Please read my chart as I feel as if things are too surreal at the moment.

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Nov 28, 2023
I keep losing. Finances is what I need and I keep losing it.

I'm working in a job - I applied for full-time, they only offered part-time. Job has bonuses which I was not aware of when I applied and when I applied I had other sources of income so did not include the bonus as something I needed to rely on. Since taking the job other sources of income disappeared and for last two months I have lost the bonus.

I have been on social media for a while, managed to use my training but seems people want to either socialise or my training for free. It's not paying the bills.

Just as I think...great now I can start toward working to get comfortable, something else happens taking me below the resources I didn't have in the first place

Thank you

Hope I have placed in the right place.


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I feel like the whole of this just doesn't make sense. Not sure what I am showing up for. No sense at all.
There's no support and I know it's just everything is crashing down now to lose everything. Even though I know anything that goes wasn't mine in the first place.
It's been surreal as many scenarios expecting me to smile and show faith meanwhile everything looks as if I it is crashing.
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it all sounds to me like ‘pie in the sky’. You were looking for easy way out, easy money, fell for the lies but continued month after month believing the lies in the hopes of making money.

is that not just like a gambler who losses but keeps throwing more money in hoping it will turn around and he will win amd win big?

Saddly after months the truth is dawning that its all fakery. all of it get rich quick schemes.

other than money problems, there are no serious astrology problems right now. in fact the luna eclipse supports you improving. saturn is steadying you offering support. looks like plumbing may pay those bills. so for that be thankful. it means there is scope to improve through slow hard work.
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it all sounds to me like ‘pie in the sky’. You were looking for easy way out, easy money, fell for the lies but continued month after month believing the lies in the hopes of making money.

is that not just like a gambler who losses but keeps throwing more money in hoping it will turn around and he will win amd win big?

Saddly after months the truth is dawning that its all fakery. all of it get rich quick schemes.

other than money problems, there are no serious astrology problems right now. in fact the luna eclipse supports you improving. saturn is steadying you offering support. looks like plumbing may pay those bills. so for that be thankful. it means there is scope to improve through slow hard work.
What is pie in the sky? I did get a job; as I mentioned, I applied for a full-time position but was only offered part-time.

I have not engaged in any get-rich-quick schemes, not that I’m aware of. Everything I have done should be earning, but it isn’t.

This is definitely not an easy way out. I have been working, and this is what came up.

The only thing I attempted that felt like a waste of time is social media, but I didn’t do it instead of working.

Given the unexpected losses, I thought something must be taking away my hard-earned money. I’m working for an established company, and others are making money, but I seem to have lost money unexpectedly twice now, which has hit me hard.

I don’t know what you mean by “plumbing will pay the bills.”

I’m always looking for work and higher pay, but I’ve had to take what I can to survive. There hasn’t been a get-rich-quick scheme in my life to date, not since my thirties anyway. No it’s been work and I have never worked so many hours for so little and I’m still at less than zero.

Thanks for looking. I thought it must be an eclipse and I remember you saying I would have these problems until September 2025, but I did manage to bring in income without relying on benefits after I asked my question.

It’s not been easy.

So no, three jobs from my house isn’t possible otherwise I would be doing it already.

I do get the sentiment.

Many thanks for looking.

Much appreciated @Outlook
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Hello Energy Transmuater,
Your chart has a few things I also have: S.Node in H2 and N.Node in H8, Mercury ruler of H2, Saturn very low in the chart. I have had similar issues. Never had an easy time creating financial prosperity.

IMO the NNode suggests a spiritual lesson or a skill that the soul is being challenged to learn in this lifetime; the SNode what we mastered in the previous lives. For you, it is in the house of other's money and resources, and the energies that are the result of partnerships and relationships. We tend to focus on the H8 meaning as just money and sex, borrowed money or inheritances, but I believe that it has much to do with the emotional and psychological dynamics of managing relationships with others. If you can get a hold of Dane Rudhyar's book The Astrological Houses, he delves into this deeper meaning of this house. H2 corresponds to Taurus which is an earth house so it is logical that H2 "values" are things we need to keep body and soul together. H8 corresponds to Scorpio which is a water sign so it has much to do with the emotional products and dynamics of H7 relationships and what is necessary for those relationships to thrive. Perhaps, your soul journey is about leaning some skills in the area of managing relationships dynamics? Creating trust, establishing and respecting boundaries, understanding our psychological hang-ups that get in the way of this. Maybe some deeper reflection on the meaning of your Nodal axis may be worthwhile?

