Pluto Transits

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Hi Kali Ma, that in itself is an interesting name to have chosen, as Kali is the Indian goddess of destruction.....and presumably rebirth. So, without going into a full reading, the whole chart needs to be looked at rather than in isolation. But yes with Pluto conjunct your IC, and rules your second house as Scorpio is on the cusp, and the natal Pluto is in the first house....suggests deep changes by addressing the power issues (pluto in libra in first) that your generation is dealing with as a whole. For example, meeting people whom you've known in other lives...and deciding if you will complete the karma with them in this life, or not. As power (and abuse perhaps thereof) and issues of trust and betrayal (plus jealousies and obsessions!) are bottom line Pluto issues, it suggests time to seek out your own values (Scorp on 2nd house cusp) and thus transform your self-esteem. It will probably be in ways that can't be "predicted" as Uranus is the unpredictable as is in Scop - so developp your intuition big time - listen to the whispers...get out of the rut type stuff..
The ruler of the 4th house Saturn, as Saturn rules Capricorn (it doesn't really rule the 10th this methodology) where is Saturn - Saturn is in Leo in the 11th house...(square Uranus in 2nd) so that's the conservative vs the radical dilemma...emphasised by a Cap. IC and two planets in Cap. with an Aquarian sun...all in 4th...Mars by the way in 4th, can mean some sort of violence in the home (and it's inconjunct your Saturn) - restraining your anger and energy to begin things...and then probably blowing out...You can learn to bring in healing energy from Chiron conjunct South node in 7th....rather than be attracted to those that are in the healing fields or who hurt your sense of identity in some way...and indicates you needing to use it yourself - ie. own your healing around feelings of non-existence (I've found some weird stories of people with chiron in Aries - and feeling invisible or not acknowledge for themselves)..
Well i haven't answered it all, but basically whatever skeletons are in the ancestral closet will come to the fore to be transformed - either as an actual death (but unlikely) but more a symbolic death of a way of being within the family...and you are the healer!! to bring that about....(Chiron/south node and Pluto in 1st) Uranus doesn't come back to your IC till Nov./Dec/Jan 2014 last again expect the unexpected - often change of house - and perhaps because of a relationship or work (2nd house?)
When considering 4th house - it's useful to look at the traditional ruler in the generic chart - and yours is in Pisces in 5th...Neptune has been going over this too of late, and returns to 2 degrees Pisces all of Oct/Nov/and most of Dec this year...another loosening of the mother/home issues and possibly you as mother....or if you have children...them as well..
Whew....regarding my on going situation....the day that Pluto turned S/D (8 Cap. was the day that my sister came to stay with me, having had an op. and needing was brought forward from a Nov. date - so you could say, the 'unexpected' visit to my/our home of's really lightening bolts, but processing stuff from our past still (who remembers what - and how our memories are sometimes the same and sometimes we fill in the gaps for each other - oh she's a Cancer!!) she leaves about the 7th two days before Uranus moves to the 11th degree....I just LOVE astrology...!!!
hi RubyStarr
I really enjoyed reading your post and your interpretation - after spending a bit of time myself going over Kali Ma's chart I could really follow what you were writing.
When I wrote my interpretation I was trying to follow a method that Bernadette Brady explains in Predictive Astrology - I'm very much learning about the finer points of interpreting transits and your post was fascinating.

If you're remotely inclined and have the time - I'll post my chart --- as I have Pluto cnj Sun and Ura squ Sun (my sun in at 11 deg Cap - so right where this Plu squ Ura is acting) happening right now - it's causing a few ripples in my life!!
this is my current transit - I have Plu cnj Sun and Ura sqr Sun.
As my Sun is in Cap, and as Cap rules the 10th, it's meaning some interesting consequences for my work life.
I'm in the middle of all of this - it's been happening most of this year, and I still have another year of these transits to come.
So far it's been a year of change in management at my work - with lots of power struggles, back stabling, manipulating, ganging up, small groups forming and trying to rally supporters in secret, so yeah - lots of Pluto stuff.
I had a slight change to my job last year, where part of my work became administrative, and not all 'teaching' (i.e. I took on part of a Deputy's position), and so although I've never been involved with management more than 'hello' and 'this is how things are going' - I'm now drawn into the world of management, with lots of meetings on decision making etc. I've had run-in's with my new boss, wrote my resignation and nearly resigned, and although it's all nice-nice at the moment I can easily envisage more run-in's coming up, and I really don't know if I'll end up resigning.
Also - I ended up chatting to the right person at the right time - and there's a part-time lecturing position coming up - that's about teaching training teachers. I've submitted my resume, and have an appointment in a couple of weeks with one of the managers of that college to do with that position- it's not an interview for the job as such, more of a 'chat' as far as I understand it. So I don't know if my career will take a diverging or not.
Interestingly, as I'm a school teacher in the southern hemisphere and our big summer holidays are over Dec/Jan, and one of the transits is right at the end of Dec - when there's no school happening! I'm interested to see how that pans out - as usually the end of Dec is a time for teachers to totally forget about all things to do with work/school!

