Pluto Transits

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I came today with pluto transits in mind... as well.
However,(I've notices a focus on the ascendent transits thus far)
it seems I'm looking to call some "opposite" folks for some input.
... by opposite,
I mean those with ascendents capricorn(or so) thru cancer...
right now pluto is about 1 degree from reaching my descendent.
....I understand the transformation aspect of pluto... and that its going to happen ...NO MATTER WHAT,
I'd like some input with those who have experienced and recognized
this specific descendent transit.
I've heard of all sort of possibilites...but would love to hear some first hand

Of course, I'm curious how I would apply the fact that it's in capricorn, as
well..... so I'm grateful for any insight that can be provided.
I'll attach my chart as well... due to any other major aspects that may be of interest for someone to invesitigate.

(looks like the closest aspects are pluto sextile my natal venus(5degrees pisces in my 9th house
pluto trine my saturn(8degrees virgo in my 3rd house)

to me it feels like pluto pluto and more pluto nowadays


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I think I probably have a lot of experience with Pluto transits. I have a see-saw chart, kinda, and Pluto has been opposing my inner planets and conjuncting my outer planets. I've had one crazy life over the past 5 years. I'm not exactly sure how far this transiting has gone back. If anyone could help me understand it, I'd be much appreciative.

Lately with the opposition to my Moon, my life has been pretty stagnant externally and I've had very little opportunity to move forward with anything. Also, I've had to take care of other people, without any recourse, so it has drained a lot of my energy. With all that negativity going around, I've learned how to take pleasure out of some of the small things, like going for a drive with an acquaintance for no other reason than to do something spontaneous and take my mind off of life.
My Sun is 1 Capricorn. Yesterday was the Summer Solstice so there's all that Sun/Sun/Pluto oppostion/conjunction stuff goin' on for me (and maybe you too). Transiting Pluto is currently 2 Capricorn Rx so here comes my second (Rx) hit.

Point is...Pluto is sitting on my face at the moment and I'm becoming oxygen deprived because of if! :annoyed:

I feel like beating the **** outa somethin'. See and feel that Dark Lapis? OK, now clean it up because it can't remain in there any longer...obviously. Not even one tiny little bit.

I just needed to vent and try to get a deep breath around Pluto's giant backside smothering me at the moment. :wink: This Summer Solstice is pretty potent isn't it?
I'm really glad this thread is being revived ... utilized.

Lapis said:
Point is...Pluto is sitting on my face at the moment and I'm becoming oxygen deprived because of if! :annoyed:
:w00t: ... oh, pluto .
... its funny how different we all are . ... especially during times of transformation. my sun is aries , so i'm always (somehow) looking to jump off a big cliff into .... who knows what , just somethin ... new .
And I gather,
pluto transit sun would be a BIG cliff . ... asking for transformation at the core . ... i guess that could make one feel "oxygen deprived". hmmm .

I'm not saying i know that transit ... or will this lifetime , but i'm feeling pluto certainly.
As i've mentioned early in this thread,
my descendant is 4'49degrees capricorn,
i have yet to hear back any experiences with this transit, and would LOVE to.
goodness, as i think to explain how this transit is affecting my life .... I kinda DO gasp for air!:joyful:
.... my outlook on my romantic partnership life is in pure upheaval . really.
...mostly, I'm learning who i am though, and what i really need from a partner ,.. which i can recognize as so very valuable-and appreciate in the moment. cuz with awareness , we must act . and to me, momentum in life is about as Worthy as it gets.
..the gasp for air comes when it kicks in that , when i wonder if the most beautiful person ever (who i love) can come with me on this pluto excursion . hope so. ..(but really, thats just a fear... and pluto's teachin me these fears hold no precendence)

no matter what .. pluto's amazing, and necessary:unsure: . ..nah, IT IS:biggrin:

what i'd like to ask, since it's such a slow transit is,
how do you (anyone) translate the timing of this transit?
pluto wont exactly conjunct my descendant for a year+,
but goodness,
I feel it.
So, what's up? is there a climax? is this a 3year upheaval ordeal?
thats why i was hoping for feedback.
very curious-cuz this is pretty wild.

