Planetary Strength through Houses

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Sep 12, 2005
I'm just looking at Cadent, Angular and Succedent Houses in Natal Charts and I believe I understand that planets are strong in Angular Houses, and are weaker in Succedent and Cadent Houses.

However, do planets have a "preference" (for lack of a better word) for certain houses?

I suppose planets are strong if:

- they occupy the houses they rule by sign (ie. Aries on Third House with Mars in that house)
- they occupy the houses they rule according to the natural zodiac (ie. Mars in the first)
- they occupy an Angular House.

But if we ignore signs for the moment, and consider just planets in houses, do the planets gain or lose strength by house placement alone?

Would Mars be well suited to the third house, despite it being cadent, because it allows Mars energy to focus on the mind? Would it be badly suited to the seventh because it can mean competitiveness despite the seventh being angular?

Basically, do planets have a particular set of houses that they are well suited to occupy, ignoring house types and signs?
There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad.
Salvador Dali
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Yes, thank you Tikana, that does help.

So basically, if I'm understanding you correctly, we look to the planet's dignity and debility in the sign that naturally rules a particular house to ascertain whether the planet is well placed or not in that house.

So if in a natal chart, we found Mars in the 1st, 8th or 10th we would interpret his influence as being beneficial.

If Mars occupies the 2nd, 4th and 7th his influence would be harmful or weakened.

In Houses 3, 5, 6, 9, 11 and 12 his influence is neutral and will more heavily depend on the sign placement.

What do you think?
There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad.
Salvador Dali
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I have found some planets do really well in some houses as opposed to others.

Jupiter in the 11th is wall placed there for some reason whreas Malefics there will thwart a person from realizing their dreams.This is also written in ancient text.
On the other side of the equation I found that Freud had Mars In hte 11th so he did rather well,

Jupiter is badly placed in the 7th usually.

Mars is said to be well placed in hte 10th and Saturn in the 7th.I have bother placements and do not believe it.

Neptune is well placed iin the 5th.

I have trouble with any placement in the 6th and have my ruling planet there.Even though a person is successful having 6th planets they presen certain problems associated with planets there.Service to others,but not overwhelming success in terms of personal satisfaction I think.

Sun id well placed in the 9th I think.

These are just my opinions and there are more,but the list is long!
I was wondering why Jupiter is badly placed in the 7th usually?? (mine is there, as well as venus, mars, and neptune!!)

I have found that, with partners/marriage..., I do tend to get the BEST and the WORST; it is pretty interesting ~ and as my soul progresses, I hope to bring the vibrations of all this energy to higher levels!

I do have my sun in the ninth (and it is Sagitarius too) ~ so I was happy to hear your thoughts on that one!!
Here is an article on this subject, it lists the planetary strengths in house under the descriptions of planets.

The Sun has Joy in 9th
Moon laughs in 3rd
Mercury is talking too much in 1st
Venus is wining and dining in the 5th
Mars is fighting fit in 6th
Jupiter is socialising in 11th
Saturn is loving solitary confinement in 12th.

The wikipedia article is very good my favourite place for information. Funny the Sun having joy in 9th with all the stories concerning the hero's "journey" in relating to the archetype of the Sun. I guess it makes sense, we are on a journey of self development. (I am making this up as I go along, I have to describe astrology in my own view to understand it lol).

The Moon in 3rd family clan themes. Mercury in 1st the ability to communicate yourself. I can see how the 5th is a comfort zone for lady Venus, fun, party's, hobbies, general enjoyment.

I have Venus in 5th, Mars in 6th, Jupiter in 11th.

I really don't study traditional although I do browse into it from time to time. Interesting...
A planet is the best situated only in a particular house, that is one of the reasons that we call it as "Benefic" or "Melefic".

Mars in the 10th house. (Gives Honour, Dignity, Fame and Courage)
Venus in the 7th house. (Excellent partnership in social life including marriage)
Mercury in the 4th house. (Becomes a source of purchasing vaste properties and lands)
Moon in the 2nd house. (Provides 'liquid' wealth and earnings)
Sun in the 9th house. (Makes one Lucky and extremely fortunate)
Jupiter in the 1st house. (A 'Raja' or a person who has "God with him")
Saturn in the 6th house. (Destroys enemies and those who oppose him)
Rahu in the 3rd house, therefore Ketu in the 9th house. (Gives a very positive result instead of giving a negative one)

These are the ideal positions of the planets therefore the stronger there position is (Own Housed or Exalted), would make these affects even stronger. For example if Jupiter is Exalted in the 1st house than that person is felt as The King or the Ruler of a state.

Similarly if the position of the planet is weak then they might start producing negative results even though they are ideally positioned. (A debleted Sun is harmful in most of the houses it is situated in).

And just to clear any confusions, Jupiter in the 7th house is extremely Benefic and provides success to that individual after his/her marriage. There is no negative outcome of jupiter in the 7th house unless its weak (Debleted or Combust).
A famous book Lal Kitab or The Red Book. It originated in Iran and is still widely used in India and considered very effective.

They drop the signs concepts. ie. First house (ascendant) is always Aries ruled by Mars and last house is always Pisces ruled by Jupiter etc.
Just to add here:


Saturn - 12th
Jupiter - 11th
Mars - 6th
Sun - 9th
Venus - 5th
Mercury - 1st
Moon - 3rd

Chaldean Co-Rulers:

Saturn - 1st and 8th
Jupiter - 2nd and 9th
Mars - 3rd and 10th
Sun - 4th and 11th
Venus - 5th and 12th
Mercury - 6th
Moon - 7th

I've seen people say "angular house planets give 100%, succedents give 50%, and cadents give 25%", but I prefer to see it like this:

Angular - 150% - Very strong, noticable, all for you
Succedent - 100% - Okay, depends on sign, in the middle basically
Cadent - 50% - Very weak, hidden, not good for the native
Excellent posts! May I just add that the first information we posses about the joys of the planets in the houses, is in Manilius (pre-Ptolemy) book, "Astronomica". Of course, a problem immediately arises: how are these houses- in which planets have their joys, their domiciles, their "strengths"-to be determined in the first place? A huge, and highly controversial issue.

