Pluto Transits

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Pluto transiting natal Moon. Sagittarius Moon in 10th House
Set the scene: my Sun-Moon midpoint in Capricorn has Pluto Retro exactly (minutes of arc separation) opposite it. Natal Pluto in 5th House.
So when Transiting Pluto conjoined my natal Moon - several times, as is Pluto's way - in 2004 -5, my son was diagnosed with cancer; February 2004; died in April 2005.

Has been both an awesome and terrible experience, leading into serenity and an acceptance of life and Life and living (Living).

With T Pluto now in the sign my SU-MO midpoint is in, I am deepening and deepening and deepening. No surprises there. Oh: Scorpio on 9th House cusp. No surprise.

Life is good. Love to all on these boards. Justine
Your story fits well with everything I've heard about Pluto transits - it's harrowing - I'm grateful mine was much easier. All the best to you, and in your journey of acceptance....
Pluto transiting my 7thH.
I chose to reclaim my identity and self-worth (1stH) by attempting to transform my marriage, and finally bringing forth it's death, but hopefully a positive transformation of the relationship - attempting to remain friends.
i had pluto transiting my moon as a teenager. it was horrific. pluto has now been opposing my sun for a while and will be doing so for a little longer. i seriously feel like everything is being stripped away from me. i am not who i thought i was and i am not even sure who i am now and let's not even talk about who i'll be. i have no clue. i'm reeling.
What I have found has helped clients is for them to adopt a caterpillar and meditate on it as it is going through its transformations. Simply live respectfully with it, providing all of its needs, and allow it to teach you whatever it can.
Metamorphosis is what Pluto is about - allowing whatever is falling away to fall away, in order for us to discover that what is finally left to us is the only part worth having in the first place.

When my son was dying of cancer in 2004-5, I learned to go into acceptance. After his body stopped breathing, once he was no longer here with us embodied, I discovered that the love we had shared during his years with us was as entire as when he was alive. Of course, I missed his voice, his ways of being, his physical presence. And yet the Love remained entire.

Anyone going through a Pluto transit, do consider adopting a caterpillar. Take care of it and allow it to teach you all it can about the processes you are undergoing.
Yes...Pluto......the planet that the astronomical society of the world got together and attempted to demote it to a lesser being....obviouslt an unconscious reaction to the advent of Pluto entering Capricornus....I am CAPRICORN @ 6'......that is the Sun.... .............................this[/url] my natal chart if anyone is curious...since Pluto has already graced me with itz prescence in the past, traveling thru my 1st haus...all I can say many changes and opportunities once I allow the death to occur....I see Pluto-Saturn-Uranus-Neptune as essences.....I have opened to them ever since I have found out about them and the action of influence...not so interested in other peeps translation of these collective forces...I actually see them as Archangelic Forces....with Pluto just passed over my Sun and now having Opposed my Uranus...and then approaches the conjunctions to my Mercury & Venus...I am completely open as well as receptive to the action of surrender and reception....The larger collective aspects of these Beings is tremendous...for us Humans as well as for the system of Planets that we Occupy....Remember we are one Species of many....the predominant Species on our Planet are Phosphorescent Lifeforms under the water....the Dominant Numbers live very Deep in the Seas...So.....great movements and changes feel to be upon us...the Cardinal Square and the Cardinal Crosses that are forming and de-forming are amazing continuous influences of Mutation...what an amazing time to be embodied for this part of the Creation....Neptune approaches my Natal well ....The Grand Trine in Water in my chart has been activated Numerous times recently....I have left the life I lived for 35 years...I returned to the area of the USA where I was born, after traveling and living extensively abroad as well as presenting insight to peoples from all walks of like....I am a trance medium/viewer....yeh, fun stuff...learning all about ownership and seniourity amongst the entities that vie for influence over us in the body...yah, fun is soo Normalized now as the Cardinality Show continues...embrace the influences about....Angelic Overtures are in my neck of the woods...that is Idaho......Watching this approach of Neptune as it travels deeper into well as the Uranus spin opening inside of Aires...then the Pluto embodiment of Capricorn....a perfect time to choose your birthright as a Physical Immortalist.....bis danne.............Steel
I have Pluto from the 11th squaring Venus in the 8th. So far I cant see much change but I do have a sextile from Pluto to Venus natally so it is never going to be horrendous. As you say it is slow and deep and I shall review it when it has passed over.
Hi guys. This is an interesting thread. I've had Pluto transiting my 12th house since 2008 and it has been conjunct my Capricorn ascendant for a wee while. It's supposed to cross over into the 1st house in February 2014. Everything in my chart seems to be pointing toward CHANGE at the moment. Uranus is currently trining it's own position, Chiron is sextile the ascendant, plus I am due to enter my first Saturn Return in November. Everything in my life is 'up in the air'. Anyone else going through this?? :unsure:
Yes Pluto is trudging back and forth over my stellium in the 4th house.Pluto is at 10 degrees Cap retrograde right now. It just has been rowing back and forth over my Sun at 11 in the 4th. I just listed my house for sale. It was my Father's House. Of course Pluto steps in and I have Septic Tank issues. Pluto rules septic tanks I believe. Well mine is particularly Plutonian as we cannot find the Septic Tank Traffic Lid.3 Septic Companies have ditched me as I live in a House surrounding my huge trees, roots every where. they have all dubbed my situation a "Nightmare". More Plutonian, the tank is 8 feet down at least because my house is on sloping land and the septic tank is in front , there is a bathroom in back on the lower floor so the tank is at the lowest point. It overflowed and ruined my new brazilian wood floor on the downstairs hallway.

