Physical Appearance/Sex Appeal in a Natal Chart?

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Right, they want to know if they are one of The Sexy Ones or if anything in their natal would say that they are, if they suspect this is the case. And if they suspect it's not the case, they can rest easy knowing there was nothing they could have done -- the stars sealed their fate. :happy:

So the stars sealed my fate, huh? I guess I always figured that chicks dig a sense of humor so I'd end up okay in the end... but maybe I should be concerned about by lack of sexy scorpionic energy?
So the stars sealed my fate, huh? I guess I always figured that chicks dig a sense of humor so I'd end up okay in the end... but maybe I should be concerned about by lack of sexy scorpionic energy?
I wouldn´t worry, we are all attracted to different personality traits. If someone has a lot of scorpio in their chart I feel suffocated. Some of them feel a bit like hungry predators to me. But when a man with a lot of fire in his chart seems to be obsessed by me I like it a lot!

Sagittarians are interesting, blunt, intense and passionate, but there must be something interesting going on in the synastry chart, otherwise I won´t feel any passion and will view the man as a potential friend.

Humour is something that most girls are attracted to :smile:
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So the stars sealed my fate, huh? I guess I always figured that chicks dig a sense of humor so I'd end up okay in the end... but maybe I should be concerned about by lack of sexy scorpionic energy?

It's true GG, we're pretty much ******. Everyone knows that the Earth got to 6 billion human beings because everyone who has sex and successful relationships have "scorpionic energy".
It's true GG, we're pretty much ******. Everyone knows that the Earth got to 6 billion human beings because everyone who has sex and successful relationships have "scorpionic energy".

You don't need a successful relationship to reproduce. I have no interest in reproducing. :sideways:
It's true GG, we're pretty much ******. Everyone knows that the Earth got to 6 billion human beings because everyone who has sex and successful relationships have "scorpionic energy".

A little late but EVERYONE has the sign of scorpio in their natal chart. Scorpio rules over the genitals and everyone has them. How "scorpionic" you are depend on if you have planets in scorpio and if so, what planets... and also how they are aspected. Different type of energies are "sexy" to different people. Not everyone likes the type of sexual energy that scorpios exude, although it is commonly agreed upon by humans that there are certain qualities that really hook you, like mysterious, intriguing, passionate, deep, etc. Just read the "art of seduction" and you'll understand. No astrology in that book. But those are qualities that the scorpio energy has.
Very late in fact, and I'm not sure exactly what your position is.

If you're saying that there are people who do not find scorpio energy attractive, then that was the underlying message of that sarcastic quote you replied to.

If you are saying that the modern day scorpio archetype has a lot of universal attractive trait markers, I can agree with you to some extent. But if that is the case, every sign has traits that can also be considered as universally attractive: the self-confidence of Leo, the pioneering spirit of Aries, the competence of Virgo, the suavity of Libra just to to name a few.

If you're saying that everyone has Scorpio energy because it is built into the structure of horoscopic astrology, then we disagree. Sure, everyone has the sign Scorpio in the natal chart, but if there is no planets in the sign or Scorpio isn't on an important angle or point, then it is effectively a "turned off circuit".

Analogy helps to highlight similarities between two things, but it's important that you don't confuse analogy with sameness or identity. So saying that everyone has genitals therefore everyone has Scorpio doesn't have any force of truth behind it, in my view.

I've read the art of seduction. Bare in mind that the art of seduction was written by man who has grown in a particular environment and has collected his information from particular sources and used it to create a specific book which gives archetypal seductive personalities as he understood them i.e. he's espousing a particular viewpoint that is not all-encompassing, although very compelling and grounded in certain universal "truths". In other words, everyone won't find the techniques in the art of seduction effective for the whole population, not only in contemporary times but in other time periods where humanity was very different, both externally and internally.
I was very curious and wondering which aspects/placements everybody in the community considered to endow people with physical beauty or sexual magnetism. Or on a more general level at least how particular configurations affect how we look and the image we identify with. Perhaps planets in the first house? What if they are in first but not in ascendant sign? Any specifically gorgeous aspects? Placements? All feedback is appreciated 😊
I will post a link to my own chart for reference.

Honestly I know you've heard this a million times but when it comes to sexual magnetism, scorpio wins everytime. This comes from my observation of the world. I view the world around me and observe what "good looking" guys actually has lasting effects on women. You'll find looks whereever you go-if libra, taurus, leo, aries and pisces(especially women) take care of themselves, they'll be attractive. But scorpio men have a lasting effect. You'll care what he thinks, you'll ponder over what he says and feel upset when he's not paying attention. It's also like subconciously, people know that they have an abundance amount of passion, so when they are ignored by the scorpio they feel like they are not worthy or even worthless.

I've also met a woman who has venus conjunct pluto, sun and mars on scorpio. (I grew up with her) She's not badlooking. Shes just not very pretty. Interestingly, enough she never was popular with the boys growing up but she'd be obsessed or fixated on a guy every now and then. She moved away. I believe she's dating a guy right now. She's way more successful than any book smart person who she grew up with. And if you stalk her instagram account, you'll see how artistic she is. She's confident about her body, her make up is on point, she dances, she draws, she travels and you can simply tell how passionate about life she is. She lives life to the fullest and she is an activist. I would be surprised if she wasn't popular with the boys now.

The thing is with scorpios is that they have an amazing desire nature. Sometimes it comes through and people can subconciously recognize as something they need(especially other plutonians) and they get hooked.

Aesthetically beautiful is all about venus and perhaps neptune.
Venus Conjunct Ascendent being the top
Venus conjunct Neptune
Venus in hard aspect or trine to ascendent

Then moon, ascendent, sun in libra, or taurus.
Give more points if you have ascendent, sun or moon in the first decan of taurus(bharani lunar mansion-this lunar mansion is ruled by venus but surprisingly also rules the 8th house)

So bharani natives are sexy as they get.

