Pluto square Mars

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Mar 18, 2007
Planet Earth
I know someone with this aspect. But have a hard time pinpointing what this aspect is about because I think he hides/controls it so well.

Mars is in Capricorn in the 12th house square to Pluto in Libra in the 9th. He probably has an overactive subconscious, secret enemies and a bad temper, but i dont really see any of it. I do know he takes religion seriously. He studied religious studies for a bit, but doesnt have a practical degree.

Does anyone have any insight into this aspect with respect to sex, secrets, mental health, education, religion and violence?

My sister in law has this aspect but Mars is in Cancer and can't recall the houses at this moment. She has an extremely bad temper...full out rage. Once she cursed my brother for one full hour at the top of her lungs until she fainted. :eek:
StarNur said:
I know someone with this aspect. But have a hard time pinpointing what this aspect is about because I think he hides/controls it so well.

Mars is in Capricorn in the 12th house square to Pluto in Libra in the 9th. He probably has an overactive subconscious, secret enemies and a bad temper, but i dont really see any of it. I do know he takes religion seriously. He studied religious studies for a bit, but doesnt have a practical degree.

Does anyone have any insight into this aspect with respect to sex, secrets, mental health, education, religion and violence?


Mars square Pluto, the story of my life. :eek: And NO, it's not in my chart.
Both my husband and my 21 yr old son have Mars square Pluto natally.

My husband is an Aries, with Mars in Scorpio,in the 7th, square Pluto in Leo, exact.
Our son is also an Aries, with Mars in Aquarius, square Pluto in Scorpio, also
4th and 7th houses.

In terms of your list of questions, I am not sure one can tell much about education, religion, or even mental health with this aspect combination.
From your list, it is indicative of sex, secrets, and perhaps questions of violence.
But really I think it is more about life goals, and passion for ones desires and personal dreams.

My husband is a very sexy man, I must say, and always has been quite the ladies man. We have been married for 26 yrs and as far as I know, he has been faithful however. [ he has a cancer moon and taurus rising]
I don't think he has many secrets from me but he is crazy about others telling the truth. He HATES to think others are lying to him, and he really goes crazy until he gets the truth out of them. Our kids have learned that no matter what they have done, if they tell him the truth, he will work it out with them. He is very compassionate and understanding.
I have never ever seen him violent, ever. And he has only completely lost his temper a couple of times that I witnessed. Once with me, and he threw a lot of things at the house, :eek: and swore a lot, until our friend and neighbor came over and dragged him into their house for awhile to cool down. And once he and his brother got into a physical fight at their parents house on Christmas Eve. They mostly just rolled around on the floor and yelled though.
Here is how I see it working in his personality. He LOVES to say shocking things. He is a comedy writer, and has been writing since he was about 5 yrs old, when he wrote his first joke book. So he loves to spoof people, and he likes to think of outrageous things to say or do and watch the reactions. His work memos to other writers and producers are often kept for their comic value I have been told. He loves to make off color sexual jokes and references, but never to kids or women, because his cancer moon is very polite and proper.
Our son is very different from his dad. However, he has never been violent, and I don't think he has ever been in a fight, other than some organized boxing at the gym.
But his entire life he has wanted to become a cop. He applied at 19 and they said finish college and come back. He just got his AA in criminal Justice and took his EMT course, and so he plans to become an EMT for now.
His mars/pluto seems to be more of a love for Law Enforcement, and for
women. Cougars seem to gravitate to him and that really does bother me, but it is his life. His 3 yr relationship with the love of his life fell apart last yr, and he has not been able to jump back into the dating scene yet.

I saw the mars/pluto square when his gf left him for another guy. He cried and punched walls, and his door,and swore alot, but he dealt with it as best he could. He was pretty short tempered with us, but not overly so. That was last summer so things have improved a lot. They have actually become friends kind of, and that makes me happy.

I do not think mars square pluto automatically indicates a violent temper. Both of the men in my life have that aspect in angular houses and in fixed signs, and one might think they would be out of control. Maybe the fixed signs help them hold it in and release it in another way however. :cool:

My son has his dreams of being a cop, so he knows he gets to use that energy in a productive fashion if he keeps himself together and out of trouble long enough to be accepted into the academy. All through school he has avoided completely, other kids who used drugs or drank, because he wanted to stay clean for the academy. And he did pass the polygraph and the background check so that is pretty admirable for mars/pluto square in scorpio.aquarius.
Interesting thread. I have Mars/Pluto square, where my Mars is in Capricorn (in the 11th) and my Pluto is in Libra (in the 7th). From what I read about it --to confirm feelings, etc.--there can be a temper, but other things can mitigate this. My sex drive fluctuates from simply feeling present to being extremely powerful. (I can relate to the cougars gravitating toward me, but it happens either a little at a time, or very strongly. I've always managed to attract either more mature women my age, or women older than me by about 15-20 years. Doesn't entirely bother me since at most it's simply flirting.) I can have a temper if provoked. With my planets both in cardinal signs, I think it tends to come across to others as a bit intimidating, although I don't try to scare people.

