Pluto transits and death

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I'm sorry to hear of your loss.
Love and light to you.
lillyjgc said:
I also have another friend with her sun in late sag- that very much afflicted natal sun is now being conjuncted by transiting Pluto- her father and step mother both died recently and also a close friend of hers committed suicide...However, I also have a friend who has natal pluto opp. his natal venus-from H10 to H4. Transiting saturn conjuncted his pluto just as Trans. Neptune was opposing the saturn/pluto far as I know he has lived through this even with some shocking aspects from transiting inner pluto transits don;t always bring actual death- although there does seem to be a plethora of examples where it does. lillyjgc

My natal Sun is in 29 Sagittarius and my Ascendant is 2 Capricorn. I've had Pluto conjunct my Sun for months. during which time a relationship "died" but otherwise I have noticed no ill effects (perhaps a rise in ambition). I expected the worst when Saturn and Uranus hit my Sun in the 1980s but the only thing that happened was a local paper did a story on me (I was a radio astrologer at the time). My Sun is exactly trine Chiron (18 minute orb) so I expect that may have shielded me. Here's hoping history repeats!
This is so interesting. I just signed up for this forum because I had the same sort of questions and concerns about Pluto transits. I'd never really noted Pluto's transits until a few years ago when it was conjunct my natal Mars and angry people seemed to be coming at me all the time.

And then my father died as it transited into my 12th house. A job ended and I was re-united with long lost syblings. So much old 'sludge' has been coming up! In addition, Neptune is currently conjunct my Sun and Uranus is currently conjunct my moon! I am having new and surprising opportunites coming from unexpected quarters, old stuff coming back and I'm having a lot of trouble making myself deal with any of it. I am feeling terribly creative and seriously considering a career change at this late date.

I'm concerned about the Pluto transit. It will cross my asc around the time I turn 62. I've noticed that many people die when this transit occurs. My mother retired and moved. I'm hoping that's what happens to me!
Pluto square the descendant

I had this for a while and it only ended at the end of last year. In my case, this was a 'walking transit' ie, it began and ended entirely due to one man. Someone I had been friends with and to cut it short, the friendship ended as he betrayed me, and I went after her in a biggg way. He was in the wrong having a relationship, let's just say it was publicly regarded as 'inappropriate to his employment':eek: .

Lawyers were involved, the Police, people who had been friends no longer were, but through it all, I would not budge an inch. We had screaming fights together when I challenged him time after time, but most annoyingly, the girl in question seemed impervious to it all and carried on in an arrogant manner, and many many lies were told by the man and his collegues to defend her staying over night on so many occasions.

For four years this continued, UNTIL, one day, someone who knew about it all, and was on my side although I had no clue at that time, informed a public body about it, and it eventually went public and became common knowledge. Still she held on, but finally her grasp was loosened when the press entered the theatre and then the people who printed it called her on the phone and asked her to comment.

That did the trick, she feared for her career and it had been brought to her employers attention anyway, but it struck home to her that this was not going to go away and so her 'friendship' died a death....she loved the attention and being cute, but she was not brave enough to fend on what she knew was just around the corner.

He is still a priest, though why I will never know, but he knows now he is being monitored.....
Yes, please don't worry you will die when Pluto crosses your ASC. That may just be change, doors close and new ones open. Personality changes..
lillyjgc said:
I'm sorry to hear of your loss.
Love and light to you.
Thankyou Lillyjpc
We have all been in shock as grandmom passed away suddenly. But we are thinking about grandpa who was a lot older than her but more easy going. He is the one hit by the grief the most dramatically. As I said he has just had Saturn Conjunct his Sun. But as he is quite old - he is one of the generation who may get to have Pluto opposite Pluto. Yes grandfather is 93 this year.
We are hoping he keeps going OK for as long as is right for him. My cousiin is getting married next year and hope he will be there to experiance it. She is having Pluto quincunx her Moon. My other cousin on mom side rescued a kitten off the street (he lives overseas) not long before Grandmom died. Its interesting to see births (arrivals) & marriages enter our family also.

I havent been on the board much as havent felt like 'putering much of late but popped into check out new postings

Has anyone else had an elderly relative who had the Pluto opposition. Its wild to think of as Pluto take 248 years to complete his cycle. But due to Plutos very elliptical path some people get to have the opposition if they live to their mid - late nineties. What do people think would occur for someone during a Pluto opposite Pluto. I suppose one could track back to the persons last Pluto Pluto transit & pick up from there. But seeing it is not possible for many to live long enough to have such a cycle - I am getting the feeling that this is quite an interesting transit my grandpa is going to experiace. I hope its positive for him.
I am starting to get nervous. I have a pluto square mars, with a mars opposite uranus at 1degree. My health has been terrible the last year or so in terms of physical restrictions. My natal pluto is in the first house (virgo), mars is in the eight house (Aries) and uranus is in the 12th house. Most close family members have died over the years, so there is only my sister and I left. I am quite concerned now.
Oh no, having looked at my chart, I also have pluto square MC and mars opposite Asc, gulp!


