Planets in retrograde

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Jul 7, 2007
I have a couple of unusual behaviours that could be correlated by mercury retrograde in my chart. One of them is that I seem like if I was dumb, because I seem unfocused. Also I have trouble talking to others because I feel afraid of rejection, and when I talk I usually undermine myself. Moreover I have had great difficulty in school, because I didn't understand the teacher and the reading material was too dificult for me to understand.

Does anyone has the same problems?
I also have Venus retrograde in my chart in the 12th house, and I have problem expresing my emotions. I tend to get enmeshed with others, so I find it difficult to separate my personality from those of others.
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The problems expressing your emotions are either going to go back to the Retrograde Mercury you referenced or perhaps bring Luna into the spotlight.

I know compulsive liars who had Mercury retrograde. Let me tell you how much fun those experiences were... :rolleyes:
Michael, your Mercury retro makes an EXACT square with your Neptune. This is the reason why you are sometimes unfocussed. Neptune blurrs the mind quite a bit. Your fear of rejection is that Venus in the 12th conjunct Mars who is the ruler of the 8th (subconscious fears, worries). Mars is also co-ruler of your Moon (emotions) and the Moon is in square with your Venus and Mars, so it is all related, fear, emotions, lovefeelings.
I had a look in one of my books about the retrograde Mercury. It says:
" This is the planet of reasoning ability, the mind and communication. When it is retrograde, the thinking process seems deeper and more sensitive. There is some innate ability to relate to other people's feelings and thoughts, making you less likely to jump to conclusions. Many writers have Mercury retrograde (HOW ABOUT THAT!), because for many of these people it is easier to express themselves in writing rather than verbally (AHA!) Some people seem to have trouble explaining their motives or feelings and will retreat into silence!, whereas others become particularly adept at expressing their needs after they mature and have had a chance to work on their communication gap. Authors like Pearl Buck and Zelda Fitzgerald had retrograde Mercuries."
Well, a lot of this seems to hit home don't you think?
Starlink you said it as it is. I love this psychological approach to astrology, I think it's of a higher kind than predictive astrology.
Michael said:
I have a couple of unusual behaviours that could be correlated by mercury retrograde in my chart. One of them is that I seem like if I was dumb, because I seem unfocused. Also I have trouble talking to others because I feel afraid of rejection, and when I talk I usually undermine myself.

This is due to Mercury being afflicted. I have got similar problems. My Mercury is in Virgo, opposite the Moon in Pisces. I take notice of everything, have an eidetic memory and a pretty good intuition. I can figure out people's feelings, emotions, states of minds and second motives easily and immediately. I can sense them.

But if you see me, I look like I am completely unfocused, distracted, superficial, even stupid.
Michael said:
I have a couple of unusual behaviours that could be correlated by mercury retrograde in my chart. One of them is that I seem like if I was dumb, because I seem unfocused. Also I have trouble talking to others because I feel afraid of rejection, and when I talk I usually undermine myself. Moreover I have had great difficulty in school, because I didn't understand the teacher and the reading material was too dificult for me to understand.

Does anyone has the same problems?
I also have Venus retrograde in my chart in the 12th house, and I have problem expresing my emotions. I tend to get enmeshed with others, so I find it difficult to separate my personality from those of others.
hi michael
see if your 3rd house is affected, conjunction aspect by malefics and 3rd from mercury
that'll tell if your communication is weak.

(pm me for a remedy )
I am a trained psychological Astrologer and you are so right. Predictive astrology is not nearly as interesting and you have to have the exact time of birth to be accurate. How many people know their exact birthtime right?
starlink said:
I am a trained psychological Astrologer and you are so right. Predictive astrology is not nearly as interesting and you have to have the exact time of birth to be accurate. How many people know their exact birthtime right?
Hi SL,
wow there's something as trained astrology, how do you do this? any online course?

There are some universities and schools were you can learn vedic or western astrology. Although the best way is to learn from a very good teacher, and if he is famous much better.
Sure, you can do all sorts of different courses in Astrology. Here in Switzerland you have the Huber School of Astrology amongst some other less known. I got my certificat at the FAS (Faculty of Astrological Studies in London). You can buy any Astrological Magazine and you will see adds for courses, not only Astrology, but also Numerology and Tarot. I dont know if those come with a diploma though, but you can also just follow courses and learn that way. I started off learning everything by myself for the first 10 years , only after that I decided to get a certificate. And I am still learning!! Because horary astrology was not in the package. I started that by myself about a year ago. I love it and I learned so much in this forum about it. You will too.
Michael said:
Also I have trouble talking to others because I feel afraid of rejection

Does anyone has the same problems?
I also have Venus retrograde in my chart in the 12th house, and I have problem expresing my emotions. I tend to get enmeshed with others, so I find it difficult to separate my personality from those of others.

I do not have trouble talking to people. But i do fear rejection alot , expecially when it comes to love. I have tons of emotions inside me ( i think due to scorpio sun + cancer moon ) , but i have great difficulties expressing them, and never expressed them in the correct way. No one really can udnerstand me, and my love ones all left me due to the fact i do not express myself the way they want me to. It bothers me alot once, but i stop pondering over all this already.

I have Venus retrograde in scorpio in house 7.
starlink said:
I am a trained psychological Astrologer and you are so right. Predictive astrology is not nearly as interesting and you have to have the exact time of birth to be accurate. How many people know their exact birthtime right?