To top it off, this configuration creates a T-square with my Saturn in Cancer, so the "outlet" ends up being in Aries. Interestingly, I have Chiron in Aries, although the degrees don't match up. Still, from what I've read, having anything in the "outlet" sign will experience the energy from the T-square. I consider it equivalent to bone cracking then feeling an enormous sense of relief.

The real challenge is simply trying to harness and get in control the fierce energy behind the squares, especially between Mars and Pluto. Sounds like people are wokring it out well. That's a good thing, because this can be a formidable aspect.
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I like Mars in Capricorn. It is in it's exaltation because Mars is disposited through Saturn. A person with Mars in Capricorn would take restrained and harnessed action rather than impulsive action without a thought for consequences. Kind of like a wise elder in the position of a general or executive.

If we interpret the energy of Mars as being restrained and residing in a rather passive twelfth house the flavor of this aspect for me is rather spiritual in it's effect. To me Mars says "I act", and in Capricorn is says "In a restrained and traditional manner" in the world of spiritual matters.

Pluto in the 9th house says, "I believe in control and I control my beliefs" The placement of Pluto in the ninth makes this person totally committed to his spiritual beliefs and ideals.

The combination of the 9th and 12th houses makes me think that this person would attracted to the religious life. Yes there certainly must be some anger issues but it is possible that his anger dissolves because of the 12th house placement.

It is possible that a horoscope example was posted but I didn't see it so I'm just giving my interpretation on the few astrological placements that I have here.

Thanks and I hope you can provide me with some more info.
my mum has pluto in cancer square mars in libra. So where's her tension..... Yes there is a temper in evidence....but it only becomes apparent after the assertion of mars has not been asserted. Mars being in detriment in libra, not as strong or fully flowing in its energy. I kind of see a misunderstanding of the energy of mars....trying to supress anger, as it is not seen in a positive light. However the square results in a lot of tension from the suppression of the anger or fierce energy... so when it lets loose ...go figure.

But this has been addressed over the years...where the mars energy has been understood and a stronger effect has been made to assert boundaries and personal needs... resulting in a gentler espression of pluto.

Maybe the sign and house of mars show the lesson of the martain energy in this life. Pluto shows where this misalignment pops up in life (My mum's tension only showed in family life not her professional one). My mars is in capricorn, and opposite my moon, mirroring the tension of my mother. I have a steadier expression yet still had to really learn to communicate my boundaries in order to nuture and give myself what i need. I now see the fatastic energy of anger if it is channelled properly into creative endaevour. The moon in cancer energy can be quite passive in comparison.

I know someone with this aspect. But have a hard time pinpointing what this aspect is about because I think he hides/controls it so well.

Mars is in Capricorn in the 12th house square to Pluto in Libra in the 9th. He probably has an overactive subconscious, secret enemies and a bad temper, but i dont really see any of it. I do know he takes religion seriously. He studied religious studies for a bit, but doesnt have a practical degree.

Does anyone have any insight into this aspect with respect to sex, secrets, mental health, education, religion and violence?


Mars square uranus is bad temper, mars square pluto is sexual energy and physical violence, may go both ways either attract it to them or give it out basically.

"Our son is very different from his dad. However, he has never been violent, and I don't think he has ever been in a fight, other than some organized boxing at the gym"

What's this if it's not legalised fighting?:lol:

Ten minute astrologer,
"It is in it's exaltation because Mars is disposited through Saturn. A person with Mars in Capricorn would take restrained and harnessed action rather than impulsive action without a thought for consequences. Kind of like a wise elder in the position of a general or executive.

If we interpret the energy of Mars as being restrained and residing in a rather passive twelfth house the flavor of this aspect for me is rather spiritual in it's effect. To me Mars says "I act", and in Capricorn is says "In a restrained and traditional manner" in the world of spiritual matters."

Mars in 12th maybe passive but exalted mars in Cappi is extremely physically strong and my partner has this square pluto from late 2nd to 11th and trust me I would not want to cross him or be on the receiving end.

Mars in 12th to me suggests he ego energy was stamped on very hard as a child and he learnt not to express that anger, prob sent to his room for having tantrums.... square Pluto in 9th, both these are cadent house, therefore much harder to identify with.

*You have strong philosophical views and there are times in your life when you passionately crusade for a cause that you deem noble and of utmost importance. Although your intentions are good, you are not as objective as you think you are, and your views are more colored by personal experiences and concerns than you realize. Nevertheless, you can also be instrumental in bringing about positive change if you can avoid being dogmatic. Also, you may radically change or revise your own personal beliefs, even your most cherished convictions, many times during your life.

