Pluto transiting Ic-can it indicate death?

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No, he doesn't have Alzheimers, he is mentally very present and intelligent, he's just very stuck in his opinions and he thinks he's always right (fire grand trine).

Good! Self-righteousness is at least treatable! Maybe the Pluto transit will shake him loose from that attitude.
it definately doesn't indicate death. pluto transited my ic in 2004 -2005.
i graduated and started working. i really always wanted to move out of the country, i thought i would during this transit but it just didn't happen.

no deaths, no moves, a big nothing. that's why don't believe in every interpretation.

pluto sextiles my natal moon right now, it is still transiting in 4th house. mom had an operation not a serious one.

pluto will conjunt mars in 2015, mars rules 8th, not sure what it means.
Maybe so, BE. So many people are fearful of Pluto transits, it might be a blessing to know how many of us have survived those transits!

Always add a spoon of sugar with my Initials or Name! I'm starting the thread.. I wish we had an option to link threads around here. Quoting you on the start~!
Hi! Next month transiting Pluto will conjuct my IC in 0 degrees. Also had a 0 degree conjuction of Uranus and DC this month. Both big transits I suppose. I was wondering if the Uranus transit could influence the Pluto transit in any way, or opposite? Thanks :smile:
Hi! Next month transiting Pluto will conjuct my IC in 0 degrees. Also had a 0 degree conjuction of Uranus and DC this month. Both big transits I suppose. I was wondering if the Uranus transit could influence the Pluto transit in any way, or opposite? Thanks :smile:

You need to look at both the transits together, since Pluto and Uranus are at present making a square aspect to each other. Uranus on your DC could bring sudden significant meetings with new people, possibly a new relationship, also big changes in existing relationships, together with Pluto on the IC this could mean a change of home or job, or upheavals in your domestic situation. It all depends on your circumstances, and of course on your chart as a whole and other aspects and progressions happening at the same time.. :smile:

transit pluto goes over my ic and a lot of other aspects to personal points in my birth chart with a t-square.

but absolutly nothing happens, the last 4 years i worked really hard for any little succes, but absolutly everything goes awry and some things turn against me, in abusive ways, it devitalice me over time.

i know this patterns, but cannot finish that, that caused a deep hate in me, while i will go free of this pattern but doesnt work what i do. i have see this the last three years, the only one was happen was retraumatised by psychlogists and going enraged like a berserk for a couple of weeks.

this hate ist going realy strong with this pluto transits and my thoughs goes harder and harder,

i hate my country, for his hypocrisy in deepest behavior they are nazis like 1933 - 1945 but in another form and they dont see that, an astrologer say, i gain an big heritage at some point, but this is wrong in a material thing, i have no money like a church mouse and my life was a whole desaster, abusive childhood in sexuality and violence physical & psychic.

but i barrow a big cultural heritage, my parents was nazis in the WW2 and i destroyed this family with a hard fight in my youth against them and living a while in the underdog, because not acceptet the expulsion.

with germans i'm on distance thats the reason why not going in german forums, i will learn better english and somtimes never speak a german word again, change my name and say the truth about this country purpose.
what i realy love is nature, i spend much time in nature landscapes, i have forgot this love for a long time.
and i will try to work for human rights like amnesty international, but all ways seems to be blocked, maybe i must do nothing to gain succes, but i'm not sure, do nothing is not mine.

my birth chart 07.09.1976 07:55 at morning. in hamburg germany.

so far

have a nice day
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Hi Hephaistos,

the solution to resolving your feelings of hatred against your family and your country lies in forgiveness.. you won't be able to find any peace in your heart and soul unless you find a way to forgive. There is and has been good and bad in every country, Nazi Germany was a long time ago, people there have suffered a lot and there's been a lot of guilt about what happened then, let it rest. Other European countries invaded the rest of the world creating a lot of suffering colonizing and suppressing the indigenous people of America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Every country has done their share of good and bad deeds..

Hoping you will find peace :smile:,
best wishes,
Hi Bina,

thanks for your reply.

forgive,...thats indeed the hardest part, and i mean realy hard, i think this is only possible with distance and over a long time, my youth is very currently in some moments and in some ways it seems to repeat under this transit, this makes me to forgive harder and generates wrath, a burning deep wrath about, like a vulcan before explode.

i have a girlfriend, she try to give me love, her ascendant is on my IC, i think to give me new roots.
but i dont know this feeling, its a new experience, she always say everything will be going alright, trust me.

i collect practice in meditation and shamanism, and since 3 years astrology.
i read in some case, second life half are a complete change of the first,... to good to be true.

i have a strong spiritual aspect in my personality,....ok i stop here, time will show results or not.

Hoping you will find peace
thanks, its one of my deepest wishes but i dont find currently, maybe in future. in around 1 Year i have a Pluto Sun transit, i read good things about it.

best wishes back.
My brother died in a car crash when Pluto crossed his I.C - but it was also exactly conjunct his Sun in 4th house
I have exact conjuction pluto with dc in capricorn in a solar return for this year. Has anyone of you experienced that aspect?
Pluto crossed my IC and makes a trine to my Sun on 15 degress Virgo square to Neptune in 12th house as ruler from 11th. Natal Pluto ist strong with 3 Planets conjunct the ascendant.

