Pluto/Scorpio Intensity hyperdrive - am I doomed

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Nov 27, 2012
Hi guys,

today was the first day I actually admitted - I want a relationship above everything else in life; doing away with whatever guilt I had before.

With Pluto conjunct Venus in Scorpio, opposite my Moon the 8th house, NN and Vesta in the 7th House, Jupiter sliding over aswell due to proximity to the DC and Ceres in Scorpio - I crave to be with someone. I will devote my life to that person in many ways ( I won't lose myself, Uranus Sagittarius makes sure of that) yet I want to be with someone wholly.

Since I was a little boy I dreamt of being with someone, not getting married per se but just loving another human being. Doing romantic stuff, weekends locked away - just the two of us. Even now today, every night when I go to sleep I dream/vision someone lying next to me. How my day might have been different if he (yes he) was there with me. The amount of time I invest in this is unparalleled....
And the few times that there has been some in my sights - I locked on and there is no getting away. My intensity is immense, even friends tell me to just back down a bit.
Granted my strong Sagittarius (with Uranus) makes me desire my own freedom and individuality aswell - I always say you're on my leash, stay where I can see you and come back soon, yet while you're gone you may do whatever you want. I'm not the overtly jealous type, I do have trust (must be the Pisces)

Anyways, my question is - will I actually have that experience in this life? I'm a wizard with people, Venus Trine Mars and Jupiter - I have no problem meeting people - yet I never meet anyone who's either interested or can withstand my intensity... My longest 'relationship' has been 1 month, give or take... and I'm nearly 27 - Juno in Capricorn in the 4th is NOT pleased! :crying:

Yours sincerely, someone who is confused and lost in the murky depths of Scorpio:unsure:

My details are
13 December 1986
Pretoria, South Africa


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My situation has the same intensity, but My objective is quite the opposite. I have Pluto (retrograde) in Scorpio square to the Sun in Taurus and square to Mars in Leo.
Also I have the Moon in Scorpio and I do not want is a serious relationship for a long time. I think I'm still too dominant and inflexible to share feelings towards another person. It's like I can not afford to rely on any sense of another person.
I do not know what motivates me to think so. Maybe it's the squares, perhaps Venus in Aries (shun of commitments)

Regarding your question, I could not tell if "exactly live that experience," but I think for the issues you stated, you're not someone who has trouble relating to new people, not that you are "introverted"
Please read my other post to you on your other question.

Your problem is more related to your constant need for freedom as indicated by your high power Uranus which is also high friction. While you may be in a relationship for a time, your partner will always feel that you need your space, and that space is probably more than they can deal with. The issues regarding Romance and Partnership don't come to the fore when they should. You may think about this, but not enough, and they conflict with what you think you need to have to be FREE. You are going to have to confront your powerful and high friction Uranus, to deal with this issue.
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Zarathu makes some very good observations. I would agree. I would think "traditional" marriage would not be for you. It is easy to fantasize about what you don't have and how "if only" you had somebody to love... but you are in love with the idea of being in love more than anything. And don't blame it on Scorpio and Pluto. They only provide elevated intensity, as do your Mars/Jupiter conj in Pisces. You are a person motivated by your passions and the more spontaneous the passion the better.

I would also add that the transit period you are going through right now is figuring in very strongly. Saturn is passing over your Pluto/Venus conj. as we discuss this matter. Saturn is saying to you, "Now it's time to consider your values and matters relating to these planets and their conjunction." (of course other aspects that resonate with these planets as well)

Saturn has arrived to teach class, and important lessons they are, because soon to follow will be your first Saturn return, so pay attention. You are feeling the weight of these matters more than usual. So take note of the process and your concern of the moment. Foundational elements you have laid down in you life—especially having to do with one to one relationships—are at the forefront of you thoughts. Saturn wants to test you and your attitudes regarding these matters. More importantly, will these "values" which you have constructed serve you in the future?