So, wherever Pluto is in the chart is where we want ultimate power and control and to be in tense square aspect to mars, how we act and behave will be at odds with his spiritual, religious and philosophical beliefs then....

Always the sign modifies the planets energy, the house is where and aspect is either challenging as in conj, square, opps or easy empathy in sextiles trines...
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Interesting thread...
I am curious if anyone has experienced the bad temper tendencies of Mars/Pluto or Mars/Uranus with the Quincunx? Also to a lesser degree Mars conjunct Pluto or Uranus.
I personally have experienced the bad temper tendencies from previous boyfriends who had both Mars quincunx Pluto and Uranus, and the other had Mars conjunct Uranus/Pluto. What's more, they came across on first impressions as really nice wholesome guys, someone you would want to take home to mom and definitely not a person you would expect to have this kind of temper. Little did I know what was hidden beneath.

Side note, I have also heard the Mars in hard aspect to Uranus indicates sexual problems. It was certainly the case with one of the two relationships I had.
Interesting thread...
I am curious if anyone has experienced the bad temper tendencies of Mars/Pluto or Mars/Uranus with the Quincunx? Also to a lesser degree Mars conjunct Pluto or Uranus.
I personally have experienced the bad temper tendencies from previous boyfriends who had both Mars quincunx Pluto and Uranus, and the other had Mars conjunct Uranus/Pluto. What's more, they came across on first impressions as really nice wholesome guys, someone you would want to take home to mom and definitely not a person you would expect to have this kind of temper. Little did I know what was hidden beneath.

Side note, I have also heard the Mars in hard aspect to Uranus indicates sexual problems. It was certainly the case with one of the two relationships I had.

Really need to see the charts involved :cool: The bad temper is mars/uranus the sexual ego energy and physical violence is mars/pluto.

Mars/uranus ..... all depends on the houses involved. If it were in 8th house for example I would expect they could go years without sex and then when they get it become insatiable, or even want unsual, kinky sex :love:

Houses denotes area of focus for these energies, house shows you where. Just shows how good astrology works cos unless these planets are in 'angular' houses then these aspects (mars/pluto, mars/uranus) would not be obviously cos they are not in the 'shop window' for others to see:biggrin:
What's more, they came across on first impressions as really nice wholesome guys
I know someone with mars in capricorn (exalted) in late 2nd conj 3rd house cusp square pluto in virgo in 11th house, his pluto is conj uranus (generational thing).
His mars in Cappi is hard working practical and ambitious and puts this into earning money and communications, aries rules 6th house cusp. Now pluto in 11th along with uranus conj and venus and jupiter conj 11th from 10th. So groups, friends are ultra important, but when the pluto/mars errupts (uranus) it acts very quickly and he can and does use violence, usually to protect himself.

Pluto is where we want control, power and conj Uranus who wants freedom, he can swing from power issues to wanting total freedom and walk away from everything espec women cos uranus is also square moon in gemini in 8th. Typical take them, love them, and leave them aspect.
I knew a guy that had mars in aquarius square pluto in scorpio. Since his mars was in aquarius, his temper was very well controlled. This aspect indicates a potentialy violent person, but one that also holds a huge amount of physicall endurence. I myself have mars and pluto in conjunct, and know how difficult it is to control this sort of energy. Mars square pluto in general, can produce tension on a subconciouss level, and the person needs to make a significant effort to intergrate these energies into one.With a square the person tends to take sides. Its either Martian enegry, or Plutonion enegry. Just a quick thing about mars in aquarius, there actions are unexpected, and original, when teamed with a pluto in scorpio, these can make them intensly deep and insightfull, on a humanitarian level. They tend to have elitist qualities about them.

In this case it would be an inconjunct from Mars in Aquarius in the 12th H to Uranus/Pluto in Virgo in the 7th H. My experience was that of someone who had a hair trigger temper, although I am not sure if those aspects those were the culprits. He also had a Mars to Neptune Scorpio Square in the 8th, so perhaps that had something to do with it. I don't have much experience with Mars/Neptune squares and opposition to be sure. Perhaps Sun conjunct Mercury in Capricorn could be the temper issue too. All of his other aspects were trines and sextiles. What do you think?

His chart is the outer wheel.


  • Female inner Male out Bi Wheel.doc
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I agree with both the aspects given by Astrologer50, Ura-Mars and Plu-Mars. Yet, I feel that there can be other things to trigger a quick temper such as a lot of Aries or even Leo energy (fire is quick and impulsive), Mars conj Sun (I know someone with quite a quick tongue and temper with the Aries Mars conj the Pisces Sun). So, for sure, placement, condition and aspects of Mars are important. Personally, I have an exalted Mars in Cap conj Moon (emotions get charged up easily, but Moon also seems to soften Mars just a little) and square Pluto. I am aware that I can have quite a temper (never taken to violence, not even hit my fist on the table or smashed a cup), but have mostly been able to control it (even if I am simmering inside) due to the Cap energies and Saturn's tight opposition to Mars. A lot of my Plu-Mars energies get channelised into work and ambition (Cap Mars and Sat aspects). Btw, I have a lovely t-sqaure involving Plu-Sat-Mars-conj-Moon;-).

