Please help, chart analysis

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Mar 24, 2009
I'm new to astrology and I'd like to request your assistance in analyzing my chart. I'm confused, is there such a thing as a "dominant" planet? I ask this because even though I have a pisces sun (and as I understood, it's the most important placement in the chart), there are many planets in both capricorn and taurus (and certain parts of those two archetypes fit me quite well). As I'm fairly ignorant in this matter (for now!), I don't have anything else in particular to ask, just any comment about anything that catches your eye will be great. I trust your good judgement :). Thanks in advance!


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Have you read the 'welcome sticky' at the top of this forum? It has some great explanations, links etc and also has links to forum rules & regs...

Noticeably the first thing that strikes me is the 'lack of fire' element in your chart and everything is above the horizon.

Will send you PM as the forum rules stipulate that only 100words can be used from another author without stating the author, book or website and as I don’t recall exactly where or who and don’t want to commit plagiarism, don’t have any choice but to PM as I do want you to have the full information or quote……

You have calculated your chart using the default on of placidus and I use Equal House system and am a modern astrologer. Lots of people that come into Astrology get their free charts calculated at and the default ‘house system’ used is Placidus and think that’s just the norm and all that there is……..BUT that is just the tip of the iceberg. You can change the default on in Extended Chart selection to Equal house and a few more.

Throughout the forums but mainly in natal astrology there are two main branches Placidus (unequal size houses) v Equal House (whereby each house is same size) but lots more……. For more information on these go here. has Free six month transit forecaster

Now in Equal house your mars/neptune are in the 9th and moon, uranus and saturn are in the 8th house. Mercury is in 10th not 11th. It's only by study and research will you be able to identify which 'glove fits' by way of interpretations.

I notice you have Pluto in 7th house/marriage house

Your study intially should as always be the basics, then look at the Mars/Neptune conjunction
Then Saturn/Uranus = freedom v convention on the same site.

Hope this helps

My chart is a little similar. My sun is in Pisces, and 5 of my planets are in Capricorn.

I remember reading somewhere that a chart is supposed to have an overall "signature". You are supposed to count up how many planets are in fire,water,wind,earth and fire and then see which one is dominant [or if any tie up]. The next step is to look at how many signs are fixed/mutable/cardinal, and find the dominant one there.

In my chart I had:
Fire- 0
Water- 3
Air - 3
Earth - 5

Mutable- 1
Cardinal- 6

To find the overall "signature" sign you simply take the leaders. Earth, and cardinal were dominant in my chart. So we look at which sign is a cardinal earth sign....and it is Capricorn. :3

Which, I do identify with it to an extent. But my ascendant in Gemini seems to be more reflective of my nature than my signature.

To answer your question specifically, yes there are times when a planet does stand out and colors all the rest. BUT: I would not rely on that alone. As you could see with the little "signature" experiment, things don't always fit like a glove.
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Venus, rulling ascendant is said to be chart ruler, is placed in her own sign, and even tho it is technically in 12th house, this close to asc I think it is quite strong. Plus all the good aspects it has to 9th house planets and conjunction to Jupiter-material gains.

Sun conjuncting NN gives Sun additional strenght I think.

Also well positioned are Saturn(in it's own sign) and Mars(in exaltation) in Capricorn, less because they are in cadent house. But you could do really well in 9th house matters.
Nice shart overall I'd say. Only thing to watch out - Pluto is quite strong, in Scorpio, angular. But in the house of relationship and it opposes your Venus, plus you've got Moon in 8th, love life and obsessive/controlling relationships possible.
Hopefully that peaceful Venus of yours will outweigh Pluto influences. ;)
Hey everyone!

thank you for the introduction to the forum and for all the links, they were really helpful :). There are some topics there that I didn't know about before. Interesting that you mention the lack of fire in my chart, but didn't mention lack of air. I certainly agree with your assessment about the fire, but what about the lack of air? To me, that seems even more severe than the lack of fire. Any reason for thinking otherwise?