Nothing specially happen.

But i start to read and study the Bhagavad Gita, because i read the quote of Robert Oppenheimer and the Biography from Andrej Sacharow and their way of live. This what Sacharow constructet is the Energy of the Sun on the smallest level - Pluto, that was interesting in relation to Astrology.

[...]Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds[...]

[...]If the radiance of a thousand suns / were to burst at once into the sky / that would be like / the splendor of the Mighty One and I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds.”[...]
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Pluto crossed my IC and makes a trine to my Sun on 15 degress Virgo square to Neptune in 12th house as ruler from 11th.

Nothing specially happen.

But i start to read and study the Bhagavad Gita,
because i read the quote of Robert Oppenheimer and the Biography from Andrej Sacharow and their way of live.

[...]Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds[...]

[...]If the radiance of a thousand suns / were to burst at once into the sky / that would be like / the splendor of the Mighty One and I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds.”[...]
But not everyone born the same day with the same natal chart began reading and studying the Bhagavad Gita
when dwarf planet pluto crossed their IC
so there is some other explanation

'......Oppenheimer may have quoted the Bhagavad Gita out of context in relation to the Trinity Test.
To me, the Gita story is about Life - the dissolution of all boundaries into Oneness is the "Death" being talked about
not the death and destruction of weapons. Boundaries create life, discrete concepts separated from the continuum create self
-consciousness and must carry the seeds of their own destruction
- in the great merging with the Oneness of all things is the end of all boundaries, infinite Life subsumes all and there is no life and no death.
One need not agree with this formulation - to me this is what the Upanishads and the Gita are expressing,
how to reach a Peace that surpasses understanding, not how to make a Just War,
regardless of how just the warrior believes the war to be
In the story, Arjun, the Prince, does face difficult choices whether to go to war with unjust relatives
- in today's times these would be better interpreted as allegories of internal struggles to do the right actions,
not the wielding of mighty weapons....'


Hinduism is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology.
The Hindu literature is work of a Genius. (Dr. Steinn Sigurdsson, Pennsylvania State University)

'....How could Hindus (Aryas) have possibly known all this 6,000 years ago,
when scientists have only recently discovered this using advanced equipment which did not exist at that time? :smile:
Such concepts were found only recently.(Dr. Kevin Hurley of the University of California at Berkeley)
"We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count,
without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made."-Albert Einstein
"Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries. "- J. Robert Oppenheimer
"Hindu religion does not consist in struggles and attempts to believe a certain doctrine or dogma,
but in realizing not in believing, but in being and becoming"-Swami Vivekananda.....'

'...."Hinduism.....gave itself no name, because it set itself no sectarian limits; it claimed no universal adhesion, asserted no sole infallible dogma,
set up no single narrow path or gate of salvation; it was less a creed or cult than a continuously enlarging tradition of the Godward endeavor of the human spirit.
An immense many-sided and many staged provision for a spiritual self-building and self-finding,
it had some right to speak of itself by the only name it knew, the eternal religion, Santana Dharma"- Sri Sri Aurobindo
"From Persia to the Chinese Sea, 'from the icy regions of Siberia to the islands of Java and Borneo,
from Oceania to Socotra, India has propagated her beliefs, her tales and her civilization." -Sylvain Levi
"I believe any sensible man is unknowingly a Hindu
and that the only hope for man lies in the abolition of the erratic, dogmatic, unphilosophical creeds people today call religions." - Alain Danielou.....'
Hi Jupiterasc,

thanks for your interesting reply. i will take more time on the links what you postet. my english is not the best but i do my best and learn.

But not everyone born the same day with the same natal chart began reading and studying the Bhagavad Gita
when dwarf planet pluto crossed their IC

that was a long process, till i decided for a spiritual way of life. in physicans i'm interested since 25 years around
the spiritual side is grow slowly in hardest times, but continues. I'm no part of the society or a family the whole lifetime and fate, not what another wants from me leads my way. the deepest deeps i know but the highest high is not possible with things of curent society but i want find out, i try and i fail and now choose the other way.

thats my chart with transits.

i think the bhagavad gite can leads me to way to accept some of my own wounds, that is a part what i looking for.

and i know planets not do, but sighns an inner process that is similiar to the cosmos. thats my meaning in short.
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I was wondering about Pluto transiting the Ic, can it be an indication of death - either of the person concerned or of someone close to them?
A couple of people i know are dealing with this transit at the moment and they are worried what it could mean for them.
With the upcoming Pluto-Uranus squares, they both also have Uranus transiting the descendant at the same time.
Both their Ic/Des is within 2 degrees of the degrees of the exact Pluto-Uranus squares.
I appreciate any ideas/input about what this could mean in a chart.

Pluto transiting the ic doesn't mean much unless the SR activates it. Anywhoo, pluto transiting the ic could mean changes to your current home or moving to a new one. The 4th house has nothing to do with death. I'd be more wary if pluto was transiting the 1st, 6th, 7th or 8th houses. Even then there's no indications of death unless certain aspects/houses are being contacted.