My Delivering Dr. was Chinese and also my Godfather which I bet knew the importance of the birthtime.He put 8:12am down as my time of birth. I had a hernia when born and the Catholic hospital I was delivered in would not allow my mother to much access to me which I found strange.

The descrepency comes in more in charts before the 20th century IMO. Time was not as well taken as the devices and the drama of daily life was not as it is today.Today we base everything on time in a way. We are a stressed out society over it.Critical TIME! TIme iis ruled by Saturn.I am a very Saturn person having it as the best aspected planet in myt chart.

The evolution from the 1800's to the atomic age progressed our thought's of time.Fractions of a second are now measured whereas they did not make a critical difference before.

Me/Sa trine for me.Time is everything so is timing! I was just thinking how temporal our lives are ,how short of time on this planet we have and what does really matter in life before writing this.

Today they wish to Rush us until we cannot perform or function to produce.When our systems fail they wonder why,time!

I wrote a lot recently on Rx factors and I think the shying away of communication might be a Saturn Fear also.I have not looked at the chart.

Me/Mn/Sa/3rd-9th/11th might be worthy of consideration if i were to look at the chart.
Michael, I think most people have at least one or two planet retrogrades. I think someone did an analysis once and found the vast majority of people (87.3%) had 1-4 planets retrograde. Having retrograde planets is the norm. Take for example Mercury. A fifth of the world's population have Mercury retrograde! I have a suspicion that while retrograde Mercury may help contribute to your problems there are probably a lot of afflictions too.

Here are the odds:

Born with 0 retrograde planets: 7.7 percent
Born with 1 retrograde planet: 18.7 percent
Born with 2 retrograde planets: 29.2 percent
Born with 3 retrograde planets: 26.7 percent
Born with 4 retrograde planets: 12.7 percent
Born with 5 retrograde planets: 4.15 percent
Born with 6 retrograde planets: 0.66 percent
Born with 7 retrograde planets: 0.005 percent

The truly unusual people are those with lots of retrograde planets (5 or greater) or none at all. There is only an 8% chance of having no retrograde planets. I am in that 8% :) I don't mind it though as apparently the vast majority of all American Presidents (~85%) fall into that 8% as well :)

Here is what the studies found about having retrograde planets:

No retrograde planets was found in people with a dogged perserverance, unrelenting in their drive to achieve their goals. He found
this very high, not just in US Presidents, but in the charts of successful athletes and dancers.

One planet retrograde, he found, tended to not really need the company of others to be happy, and was somewhat of an independent type, something like the Aries type who can work and achieve alone.

When people meet someone with two retrograde planets, they tend to feel comfortable with that person....because there is a feeling of familiarity about them. In general, people are drawn to these people, and tend to like them.

People with three retrograde planets, John found, tend to operate more behind the scenes, and have a strong determination to excel at something.

Four retrograde planets was something John often found in the charts of writers, and others who seek private ways to express themselves, and are often drawn to the more solitary professions.

Five retrogrades planets tends even more towards solitary occupations, and is not likely to strive for a position where they need to please other people. In general, the public would tend to prefer to shake your hand than to greet you with a hug.

Six retrograde planets was so rare (only 51 days out of the whole 100 years), that John did not have enough people to come to any conclusions. In fact, he only found two famous people with six retrogrades, Angela Davis and Muhammad Ali. Definitely not a large enough group to speculate on. And of course, the group with 7 retrograde planets was even smaller, so there is no speculation there as well.

In fact if you have 2 planets retrograde you are pretty "normal".
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Hi Michael,don't even worry about your Rx Mercury.I know most people have a very harsh view on Retrogrades but they aren't really all bad as some make them appear to be;nothing in our chart is "bad" or is there with the sole intent of hurting us,our charts do have their challenges but what is life without a little bit of stress?Mercury Rx people can appear dumb-but they aren't.Rx means delays,problems,but it doesn't stop you from doing anything.I can't see your chart now but what from what I can remember(and from what Starlink has said),it's probably that Mercury/Neptune square that makes your mind a little bit blurry.On the other hand you have the ability for great creativity,and whatever teaching method your teachers try to use in you won't probably work,for this aspect likes to dream and requires a creative,unusual approach,otherwise people won't get your atention.Your Mercury is in Virgo after all,it's dignity,so I don't believe you're dumb-remember Einstein,they thought he was dumb!On the other hand,you may become enjoy studying typical Neptunian things-no wonder you've picked up astrology.
Retrograde mercury will automatically think before speaking - an automatic ability to review their words before they are said.
How they come out after review could be effected by sign & aspect

As for predictive aastrology vs psychological astrology - I feel the two are relevant as they serve different functions.
The oracular needs to enter the room in a consultation which attempts predictive astrology tho.
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My experience with Mercury RX was best described in an interpretation by an astrologer whose name I cannot recall now as "learning through absorption"

I tend to need to "absorb" the whole picture before I can understand it. It seems our learning style is to pick up pieces and assimilate them into a whole, but we seem fairly lost until we can see the bigger picture, which sometimes makes learning slower, but we tend to have a more complete understanding when we are done, if we take the effort to get that far.

It's as if the retrograde motion forces me to review for a period, then when my mind symbolically goes "direct" I "get it"... sort of like looking at a complicated fractal and staring at it until bam! the whole pattern converges into one thing.


I would totally agree on easier to express oneself in writing... I am so much better behind the keyboard or pen than in front of a microphone or group of people. The mind tends to recalculate in it's expression, likes to rehash things!

Huber's ideas are very interesting, he and his wife have some quite unique ways of working... His books are quite the read.