StarNur said:
I know someone with this aspect. But have a hard time pinpointing what this aspect is about because I think he hides/controls it so well.
Mars is in Capricorn in the 12th house square to Pluto in Libra in the 9th. He probably has an overactive subconscious, secret enemies and a bad temper, but i dont really see any of it. I do know he takes religion seriously. He studied religious studies for a bit, but doesnt have a practical degree.
Does anyone have any insight into this aspect with respect to sex, secrets, mental health, education, religion and violence?
Mars square Pluto, the story of my life.

And NO, it's not in my chart.
Both my husband and my 21 yr old son have Mars square Pluto natally.
My husband is an Aries, with Mars in Scorpio,in the 7th, square Pluto in Leo, exact.
Our son is also an Aries, with Mars in Aquarius, square Pluto in Scorpio, also
4th and 7th houses.
In terms of your list of questions, I am not sure one can tell much about education, religion, or even mental health with this aspect combination.
From your list, it is indicative of sex, secrets, and perhaps questions of violence.
But really I think it is more about life goals, and passion for ones desires and personal dreams.
My husband is a very sexy man, I must say, and always has been quite the ladies man. We have been married for 26 yrs and as far as I know, he has been faithful however. [ he has a cancer moon and taurus rising]
I don't think he has many secrets from me but he is crazy about others telling the truth. He HATES to think others are lying to him, and he really goes crazy until he gets the truth out of them. Our kids have learned that no matter what they have done, if they tell him the truth, he will work it out with them. He is very compassionate and understanding.
I have never ever seen him violent, ever. And he has only completely lost his temper a couple of times that I witnessed. Once with me, and he threw a lot of things at the house,

and swore a lot, until our friend and neighbor came over and dragged him into their house for awhile to cool down. And once he and his brother got into a physical fight at their parents house on Christmas Eve. They mostly just rolled around on the floor and yelled though.
Here is how I see it working in his personality. He LOVES to say shocking things. He is a comedy writer, and has been writing since he was about 5 yrs old, when he wrote his first joke book. So he loves to spoof people, and he likes to think of outrageous things to say or do and watch the reactions. His work memos to other writers and producers are often kept for their comic value I have been told. He loves to make off color sexual jokes and references, but never to kids or women, because his cancer moon is very polite and proper.
Our son is very different from his dad. However, he has never been violent, and I don't think he has ever been in a fight, other than some organized boxing at the gym.
But his entire life he has wanted to become a cop. He applied at 19 and they said finish college and come back. He just got his AA in criminal Justice and took his EMT course, and so he plans to become an EMT for now.
His mars/pluto seems to be more of a love for Law Enforcement, and for
women. Cougars seem to gravitate to him and that really does bother me, but it is his life. His 3 yr relationship with the love of his life fell apart last yr, and he has not been able to jump back into the dating scene yet.
I saw the mars/pluto square when his gf left him for another guy. He cried and punched walls, and his door,and swore alot, but he dealt with it as best he could. He was pretty short tempered with us, but not overly so. That was last summer so things have improved a lot. They have actually become friends kind of, and that makes me happy.
I do not think mars square pluto automatically indicates a violent temper. Both of the men in my life have that aspect in angular houses and in fixed signs, and one might think they would be out of control. Maybe the fixed signs help them hold it in and release it in another way however.
My son has his dreams of being a cop, so he knows he gets to use that energy in a productive fashion if he keeps himself together and out of trouble long enough to be accepted into the academy. All through school he has avoided completely, other kids who used drugs or drank, because he wanted to stay clean for the academy. And he did pass the polygraph and the background check so that is pretty admirable for mars/pluto square in scorpio.aquarius.