To touch on the Nep-Mars aspects brought up by Vista, I feel that Neptune will have a 'dissolving' or numbing effect on Mars, so Mars here should actually not be agressive due to this aspect, at least.

My father has Mars Pluto conj in Leo, he has had bad temper and is easily moved to anger but he is also very kind and compassionate man. He has not been physically violent, but verbally very often. Also, over the years he has been working much on himself and modifying this energy. His physical energy and presence are of considerable impact. He has been working 16 hours days most of his life and is still quite active (he is in his early 60s). He has a way of influencing people energetically and almost hypnotizing them; also he possesses strong intuition and psychic perception.
I have Mars Uranus square (actually it's a T-sgr with my Sun opposition Uranus and both square Mars in Capricorn.) While if things are not to my liking I'm likely to express it and I can engage in verbal disagreements, I do not feel moved to anger easily and am very much in control of myself (possibly thanks to Mars in Cap), a lot of people find it surprising that I have an Aries sun, they see me as sweet, soft, gentle, etc. So I'm not sure I relate to the interpretaiton that Mars Uranus create tendency to temper issues. Also my Mars is in the 12H in Capr, and I do NOT have a lot of physical energy. In fact, I always loved to dance but my physical energy is not very abundant, and I could not have made a professional dancer for e.g. I feel Mars square Uranus give an extreme impatience. That's how I exeprience it.
As far as Mars-Neptune, I agree with aquarius7000, Neptune dissolves the direct pointed energy of Mars, so it is less physical/intense...
One thing I have observed about people with a Mars/Pluto square in their natal is great *tenacity*/*staying power*. It can give an almost unbreakable willpower.
Like any aspect, so much depends on what the Native will do with it.
When it comes to issues of ill temper though, I would consider the Moon. The moon rules our moods/emotional responses. A moon in detriment or debility will reflect a person who has emotional conflicts.
Mercury determines how we express our thoughts (which can be quite separate from our *feelings*).A square or opposition, semi square, quincunx involving the moon and Mercury could produce a person prone to temper issues.And yes, I agree that fire signs can be also implicated here.
I've often seen the Mars/Pluto square play out in issues to do with legalities-ie. police or other authorities.The aspect, at its most potent, could be quite dictatorial.
Mohammed (I am the Greatest) Ali has this aspect: mars in Taurus square Pluto in Leo. I would expect this aspect to appear in the charts of those who exhibit a fierce competitive spirit.
nice interpretation ten minute astrologer. if ure still interested, as i am, in interpreting how this aspect works in his natal chart, here it is...

he doesnt express his temper. I know he has one becuase when he have an argument and I make him angry he will not talk to me for a few days.

Speaking of Mohammed Ali, Mike Tyson, another great boxer has this aspect too. Actually he has Pluto square Mars conjunct Uranus!!! Yikes!
Hey Guys,

interesting topic...

I have Mars conjunct Sun in Capricorn in11th house, both squaring Pluto in Libra in 7th (cusp of 8th house)...

I don't have bad temper, and try to avoid confrontations, I get emotiona l pretty easily and this is due to my strong Pisces. I have Pisces ascendant with Moon in Pisces in the 1st house, and ruler of Pisces Neptune in 10th conjucnt MC...

I think my Mars/Sun square Pluto drive me to have great success in my career, I have a very strong need to stand out in someway and I won't give up until I do just that. But Neptune Conjunct MC just can't seem to let go, I'm constantly confused about my career options and jump from one thing to another.... I know what I want to achieve and those squares are kind of pushing me towards that.

I know this thread is old but thought I might strike up a conversation about this subject and gain insights. I’m quite new on here so forgive me if this isn’t something we should do.

I have mars in 4th house of Capricorn which is also my sun.
Pluto is in the first house of Libra at 24 degrees so right at the end of the first house.

My temper shows up at home or with people I’m really comfortable with. Other than that it’s all bubbling inside and very controlled.
When it’s not bubbling and controlled it’s out of control. Crazy outbursts of anger and tears. Can look and be dangerous for myself. Only at home though.

I’m scared to show others like work or acquaintances as I’m scared I will lose control and my thought process is that it will scare them. It won’t be good for them and I might break them. Not that I ever have hurt someone but when sometimes I do snap back it looks horrible to me for them. It’s like my words hit them.

Does anyone else get this?