oh and on top of Pluto & Uranus transiting my Sun - I also have Jup Opp Sun, and Sat Sxt Sun, moon's north node Sxt Sun and Chi Sxt Sun all happening within the same time period!

this is the list... (numbers in brackets are house of transiting planet and house of natal Sun)...
Jup (8) Opp Sun (2) 16 Aug 2013
Jup (8) Opp Sun (2) 15 Feb 2014
Jup (8) Opp Sun (2) 26 Mar 2014
Sat (12) Sxt Sun (2) 27 Jan 2013
Sat (12) Sxt Sun (2) 14 Mar 2013
Sat (12) Sxt Sun (2) 11 Oct 2013
Ura (5) Sqr Sun (2) 17 May 2013
Ura (5) Sqr Sun (2) 20 Sep 2013
Ura (5) Sqr Sun (2) 8 Mar 2014
Plu (2) Cnj Sun (2) 27 Feb 2013
Plu (2) Cnj Sun (2) 29 May 2013
Plu (2) Cnj Sun (2) 27 Dec 2013
Plu (2) Cnj Sun (2) 5 Sep 2014
Plu (2) Cnj Sun (2) 11 Oct 2014
Chi (5) Sxt Sun (2) 27 Mar 2013
Chi (5) Sxt Sun (2) 11 Sep 2013
Chi (5) Sxt Sun (2) 25 Jan 2014
Nod (12) Sxt Sun (2) 18 Aug 2013


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Wow you guys are amazing thank you. I have jut seen Rubystarrs post and will read that in a bit too. That is really helpful. I have just ordered Howard's book too. So what is happening for me?? Well, over the last 2 years I have been involved with men that have really triggered my 'stuff' from childhood. My father was absent when I was young and my relationship with my mother, was very tempestuous, huge arguments and at times I hated her, I was also very insecure when away from her.

I find my perspective can get very thwarted and a lot of the time I find I'm seeing through the eyes of a child of 5 caught in angst and insecure, feeling she doesn't have enough love. I feel angry at the world and all my traumas from childhood are really coming back - I'm so ultra sensitive and very scorpionic right now. I'm struggling with such dark emotions towards others, although its more of a superficial irritation rather than a true hate and I know, I know its all about my relationship to myself and my feelings of worthlessness and unloveability. Its so bizarre cause I've known this for years but now I feel deep and trapped in it. I have to do hard work to release this - or magic?!? I think its probably hard work and constant mental examinations and thought questioning (house 3). I'm seeing an amazing being, a counsellor who really helps keep me on track in my watery times.

I sometimes wonder if it could do me better to live much away from my mum and I've thought about moving away to another country. I constantly question her sincerity because she comes from a family who never spoke the truth and always used underlying messages to get what they want because they were stuck in victimship or unworthiness bordering on hugely inflated importance. Its hard work being around her and trying to maintain my souls integrity. So hard to be loving to her. I resent the responsibility she does not take for herself. Because of our early conflicts I've had so so many relationships which did not work out (7 house stuff)- I never learnt to communicate truthfully until recently and I still feel like a novice, but definitely getting better. I still fear being on my own and this can make me severely compromise myself and my values in my relationship. I'm in one now and am being challenged but we have some great astro links(and some harder ones!) - he is 26deg scorpio, has mars in 2deg aqu conjunct my sun, his 1st house moon is conjunct my ASC, his venus is conjunct my mercury, my venus is conjunct his DESC .... my Jupiter conjunct his north node. He goes away a lot and it massively triggers my insecurity even though when we are together things are really good. I can get quite obsessive and paranoid if I don't watch myself!!!

My work is fulfilling, I'm a bit like a wounded healer cause I work well with those in trauma and in processes giving bodywork. I do wonder about living in a hot place though because I struggle with the cold and so this is my current big investigation, into what I should do about this. I'm about to learn a new technique in releasing old trauma from people which I'm very excited about! I hold a healing dance space for around 20 people once a month called Soul Movement - I can become quite anxious and get palpitations but they enjoy it and it feels good for me to do n some ways. I have massive issues with groups, speaking in front of groups, terrible anxiety unless weirdly if I'm holding the space its ok (pluto likes control eh LOL!)

