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Lissa said:
Look at this I just found someone with the same big3 as me(Pisces Sun,Aries Moon and Cappy rising),I thought they had no one with this combo on astrofaces but now I realize I was using the wrong tool LOL. Here they are,the last two guys:).

Do I look like them?The first guy is a little bit more chubby on the cheeks but his nose looks quite like mine.Their eyebrows are a lot thicker than mine but I think our smiles look a lot alike.

Aahah,the hair of that second guy looks a lot like mine too,my hair is always messy and wild like that:p.Now you know why the first guy is wearing a cap!

I don't see any with my 3 signs there!? I guess they go by who sends their pic and what they list as their signs?
I don't see any with my 3 signs there!? I guess they go by who sends their pic and what they list as their signs?

Yes, they do; the database is only so big, and it won't be complete until they receive pictures from each of the possible Sun-Moon-Ascendant combinations.

Why don't you be the first one to submit your picture under this category? ;)

Arian Maverick
Arian Maverick said:
Why don't you be the first one to submit your picture under this category? ;)

Arian Maverick


I haven't figured out how to scan pics to my computer let alone posting them on message boards!
I haven't figured out how to scan pics to my computer let alone posting them on message boards!

I don't know if I can help you with the scanner because each brand works differently, but if you ever figure this out, getting pictures onto the forums is pretty easy with an image uploading site such as Photobucket; Radu also added an upload image tool a while ago in which you click the browse button, locate the file, and click host it.

Arian Maverick
Arian Maverick said:
I don't know if I can help you with the scanner because each brand works differently, but if you ever figure this out, getting pictures onto the forums is pretty easy with an image uploading site such as Photobucket; Radu also added an upload image tool a while ago in which you click the browse button, locate the file, and click host it.

Arian Maverick

I guess I should have mentioned that I have a very primitive computer. I've tried to download pics to my computer but can't even do that! I need to upgrade, but I'm not having to pay for what I do have. Sooo, it all boils down to me being ready to pay to have all the bells and whistles and I'm just not ready yet! :p
Hi everyone,
I thought I should jump on board and post my picture too. Ive only been here for a week or so but just know I'm going to be here for a very long time. I would like to thank you all for your love, kindness & all that wisdom that you all share, and look forward to being apart of this wonderous community.
Love & light to you all

Pisces Sun, Moon, Mercury , Libra ASC


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This is me alil drunk at the time. Not really too photogenic but this pic I like. I'm a Sag sun with Sag rising 15 degrees. A pure breed as I like to say:p


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This is me on the right in the first pic next to my virgo sun friend. I think he is the spittin image of a scorpio rising. Thick dark hair, wide skull and I also read that scorpio rising makes the face some what cat like, similar to leo. I guess the qualities has something to do with it. BTW I have a virgo moon.


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I think it's nice to be able to put faces to charts and forum discussions. I know I have a pic on my profile but here is me. 22 Libra Rising, Pisces moon 5th, and Taurus Sun 7th/8th, venus in aries, mars in sag etc etc :p notice the Taurus loves to wear chokers :p



oh you know what I thought would be fun.. well here is a pic when I was 6 yrs old. I have shared on here about my abuse as a child and I pretty much raised myself from age six on.. and as you can see Libra rising or no I look a mess.. but I did my best as far as trying to comb my hair etc for school pics.. so question on this is I know what that say about Libra rising and yes I care about how I look and spend 2 hours in the bathroom..but that is now..this is then when do people really start showing their rising signs.. when can you really look at someone and say yes they display those traits.. kids are still growing, face and body can change.. but does it apply to them as well?

Just wondering what others think of the rising sign as well.. I mean when does it play a role and when does it lose it's role.. we are all young at one point and we all get old and wrinkly and gray and some point.. and then some get disfigured in accidents when does the rising really play a factor .. any opinions..looking at my pic when I was little made me start wondering that..would like to hear what others takes are on that..
This is myself and my ex.

Me: Aries Rising, Scorpio Sun(8th), Pisces Moon(12th), Scorpio Merc(8th), Venus Libra(7th), Mars Virgo(6th).

Her: Virgo Rising, Aries Sun, Aqua Moon(29th degree), Aries Merc, Pisces Venus, Scorpio Mars.

VenusInAries said:
Just wondering what others think of the rising sign as well.. I mean when does it play a role and when does it lose it's role.. we are all young at one point and we all get old and wrinkly and gray and some point.. and then some get disfigured in accidents when does the rising really play a factor .. any opinions..looking at my pic when I was little made me start wondering that..would like to hear what others takes are on that..

Hey VenusInAries - I am Taurus with Libra rising too - you look a little like a sort of idealised version of me... my moon is different though - Aries rather than Pisces.

I think you have a bit of a Piscean look (which I don't). Does the moon play a part in appearance?

It's an interesting question (to which I don't have an answer!) - this thing about Libra rising in particular I spose, in that we are sposed to be very aware of looks - I'd imagine a Libra rising who was unfortunate enough to get disfigured would be even more devastated than anyone else? But I am stupidly un-bothered about my own appearance (my daughter is ashamed to be seen with me because I refuse to wear make-up to go down the local shop etc.....) Maybe like so many other things, it can work to both extremes?
The Baby girl:
Taurus sun, virgo moon, aries rising


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Hi Sally I think that is Great you are a Taurus too with Libra rising :)

I'm not sure if moon plays a role in the looks perhaps if on the rising or an angle or connected to the first house in some way? That is what I would suspect.

If you want to post a pic this is what I did.. I have pics kept on photobucket..which is great if your computer ever crashes.. don't have to worry about pics lost.. it will then give you a name for it like http:// blah blah.. copy it.. then come her and click that yellow mountain thingy at the top it will ask you for the url for your pic just paste it in there and viola :)

yeah am curious still what others think about rising and looks I mean is there a description of risings for young kids and for the elderly? Or do risings only go along with the descriptions when we are middle of the road and have never had anything bad happen to our looks.. and what about those that have plastic surgery..or sex changes.. dunno started thinking about all the things we do to change our looks and what the rising signs say we should look like ;)