Hey everyone!
thank you for the introduction to the forum and for all the links, they were really helpful

. There are some topics there that I didn't know about before. Interesting that you mention the lack of fire in my chart, but didn't mention lack of air. I certainly agree with your assessment about the fire, but what about the lack of air? To me, that seems even more severe than the lack of fire. Any reason for thinking otherwise?
thank you for describing that method to answer my question! Actually, I found here (see part two):
http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12712 an alternative way to do that. I took a quick look at your chart, and if I'm not mistaken this tells us that your "chart
ruler" is Libra = Cardinal Air. While you don't have any planets in Libra, it is closer to Gemini (as you described yourself) than the Capricorn

. I guess this worked for me, by this method my signature is Fixed Earth = Taurus, which is the sign I'd pick to portray my nature, if I could choose only one. On a side note, it's scary to see how much my chart resembles Hitler's :S. Bottom line, I agree with you, while this experiment might be interesting in some cases, it does not replace a full interpretation; life and human nature sure aren't this linear.
thank you very much, I loved your analysis! It felt very personalized. Not that the others weren't, but I really liked yours

. And the comment you made about the Venus/Pluto opposition definitely hit home, I have had some power struggles and distress in some close relationships, even though I am generally very pacific; I take no conscient pleasure in engaging in unnecessary conflict, lol. That is something I have to work on, as I'm not
guilt-free in those situations. I have to let the good venusian energies you mentioned dominate

. After these findings, I have two additional requests, if you have time and patience to help me

1. Can you comment on the Sun (Pisces) square Moon (Sagittarius)? I noticed that the square is quite strong, the angle is close to 90º. I read some general information about the sun square moon, but what does it mean in these two particular placements?
2. I also have a problem with authority, can this be attributed to the aspect mentioned above? Is there anything else in my chart that suggests this?
I think that's all. I really appreciate your kindness in teaching me, I hope I can continue to expand my knowledge! By the way, sorry for my english, it's not my first language.