So now you get a good picture of my struggles right now - most of them imagined and in the past unbelievably ... I just want to take the power away from that and put the power in the now.

I work with sweat lodges and prayer too to help.

Thanks for your time, its very kind of you to give me this analysis!
Hi Kali Ma - I love reading your very self-aware perspective of what's happening in your life. great to read that you've found a wonderful counsellor :)
If you feel ok about it - please update your situation as Pluto moves - it certainly sounds like you're taking control and working 'with' Pluto rather than fighting against Pluto's influence, and even though you feel stuck in the depths now, I'm sure Uranus will cause some unexpected way out
Hypatia, thanks for your hopefulness. It helps me a lot. If I imagine the worst, I get sucked in by my own terror and its pretty powerful. So ... must ... be ... positive - although I do like to be honest about whats happening when its happening - that's the other challenge right now - be honest about it but don't get caught up in it, drown in it and collapse! I will keep you posted as things go along.

Looking back on Pluto being in the 3rd house - I looked back and seen pluto has been hanging around the beginning of my 4th house for about 5 years!! Teetering and teasing me! Before that I was coming out of the intensity of my Saturn return which knocked me for 6. I reckon I spent most of pluto in house 3 flying from one exciting romantic interlude to another never actually being happy with anyone. It was all about excitement, superficiality, lack of communication in partnerships again - everything big in my life has always been to do with Partners and/or groups I've been involved with. I did start my business here though which is still going :) interestingly I've always lived with other people and only now am really desiring to live on my own ...
Hi Kali Ma, that in itself is an interesting name to have chosen, as Kali is the Indian goddess of destruction.....and presumably rebirth. So, without going into a full reading, the whole chart needs to be looked at rather than in isolation. But yes with Pluto conjunct your IC, and rules your second house as Scorpio is on the cusp, and the natal Pluto is in the first house....suggests deep changes by addressing the power issues (pluto in libra in first) that your generation is dealing with as a whole. For example, meeting people whom you've known in other lives...and deciding if you will complete the karma with them in this life, or not. As power (and abuse perhaps thereof) and issues of trust and betrayal (plus jealousies and obsessions!) are bottom line Pluto issues, it suggests time to seek out your own values (Scorp on 2nd house cusp) and thus transform your self-esteem. It will probably be in ways that can't be "predicted" as Uranus is the unpredictable as is in Scop - so developp your intuition big time - listen to the whispers...get out of the rut type stuff..
The ruler of the 4th house Saturn, as Saturn rules Capricorn (it doesn't really rule the 10th this methodology) where is Saturn - Saturn is in Leo in the 11th house...(square Uranus in 2nd) so that's the conservative vs the radical dilemma...emphasised by a Cap. IC and two planets in Cap. with an Aquarian sun...all in 4th...Mars by the way in 4th, can mean some sort of violence in the home (and it's inconjunct your Saturn) - restraining your anger and energy to begin things...and then probably blowing out...You can learn to bring in healing energy from Chiron conjunct South node in 7th....rather than be attracted to those that are in the healing fields or who hurt your sense of identity in some way...and indicates you needing to use it yourself - ie. own your healing around feelings of non-existence (I've found some weird stories of people with chiron in Aries - and feeling invisible or not acknowledge for themselves)..
Well i haven't answered it all, but basically whatever skeletons are in the ancestral closet will come to the fore to be transformed - either as an actual death (but unlikely) but more a symbolic death of a way of being within the family...and you are the healer!! to bring that about....(Chiron/south node and Pluto in 1st) Uranus doesn't come back to your IC till Nov./Dec/Jan 2014 last again expect the unexpected - often change of house - and perhaps because of a relationship or work (2nd house?)
When considering 4th house - it's useful to look at the traditional ruler in the generic chart - and yours is in Pisces in 5th...Neptune has been going over this too of late, and returns to 2 degrees Pisces all of Oct/Nov/and most of Dec this year...another loosening of the mother/home issues and possibly you as mother....or if you have children...them as well..
Whew....regarding my on going situation....the day that Pluto turned S/D (8 Cap. was the day that my sister came to stay with me, having had an op. and needing was brought forward from a Nov. date - so you could say, the 'unexpected' visit to my/our home of's really lightening bolts, but processing stuff from our past still (who remembers what - and how our memories are sometimes the same and sometimes we fill in the gaps for each other - oh she's a Cancer!!) she leaves about the 7th two days before Uranus moves to the 11th degree....I just LOVE astrology...!!!

Thanks for your post Rubystarr!