Also with the chart ruler, the Sun and the h2 ruler all falling in H7 the chart seems to say that relationships will play a large role in the life. If you are finding yourself isolated it seems that you are not in congruence with your destiny somewhere? it seems that your chart says that it is your path to be reliant on others?? Maybe not totally reliant, but to a large degree. That could mean that you must engage and commit to relationships of some kind in some way in order to succeed?

N.Node in Sagittarius may suggest the need to learn to see the bigger picture in all of this? And to be more trusting and philosophical about life?

Saturn very low in the chart often indicates that the person will not have a steady "career" . Also then the normal Saturn transit cycle of reaping and sowing in the career or reputation gets skewed and sometimes works backwards. Rob Hand talks about this in his Transit book. If that is the case, for you then, Saturn is in a period where you cannot count on anything from the past and it is a period to explore new options and acquire new skills.

The Evolutionary astrologers place great importance of a planet that squares the nodes and you have Jupiter in Pisces making that square. You might want to do some research on the meaning of that.

Have you tried Law of Attraction work? Or meditation to calm your Aquarius Moon? Moon square Mars is always tricky, suggest emotional tension. Moon square I believe are the hardest aspects to overcome.

Good luck.
Hello Energy Transmuater,
Your chart has a few things I also have: S.Node in H2 and N.Node in H8, Mercury ruler of H2, Saturn very low in the chart. I have had similar issues. Never had an easy time creating financial prosperity.

IMO the NNode suggests a spiritual lesson or a skill that the soul is being challenged to learn in this lifetime; the SNode what we mastered in the previous lives. For you, it is in the house of other's money and resources, and the energies that are the result of partnerships and relationships. We tend to focus on the H8 meaning as just money and sex, borrowed money or inheritances, but I believe that it has much to do with the emotional and psychological dynamics of managing relationships with others. If you can get a hold of Dane Rudhyar's book The Astrological Houses, he delves into this deeper meaning of this house. H2 corresponds to Taurus which is an earth house so it is logical that H2 "values" are things we need to keep body and soul together. H8 corresponds to Scorpio which is a water sign so it has much to do with the emotional products and dynamics of H7 relationships and what is necessary for those relationships to thrive. Perhaps, your soul journey is about leaning some skills in the area of managing relationships dynamics? Creating trust, establishing and respecting boundaries, understanding our psychological hang-ups that get in the way of this. Maybe some deeper reflection on the meaning of your Nodal axis may be worthwhile?

Also with the chart ruler, the Sun and the h2 ruler all falling in H7 the chart seems to say that relationships will play a large role in the life. If you are finding yourself isolated it seems that you are not in congruence with your destiny somewhere? it seems that your chart says that it is your path to be reliant on others?? Maybe not totally reliant, but to a large degree. That could mean that you must engage and commit to relationships of some kind in some way in order to succeed?

N.Node in Sagittarius may suggest the need to learn to see the bigger picture in all of this? And to be more trusting and philosophical about life?

Saturn very low in the chart often indicates that the person will not have a steady "career" . Also then the normal Saturn transit cycle of reaping and sowing in the career or reputation gets skewed and sometimes works backwards. Rob Hand talks about this in his Transit book. If that is the case, for you then, Saturn is in a period where you cannot count on anything from the past and it is a period to explore new options and acquire new skills.

The Evolutionary astrologers place great importance of a planet that squares the nodes and you have Jupiter in Pisces making that square. You might want to do some research on the meaning of that.

Have you tried Law of Attraction work? Or meditation to calm your Aquarius Moon? Moon square Mars is always tricky, suggest emotional tension. Moon square I believe are the hardest aspects to overcome.

Good luck.

Thank you
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You are not old. Many seem to find a late start and make success with their lives after 60. So no reason your life cant turn around.

i mentioned plumbing because you posted about plumbing jobs. and saturn in pisces trining your scorpio planets right now would fit that.

i dont know who you are, your education, what you do for a living, what the situation is where you are. so practical advice is impossible.

but astrology at presents supports your efforts. however, what does it mean if you were in a earthquake or war zone? So everything is really relative to your situation. and you are a scorpio after all, comfortable with limited resources and dark despair. i think it brings the fighter out of you. as a scorpio, you have in fact endless resources, just not monetary.