Saturn has been making its way through your second house which brings up your "values" on a range of issues, including love and relationship. What do you truly value in your life? Saturn is asking. Now as it sits on your Venus it is asking you about love and close personal relationships in particular. What is your value structure relating to this issue? And keep in mind the teacher does not let you do you homework in class. The work must have been done prior, otherwise you are graded harshly and personal pain is your mark for the lesson.

Saturn does not let you just show up and say, "I want it to be this way now. I want to be in love with one person—forever!" For something to be lasting—especially a relationship—Saturn demands that you spend time building a solid foundation for your heart to hold the valued love of another person. Otherwise, a hasty dive into love will not survive stressful transits in the future. Such a meaningful connection may appear suddenly but the home in which it must live and grow requires solid values to that end and I would question if you have seriously worked on that part of your character. Don't get me wrong. I do not judge you. It is simply as Zarathu said, "You may think about this, but not enough, and they conflict with what you think you need to have to be FREE."

I believe you are one who must allow time to mellow your flame in life. In your early to mid 30s, after your Saturn return, after Saturn has passed over your Sun and Uranus and is making its way into your 4th house, beginning the long climb up from the deepest part of your chart, then you will have reached a point in life where you may find a satisfying balance between freedom and commitment to a single person.

Until then it will remain an obsessive part of your idealism and dreams; wanting what you only think you want. But this process IS part of your evolution because at some time you will be presented with the option to "have someone." It remains to be seen if that will be enough for you. None the less, until then you exist in a "practice mode" with the love interests that you do encounter along the way, all the while trying to solve the mystery of finding "The One" for you. Treat each as if they were. Actually entering a serious relationship maybe more of an acquired taste for you than something that comes naturally.

So, live and love as you consider all these matters. What is for you, you will have. Just don't act too impulsively, jumping into a situation you will likely want to jump out of once you find it too confining. Love deeply—always.
Thanks for the replies...

Ow I've felt Saturn, sure have. The past year has been one of hell - yet transformational. I've had just about 'everything' taken from me.
Close friendships dissolved, flow of clients dried out (along with the cashflow that comes with it), lost items, hardware failures, being denied entry to a country and spending 3 days in jail awaiting an outbound flight. Slowly but surely Saturn closed down and made me use whatever was left - and that's not a whole lot...

On my 2nd day in jail, I sat there thinking - what's the most important to me. Luggage is somewhere, passport somewhere else, no means of contacting the few people that I do know in the country - I didn't even know where exactly I was being held.... Thus I focused on what is the MOST important to me in my life - all of them non physical... I thought all was well until Saturn came back round for the 2nd Transit Conjunct Pluto and I had a complete breakdown (about 3 weeks ago), the feeling of everything being taken was (and still is to some extent) immense. I could only focus on what I knew is of value to me, and that is my memories.

Not to dwell on them, no, instead I find my strength, my courage and ability from there - what I have achieved: both 'good' and 'bad'. How far I've come from the introverted shy little boy in high school to the very likeable, social and active person I am now. My Mayan astrology also points to remembering - as a Self-Existing Red Moon I am to remember who and what I am, not just from this life but from lifetimes before and whatever is beyond that. From these memories do I build some sense of value, self-worth.

Thus we come back to values, what there is to learn - me slowly now appreciating the light that I carry inside me (I guess which Pluto opposite Moon is teaching). I've been very blaze before in the past regarding who I am, people commending me with my response being far beyond humble if not undermining to what they had said. This now as we speak, is evolving at a rapid pace - the void of depression (in my mind caused by Pluto) no longer beckons to me, instead I understand the transformational qualities thereof and embrace the flow of energy. That - I will not yield nor give up attitude - instead I will ride this wave of energy - be it ontop of it, underneath it or conforming to the wave and dissolving myself into it (that statement is very contradictory yet makes complete sense in my being).

One of my favorite quotes is: Dance to the beat of your own drum
Very Uranus of me I'm sure - and that is where I choose to channel its energy towards. In my brash attitude towards rules and regulations within the world, the systems that people find themselves in, what is 'right' and 'wrong'. The forward thinking, rebellious nature, freedom seeking individual is pointed and channeled towards the world and my mission I feel within it. Yet in matters of love, I crave and even demand an absolute flow of energy and intimacy for that I was I give naturally.

