He's a bit reckless in some ways, damaged a scarf I had without apologizing, made a mark on my cheek (through his passion...), and last weekend, almost poisoned me with some "supplement" which he gave me because I wasn't feeling so well, but on further reading is illegal and classed as a drug in certain countries. I was so ill and vomiting, and said that if I die it's on you! That ended it for me.
What does the synastry say? Before I was thinking his Chiron on my Venus (and my chart ruler) would be healing, but I think it's rather more wounding. When I looked at his Chiron alone it only has bad aspects, so I guess one needs to take that into account.
I guess in the beginning I was intrigued that my Pluto and Juno were on his South Node, which is supposed to indicate a past life together, even as a married couple. But I think that hasn't got anything to do with the present day. I feel he is so immature and has a long way to go to have his own "platform" in life. I have even told him a few times I'm not in love with him, but he's just clung on to me even though I've said we are not a couple. I was always very honest with him. I guess that these past people can come into our lives when Venus is retrograde right.

If anyone sees anything else interesting in the synastry or composite feel free to comment. In my eyes, the synastry doesn't look very good, but maybe the composite looks better, not that it really matters now, but it would still be interesting to know. I am still trying to understand this very unusual, eccentric person and why he came into my life. Maybe it was just to teach me (also Chiron) about my own values and self-worth (Venus).

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This is his natal where you can see how his Chiron is being aspected. He's a very unusual person and musical genius; hardworking on his creative pursuits, but living in a bit of a bubble away from the realities and demands of real life...

There is a mars/pluto square between you, his Saturn squares your sun, Neptune squares your mercury.
His natal moon opposing pluto, and Pluto on Venus can be obsessive and controlling, and you wouldn't enjoy being the target of it.
It might be a good idea to keep your distance and close the door on this one.
Thanks Elena! I really appreciate your feedback. Yes, I do believe he is a bit controlling. I always told him that I wasn't feeling it, but he always tried to maintain something with me, so I realized I had to be firm with him in the end. I've never blocked someone on Whatsapp, but I said everything I needed to say and he wanted another chance, but then he was trying "We can be friends right?", but then I blocked him. He just tried to keep the conversation going all the time, trying to convince me of his view. He was so tiring. I can't be friends with him, and I don't think I even want to. He just invades me so easily and I lose myself.
Yeah I agree with Elena. That mars/pluto is...not good. If the conditions allow it, that aspects could even go so far as to enable violence. You have a natal moon opp pluto on your 1st/7th axis no less: you need to be careful because you can fall into the trap of partners that can control you. You need to maintain your freedom and singularity of assets etc. This video may help you:

He has pluto conjunct venus so he can get obsessive and he also has it in an opp with the moon so if a relationship was to happen that mars/pluto/venus mess would become a theme. He is predisposed to obsession and your chart functions as an interface for that.