Pluto Transits

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So pluto is stimulating the aggressive side of your ascendent and other angles? You use a lot of violent words, like aggressive, off my back, banged up. These are all the not so positive sides of the pluto energy. Aim for the more positive ones, like transformation and regeneration. Change your look, your behavior, drastically change the way you present yourself to others. ("Sorry, why are you looking at me that way, did I do something strange? Is my lipstick on my teeth?" You might be surprised at the answers. Make them laugh to unarm their negativity).This will as a side effect change the way people perceive you (MC), and could mutate your career. Redo your home (IC) transforming it (maybe work from home?). Also, have another look at your relationship with your parents and think how you can transform it into a more positive one. This is the classic time to make lemonade out of lemons!
Elena, I have been dealing with some of the most brutal transits for well over six years now. I have made every possible lemon type desert and beverage. Frankly, I am sick of lemons, lol.

I am a little baffled though as the really tough stuff was supposed to be over at this point but it feels like it just kinda kicked into high gear over the last week.

I think May is right, and it's not just Pluto, it's also Uranus squaring Pluto and this our MC, IC axis and it's been off and on of DC a ton of times too.

I need a reprieve before Pluto officially hits my sun, but I am thinking this is not going to happen now. *sigh*
I'm sorry, was that question directed at me?

I didn't post one and didn't really plan to, but if you'd like to see it, I could.

I'm dipping in late to this thread, but I'd be interested to see it Munch, if you're happy to post. I'm getting rammed by nasty pluto transits to my natal stellium in the 8th, so I know what it's like to feel like you're walking through hell! :crying:
Here it is.

I'd say that once Saturn hit my 12th house things started slowly sliding downhill and by the time my SR hit, I was in a full on avalanche type situation.

I'm mostly good though. I have some bad days where I just kinda melt down, but for the most part I just keep on trecking.

I just had a progressed new moon on the 3rd of this month in my 5th house and I was hoping that would herald a new dawn so to speak, but it just doesn't seem to be the case.


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Here is a graphic showing Munch's personal transits as at August 26, 2012 (Moon excluded). Transiting planets are white-on-black, natal planets are gray-on-white. Red=square, purple=opposition, green=trine, gray=quincunx.


When we sort these transits according to duration, and eliminate those lasting less than 3 months, we get the following (these aspects are all currently between 1° 32' and 3° 7' from exact):

tr.Neptune square (3° 7') n.Uranus begins August 12, 2012, and ends February 1, 2013
tr.Uranus opposite (1° 55') n.Jupiter begins April 6, 2012, and ends November 4, 2012
tr.Saturn conjunct (1° 32') n.Pluto begins February 26, 2012, and ends September 28, 2012
tr.Uranus opposite (1° 47') n.Saturn begins April 4, 2012, and ends November 9, 2012
tr.Pluto square (2° 31') n.Saturn begins November 26, 2011, and ends March 2, 2014
tr.Pluto square (2° 39') n.Jupiter begins November 30, 2011, and ends March 8, 2014

This provides some information as to what to expect. (The image and the report was made using the Planetary Aspects and Transits software.)

As regards Pluto hitting your natal Sun, this will start to happen in December this year. Here's a graphic (made with the same software) which shows how Pluto will move back and forth over your natal Sun. Note that there will be three times when the conjunction is exact (all in 2015), and the conjunction will persist until 2017.

Looking at the natal chart, there's a lot of energy so tightly concentrated!
You have that lovely mars in creative 5th trining your Asc, and widely training Saturn/Jupiter. Your moon/venus/neptune conjunction in sagittarius is so sociable and imaginative, and it sextiles your natal pluto which is slap on top of your part of fortune. That moon is also ruler of your midheaven, and neptune rules your work house. Are you in the music field?
I can see how the early cardinal sign transits are setting off your energies, pushing and pulling you. But you have the strength to see it through, and flow with it.
In late February of this year, I had a (brief) run-in with Pluto, unknowingly at the time.

I was eating dinner like any other night when suddenly, while chewing my food, it felt like my tongue was going numb and I could barely swallow anything. I had no idea what was happening so I started to panic a bit. I thought it was just some fluke so I didn't worry about it. The following day, the problem got worse, barely being able chew food. Over the course of the following weeks, I started breaking out in a rash all on my neck which slowly spread down to my chest. I could hardly eat so I ended up losing about 15 pounds (and felt like a walking cadaver). The extreme discomfort all over my body and the resulting mental anguish had me seriously wondering at times if I'd make it to another day. After seeing countless doctors and getting zero answers :annoyed: as to what the cause was, I had all about given up hope of beating this crazy ailment.

Fortunately, the rash cleared up on its own and the swallowing issue lessened in severity, though I'm still dealing with it even today. I've been perfectly healthy up until this year and this awful illness made me ask a lot of questions about my life (I think the Saturn transit of my 8th/9th has provoked my recent introspection as well).