thank you for describing that method to answer my question! Actually, I found here (see part two): an alternative way to do that. I took a quick look at your chart, and if I'm not mistaken this tells us that your "chart
ruler" is Libra = Cardinal Air. While you don't have any planets in Libra, it is closer to Gemini (as you described yourself) than the Capricorn :). I guess this worked for me, by this method my signature is Fixed Earth = Taurus, which is the sign I'd pick to portray my nature, if I could choose only one. On a side note, it's scary to see how much my chart resembles Hitler's :S. Bottom line, I agree with you, while this experiment might be interesting in some cases, it does not replace a full interpretation; life and human nature sure aren't this linear.

thank you very much, I loved your analysis! It felt very personalized. Not that the others weren't, but I really liked yours :). And the comment you made about the Venus/Pluto opposition definitely hit home, I have had some power struggles and distress in some close relationships, even though I am generally very pacific; I take no conscient pleasure in engaging in unnecessary conflict, lol. That is something I have to work on, as I'm not
guilt-free in those situations. I have to let the good venusian energies you mentioned dominate :). After these findings, I have two additional requests, if you have time and patience to help me :).
1. Can you comment on the Sun (Pisces) square Moon (Sagittarius)? I noticed that the square is quite strong, the angle is close to 90º. I read some general information about the sun square moon, but what does it mean in these two particular placements?
2. I also have a problem with authority, can this be attributed to the aspect mentioned above? Is there anything else in my chart that suggests this?

I think that's all. I really appreciate your kindness in teaching me, I hope I can continue to expand my knowledge! By the way, sorry for my english, it's not my first language.
You Said,
thank you for the introduction to the forum and for all the links, they were really helpful :). There are some topics there that I didn't know about before. Interesting that you mention the lack of fire in my chart, but didn't mention lack of air. I certainly agree with your assessment about the fire, but what about the lack of air? To me, that seems even more severe than the lack of fire. Any reason for thinking otherwise?

1. Can you comment on the Sun (Pisces) square Moon (Sagittarius)? I noticed that the square is quite strong, the angle is close to 90º. I read some general information about the sun square moon, but what does it mean in these two particular placements?
2. I also have a problem with authority, can this be attributed to the aspect mentioned above? Is there anything else in my chart that suggests this?

When there is a lack of element to compensate we look to see what planets are in 'air houses' same with fire element. You have 2planets, mars & neptune in 9th house (Equal house) in Sagittarius ruled house and in your chart ruled by Cappi... Yes, surplus in earth 6out of 10, yes lack of air and fire 1air plus sun in air house ie; Aquarius 11th. Plus two planets in 'cardinal' houses ie; 7th/pluto and mercury/10th houses.....Will PM you lack of fire.

Sun‑Moon Square Sun‑Moon Opposition
Divided parents !

The uncertainty generated by the square arises from the fact that the conscious behaviour (Sun) conflicts with the behaviour needed to give a sense of security (Moon). Therefore a square between Sun and Moon can make the native very unsettled, ­especially if the background of the elements is tense.

In the opposition, the kind of uncertainty is different. An opposition between the Sun and Moon is a full moon, of course and both lights are completely visible. In the horoscope, this opposition makes up painfully aware of our duality. Conscious behaviour and unconscious reaction patterns clash with one an­other, yet always have something in common because the signs in which they are positioned lie on the same axis. Therefore, when they are in opposition, the Sun and Moon can complement one another well once they make common cause. Until such time as they do (and this may take quite a while), the native will suffer from a nagging sense of discomfort and insecurity.

In either case, the native is inclined to adopt a certain form of behaviour to the virtual exclusion of its alternative, and so the latter seeks to express itself indirectly. But if he does give both forms of behaviour a chance, he generally ends up feeling like "two individuals rolled into one" with now‑one‑now‑the‑other in the ascendancy. Those around him never know what to expect and the native feels plagued by inner instability. ­Usually, he has an identity problem and often wonders, "Say, which character is the real me?" The answer is "Both of you."