Also Give points if you have sun, moon, ascendent in purvashada located in capricorn. (another venus ruled nakshatra-moon here is especially prevelent for victoria secret models.)

I think just scorpio will give beauty to some extent because it is a sex sign(it will perhaps not make you below average).
The Scorpio thing is overrated. My sister has 5 planets in Scorpio in her 10/11th house and she's never been considered heavily attractive to people nor does she radiate passion for life. She's much more serious and rationalminded

I have a heavy Plutonian influence myself and Venus square my ascendant, my Pluto Venus midpoint right in my ascendant. I'm not attractive either. I even have Venus square Mars which I've read is supposed to be sexy but with bad dating luck

We're definitely all attracted to something different. What we find magnetizing says more about us and what we need, possibly what will complete us. I tend to find Piscean energy magnetic and attractive
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My Venus is the MC ruler in Scorpio, it aspects Pluto the MC/AC midpoint, and mars. Pluto has his hands in the moon, Chiron, Venus, mars, 8th house moon and NN, ruling decan of Spiritual rising (with this placement in Scorpio of course), and Pluto conj Black moon. Im not exactly hot but I have sex appeal, according to others of course. This is dispite the sun and rising conjunct in Capricorn, the Sat. Moon trine, and the Saturn in the 4th house opposite to the spiritual rising. The Rising sign itself aspects the spiritual rising so it is a very important placement as both chart rulers (Sat. and Pluto) aspect/effect the Sun/moon mp (spiritual rising). But Saturn is not sexy.
I find this thread very interesting and would like to add my tuppence.

My friend was an absolute stunner in her teens, absolutely gorgeous. She knew it. I have looked at her chart and thought that I would share.

Firstly, what I always knew, Sun conjunct venus, high degree of self confidence, and an effortless natural charm. She stood head and shoulders above many girls.

Cancer Moon..always close to family.
MC in Aquarius.
Pluto trine Venus 4th house
Pluto sextile Mars
Pluto trine Saturn
Pluto square Jupiter
Pluto square Moon

Sun square Moon
Sun square Jupiter
Sun trine Saturn..v stable self image, she understood herself v well.
Sun sextile Neptune
Sun conjunct Pluto
Sun conjunct Venus

Moon in Gemini

Saturn in 6th Saturn

She's had the life I would have liked...still has her looks, is now very outgoing..

Any input welcome

For myself, the one aspect I find rings out loudest with my gemini ascendant is venus sextile neptune. I've never felt the need to try to trap a man, they do come forward but these days, wisest to look the other way....:crying:
I felt the need to comment again simply because I've made new observations.

For pure sex appeal and magnetism, one has to have a strong venus, neptune and pluto. This is absolutely crazy sexy. They will not always be the most aesthetically appealing but their appearance will definitely give off something of an "outerworldly" nature and people will naturally be attracted to that. Know a guy who has a stellium in scorpio, with sun conjunct pluto, and venus and the man has his moon conjunct neptune and there's this magnetism about him I just can't explain.

Aesthetically pleasing people has to have a strong mars placed well for a good body and the body will even be more beautified if mars conjuncts pluto, is in scorpio, or even has an easy aspect with pluto. If you look around you, many people have pretty faces but with the obesity epidemic, how many libras and tauruses walking around do you actually see with a nice body who could have been "hot" if they didn't have such unhealthy eating habits? So honestly Mars is really important.

But mars doesn't indicate the face. Just the body. For face, again ascendent, sun and maybe moon if you were born during the night.
I felt the need to comment again simply because I've made new observations.

For pure sex appeal and magnetism, one has to have a strong venus, neptune and pluto. This is absolutely crazy sexy. They will not always be the most aesthetically appealing but their appearance will definitely give off something of an "outerworldly" nature and people will naturally be attracted to that. Know a guy who has a stellium in scorpio, with sun conjunct pluto, and venus and the man has his moon conjunct neptune and there's this magnetism about him I just can't explain.

Aesthetically pleasing people has to have a strong mars placed well for a good body and the body will even be more beautified if mars conjuncts pluto, is in scorpio, or even has an easy aspect with pluto. If you look around you, many people have pretty faces but with the obesity epidemic, how many libras and tauruses walking around do you actually see with a nice body who could have been "hot" if they didn't have such unhealthy eating habits? So honestly Mars is really important.

But mars doesn't indicate the face. Just the body. For face, again ascendent, sun and maybe moon if you were born during the night.
What if someone has strong Pluto, Neptune, and Mars(for a woman), including Mars sextile Pluto and Sun trine Pluto, but not as much Venus? Although my Venus aspects my Jupiter, MC, and AC. I get a little insecure about the fact I don't have as much Venus energy as I do Pluto and Mars, but my moon probably makes up for it as far as being femine
What if someone has strong Pluto, Neptune, and Mars(for a woman), including Mars sextile Pluto and Sun trine Pluto, but not as much Venus? Although my Venus aspects my Jupiter, MC, and AC. I get a little insecure about the fact I don't have as much Venus energy as I do Pluto and Mars, but my moon probably makes up for it as far as being femine

You do sound attractive especially since you have Venus aspecting the MC and AC.
Look at Taylor Swift birth chart how is that she is attractive, no sun to the ascendant no Pluto and no Venus I’m so confused
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Look at Taylor Swift birth chart how is that she is attractive, no sun to the ascendant no Pluto and no Venus I’m so confused

Her Venus aspects mars in Scorpio who is near conj to Pluto in Scorpio. That's an attractive pattern (Mars aspect Venus). Plus she's a cancer moon which makes her look innocient. And has a capy stellium which makes her brain smart twisted way.