Its a rollercoaster right now and has been a while. The main trigger in my current whirlpool is my relationship - in fact all my partnerships/relationships have been hard. I didn't realise they were mirroring my unresolved mother and father stuff (absent father, angry, passive aggressive mother - LOTS of emotional violence with her - we had blazing, poisonous rows) and mother also wasn't available most of the time (emotionally and a lot of the time physically). She has also never had a fulfilling relationship. She was my gateway to the world.

For about 1-2 years, there has been almost too much pain to deal with and so when u say ancestral - that feels true - is that also connected to IC? It all started after I found a healing dance back in 2009 - which coincided with pluto leaving my 3rd. That's when I started shaking everything in my body to the surface!

When you say I am the healer in all of this - it feels very much this way, like others can help me but ultimately I am the compass and the decision maker (have always hated decisions too!) and so I reluctantly take the oar ....

Why do you think its unlikely there'll be a real death?
The stories about chiron in aries? I'm intrigued. Yes, I felt totally invisible!! My mum also has moon in aries and Saturn in aries

I don't have children but I realised I am mothering my current partner quite a bit and that doesn't always feel healthy. This is a new dynamic for me really and odd even though the passion is good between us. It just seems more obvious now whereas with my past partners I tended to choose men with mother issues which were more unconscious to me and I was not so 'soft' back then. I'm 36 and think I'd like to have a child, but I don't think my current guy is the man for that.

Thanks for your posts, they are very interesting in themselves.
Kali Ma
Justine- Thank you! THank you! Pluto went direct last weekend and I felt the pressure for days and days. I had to take an important decision on September 26 and I did it!! SO proud of myself! I made the right choice. I have 1st house Pluto natally so this helps me quite a bit go through life and I am very helpful to other people who are struggling with PLUTO. Sometimes Pluto is seen as the big, bad warrior- the agent of death.

It is also merciful. While you are going through that change and struggling, the tighter you hang on, the worst it will be for you. One thing I have learned is that life is everchanging, we want to remain the same. However we cannot and neither can the world! The Federal agencies will come to a standstill Tuesday morning as they must ADAPT ADAPT and ADAPT to a new way of being- cooperation and truth. They don't want to do it but Ploto will FORCEE them to confront the reality in front of them.
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Hi Hypatia,
I have not ignored your request to look at your chart. But something went haywire with my signing into here....and it's taken 3 days to get back in. I have downloaded your chart to look at....I'm more visual and couldn't really take in all the written contacts you did...
so will contact you soon....and hang in!!!
cheers Manika
oh and I just wanted to add that i too use Bernadette's system as well, and you were onto looking at the Mercury at the base of Kali Ma's chart,....which for some reason my head just is pivotal - and I think siblings as well as her philosophies (as you mentioned as it rules the 9th) will be implicated big time.
Hi Kali Ma, have been having trouble with passwords etc. getting back to this site. anyway, yes the IC and fourth house has to do with our inherited ancestry. This understanding was written about and read by me by an "old time" philosophical astrologer called Dane Rudyar, a Saggittarian, so very philosophical. The essence is that whilst the 4th house cusp is indicative of one of the parental figures (Liz Greene has posited that 10th is the Mother - and I have through asking various people/clients - what makes sense to them, and often if there is a planet in one or both of the 4th or 10th houses - can relate to both parents - an interesting aside) - so for you Mercury Mars by itself means cutting (Mars) speech (Mercury) so sarcasism, nastiness etc....and so fits your description of your mother.
Getting back to your mother caries the Mercury Mars (and Sun) so too I would image would her parents and so forth going back....and this is probably what could be investigated by you as you unearth "who you are" as the Pluto moves over this area of your chart....this I would imagine will help you to being at peace with some form of another aside as Mercury rules the 9th this can denote someone who lives "far away" as 9th is overseas/distance....
but whether you physically move or not you carry your ancestry with you...and the Chiron can help with bringing the well....I moved to New Zealand to "get away" from my family when I was 20, but was "brought back" by my father's death 18 months later. The second time I was there was for about 18 years (hmmmm interesting the 18?) and it did actually help me get some needed distance...I was not running away as I was in my twenties....though that was very necessary too I felt at the time...
well that's it for me, for now...gotta go out...
pluto is transiting my 1st house now, and my progressed asc is at capricorn :cool:

I feel more business-conscious and a bit more violent XD


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Pluto conjunct Moon's North Node in 4th House in Capricorn

My son has a Pluto transit coming up that influences all of 2014.
For most of 2013 he had Uranus square his MNN, and now he has Pluto conjunct his MNN.