I've always been dabbling in Astrology but this year especially, I've turned to it to get more clarity in regards to what life in general means to me. Well, since I started looking at transits, I was curious to see what was going on when I first encountered my throat problem. Interestingly enough, the time of this illness corresponds with the transit of Pluto conjunct my 12th house Saturn! This was the first time it's entered my 12th, and I gotta say, if this was just a sliver of what's to come, I'm not looking forward to when Pluto makes its "official" debut of my 12th house in December (it went retrograde why it's back in my 11th).

I would love to hear from others who've had Pluto transit their 12th house (especially if you have natal planets there). From what I've read on the 'net about others' experiences of the 12th house Pluto transits, it's quite common for health problems to occur.....but it doesn't mean I want it!

I feel all I can do is mentally prepare myself for what may be on the horizon....for better or worse. :unsure:

You note that the swallowing problems occurred when transiting Pluto first passed over your natal Saturn in the 12th last February. The throat, swallowing, the voice, are all connected with Taurus.

It is possible that this "undiagnosable" swallowing matter may actually symbolize the larger inability to talk with others that you recently described in your thread about 12th house Mercury. This may possibly be so because your natal Saturn closely trines Mars in Taurus. And Mars in Taurus is part of the T-square inhibition of your expression.

So it fits into a portrait of transiting Pluto's contact to your natal Saturn transforming the constraints of a 12th house Saturn. And then this points to change in rigid Mars in Taurus which may directly impede your creative self-expression [Sun] and your inner feelings [Moon]. There is likely hard work ahead, but in the end I think it bodes well.

I share many planets in the 12th house and have experienced hard contacts from Pluto.
Looking at the natal chart, there's a lot of energy so tightly concentrated!
You have that lovely mars in creative 5th trining your Asc, and widely training Saturn/Jupiter. Your moon/venus/neptune conjunction in sagittarius is so sociable and imaginative, and it sextiles your natal pluto which is slap on top of your part of fortune. That moon is also ruler of your midheaven, and neptune rules your work house. Are you in the music field?
I can see how the early cardinal sign transits are setting off your energies, pushing and pulling you. But you have the strength to see it through, and flow with it.

Yeah, my chart is rather 'intense.' I can't get away from myself, but that's okay because I am rather fond of myself as well. :tongue:

I got lucky with my Mars because I don't have a lot of fixed energy so having Mars be one of my two fixed planets is kind of a plus. The rest of my chart is so chock full of stressful aspects and my natal Moon/Venus/Neptune in Sagittarius just kinda wants to run away from it all, so Mars goes a long way towards keeping me keeping on. Especially with the trine from Saturn and Jupiter and to my ascendant.

I used to work in the music industry as a singer, song writer, artist manager and agent. I hate it. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I don't want to do it any more and truthfully, I was never very good at it.

I've been trying to get back into school to get my degree is Geology but there just seems to be one thing after another that just keeps me from even coming close to scratching the surface of that dream.

I'm barely working at the moment and this is not by choice. I can't remember the last time that I sent out so many resumes and received absolutely no interest. Nothing.

This is rather depressing for a Capricorn with a sun on the MC/IC axis. It's very humiliating and frustrating to be at the mercy of my boyfriend's kindness and love.

Ohh, well though. One can't expect to have all of their energy compacted into one place and not endure overly long lasting stressful aspects. At the same time, I hope it goes the other way as well. Looking back though, my whole life has been one stressful period after another, so who knows...
Here is a graphic showing Munch's personal transits as at August 26, 2012 (Moon excluded). Transiting planets are white-on-black, natal planets are gray-on-white. Red=square, purple=opposition, green=trine, gray=quincunx.


When we sort these transits according to duration, and eliminate those lasting less than 3 months, we get the following (these aspects are all currently between 1° 32' and 3° 7' from exact):

tr.Neptune square (3° 7') n.Uranus begins August 12, 2012, and ends February 1, 2013
tr.Uranus opposite (1° 55') n.Jupiter begins April 6, 2012, and ends November 4, 2012
tr.Saturn conjunct (1° 32') n.Pluto begins February 26, 2012, and ends September 28, 2012
tr.Uranus opposite (1° 47') n.Saturn begins April 4, 2012, and ends November 9, 2012
tr.Pluto square (2° 31') n.Saturn begins November 26, 2011, and ends March 2, 2014
tr.Pluto square (2° 39') n.Jupiter begins November 30, 2011, and ends March 8, 2014

This provides some information as to what to expect. (The image and the report was made using the Planetary Aspects and Transits software.)

As regards Pluto hitting your natal Sun, this will start to happen in December this year. Here's a graphic (made with the same software) which shows how Pluto will move back and forth over your natal Sun. Note that there will be three times when the conjunction is exact (all in 2015), and the conjunction will persist until 2017.


What a great program you have there! That's really incredible. Thank you for posting this. I hadn't paid any attention to Neptune square Uranus in my chart. That makes so much sense to me at the moment too. I keep getting surprises, but none of them are very pleasant.

I had noticed that Pluto would visit my sun a few times in 2015 when I checked the ephemeris. I'm not sure if I am excited about this transit or concerned. I'm trying to stay neutral about it and detach from any expectations. Trying being the operative word. Thank you again!