Lapis said:
I feel like beating the **** outa somethin'.
i feel like being launched into outerspace.. and richochet-ing off of the planets like a rubber ball . ... to match my physical condition, to my mental/spiritual/emotional/etc.
Pluto transitted into my twelfth house right around the time my father suddenly died. Since then, all the old garbage from my family and old friends has begun to surface. For me it's been revelatory and very affirming, since most of these people really did me wrong and now they are asking ME for help and apologizing to ME. I've found it easy to be graceful about it all, but I'm a little surprised at how differently everyone saw those situations.

Also, old enemies at work, I mean people who are really truly hateful, seem to have power over me once more. The difference is, I just don't seem to be bothered by it anymore. I've found alternative methods of survival that circumvent the nasty people.

I'm also going through the Chiron/Jupiter/Neptune transit as it grinds over my natal sun, so a lot of this clearing away and healing is probably due to that. The one thing that really bothers me is Pluto's square to my natal venus in 3 Aries.

I work in a creative field and I feel stymied. Also, I have NO love life at this time. I actually feel terrified when I think of a relationship. What do people here know about 12th house Pluto and squares by Pluto to Venus? I need a clue as waiting ten years to sort out the message is going to make me crazy.

I feel like beating the **** outa somethin'.

You're not the only one! :D I think Pluto transits can make one feel that way often.

I'll have my last pluto transit with neptune from approx. January 2011 to January 2014. I've had them going on since around December 2002.

I have scorpio sun friend who has been having pluto transits since he was born and is only just now out of it for a long time. Next one won't be until he's 66, and it'll be his last. After that one, all planets of his will have been conjuncted by Pluto except Mercury.
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i wish i found this much to catch up on. here's my transit chart:


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23° Sag Rising, so i had my Pluto transit in 2005..

by that i mean, on my 35th solar return i had Pluto/Moon EXACTLY conjunct my ASC at 23°Sag.

i met 13 women that year with Scorpio Rising and Moon in Cancer in the 8th House.

i had a community coffeehouse for 11 years where i was a resource to others (Pluto in the 12th). in my Pluto/ASC transit, i lost my marriage, kids, business, integrity, money..

but hey, i've got a 5 planet stellium in Scorpio, so i see change and i don't freak out about it, just ride to the bottom.

i smoked pot for the 1st time, dated a stripper whom i refer to as Kali, and did a whole lotta of crazy stuff i can't ever mention here.

then, one day, at the very bottom about to have my coffeehouse taken away, a guy walked in and bought it. i paid off all my debt, walked away with $15,000 and no debt, got my kids for Summers which turned out to be better than having them year round in a horrible marriage and being stressed out, traveled, then got an inheritance of like $120,000, moved to my favorite Scorpio city, New Orleans, and now going back to school. got Saturn in the 9th.

there are a lot more details, but basically, Pluto destroys but then replaces.

The last pass of Pluto transiting Saturn is coming up. For me. The main effect of Saturn over Pluto is that I did lose a great deal of money (Saturn ruling the 2nd) and I literally cannot afford to lose too much more, but then there are quite a few other people around who have also had their piggy banks raided because the country is nearly bankrupt. There could be a reckoning with one person in particular there. It will also be time to get a registry card, which I hope is not a 'soft' residence permit full of the nightmare Kafkaesque paper chases pre-EU succession, but now I am feeling more in a 'to hell with it, have it your way' mood and move on rather than put up with any more traumas.

My family and their confidants for some strange reason have been getting into the habit of hassling me into getting married, to a long-distance partner I have known for a while. Ostensibly, this is all about getting kept post-retirement and general decrepitude, but I suspect it is more about 'respectability' which seems pathetic to me (my Saturn is 135 Uranus).

A friend of mine told me recently she may be dying due to irreversible liver damage, her Pluto squares my Saturn and she is having the Pluto square Pluto transit. Last year when visiting she summoned me to a surgery after similar hints that this kind of news was on the cards, but on arriving she was nonchalent and I don't really have much idea of what to make of that kind of behaviour.
Well I'm a bit nervous about this Pluto entering Capricorn period as it's tightly conjunct my descendant as we speak and will be floating around my 7th house for quite some time. It's also conjunct natal Uranus starting the light up of my stellium which, during it's run of the house, will get to target my natal Neptune and Saturn as well...

In effect, I'm ready but it still scares the **** out of me.

