Yes...Pluto......the planet that the astronomical society of the world got together and attempted to demote it to a lesser being....obviouslt an unconscious reaction to the advent of Pluto entering Capricornus....I am CAPRICORN @ 6'......that is the Sun.... .............................this[/url] my natal chart if anyone is curious...since Pluto has already graced me with itz prescence in the past, traveling thru my 1st haus...all I can say many changes and opportunities once I allow the death to occur....I see Pluto-Saturn-Uranus-Neptune as essences.....I have opened to them ever since I have found out about them and the action of influence...not so interested in other peeps translation of these collective forces...I actually see them as Archangelic Forces....with Pluto just passed over my Sun and now having Opposed my Uranus...and then approaches the conjunctions to my Mercury & Venus...I am completely open as well as receptive to the action of surrender and reception....The larger collective aspects of these Beings is tremendous...for us Humans as well as for the system of Planets that we Occupy....Remember we are one Species of many....the predominant Species on our Planet are Phosphorescent Lifeforms under the water....the Dominant Numbers live very Deep in the Seas...So.....great movements and changes feel to be upon us...the Cardinal Square and the Cardinal Crosses that are forming and de-forming are amazing continuous influences of Mutation...what an amazing time to be embodied for this part of the Creation....Neptune approaches my Natal well ....The Grand Trine in Water in my chart has been activated Numerous times recently....I have left the life I lived for 35 years...I returned to the area of the USA where I was born, after traveling and living extensively abroad as well as presenting insight to peoples from all walks of like....I am a trance medium/viewer....yeh, fun stuff...learning all about ownership and seniourity amongst the entities that vie for influence over us in the body...yah, fun is soo Normalized now as the Cardinality Show continues...embrace the influences about....Angelic Overtures are in my neck of the woods...that is Idaho......Watching this approach of Neptune as it travels deeper into well as the Uranus spin opening inside of Aires...then the Pluto embodiment of Capricorn....a perfect time to choose your birthright as a Physical Immortalist.....bis danne.............Steel