I just noticed that you have my time of birth off by 15 minutes, though I don't really think that matters with these two charts that you have shared.
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Munch said: "I just noticed that you have my time of birth off by 15 minutes, though I don't really think that matters with these two charts that you have shared."

That's right. The birth time is actually irrelevant to personal transits, except in the case of transits to the natal Moon. That's because only the Moon has a significant change in ecliptic longitude in the space of 24 hours. So for personal transits one can use 12:00 GMT (on the birth date), but a more-or-less accurate birth time is needed for personal transits to the natal Moon.

Munch also said: "I hadn't paid any attention to Neptune square Uranus in my chart. That makes so much sense to me at the moment too."

Here's the transit graphic (made by Planetary Aspects and Transits) for Neptune squaring your natal Uranus:


This shows that Neptune formed five exact squares with your natal Uranus during 2010-2011 and from November this year the square will weaken.

There's another program, Your Planetary Transits, which can be used to get exact dates for the five exact squares. Here's a screenshot of the output (for this square):


The dates of the exact squares are marked by asterisks (and 'r' means Neptune retrograde). To understand this see How to Read Transit Tables. With this program you can get a similar result for your upcoming Pluto conjunction natal Sun.
I meant natal aspects.

Saturn conjunct Asc.
Saturn square sun/mercury
Saturn conjunct Jupiter. A toss up, especially since Saturn is strongly dignified. Still, though, I think it puts a huge dampener on Jupiter's ability to let the good through so to speak.

Moon/Venus/Neptune conjunction. This is kind of a toss up. Sometimes I feel it's great and other times I feel like it's a real p.i.a.

Uranus square Sun/Moon midpoint exactly.
I'm still in the cocoon, being transformed,
and as we ride along with sun and pluto to
GC, I feel that the mass consciousness may become

THIS is exactly how I feel. With 4 planets (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune at 0degrees) in my 12th/1st house and thus my ascendant also in Capricorn it is quite a ride!

Untill two years ago I had not even heard about astrology apart from the daily newspaper section. Still very confused about what to make of all this I KNOW it is happening. But what is happening? And to whom? And why? And then the tiny voice that keeps on telling me I am going insane.

It's a STORM! Any insight is welcome (big sigh)


I'm still in the cocoon, being transformed,
and as we ride along with sun and pluto to
GC, I feel that the mass consciousness may become

THIS is exactly how I feel. With 4 planets (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune at 0degrees) in my 12th/1st house and thus my ascendant also in Capricorn it is quite a ride!

Untill two years ago I had not even heard about astrology apart from the daily newspaper section. Still very confused about what to make of all this I KNOW it is happening. But what is happening? And to whom? And why? And then the tiny voice that keeps on telling me I am going insane.

It's a STORM! Any insight is welcome (big sigh)



Goodness me, 4 planets at 0 degrees and in 12th/1st house.
That's something i haven't seen before, possibly something special. :tongue:
Goodness me, 4 planets at 0 degrees and in 12th/1st house.
That's something i haven't seen before, possibly something special. :tongue:

Seriously... I'm confused. A total NON believer up to two years ago. Had some sort of 'epiphany'... Slowly starting to realize something. EVERYTHING IS UP THERE. What the...

My Natal neptune is at 0degrees capricorn in 12 connected (i have limited knowledge!) with my ascendant, mercury and venus in capricorn in House1 and sun Aquarius and Pallas aquarius also in House 1.

Now my Solar return 2013-2014 with a little more detail. I'll focus on H12 and 1 for obvious reasons... (srry confusion!)

House 12 Pluto & Juno in capricorn
House 1:
AS 23 degrees Capricorn
Mercury 1 degree pisces
Neptune 2 degree pisces (!?)
Mars 3 degree pisces
Chiron 8 degree pisces
Fortune 18 degree pisces
Venus 5 aquarius
Sun 17 aquarius

Insanity? I dunno... But it feels like A LOT. Oh and Pluto is conjuncting my natal Venus too.

WHat can I make of this that does not sound completely insane?


Pluto and Uranus both transiting angles

Hi! Next month transiting Pluto will conjuct my IC in 0 degrees. Also had a 0 degree conjuction of Uranus and DC this month. Both big transits I suppose. I was wondering if the Uranus transit could influence the Pluto transit in any way, or opposite? Thanks :smile:
The 18 years in which Pluto transited my first house and Sagittarius quintuple stellium was a transformation for me on an almost mythical level. Suffice it to say that the difference is like night and day, and I hung on to the good stuff.

I studied the transit before it began, as it passed over my 12th house Saturn in Scorpio [ouch ~ yes it's as nightmarish as it sounds] and knew that it was "change or die." I'm sure that would have been literally true.

Now, as Pluto transits and transforms Capricorn, my intuition is that Capricorn, bureaucracy, business, law, judgement, and the old way ~ must transform or die. Nothing I can think of dramatizes this better than the seismic shift we just witnessed in the politics of the USA. We'll see how it develops.

The current new moon is conjuncting Pluto, so that's a clue to the "theme," and Mars entering Capricorn momentarily should be exciting, followed shortly by an extended pas de deux between Mars and Pluto in a few weeks. I'd say we're in for some fireworks.