Oh well...
Pluto transitted into my twelfth house right around the time my father suddenly died. Since then, all the old garbage from my family and old friends has begun to surface. For me it's been revelatory and very affirming, since most of these people really did me wrong and now they are asking ME for help and apologizing to ME. I've found it easy to be graceful about it all, but I'm a little surprised at how differently everyone saw those situations.

Also, old enemies at work, I mean people who are really truly hateful, seem to have power over me once more. The difference is, I just don't seem to be bothered by it anymore. I've found alternative methods of survival that circumvent the nasty people.
Oh boy - Pluto entered my 12th house around late 2006, early 2007, and gradually over the past 2 years things have become weirder and weirder, with things happening around me - very close to me, that is - of the like I've never before experienced.

I suspect that everything weird in my environment is just a repeat of events and experiences from quite early in my life - :pluto: through the 12th will do that. I am now almost 61, so some of these events occurred over 50 years ago, and obviously I've carried the effects of these events within me for all that time - as we do. I tried waiting for the dust to settle, but that seems not to be happening, so I'm just keeping myself to myself, and taking only what I need to from what is happening around me.

Most of those who `did me wrong' in my early life are either dead, or in some other way out of my life, so it seems that other people have to take on their roles for me. It's very disconcerting, as there are a number of people whom I believed I could trust who are being total a-holes!! :devil:
Hi Amazon, Pluto entered Capricorn in my12th house and is of course there til 2024. Since this transit began and just before I started spending alot of time at hospitals with family and friends. When it transited my 11th house nothing went on that I can recall. This period passed. Now here is Pluto in Cap. I'm sure this will be a learning experience, good or bad I'm up to it. I have posted my chart. Thanks for the reply. Di


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I don't understand why people don't like Pluto transits. I'm loving mine. I like Pluto in general I feel a very strong affinity with it and I love what it represents. I mean it's not Saturn it's not limiting you, it's just giving you a bit of cleansing. Well, maybe a lot of cleansing. But it takes ages as well so it's not like it hits you like a tonn of bricks all of a sudden.

My Pluto is transitting through my 2nd house and has being doing so since I was 12. At first I probably would not have noticed it but I can really see the theme in my life - getting on my feet against all odds, becoming smart about possessions, what matters in life and what doesn't, how to budget. I can't say it was really that painful, I enjoyed it. Yeah I had a few nights on the street and a few hungry days which taught me a good lesson about the meaning of being self-sustainable, but I've had other transits that have being far less kind and far more painful. At the moment I believe it is conjuct my Neptune, Saturn and Uranus all at the same time (so obviously they're my 2nd house stellium), don't know if it's a good thing? But I'm finally getting on my feet with money and really feeling great. We'll be settling down in a permanent area soon which will be nice and I look at the years past and honestly have to say, job well done and good lessons learnt.
Hi noideaaboutastro. Pluto has been in and out of Cap in my 12th house since Jan 25th 2008. Now that I have gained knowledge on the transits the fear of Pluto has diminished. After receiving all the emails from the forum and the info of Pluto and checking the transits this Pluto will make me a better person. After reading all that you have sent me on this powerful planet I started thinking back on how and if my life had changed since Pluto is dominate in my 12th house at this time. I have changed in a few ways without even realizing it.
Whenever someone had money problems they came to me and I gave in to their sad stories and promises to pay back. Two family members were going to lose their homes and I arranged for mortgages that they could afford. The were both short of money on closing day for extras. I am a Realtor by the way..The loans were never paid of course and left me in thousands of dollars in debt. Needless to say I don't lend money out anymore to anyone. Helping people all my life always made me feel good. I had a good bank accout at one time and people knew it. and abused me.
My husband has terminal cancer, had to quit his job and so we have financial problems now and there is not one person I can turn to. Saturn in Virgo and Leo has been rocking my world since 2005.(not good). Saturn in Virgo 8th house has effected my spouse's finances and that has been the bone of contention as we are dealing with financial and health problems,dealing with taxes, pension people, insurance companies (spouse had bad accident, not his fault, in the middle of a lawsuit as my spouse has not much use of arms He has has a bad 3 years..Saturn will be going into Libra in October(exalted) is this a good or bad thing? Will our financial situation ever improve? On the other hand Pluto is changing my life around for the good, I think.I have become aware of other things but am waiting for them to manifest. Don't want to count my chickens before they hatch. It seems I have spent the last 3 years in hospitals, funeral homes with friends and mostly family.Cap was on the ascendent in my birth chart. Is there any info you can give me on that?I understand that Pluto soon will be going over my ascendent for 1to2 years. How do I find this out? I have googled but never realy got an answer. Website please. To let me know what house Pluto is passing thru. Thank you for the quick response and hope to hear from you again. Thankd, Di


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But it takes ages as well so it's not like it hits you like a tonn of bricks all of a sudden.

