Pisces with a Virgo Rising??? - Sun opposite Ascendant

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Feb 8, 2019
Hello there!

So, is having your Ascendant opposite your sun sign the worst aspect ever?

I think my virgo rising tends to completely mask the needs of my pisces sun which is more free spirited, while the virgo part makes me want to constantly control and seek perfectionism in everything. It's like wanting freedom but suffocating yourself at the same time! I think it also gives people a very wrong impression of who I am!
In such cases, I believe if both opposing forces can come together in a way that creates balance, it's ideal. But that rarely happens! I either feel completely neurotic or just go completely into pisces mode sometimes.

Are there people here with their sun opposite their Ascendant?
What is your experience with this? Does it make you feel bipolar sometimes with contradictory needs?
My best friend has this. Sun pisces, moon Virgo, Virgo rising, mercury conjunct sun in pisces. She often complains about how tough it is to have this axis.
She really struggles with maintaining an emotional equilibrium (especially because her moon is in the first house).

She works at a spa, doing holistic health treatments that she gets to design. Which to me, is a perfect career for a perfectionist Virgo who needs to serve in order to feel nurtured, and a free spirited pisces that understands energy and is empathic.
Also, because her sun and mercury are in her 7th house, she needs partnership. Relationships are where she focuses her piscean energy.
I find that what works best for her also and having a close friendship with me! ( Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, Leo rising). Not to toot my own horn, but because our signs really understand each other, her and I love to break down and critique her emotions in order to satisfy her moon.

In group settings, she’s very Virgonian, behaving proper. I’m not sure what sign your mercury is in, but for her, because it’s also in pisces, people very quickly see her piscean side, once she’s involved in a one on one conversation.
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My best friend has this. Sun pisces, moon Virgo, Virgo rising, mercury conjunct sun in pisces. She often complains about how tough it is to have this axis.
She really struggles with maintaining an emotional equilibrium (especially because her moon is in the first house).

She works at a spa, doing holistic health treatments that she gets to design. Which to me, is a perfect career for a perfectionist Virgo who needs to serve in order to feel nurtured, and a free spirited pisces that understands energy and is empathic.
Also, because her sun and mercury are in her 7th house, she needs partnership. Relationships are where she focuses her piscean energy.
I find that what works best for her also and having a close friendship with me! ( Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, Leo rising). Not to toot my own horn, but because our signs really understand each other, her and I love to break down and critique her emotions in order to satisfy her moon.

In group settings, she’s very Virgonian, behaving proper. I’m not sure what sign your mercury is in, but for her, because it’s also in pisces, people very quickly see her piscean side, once she’s involved in a one on one conversation.

Hi there,

Thanks a lot for answering and sharing about your friend! It sounds like you guys have a beautiful Pisces - Taurus friendship (that typical connection) lol

I think having this placement does bring challenges in maintaining equilibrium as you pointed out. I'm often torn between completely opposite needs and the Virgo rising really stifles me at times and brings a lot of anxiety to my Pisces and Aquarius dominated chart, which wants to be more free-spirited and rebellious.
It's like I go through an identity crisis in my head often or I'm hiding my true self.
And I'm quite different from your friend in that, she has an earth sign moon, while I'm a pisces sun/cancer moon with my sun in the sixth house (which likes to work behind the scenes I guess) and my mercury conjunct Mars in Aquarius (5th house)..so a lot of different energies there.
I too appear very critical and virgo like at first but behind all of that is a lot of water and air energy I guess.

As for the perfect career for me, still haven't found that! I do love writing and the arts, science and then helping people too.
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