PLUTO Headed for my natal stellium.

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Jul 7, 2011
Venice Beach
:andy:So next year Pluto will start working through my stellium. I'm excited and apprehensive. I need advice, suggestions, and I need someone to let me know what to expect within the next few years considering the sign, planets involved, and house. thanks so much.


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Oh lord, put on your seat belt because you are in for one kind of a ride through the Underworld! Actually, it won't really be in orb until Jan. 2014 starting with Mars and won't be out of orb of until it passes Uranus until January 2021.You'll have gotten a taste of what Pluto is asking you to let die to make room for the new by then, for sure!

I felt compelled to reply because I feel you--I'm just finishing up Pluto squaring my stellium of five positions including my chart's ruler the moon, and because the stellium is in aspect to my Sun and MC, it also opposed my Sun and is now squaring my MC. By the time I'm done with Pluto--or it's done with me--I'll have spent exactly 10 years living in the underworld, as I have come to see it. And what HELL it has been...

I won't lie, it's been the most difficult, trying and psychologically/emotionally painful time of my life. Now nearing the end, I can honestly say that most things my egoic self defined as "me" was stripped down to my bones. All that 's left now is me sitting in the ashes, metaphorically waiting to morph into a new "self" which I still don't see yet. BUT here's the thing--everything that was destroyed or collapsed in my life, were all things that were falsely created in my life, based on my own wounds and family drama. While it was painful to let it all go, I can say that my life is more peaceful and I'm not having to worry about what evil people may do to me, or try to hurt me in some way. I've cleared the decks for more loving, stable, loyal and trustworthy people and situations to enter my life. And after all of the HELL I've been through, I will no longer accept anything less. I'm also in touch with my own power now and won't tolerate BS anymore.

So, this is what you have to look forward to, but know that the sooner you let go of that which is causing you pain--and since the stellium is in your 5th house, I'm assuming you have some relationship/romance/sexual issues, possibly drug/recreational issues to deal with. Meaning, whatever dysfunctional patterns you've lived out regarding 5th house issues, will be up for stark revision. In the end, all of the energy that's been leaked from false desires/negative and destructive habits can now be channeled into powerful and transformative creative works of art, for example.
Good luck!
I just noticed that Uranus is midway through my eighth house. How do you think that will affect my experience or alter the lesson? Thanks for the insight.
Youre what like 18? I seriously wouldnt worry about it

Pluto transits even if they actually do mean anything at all arenothing to worry about in your day to day life or controllable IF they mean anything

Ive seen so many people get paranoid about this its unreal

The outer planet transits do not rule your life they are a vague and distant generational white noise influence not personal only if you let them them be, and not important at all unless you get into their teriritory with any mission enjoy your life and dont worry
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theres no squares.oppositions connected to it except rulerships.

first it'll effect 8th-9th aries with mars
then it'll effect taurus/libra houses so 2nd and 10th.

it'll also effect sexuality (mars)
and love pluto conjunct venus is a intense examination of it.
you'll be gravitated automatically towards a situation.

its dark, but potentially energizing to the whole chart top down.
youre only like 18, but you'll grow much wiser in activity.
if you do the right things like moving along instead of smoking weed and concentrating on redemption.
which probably will happen.

the interconnected houses will also be effected 1st - chiron, 3rd moon, MC.
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