Pluto square the descendant
I had this for a while and it only ended at the end of last year. In my case, this was a 'walking transit' ie, it began and ended entirely due to one man. Someone I had been friends with and to cut it short, the friendship ended as he betrayed me, and I went after her in a biggg way. He was in the wrong having a relationship, let's just say it was publicly regarded as 'inappropriate to his employment'

Lawyers were involved, the Police, people who had been friends no longer were, but through it all, I would not budge an inch. We had screaming fights together when I challenged him time after time, but most annoyingly, the girl in question seemed impervious to it all and carried on in an arrogant manner, and many many lies were told by the man and his collegues to defend her staying over night on so many occasions.
For four years this continued, UNTIL, one day, someone who knew about it all, and was on my side although I had no clue at that time, informed a public body about it, and it eventually went public and became common knowledge. Still she held on, but finally her grasp was loosened when the press entered the theatre and then the people who printed it called her on the phone and asked her to comment.
That did the trick, she feared for her career and it had been brought to her employers attention anyway, but it struck home to her that this was not going to go away and so her 'friendship' died a death....she loved the attention and being cute, but she was not brave enough to fend on what she knew was just around the corner.
He is still a priest, though why I will never know, but he knows now he is being monitored.....