there are difficulties as jupiter the 7th lord is in the 8th debilated, moon of the 2nd for family negates to the first, while mars of the 11th for fulfillment of life goals and friendships negates into the 10th.
however, the conjunction of jupiter-mercury of the 1/7 axis while mars/venus form the romantic combination venus elevated in pisces, while rahu in the 11th for friendships could cause a marriage with a foreigner/other race and gains thereby as a possibility. it may however be noted that mars/venus are in uttarabadhra the star of saturn which could cause delay while rahu is in krittika the star of the enemy sun while sun is in the 8th capricorn enemy saturn's sign aspected by saturn from the 6th in inimical scorpio.
currently jupiter is transit pisces over the romantic mars/venus as lord of the 7th house for marriage promoting a relationship these months while venus belongs to the creative/romantic 5th house libra but lord jupiter is debilated in the 8th, while jupiter transit natal rahu in the 11th house while jupiter aspects his own house sagittarius the 7th could materialise the marriage probably first quarter 2012.
with ascendant mercury in the 8th could herself have health problems, could be scholarly but not able to make up financially - finance could grow gradually with debilated jupiter making an elevated aspect to his own sign cancer in the 2nd for family and finances, while also could promote a family gradually ie marriage. with saturn as lord of the 9th in the 6th in inimical scorpio life could be a struggle luck not supportive and needing lot of efforts while could have opponents in life to overcome with difficulty.
saturn as lord of the 8th in the 6th and aspecting his own capricorn suggests vipreet yoga that is success amidst adversity while sun as lord of the 3rd for initiative and courage too is in the 8th.
jupiter as 9th lord in the 8th and debilated suggests sickness of the spouse - could be an ambitious, sporty, optimistic, ethical person but conservative in approach jupiter having moved to capricorn, may speak less but effectively and impressively and could have financial difficulties with saturn having moved to scorpio, and could earn with difficulty in foreign countries.
the native herself with moon in gemini suggests an intellectual analytical profile while could get confused being a dual sign, could have aptitude for music while mars/venus too are in the 10th with elevated venus in the 10th with artistic abilities like acting etc. could also have good aptitude for finance as a subject while mars is the lord of the 11th for gains. may like to operate in a secretive/investigative environment using intellectual analytical skills and overcoming opponents on a tough terrain - CBI/CID/forensic department/social or financial research etc. artistic and scholarly but making sudden gains with difficulty under tough adverse circumstances.
hope these random generic observations help with something to pick up based on ground realities.
wishing well,