I finally got a septic tank guy brave enough to tackle the job . He is giving me plans A B & C all over thousands of dollars each excellerating in price and damage. BUT he asked that I consult an Arborist before he digs as there are 3 trees that need to be removed , one is gigantic , and he thought there would maybe be a way to save it.

So of course, I asked my Dad, (now Deceased) where is the Septic Lid located. I had a dream that night that it was located under one of the palm trees and between the wall and the Giant Gumbo Limbo. Now, its been about 20 years that its been there allowing the roots to grow over the spot in my dream. The Tree guy suggested I do some Dowsing to find the Lid. I did and it was right where it was in my dream. I did a horary chart which points out that it was made to be accessable (ruler in the 6th house) but it is now difficult to get to (Saturn in the forth opposed Moon) Difficult but not impossible. He is coming over today to break up the roots and pull out the stump of the Palm tree which is where the lid was in my dream. I think its about a foot down. If he can get to it this way and its there , I will save Thousands of dollars and not have to tear up my mature landscaping and front privacy wall!

Everyone PLEASE send positive thoughts as he will be doing this today!

I believe if I do the correct Plutonian way: contacting the Dead,( my Dad), unearthing the lid, Cleaning out the deeply buried Tank of sewage , and remaining gentle to the existing trees (although one rare palm has had to unfortunately be sacraficed.)
Perhaps Pluto will smile upon us and help us to get through the saturnian blockages with the least amount tp time, money and damages. I do have Pluto Trine exactly to Pluto in my 12th (that which is hidden ) so I'm hoping for the best!
Hi all,
Wow it has been some time since I posted. At the time I posted (august 2012) I was super overwhelmed with what was happening to me. All the 'stuff' I discovered had led me to see the world in such a new way. It took me a while to get used to it.

Pluto has now crossed my Neptune, Jupiter and Ascendant in Capricorn during the past years and is heading towards Venus (whilst squaring my moon in aries and sextile saturn and mars in Scorpio).

I will tell you, as pluto crossed my ascendant, my world literally changed. I now see the world in it's energetic forms. It started on 7 october 2012. I started to see orbs in the sky. It has been progressive and at the moment I see it all the time (with mild focus, I can ignore it when I want to) around people, trees, I see what energies go through the walls, what atoms things are made off and huge tunnels in the sky (have not figured out what to do with it though).

Further I have started dreaming a lot. And my dreams are getting prophetic sometimes as well. Also I have been lucid a couple of times in my dreams.

We have entered the aquarius era, I am sure of it now. I am not special, I am just a pioneer. I am travelling the world at the moment, just to help people out wherever I can and do good for humanity. I feel that this is the most important task I have right now. And yes.. I like it too.

Do what you like, and see the positive in every transition. Yes, you might lose things (I lost everything, but now realize I had outgrown it) but you will receive so much in return.

oh wow! this incredible Pluto Square Uranus leaves Pluto conjunct my Sun and Uranus square my Sun!!!
And Leo rules my 10th House!
My Sun is at 11 deg Capricorn, in my 2nd House.
If this isn't playing out 'around' me then it's being directed straight at me.
That there's 5 passes of Pluto over my Sun, and 3 of Uranus to my Sun - all over 2013 & 2014 - I'm struggling with the idea that I'm not even half way there yet :(
How are others coping with the Plu Squ Ura hitting some part of their natal chart? Or at least - I hope you are coping :whistling: this is far from my favourite transit (not the worst I've ever struggled through though)
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Wow this is a great thread!
Now Pluto is transiting my 5th house opposition my merc in Cancer in the 11th house, with Uranus square from 8th house. In the first hit of Pluto opposition, I found my mind would go blank which would go on for 3-5 minutes not just a flash of blanking out. It was kinda freaking me out at the time, then it lessened and has stopped. I have had 6th house challenges, w/my dog and a increase in migraines I've had off and on for years. Virgo rules my 6th house.

I have merc trine neptune in my natal chart...transiting Saturn is conjunct my natal neptune in scorpio in the 3rd house in trine to merc...last time Saturn was conjunct my neptune, Pluto was also was a rough ride back then as both were approaching a conjunction to my natal scorpio moon in 4th house. Huge psychological and sudden changes back then! for example a arsonist set my apartment building on fire and I had to move!

During the 2nd hit of the Pluto opposition merc in my 11th house, I began to see subtle power struggles and subtle tension between myself, friends and groups I participate in. I also saw how I was unconsciously instigating power struggles with friends! Now I can question my perceptions and see things from a more inclusive perspective, taking in my needs and theirs!

The most painful part of this current Pluto opposition merc transit has been the loss of my dog. He was 13.5 yrs old a beautiful Tibetan Terrier, he passed 3 days before my birthday. I have a scorpio moon 4th house, sun in cancer in 12th. For years I had fearful thoughts about his passing. I had a deep existential fear of being alone come up right after he died. Then 7 days after he passed I spontaneously had a huge heart opening and felt the love of being one with all. The fear of being alone released. I had seen his approaching challenges in his birth chart...he had Pluto crossing his ascendant squaring his Jupiter in Aries, with Saturn in a T square, opposing his natal saturn in Taurus and squaring his sun conjunct Uranus in Aquarius...8th house was the relief of the T square, the day he passed it was a scorpio moon and it triggered a grand square. Having some forewarning of his approaching transits did give me some solace when I had to have him put down. Now it's been 2 months and I just found a new puppy Tibetan to adopt. Life goes on!

I've only had one hit from the Uranus square my mercury...the second will hit in October a few weeks before the last Pluto opposition my mercury...who know how those will show up? probably some sudden form of death, power and transformation.