We strangers cant say. but at present you have support. the bad weather has started to move away.

keep going. one day at a time. dont give up.
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I understand. No, I need a plumber, but I can’t get one now. I messaged you because I remember that in 2023, you highlighted a series of eclipses that would signify spring cleaning and more things breaking down than I am used to, and sure enough, it has happened.

I am not a plumber, and I appreciate your support, particularly as you don’t know me.

I wanted to understand the eclipses as these last few years have been the craziest of my life.

It is what it is.

Thanks again.
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The main advice I would give, is not to lose your emotional balance. If the timing techniques in astrology demonstrate anything (and they do), it is that all conditions or manifestations are temporary.
The first thing I see at this time, is the Secondary (aka Major) progressed Sun is in opposition to natal Saturn. Sun in 10th of career and public life, reputation and Saturn in 4th house of physical house, domicile, family, private or home life. Those meanings of these houses may resonate with the experiences you're describing. While that Sun/Saturn aspect is still close, it is separating, meaning the influence will gradually decrease over the next several months.
The best way in my experience to deal with Saturn is to maintain scrupulous integrity, follow the rules, persist in dealing with whatever challenges may present themselves as best you can, and be patient and disciplined. Shortcuts or cutting corners may not necessarily yield the hoped for results.
Saturn demands that everything must be done properly and completely; no slack. That may not always be pleasant, but once one realizes that, the experience can be dealt with.
Minor progressed Saturn reinforces the Sun/Saturn opposition from the 5th house of speculation, entertainment, children and romance, it is possible complications may arise from that area.
Second, 2ndry/Major progressed Uranus is square 2ndry/Major Mercury, in the 10th house of career, public life to the Descendant/7th house of partnerships, marriage, open opposition, rivals. This gives another dimension to the 10th house matters, and indicates a tendency to unconventional ideas, intuition, impatience, sudden changes of mind and in general, a state of much nervous energy that can, and needs to be, directed constructively.
Minor progressed Uranus is conjunct natal Mercury, reinforcing that aspect.
So in my judgment we see indications of career challenges, involving delays and testing, complicated by high pitched nervous energy. Challenges may arise from partners, rivals, or children and speculations.
As stated, though, all these influences, are temporary, although they must be patiently and persistently worked through.

The chart below shows the natal chart on the inner wheel, the Secondary/Major progressions on the middle wheel, and the Minor progressions on the outer wheel.
The chart can be downloaded (and possibly enlarged by right-clicking) for better viewing.
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The main advice I would give, is not to lose your emotional balance. If the timing techniques in astrology demonstrate anything (and they do), it is that all conditions or manifestations are temporary.
The first thing I see at this time, is the Secondary (aka Major) progressed Sun is in opposition to natal Saturn. Sun in 10th of career and public life, reputation and Saturn in 4th house of physical house, domicile, family, private or home life. Those meanings of these houses may resonate with the experiences you're describing. While that Sun/Saturn aspect is still close, it is separating, meaning the influence will gradually decrease over the next several months.
The best way in my experience to deal with Saturn is to maintain scrupulous integrity, follow the rules, persist in dealing with whatever challenges may present themselves as best you can, and be patient and disciplined. Shortcuts or cutting corners may not necessarily yield the hoped for results.
Saturn demands that everything must be done properly and completely; no slack. That may not always be pleasant, but once one realizes that, the experience can be dealt with.
Minor progressed Saturn reinforces the Sun/Saturn opposition from the 5th house of speculation, entertainment, children and romance, it is possible complications may arise from that area.
Second, 2ndry/Major progressed Uranus is square 2ndry/Major Mercury, in the 10th house of career, public life to the Descendant/7th house of partnerships, marriage, open opposition, rivals. This gives another dimension to the 10th house matters, and indicates a tendency to unconventional ideas, intuition, impatience, sudden changes of mind and in general, a state of much nervous energy that can, and needs to be, directed constructively.
Minor progressed Uranus is conjunct natal Mercury, reinforcing that aspect.
So in my judgment we see indications of career challenges, involving delays and testing, complicated by high pitched nervous energy. Challenges may arise from partners, rivals, or children and speculations.
As stated, though, all these influences, are temporary, although they must be patiently and persistently worked through.

The chart below shows the natal chart on the inner wheel, the Secondary/Major progressions on the middle wheel, and the Minor progressions on the outer wheel.
View attachment 116935
The chart can be downloaded (and possibly enlarged by right-clicking) for better viewing.