It can. It surely can hit you like a ton of bricks. I'm not going to recant what all happened when pluto crossed my IC, but it did come on rather suddenly. It was some heavy stuff for a 17 year old to deal with, but I was in a completely different place by the time it was all over- a really good place. As you mentioned, we are given plenty of time to work through the transit, but pluto does start its transits, for some of us, by putting us face down in the dirt initially.
Now, please pardon me for getting caught up in one little detail of what you were saying. It's a virgo rising thing accentuated by studying accounting.
It can. It surely can hit you like a ton of bricks. I'm not going to recant what all happened when pluto crossed my IC, but it did come on rather suddenly. It was some heavy stuff for a 17 year old to deal with, but I was in a completely different place by the time it was all over- a really good place. As you mentioned, we are given plenty of time to work through the transit, but pluto does start its transits, for some of us, by putting us face down in the dirt initially.
Now, please pardon me for getting caught up in one little detail of what you were saying. It's a virgo rising thing accentuated by studying accounting.

Lol it's okay I do that do:tongue:. I guess it does, probably because Pluto did me "nicely" I have such high thoughts in the planet. Hey, it's okay when I am 29 it will enter my 3rd house, we'll see what happens then.

Another thing I realised after thinking about this all day was how good the work Pluto has done on me is. I remember saying in a thread aobut Chiron in Taurus that I do the same things - stock up, want to be self reliant, save up for a rainy day - and then I realised it was this transit that had brought out those qualities in me, they weren't naturally there in the natal chart. But the ups and downs with money and where I live and accomodation have really taught me a lot. And I think put me in a good place.
Sorry to barge into this thread yet again! I have a lot of questions about Pluto transits at the moment as I'm focusing on figuring out transits! My question is, and I apologise if I missed something, but what difference does a retrogade make as opposed to when it goes direct? Pluto is transitting my Saturn atm, Pluto conjunct Saturn to be exact, and I've found it's visited me three times (this time being the third and last). Also, when it become direct to you, is the influence different to when it is direct or retro? Sorry if there's so many questions, I just really want to get this down pat before I proceed with anything else. It also makes two breaks where it stops being conjunct and goes either too retro or too forward - how could this be better explained?

I have read the definion and it is about recognising the weak things in your life, and breaking them. My guess is that the direct gets you thinking about it but the retro is the one that breaks it. If that's true, the first time Pluto went retro certainly was a time for letting go - nearly let go of life tbh, so much was letting go! This is only a guess, really hoping for some help here!
Okay, I can see why I like Pluto, like Pluto I do not leave something alone until I've dug and redug everything and I go backwards and forwards and take a long time:ninja:. Really sorry about this, but had to talk about this too......
I found on a website it says that when Pluto transits through your second house your attachments to your possessions will undergo a strong change. It also says that conjunctions are when one cycle finishes and you begin a new "cycle" with a completely different view once it's over. At the moment Pluto's transitting on its last round in retro before it hits direct in a couple of days (ooooooo). I can really feel it though, my attitude to things have changed, I'm not attached to material possessions but I definately care about getting on my feet more. But that's a little bit strange - I mean, wans't it trying to get you to have no attachment to material things? At least that's how I was when I was starting out! Now I want to have house, security, job, investments, my own vegetable garden and loads of grains stored away at the back of my pantry you name it - wasn't I supposed to get NOT like this?

Since pluto can mean obession, passion, deep concentration of the subconsious: one may have these feelings even on an even deeper level from within. These things will affect you on an internal level, because when pluto goes retrograde it serves to transform and change from within, versus outwards towards the world.
Pluto usually directs its energies inward anyhow, but with a retrograde motion it will do so with even more force. So the issues that pluto represents will have a stronger force.
Thanks Smiling Steph! So the prediction is that in a couple of days I will revert out of psychoness slightly:biggrin:. Please bare with me until that moment:innocent::w00t: