Hi Arena
Thank you for your post. No you're not intruding and I'm glad to help with your research. Actually, you gave me a good lesson here and I discovered some things on my own about the death of my parents. Sorry it took a while but it took me awhile to get this. Here are some stats I came up with:
My Mom
Pluto had just crossed over my 10th house cusp, just 1 degree when it happened.
Saturn was in Leo, approaching my natal Jup/Pluto conj. (11 degrees from it)
Saturn at 8 degrees Leo was exactly trine my natal NN (8 Sagg)
Neptune was in my 12th about two degrees approaching my natal Mars.
The nodal axis was at Aries/Libra the time, an exact trine to my NN at 8 Sagg
My Dad:
Saturn just crossed over my natal Neptune, into my natal 8th.
Jupiter was directly opposite the natal MC, to the exact degree.
Pluto in my 10th was 11 degrees from an opposition to my natal moon but it’s interesting that Pluto happened to be square Uranus at this time (not related to my chart, just happening at the time).
Neptune was in the 12th approaching an opposition to my Jup/Pluto conj. in the 6th
The nodal axis at this time was at 15 scorp. in my 8th and has been dancing around my natal NN for a while, which is 8 sagg. and in the early 9th