I'm just looking at Cadent, Angular and Succedent Houses in Natal Charts and I believe I understand that planets are strong in Angular Houses, and are weaker in Succedent and Cadent Houses.
However, do planets have a "preference" (for lack of a better word) for certain houses?
I suppose planets are strong if:
- they occupy the houses they rule by sign (ie. Aries on Third House with Mars in that house)
- they occupy the houses they rule according to the natural zodiac (ie. Mars in the first)
- they occupy an Angular House.
But if we ignore signs for the moment, and consider just planets in houses, do the planets gain or lose strength by house placement alone?
Would Mars be well suited to the third house, despite it being cadent, because it allows Mars energy to focus on the mind? Would it be badly suited to the seventh because it can mean competitiveness despite the seventh being angular?
Basically, do planets have a particular set of houses that they are well suited to occupy, ignoring house types and signs?
However, do planets have a "preference" (for lack of a better word) for certain houses?
I suppose planets are strong if:
- they occupy the houses they rule by sign (ie. Aries on Third House with Mars in that house)
- they occupy the houses they rule according to the natural zodiac (ie. Mars in the first)
- they occupy an Angular House.
But if we ignore signs for the moment, and consider just planets in houses, do the planets gain or lose strength by house placement alone?
Would Mars be well suited to the third house, despite it being cadent, because it allows Mars energy to focus on the mind? Would it be badly suited to the seventh because it can mean competitiveness despite the seventh being angular?
Basically, do planets have a particular set of houses that they are well suited to occupy, ignoring house types and signs?