Many thanks for taking the time to read this. Thanks for the chart. Yes since 2022 I think I have been on the verge of a heart attack. Hypochondria is a thing. Last GP results indicate my body is rebelling. High blood sugar and inflammation. Stress. I’m doing my best but honestly it’s taking a lot out of me right now. I appreciate the perspective as it seems it’s getting worse before it gets better.

In terms of following rules, I have been penalised for not following rules I was not made aware of in the first place hence money loss in my job and delays in growing on social media. It makes sense. Stupid (excuse me, rules) rules that are only important, as not following them has meant loss of income.

I have read my chart is not great for work stability and past history matches. My home is at risk so I have been doing what I can. I’m still losing
It’s an energy and an influence. I get it. I’ve been trying to change it since 2022 but it almost feels fated.

Doors are going to close despite it or inspite of all my efforts.

A close family member recently got diagnosed with a long term illness and it brought it home that all these years of missing out and sacrifice could well be for nothing. She is currently in a hospital. One room, a bed, one bag. This life can be crazy.

I’m going to do my best to get positive and deal with my fears.

Thanks for taking the time.
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There are a number of tools that are useful in dealing with fear. They may sound like homey aphorisms but they are extremely powerful if applied.
Feel free to contact me if you're interested.
i believe your current frustrations are because mars is retro. That goes direct 24 feb. Until then things are frustrating.

But with pluto sextiling your venus next couple of years already effective (minus the mars since december, which hampers all actions) plus eclipses which support moon and sun… i think you will catch up.

Things may be delayed, but continue on. Results will catch up.

with moon in a mini trinagle…even if moon is in aqua which is inclined to seek mega wealth way over what scorpio wants because of the attention it gathers!….causing some inner stress and frustrations as scorp does what it can to limit wealth to more tolerable to itself levels to avoid scrutiny….. that trine from pluto to moon still protects and provides for resilience.

what your strong scorpio side does do is scorch earth destruction to flatten everything, get rid of dead wood…and rebuild from scratch. It cant do spring clean, or tidy up. its a totalitarian methodology.

so if you are planning this major calamity…. know that you will revert and have another home.

you cant blame your totaliterian scorpio which uses flash destruction method, to fates and furies. Thats just your nature in effect.

All you can do is work it in.

just as an example I did this. I had a stable home but chose to become a nomad for work…much in demand it consultant….which gave my totalitarian nature ability to flat destroy everything on an annual basis.

it meant I had a solid home to run to and thoroughly enjoy…..plenty of good income…and fed the totalitarian side also.

One way to do that for you with intentions of influencer lifestyle is to have a home ….a permanent home….but also take to the road….or to the water with a boat. boats attract a stronger following. but camper vans or boats…nomads are still very attractive people that thousands use (and follow), to overcome their dead boring lives.

and there is also nothing wrong with showing a little deprecating humour and do diy plumbing as you learn …and post your learning journey. you encourage others.

as long as your intent and pursuit is to gain satisfaction…self satisfaction…. you will win. especially self satisfaction from survival at odds. this you excel at with that string scorp which enjoys these struggle challenges. As is the saying…what doesnt kill…fattens. your scorpio side gets fat on survival challenges. this is why you latch on to close ones with death defying stories. this is shat drives you…death defying lifestyle. and this also drives interest from others! while your life is boring replica of theirs…you arent a catch as an influencer. show some vulnerability…and people storm.

just take care not to go too close to the edge….or at least always be ready to cross over. All that scorpio doesnt know where that safery borderline is or doesnt care.

and all these challenges can also be posted…influencer style. people like survival stories.
as long as your pursuit is to chase money…you will lose. because your inner nature cant support that. money can be a by product. chase satisfaction.
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i believe your current frustrations are because mars is retro. That goes direct 24 feb. Until then things are frustrating.

But with pluto sextiling your venus next couple of years already effective (minus the mars since december, which hampers all actions) plus eclipses which support moon and sun… i think you will catch up.

Things may be delayed, but continue on. Results will catch up.

with moon in a mini trinagle…even if moon is in aqua which is inclined to seek mega wealth way over what scorpio wants because of the attention it gathers!….causing some inner stress and frustrations as scorp does what it can to limit wealth to more tolerable to itself levels to avoid scrutiny….. that trine from pluto to moon still protects and provides for resilience.

what your strong scorpio side does do is scorch earth destruction to flatten everything, get rid of dead wood…and rebuild from scratch. It cant do spring clean, or tidy up. its a totalitarian methodology.

so if you are planning this major calamity…. know that you will revert and have another home.

you cant blame your totaliterian scorpio which uses flash destruction method, to fates and furies. Thats just your nature in effect.