I appreciate the comments and feedback, it all adds to my currently expanding consciousness and awareness of self:biggrin:
Your natal saturn (14 deg sag) is squaring your 7th house (pisces 17 deg). It's not that you won't have a relationship, it's just saturn delays things until you have learned the lessons you need to learn. When saturn is making a harsh aspect to venus or your 7th house you will usually get married after your saturn return (which is around 29 years old).

Also your venus is in detriment in scorpio. Your relationships have a love/hate theme to them...with pluto conjunct venus it just adds to the overall intensity. That's why a lot of people with venus in scorpio have trouble in is almost as if they want to possess the other person. But a healthy relationship allows both people the space to grow. It's all about balancing your passions..which is easier said than done!

It's more your saturn though squaring your 7h that is responsible though!
Excellent post, Astrology2....straight to the point.

Just one point of divergence....I think the Scorpio NEED is to possess. Less than possession brings insecurity...and therein lies the fatal flaw. The more one tries to possess, the more the love object pulls away out of fear of being consumed (psychologically or spiritually.)

The issue of Moon oppose Venus is really difficult. Venus the love object, Moon the mother figure. Geometrically, the Moon figure is more independent. But also further away...therefore more desirable. What a conundrum!

Hi there!

It's been really interesting reading this thread. I was born a few weeks after you (3 Jan 1987 in fact), so have the same Venus-Mars trine in Scorpio-Pisces. My longest 'relationship' has hardly been two days, so I guess that won't give you a whole lot of hope for the future... I'm not giving up hope though, but as I seem to hear in your story as well, my feelings and imagination tend to reach such a high pitch that the other seems to back off pretty quickly. Liz Greene somewhere wrote of this Venus-Pluto as the problem of 'loving too much', which seems to describe the situation rather well.

I also wondered, are you in any way artistic/musical/creative? To me, playing an instrument, reading/writing poetry and such do help, though they also draw away from the actual experience. As some poet (forgot his name) wrote:

'Singing is sweet, but be sure of this:
Lips only sing when they cannot kiss'...
Thanks for the replies guys.

As previously expressed by others members - freedom is pivotal to me. From my own understanding of my chart I have heavy emphasis on freedom. In the Mind (Sag and Uranus) and in the body (Sag and Aries NN). Therefore even though my Scorpio Venus/Pluto is intensity beyond measure, with Mars in Pisces just adding more water to the ocean I still require my freedom.

I do have the possessive trait yet I always say go, be free. Just keep this leash attached to you at all times and come back. That is not ideal and a level of trust I will gradually build as I become older I guess. Moon opposite Venus always places me on 2nd foot as I generally put the needs of others ahead of my own (What Aries NN is trying to teach me).

Moon in Taurus may also increase the desire 'to have' yet over the past few months Saturn has taught me what is more valued is what is non-physical or tangible. Consequently I gained a sense of inner peace, where if I never saw anybody I loved again tomorrow I would be fine with it. For those feelings run deep inside of me. Therefore I know I can love someone, I can give them alot... yet if you love something to let it go. If it comes back to you... that I believe is a more evolved statement coming from Pluto/Venus in Scoprio.

To Kasper: I run on emotions. My mind is a lazor, once focused the intensity thereof can be shattering for most people. Virgo, Uranus and Pallas all ensure to that. Yet I trust my emotions more. Everything I ever do is from an emotional stand point. I may not play any musical instruments but I am an extreme appreciator thereof.
My iTunes library (organized to perfection, thank you Virgo) ranges from trance to celtic to French folk to Armania, Lebanon and Russia.
My create expression comes in form of written material - however that only happens when Uranus kicks in with Divine inspiration.
It seems to me you are over-projecting the notion that no one can withstand your intensity.

This is why this thread contains no mention whatsoever of what type of mate it is you seek.

You don't know what you are looking for. Once you determine the type of person who CAN withstand your intensity, that person will be rather easy to find and/or attract to yourself.