The 2013 Uranus square MNN seemed to coincide with meetings regarding his birth family. Transiting Uranus was sitting in his 7th House, and squaring natal Pluto and then natal MNN both sitting in his 4th House.

Now transiting Pluto has moved far enough that in a couple of weeks it will be exactly on his natal MNN.
I am half guessing there are some intense times to come, and I am guessing that are again to do with his birth family... that's my guess.

Although the 3 transits of Uranus square MNN didn't each coincide with something to do with birth family, so maybe I am not right that it was even about birth family, maybe it's about something else?

Has anyone else had Pluto cnj MNN? any comments on how that went for you?


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Hello Hypatia,
As Pluto transited my MNN I was a caregiving grandmother to two of my grandaughters,. Their mother is Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon. I took care of the two girls for three and a half years, with the time of the Pluto transit being when I moved out of their house to set up my own flat. Retro Pluto is in exact opposition to my natal Sun-Moon midpoint, in Capricorn, which describes beautifully my (non)relationship with the girls' mother.
I allowed myself to be used and abused by this woman, who I later discovered has a narcissistic personality disorder. She is charming and highly socialised, your friend so long as you are doing EXACTLY what she wants, and will turn on those closest to her with astonishing rages over - ?what? - yes, sometimes I couldn't 'get' what the rage was about.
There was a great deal more than this, and I now have almost no contact with the two girls. I have been, I gather, written out of the script of their lives.

I apologise for going on about "her" when this is my chart. Astro version: Pluto in 5th House opp SU-MO midpoint 11th, Capricorn. I have a Grand Trine of MNN cjn MC - Saturn - Pluto natally. And so I was self-contained about the abusing situation; not believing it and not allowing myself to see what was going on. Whenever there is an outer-planet transit to any of these points in my chart I have profound learning experiences that I have to work through on my own. It is the intensity of the natal arrangements that show up with Pluto transits in particular.

So, look at the natal aspects to your son's MNN and also how locked into his chart Pluto is. In my natal chart, Pluto is the most aspected planet, with quintile and septile aspects (tight orbs) in amongst the other aspects. Your son's chart needs to be read very carefully in relation to the natal relatedness between Pluto and the MNN, in order for you to get a really clear idea of what is being triggered by the Pluto transit. Talk to your son about this, in ways that enable him to give you a clear expression of what he is experiencing. That kind of dialogue can be helpful to you both when it is skilfully done.
My very best to you both.
Hi Hypatia, I didn't see his chart until just now - my apologies for that.
He is so little. With Pluto I often regard it as signifying a grandparent, and experiences around a grandparent. He may be going to meet or have requests from a grandparent, to meet him. With Uranus on his Desc, and moving into his 7th House, I'd ask "What is needing to come out into the open?" He is likely to want to know and make sense of, his other family, while also moving out of it and into his own world. It looks as though he is a family secret in his birth family, and so he may simply be going to let go of all that and get on with the life he has been gifted with, with you. I'd like to know, in a couple of years once all the Pluto transits are over, how it went.
I wish you and your family the very best.
Hi Justine

thank you for sharing your experiences and for offering your thoughts on my son's transits.
It is so sad that your grand-daughter's have moved out of your life and you out of their lives, I can imagine though (given the experiences of many children who end up in the care of someone else temporarily) that they will come back to you of their own accord at some point.

Yes my son is only very little, and one issue about this Pluto transit might be that he does not have sufficient language to share how he is feeling properly - but I am sure there are plenty of age appropriate ways that he and I can communicate about what ends up happening this year.
thank you for the suggestion of talking to him about it - I will keep this in mind and make every effort to do that.

a 'secret' - yes I definitely get the feeling that there are secrets happening - I believe there are multiple birth family members who aren't even aware yet that he exists. And I definitely believe that some of those people who don't know he exists are grandparents - but I'm in the dark a bit as well about lots of things - so I could be totally wrong.

thanks for being interested - I will try to update - it shouldn't be multiple years, this transit happens 3 times and is finished by the end of this year (thankfully it doesn't go on for more years - I've my own multiple-year Pluto transit happening regarding work and it's enough stress for the moment ;) )

Currently Pluto is transiting my 6th house. It is conjunct my moon at 10 degrees Cap, and Squaring my Stellium in the 9th house containing Sun, Saturn and Venus. All at 10 degrees Aries. Not to mention Uranus transiting on top of that D:
hi Lucius22... how long has your transit been in effect? (days, weeks, months?)
what other houses are drawn into this transit?

did you want to post your chart?
Hi just checking - if you are 17, have you just left home, or have recently left school? or are looking at doing both later this year??

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