All you can do is work it in.

just as an example I did this. I had a stable home but chose to become a nomad for work…much in demand it consultant….which gave my totalitarian nature ability to flat destroy everything on an annual basis.

it meant I had a solid home to run to and thoroughly enjoy…..plenty of good income…and fed the totalitarian side also.

One way to do that for you with intentions of influencer lifestyle is to have a home ….a permanent home….but also take to the road….or to the water with a boat. boats attract a stronger following. but camper vans or boats…nomads are still very attractive people that thousands use (and follow), to overcome their dead boring lives.

and there is also nothing wrong with showing a little deprecating humour and do diy plumbing as you learn …and post your learning journey. you encourage others.

as long as your intent and pursuit is to gain satisfaction…self satisfaction…. you will win. especially self satisfaction from survival at odds. this you excel at with that string scorp which enjoys these struggle challenges. As is the saying…what doesnt kill…fattens. your scorpio side gets fat on survival challenges. this is why you latch on to close ones with death defying stories. this is shat drives you…death defying lifestyle. and this also drives interest from others! while your life is boring replica of theirs…you arent a catch as an influencer. show some vulnerability…and people storm.

just take care not to go too close to the edge….or at least always be ready to cross over. All that scorpio doesnt know where that safery borderline is or doesnt care.

and all these challenges can also be posted…influencer style. people like survival stories.
as long as your pursuit is to chase money…you will lose. because your inner nature cant support that. money can be a by product. chase satisfaction.
@Outlook I really like this

I could not respond as I was working. I think I will lose it, this job. My brain can't handle it. All of a sudden I am making mistakes I didn't when I started and mistakes are losing me money.

I didn't join social media to be an influencer. I hoped to find clients offering alternative therapy of which I am qualified but clients are few and far between. Everyone has been attempting to encourage me as an influencer. I have not quite accepted that title. I didn’t plan it but rules changed and I have been approved, when others weren’t to do brand deals. I have had companies approach me to partner up but, I have not trusted offers. Some sounded too good to be true or wanted more work than the pay or commission offered. I have also learned or had evidence that it takes money to make money, so to grow I need money to promote myself better and any product or service I provide or promote. The platform has also approached me to coach; be online, coaching people live. I have done a couple of group coaching sessions, they ended last year. I chose not to work with them (the platform) as I was not comfortable. I continue on my terms. Definitely not a money maker at this stage but someone has already shown interest just last week, which is promising. It means I need to up my time, hard when no money is coming in.

Social media is a lot of work and isn’t paying so I have been forced to seek an income elsewhere.Also, you're right, aesthetics are important and where I live I don't have connectivity outside or have access to beautiful spaces. I do what I can. Alternative incomes aren’t working out; rooms are empty, job failing (beyond my control - I'm trying but even when I think 'I've got this' something else happens). Anyway let me not repeat myself. Just looks like everything is crashing and I don't have anywhere I want to go. If I had the money I would go abroad.

I have recently thought about how possible it would be to go abroad however the social media platforms don't operate in the same way abroad, not in the places I would be at home and I will not then be able to do brand deals. The brand deals are only just picking up. Not massively but there's movement I did not ask for or expect.

I have definitely come to the end of the road in my home if something doesn't change soon but everything financially is crashing or has crashed at the moment.

I read the Mars transit but I didn't see house move as I have seen on previous moves - Transit Saturn Trine Mars 30/11/24 to 6/2/25

I'm exhausted. I just want it over already. In the meantime I need to talk to people I owe -not fun.

Social media I found a number wanting my service free. They actually want my service, I have arranged offline support and yes it can result in time given for free, sometimes hours. This is my service. I do need to balance free and paid to include boundaries. It starts with me. Then I find others that just want to talk to me. Don't want coaching. Just want to connect.

I need to get to a position so I can pay for things so it is normal to be paid for what I do too. I suspect taking things free puts or keeps me in poverty. I chose not to take benefits during this crises for this reason. I still don't know if it was a good idea as finances say not. Energy breeds energy. I need mine raised so I can raise others.

I would appreciate any book reference or so, so I can help myself in the future, if at all possible. I would like to understand these eclipses and transits further. Susan Miller used to be good but I lost my way reading the readings she published. I read online but my brain seems to go for the positive under the not so easy starts happening, then I scramble around wondering what I have missed.