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mickey said:
Oh no, having looked at my chart, I also have pluto square MC and mars opposite Asc, gulp!

I am confused. Are you speaking about transiting Pluto? Because it is @ 3 Cap and is squaring your mars, and approaching your moon. :D
Mars is opposite your asc however.

Your moon/mars square is being challenged, and mars is in the 8th in aries.

I would think there would be some potential anger issues, perhaps involving shared money or resources, and love relationships. :cool:
:( I have a whopper of a transit right now, and I really hope it doesn't involve death in any way

I have Moon conjunct Mars and Chiron in Capricorn in my 8th. My Moon is 3cap54, so Pluto is sitting right there right now. :cool:

I am having to deal with the 'upcoming' death of my 11 yr old dog, and I really feel it is time to have her put to sleep, but my teenagers and husband are in denial about the situation. It is weird to be 'lobbying' to put her down.

I am worried about my Mother, as she has had 2 strokes in the past 2 years, and she is a Pisces, with the mars /uranus hovering her sun now. She also has a scorpio moon, which is square my natal pluto. :eek:

Pluto is a very powerful planet natally for me, and I am a zero degree Scorpio sun, with Scorpio mercury, an 8th house moon/mars/chiron, and
an angular Pluto in Leo, the apex of a strong t-square.
But I still have no real clue what the Pluto transit through my 8th will ultimately bring. :pluto: :conjunct: :moon: :chiron: :mars: :capricorn:
Hi Thankyou for your reply

Sorry, I didn't make it explicit, but it is the current transits that I am concerned about. Is it relationships because of the involvement of the moon?
Thankyou Katydid

This makes sense and is quite accurate as to what I am currently feeling. If I recall, the eigth can be other people's money.

It sounds like you have quite a lot going on too.
Well I was not concerned about Pluto TILL I READ THIS!:)
Pluto rules my eighth. I will have to look and see what it was doing when my grandparents died.
It is currently just passed a trine to my natal Pluto in the 6th and is just turned retro a few minutes shy of my MC.
However, the I believe the Pluto trine Pluto is generational so I may not take that into consideration but the MC is notable. Saturn is at 4 degrees capricorn and mercury is at 4 degrees cancer...
Of course I worry about my parents and my 'guy' who had a recent heartattack...and now that you mention it...transiting uranus is opposite the moon and squaring my sun.
My solar return on June 14th r got me to thinking too. Pluto is in the 8th opposite my sun in the 2nd. Pluto rules my 7th solar house. I sure hope not. I am in hopes it is more about resources and not someone I know.
cassanra said:
Well I was not concerned about Pluto TILL I READ THIS!:)
Pluto rules my eighth. I will have to look and see what it was doing when my grandparents died.
It is currently just passed a trine to my natal Pluto in the 6th and is just turned retro a few minutes shy of my MC.
However, the I believe the Pluto trine Pluto is generational so I may not take that into consideration but the MC is notable.

I don't know if this is reassuring but I've experienced Pluto transiting my MC. It did not result in anyone's death; in fact, the experience was positive. With the first transit (it went retrograde, then direct), I became an astrology columnist for a local weekly. On the next transit, I was on radio doing daily astrological reports.
Hi Cassanara

In my case it is about perception of the planet and house in my chart, provided by an astrologer friend of mine many years ago. I think people have mentioned before about the transformative affect of the planet where people can change their lives for the better, even though it may be a difficult process. I had a venus square pluto transit a long time ago and it taught me to be more careful about the people I chose to have a relationship with particularly around issues of power and control. Retrospectively, it was probably one of the best things that could have happened, although it wasn't easy.
Thanks guys. I assumed it was career issues and a change in my perspective toward authority that would happen. Thanks for your input.
Yes, transits can be quite benign. Pluto in my natal has but one aspect that is negative, which is a square to jupiter the 8th:)
I did look at a year when I had a pretty some major 'death' experiences (with an office worker when she passed and a claiment passed in the waiting room). I was overwhelmed with the experience as they were quite sudden and I had not ever seen someone die. Two events in one year and i was pretty PTSD. That year Pluto was indeed opposite my sun traveling through my 9th house. I will continue to explore it.
But you guys have given me hope:)
leonacrab said:
I add my bit...

When Pluto was coming and going over my Asc I lost my father, my brother and one of my best friends. Not to mention my work, relationship and many friends... It was like a big broom cleaning my life. It was terrifying time I can say that, but after those trying years I became to see the transformation in me, I've changed a lot since the transit started. Now Pluto is exploring my 1st house, and I can enjoy the changes it brings. Not that they're always so easy but after surviving that nuclearbombish transit I feel I can handle almost anything. My life has also become more spiritual, is that Plutonian thing or is it because of those deaths, I do not know, but I truly appreciate this new dimension in my life.
Wow, thats awful. Its times like these that test our strength. I can only imagine how this transformed your life.