The uncertainty can result in many things being left half done, or in perpetual changes of opinion, or in general dissatisfaction with one’s performance; in short, tense aspects between the Sun and Moon mean that a great deal of energy has to be expended on tackling inner security before the native can begin to solve external problems.

Nevertheless, hard aspects do have considerable energy at their disposal. The uncertainties and the obstacles produced by their tension compel the native, sooner or later, to start ­sorting things out. The tension between the Sun and Moon send him in search of answers to such questions as "Who am I?" "What is really implied by the difference between male and female?" and "What is significant in a relationship?"

It is not uncommon for conflicts between the Sun and Moon to present problems with the life partner. Since, among other things, the Moon represents what a man is looking for in a woman, and the Sun represents what a woman is looking for in a man, the native tends to fall in love with somebody who jars him or her in some way.

At the same time, the hard aspects provide sufficient energy to deal with any problems that may arise. The latter are usually caught in time because, being so insecure, the native is quite sensitive to them and is prepared to work hard to stop them escalating. Therefore it is entirely possible for
people with a square between the Sun and Moon to make happy marriages.

From the book ‘Aspects and Personality’ by Karen Hamaker-Zondag

2) Problems with authority figures is suggested by Saturn conj Uranus in 8th house (Equal house system) not 9th. Although mars/neptune is in 9th, IF of course your time of birth is correct... But since this conj is trine jupiter/venus in 12th I would not expect this to be a major problem either.

Saturn‑Uranus Conjunction
Fear of the unknown ! Should try and learn to accept change.

Two very conflicting factors are brought together here; a need to carve out an identity for ourselves, to define limits and to preserve form (Saturn), and a need to break structures, to overstep limits and to develop individuality (Uranus). Clearly this will sometimes make it difficult to decide whether to preserve or to destroy.

Whenever we are engaged in giving life a certain shape (Saturn), we suffer from the urge to break out of or alter this shape (Uranus) and so we become tense and restless. Attempts to bring about change are impeded by a desire to proceed along fixed lines or according to a set pattern. There is no stagnation with this conjunction, but a restless activity continually generated from within, which can make the native feel insecure.

Nevertheless, the conjunction does have a creative side that can be put to very good use. We regularly break free from anything that might hamper us (Saturn), and are unlikely to be rigid in our opinions. Tendencies that are too revolutionary are held in check, as is the temptation to be provocatively iconoclastic. Generally, one of the results of all this is a democratic attitude born out of tension and uncertainty.

If we are assailed be fear and doubt (Saturn) the conjunction with Uranus can really wind us up, so that disruptive tendencies are increased. The development of personality (Uranus) may be accompanied by feelings of anxiety and guilt (Saturn); we are always trying to improve situations and want to stop them getting out of hand. Therefore this conjunction often produces great self‑control. With this aspect we are very determined because Saturn and Uranus encourage stubbornness and wilfulness. Uranus in full flight is a poor listener and Saturn dragging its heels is not likely to change course. When linked with personal ­factors in the horoscope, this is not a bad combination for doggedly pursuing personal interests.

As regards 'dominant' planet, your Mars is conj MC Angluar houses, 14,7,10th
Mars‑MC Conjunction
The urge to engage in social activity is great. We feel a need to make ourselves felt in the community and strike others as very enterprising, not to say militant. We can shift endless mountains of work‑ but may have to face the snarls of others due to our lack of tact. It is important to learn to be more considerate and less impetuous. We seem enterprising because of the ease with which we address problems or stand up for ourselves. We prefer to clear obstacles from the path by exerting ourselves to push them aside. When an appeal is made to our fighting spirit and resistance, we are generally at our best. While still young we show signs of wilfulness and make it plain that we prefer to follow our own inclinations. This conjunction definitely has something recalcitrant about it.
From the book ‘Aspects and Personality’ by Karen Hamaker-Zondag