I'm going to have to learn to breathe through this - whole life has been one of mainly holding my breath or closing my eyes at intervals. I'm not one to stay in bed but honestly...if I could go away or even move abroad, that would be amazing.

I'm here in the meantime.

Many thanks, I appreciate all your work and effort. A lot more inspiring.

I'm doing the work. Evidently there's a lot more to do. Age fifty. Seems like I am being forced to start a whole new life.

Thanks again.
A move abroad has come to mind, but again, even as a digital nomad I need to earn money and from what I ready 4-5K a month.

Definitely no quick fixes or get out of jail passes.

I will keep working on it.

Thanks again
sometimes one needs to recognise opportunity knocking and go along. with pluto sextile venus…it has happened. its a sextile it needs you making the effort, so you can chose to ignore. but if you dont…. any work you do amplifies enormously to success.

current eclipse also sextile so same thing…you need to apply yourself to make it work. the current luna trines sun so emotional satisfaction and elevation.

the next eclipses though in april trines venus. the lunar sextile sun….

you are the person now and you should run with opportunity fast and run heavy. it wont last forever….time is short. opportunity doesn't knock twice. make it happen now or lose. see that you put in strong foundation to carry you forward.

pluto venus also promotes money… again, with application. a trine would flow, sextile says mine it. so effort must be applied. you need to ask, dig in and draw the line. think of win-win deals. you cant be a pushover and get taken for a fool. do a couple or few for free to prove concept but then fees kick in.

and neptune will trine venus in a year so even better for you, …..making you an influencer….

lets not forget uranus sextiling that venus… all of it more or less at same time.

otherwise go on your own…use instagram and facebook, youtube…x… to promote and link it all to your own website. promote yourself. promote others for a fee on cross promotion. there are many in India who would build one for very low payment. otherwise i see that (or or all!! has changed its format to make things easier so you could go this way also.

that way if its yours…via patrion taking a cut from payments… can go multi directions and see which one turns into gold.

but for heaven sake, DO something.

Travel can be expensive but not necessarily. it is more expensive than pre covid though. and prices are rising. everything is getting worse. buy an old car…. pack up gear in boot but make sure its secure from eyes!…..and add a camp bed, little camp stove for coffee…and go. or else buy one in europe and lug gear with you. buy battery and a solar charger…. Some countries still allow wild camping. be respectful and dont leave a mess …. there are always low cost airbnb places but ‘wild’ camping probably is best.

but from what you say, you have quite enough options to negotiate and go with so travel is just a distraction now.
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Many thanks again.

It definitely will not be Europe for me and I don’t drive. Money has run out so I need to focus on what will bring funds.

I’m working on social media that is what looks like the gamble. Years ago it would have been stability on the job but it’s not to be.

I’m working on it. I appreciate all the guidance.

Please remember my request….what do I need to read or study to learn about what you’re teaching me?

I’m working on social media and it is in my soul to do. As soon as money comes, I am free to make a move. Until then I am reliant on the shocks I am experiencing.

I’ve seen people build social media accounts only to lose everything. Those that wanted to partner with me suggested I do fraud of sorts. Seemed a small matter but I just felt if they can skip past the little things I would be building on sand so I decided to go it alone. Offers have still come in fr others even though I told them no. I go forward blindly. This assistance from everyone including you has helped. Greatly.

It has been long days six and seven days. I’m working on it. Black eyes for the first time in my life. I wish I had a need to work this hard when I was younger. Can’t go back only forwards.

Definitely would feel’easier’ with a financial cushion. It is what it is.

Losing money in the ‘secure’ income isn’t helping.

I’m working on it.

Thanks again
There is a huge amount of astrology info on the web. Most of it now copy pasted from each other. i dont have links. has some original enough reports and helpful info. But recently the site changed and they may have put it all behind pay wall. astro-seek is excellent for technical info. they have or used to have…not sure…. a free forum behind a registration wall. also has good info and a more formal forum.

You have been really helpful. I’m thankful. Hopefully with everyone’s support received I can be more resilient with all the changes I am dealing with and hopefully I can soon start seeing income.

Many thanks to you and everyone.

I will continue to read on this forum as there’s a lot I don’t know. I will follow up the other links sent.

You have a skill with these aspects and eclipses. I appreciate you and you all.

Thank you

Enjoy your weekend

Positivity all around.

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