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Little Me.

I finally figured out how to insert an image.
Here is my son and I. This is a while back. I have red hair now -Deanna

Me, to the left: Sun in Sag, ASC in Sag, Moon in Cancer :D
My best friend to the right: Sun in Gem, ASC in Pisces, Moon in Aquarius

do we look like it?
Arian Maverick said:
Why thank you, johan! :D

This picture was taken during the annual Band Dinner at the conclusion of marching season; although the young man sitting next to me is not technically my boyfriend, he's as close as I've ever come to one. I think he's had a crush on me for years! :p

Arian Maverick
Hey, did I miss a treat-to-the-eyes picture of yours here Arian??? :)
Hey, did I miss a treat-to-the-eyes picture of yours here Arian???

Heh, I think you did; I can't remember exactly why the picture is no longer here, but perhaps I should consider uploading it to the forums again. Although it's a very nice picture, it's two years old, so perhaps I should select a different one.

I would upload a picture from my senior prom--which I attended with him, incidentally--but everyone is so made up that it's probably not the truest representation of myself.

Perhaps I should strike a deal with you; I'll upload a picture of myself only if you agree to try to guess my Ascendant. I know I'm bargaining :p

I could probably influence you answer depending upon which picture I upload; that's the only problem with pictures.

Arian Maverick
Here i am....I have a cancer asc,and im very small in staure..100lbs soakin wet and im very short..4ft10.Im not shure what rules height tho,but non the less here i is:)


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Oh my God Alex,your dog is sooo sweet!!!!I have a little Aries Sun Fox Terrier called Benny and I love him,he's so full of life and restless(though very's the Mars in Cancer thing).Animals are our best friends,aren't they?Much more reliable than people.
Attila says 'Thanks' ;) ...btw he's been showing off lately since his fiancée Suzanna gave birth to seven puppies...and they're all black and white ;)
So who do you suppose this is?

Why not....Jupiter is conj. my solar returns asc, venus on the MH...why not?
Brother brought over a cam. today, I don't have one, snapped a quick pick or 2 in the bathroom.....had a few unexpected family members stop by for my BD....

So, what did you think I looked like?

My hair is usually longer....down to the's grown back slower then expected....I shaved it all off(laugh) about 7 (I think) months's taken it's's getting close to that awkward mullet stake I dread....after that it's clear sailing back to normalcy.
Leo asc,

This pic. would not exist on regular occasions, 12H sun, 12H mercury

Moon Conj asc trine neptune in 5thH.

I couldn't figure out how to turn off the flash.....
Eyes are green, blue.

Don't have time to upload another takes like 10 minutes....
.....but I had a chance to upload a pick...took it, am posting it.....if I don't I wont do it later....won't want to....but I've seen others might as well see me...I'm going to be too busy to be here soon least for some time...I have a few more things to do on the board and then I'm off for a while...I will need to wear my new patches I just picked up from the Drug store, but I think I will be OK.

So that's me.


Edit: Oops forgot to mention...cancer sun 29th degree
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Ohhh,Tsquare,so we finally get to see your lovely face!!!!You're nothing like I imagined you to be!!!Your eyes look very intense,very Scorpionic:) You look very gorgeous,like your intense misterious look:)
Yes, I was having a very intense day, I was having some trouble with the neighbor next door, may be a mars in the 3rd thing, my brother had his camera and took a quick pick....I have it here.....doesn't it make you mad.:mad:

I was not impressed.

So I went inside a little upset, and noticed the cat had made a mess:mad:....more trouble. I tried to scold the cat but she didn't want to hear brother is quite the camera man...and I was quite upset.
I don't know if I can attribute an astrological aspect to this...but the cat is a Leo.
You can tell because of the big hair and people are alwas looking at her....spotlight hog, always the center of attention.

The neighbors are saying we should get rid of her...but they don't understand, she's a member of the family.:(
We are inviting the neighbors over tommarow for lunch, it was the cats idea.

So it was a long day.....usualy I'm not so serious..