Who else is in the Pluto transit club currently?'s it going for you?
Hi there, was interesting reading your pluto experiences. Even knowing transits will happen, it still doesn't take away the grief as that is natural hey! Hope your new "friend" will be a joy for you.
As for me, likewise I'd seen for 20 odd years about my current transists and wondered what they may entail. I have Pluto conjuncting my Moon 4th house Cap. inconjunct my Gemini sun 8th transiting Pluto concurrently quincunxes my Sun at the same time.
I had lived in new Zealand for about 18 years and without all details, decided to move back to Aust. when I visited and saw my Mum needed help (she is a Gemini as well and 94 y.o.) 2012 was the beginning of the Pluto transit, but it started on my IC (Moon only 2 degrees away) when I went and packed up my things in N.Z. I was fine, didn't grieve at fact I was somehow drawn to come back....and then the **** begun....Basically moved back into where i lived all my life till I left home, and all the old **** surfaced.

I wont go into it all, but the end result was to leave caring for my Mum, as I was going mad...!! lol and went into a the second hit of my IC - moving homes again, and then did a very deep transformation when in rehab. where I realized for the first time in my life, that I am truly, really OK....and surrendered to an internal struggle...that was Pluto inconjunct the Sun.

Then when Pluto conjuncted my Moon exactly, had a "power struggle" with my neice regarding Power of Attorney and other things....which ended up with me being Guardian, Power of Attorney and Executor (which I and my brother always were). During this time, my Mum moved into full time care, and I am back living in the home she has always lived in, since i was one y.o.
whoa....there is more but that will probably do it for now...
Feel like I've fallen into a state of an autistic person.. which I actually don't mind since I think it's the more true one of the delusional world around me..

The problem is colliding with the dominating world of humans around me..

Don't like this feeling at all.. The best result would be to keep this clear world with human accetable behaviour.

Pluto Opp. Cancer sun, Uranus Square Sun..
@ Justine

Thank you for sharing your story; I am in deep admiration of the way you have managed to look at and deal with your loss. As Eckhart Tolle says, accepting the unacceptable is the highest source of grace (and peace!), and you have succeeded in doing so. And I absolutely agree about the unchanging essence of love, whatever the physical circumstances.

I've had my share of Pluto transits too (and felt like that caterpillar many times!) and acceptance is what they all came down to. Because my chart indicates lots of resistance (many squares, oppositions and indicators of "clinging"), dealing with Pluto has been tough, often making me feel like this poor guy (knowing that resistance was futile, yet still refusing to let go):

I hate the ruthlessness of Pluto transits but appreciate what they have taught me about inner freedom.:joyful:
Hi Hypatia,
If you read my stuff about the pluto transits to my IC/MC axis, Moon and Sun, I didn't mentioned the Uranus. As a Moon opposite uranus native, I often enjoy them, so look forward to a little light relief....ha - but I am about to have t. Jupiter conjunct natal Uranus in the 10th. I have just become involved in a group called Bent TV, which has a half hour slot on a TV channel here, focusing on GBLTI issues. Being bi and having a transgender sister is a. partly what the deep transformation around my ancestory (IC/Moon) and Sun in 8th - sexuality issues, but also the transformation of having a brother, to now a sister. But I am totally happy with it...(long story). the Uranus transit, is probably me getting back into astrology after a 18 month hiatus, and beginning a Horary Course - never been interested in it before. But also, meeting a whole new lot of people within the GBLTI crowd and feeling very passionate about the "cause" - given that I live in Australia....we were about to get Equal Marriage for all people, not just gay and lesbians, but Liberal (the conservatives) just got in.
I guess it depends how much you've had Uranus in your life....I've had it all my life and it I believe studying and being involved in astrology can be a positive use of the energy. A bit like a homeopathic cures like....and less erratic/"awakening disturbing lightening flashes" that uranus can give. But also this is the first real time I've ever been part of an astrology forum, so again, hanging with like minded people that know the really fantastic. I also think your age and background etc. have a definite influence on how a planetary energy with act out, or be experienced by the person..
I currently have pluto on my IC, exact. It is also squaring transiting Uranus. It is also conjuncting mercury and a wide conjunction to mars (both in the 4th house). Please can you give me your interpretations into what this signifies for me. I know a bit but I would really like an objective opinion as life is nuts right now.

Thank you.