Whatever it might mean, we do know that the guy who first elaborated the joys of the planets in thier houses-Manilius-exclusively used the Whole Sign Houses method.
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I'm just looking at Cadent, Angular and Succedent Houses in Natal Charts and I believe I understand that planets are strong in Angular Houses, and are weaker in Succedent and Cadent Houses.

However, do planets have a "preference" (for lack of a better word) for certain houses?

I suppose planets are strong if:

- they occupy the houses they rule by sign (ie. Aries on Third House with Mars in that house)
- they occupy the houses they rule according to the natural zodiac (ie. Mars in the first)
- they occupy an Angular House.

But if we ignore signs for the moment, and consider just planets in houses, do the planets gain or lose strength by house placement alone?

Would Mars be well suited to the third house, despite it being cadent, because it allows Mars energy to focus on the mind? Would it be badly suited to the seventh because it can mean competitiveness despite the seventh being angular?

Basically, do planets have a particular set of houses that they are well suited to occupy, ignoring house types and signs?


I would not say planets have a preference for certain houses, so much as their positions are indications of intention, and karma, etc. A chart is what it is. Yes they do gain strength by house placement alone. Big difference between 1st house Mars person and 12th house Mars person.

Planets are not necessarily "weak" in succedent and cadent houses. Opposition involving a fire planet in a 2nd-8th intercepting signs (in Placidus) there would not be considered weak at all. (See Alan Greenspan, economist who became Chairman of Federal Reserve. Chart by John Willner in the book, The Rising Sign Problem). It depends on the whole condition, so take into account the aspects.

Mars in 1st, however, does indicate a person who is generally energetic, assertive, active, direct, etc. If someone's chart shows Mars in 1st, but they do not display those qualities then doubt the chart. It probably needs adjusting. Very definitely adjust a chart that shows Mars within 3 of the Asc and you do not see a very assertive, even controlling person who always has energy to go and do. These situations are good for determining where a planet should actually be. There is definitely a difference between Mars in 1st and in 12th.
I found an excellent thread in the Skyscript forum here about the various planetary rulers of the houses and how the house meanings were influenced by them. Might not be right on topic, but still an interesting read.
Yes, thank you Tikana, that does help.

So basically, if I'm understanding you correctly, we look to the planet's dignity and debility in the sign that naturally rules a particular house to ascertain whether the planet is well placed or not in that house.

So if in a natal chart, we found Mars in the 1st, 8th or 10th we would interpret his influence as being beneficial. Mars is exalted in Capricorn and accidentially dignified in 10th cos Capricorn naturally rules this house

If Mars occupies the 2nd, 4th and 7th his influence would be harmful or weakened. Mars is where we put action, energy, initiate and start things. planets are modified by sign, where they express is 'house' and how they express is by 'aspects'

In Houses 3, 5, 6, 9, 11 and 12 his influence is neutral and will more heavily depend on the sign placement.

What do you think?
Mars in 12th is debitated, not only cos it's cadent house but also referred to as the house of 'self undoing' So perhaps placed in 12th that person was not allowed to 'act' the way they wanted as a child, were not able to have temper tantrums for example. They could have been sent to their bedrooms and therefore 'learnt' not to express this energy. for further research into 12th house placements try here-

12th house planets/aspects
Research threads on AW

Sag moon,
Jupiter is badly placed in the 7th usually.

Mars is said to be well placed in hte 10th and Saturn in the 7th.I have bother placements and do not believe it.

Neptune is well placed iin the 5th.
Jupiter is all about 'luck and faith' and is not badly placed in 7th but it would add indeciveness to the character and suggests opportunities for perhaps more relationships and good for business partnerships to.
I don't feel saturn is well placed in 7th even though exalted in that sign, I always associate it with divided parents (prob wrongly so.....) We all know that Saturn delays, limits and restricts and as Saturn stays in a sign for two and a half years not everyone with this sign placement can have 'divided parents' Saturn placed in 7th is notorious for delaying commitment and poss seeking a 'parent figure' someone older perhaps than the native.

Again when you say your mars is in 10th it all really depends on how that mars is aspected cos if it's square to saturn it will create stop/go situations, frustrations of how you act (mars) and respond to duty and responsibilities and hard work of course (saturn)

Houses: angular houses 1/7 4/10 the energies of planets placed here are obvious cos it's your 'shop window' visible for everyone to see. Next the succeedent houses 2/8 & 5/11 the energies in these houses are not in shop window the are in the shop, but stood behind the counter, ready to come out when needed. Lastly, cadent houses 6/12 & 3/9 these houses/planets are not in shop window or stood behind the counter, they are in the back storeroom and only come out when 'triggered' or an emergency and much harder to recognise and access...

The houses are like the backdrop of a stage, the setting if you like, the planets are like actors and the aspects are how the planets behave in that settings/stage....
Houses in the natal chart define many aspects of a person's psychological character. When one considers that the 3rd house specifically shows how and in what manner a person will "Show up for his/her particular allotted path", the sequential course opens into a verifiable theme of either resistance or surrender. An astrological 3rd house perspective devised from the contents will denote the willfulness entertained either way...MODE of Cosmic Therapy