Pluto Transits

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hi :) it's my first post hehe on this forum :)
my pluto is near my descendant squaring my natal sun pluto and nn in 4th house.
2013 and 2014 are very difficult for me, lots change, mostly me :)
I may say I'm different person now.
My marriage broke down.
I moved.
I had big transformation regarding my personality, I'm more self aware, more optimistic, and feel that I have more power over myself and my life.
I became more assertive. and feeling are more polarized. first time in my life I have such strong negative feelings toward some persons. It's like there is sympathy or antipathy nothing between. For now at least.
we will see what comes next. In some time pluto will be tirining my venus in virgo, so maybe this aspect will be not so hard.

I had very similar experiences when Pluto went over my DSC: Moved, big personality change to feel like I had more power over my life, and I experienced what I can safely say was true hatred for another human being and those feelings helped me to take control of my life (Pluto was also opposing t. Saturn conjunct ASC). You seem to be taking your experiences in stride, which is kind of amazing.

Welcome to the forum!
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thank you :)
did you by any chance met someone significant during this transit, because I hope that when Pluto helped me clean my life and my closet :) he will brig someone else into my life :)
thank you :)
did you by any chance met someone significant during this transit, because I hope that when Pluto helped me clean my life and my closet :) he will brig someone else into my life :)

Pluto will transit your 7th house, so it's possible you may get involved in an "intense" or Plutonic relationship. This happened to me, but it wasn't lasting... more like a learning experience that jump-started a better understanding of what I needed in a relationship. But it could be different for you, of course, since we are in different places in life, have different charts and natal placements of Pluto and 7th house, and the aspects Pluto will make during transit.
I know, thank you for sharing your experience :)
for my new solar return I have pluto in 7th house conjuncting part of fortune and eros, so I hope this will be good indicator of someone new :)
I know, thank you for sharing your experience :)
for my new solar return I have pluto in 7th house conjuncting part of fortune and eros, so I hope this will be good indicator of someone new :)

That sounds like it speaks to a potential intensity about relationships, at least, or a person! :innocent:
yes :) I just made place for someone new:) letting go of my marriage was one of the hardest thing I did in my life I was struggling for almost 2 years bu t i gave up.
Now I think I'm ready to move on and start something new :)
Very interesting thread!

Pluto transits are so special...What I noiced is that the effects of Pluto transits to natal planets are most visible when the transit is over.

For the last 15 years I have been having Pluto transiting 4th house and I would describe it as “on the move”...I moved house very often during this transit, I lived in different cities and countries...Pluto will leave this house next year and will move to my 5th house. I am very curious what will happen. I once had Solar Return Pluto in the 5th house and it indeed gave me opportunities for romance but the ones I was not interested in.
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These years transit Pluto (2nd house) is square my natal Mars (4th house). It's one of the toughest periods I have experienced.. I feel so "drained", sentimentally and physically. We have some problems in my house (2 grandparents, one in bad shape, the other recently deceased nothing more serious for the time).
What scares me more is that with this transit we tend to attract more shady people in our lives.. I hope it won't be the case..
good luck to all of us.. :)

Just another note, 9 years ago, I had transit pluto square natal sun, MC, opposition natal moon, conjunction natal Uranus and Saturn. too many pluto aspects.. My father passed away and in one year 3 relatives.. that was a dark period. :S
Pluto heavy transits are very difficult but also very strenghtening when they are over and when dust finally settles. I have the impression that if you survive them, you will survive everything :wink:
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It does not matter whether Pluto is a planet or not ... it is essential that you think it is important in the astrological system or not.

If you think is not, why do you writing here?

Why you think that the size of the planet is important? Is not that another kind of generalization?

sorry for my english...
Your English is very good :smile:

'.....Pluto and its moons are now known to be just part of
a collection of objects called the Kuiper Belt.
Astronomers estimate there are at least 70,000 icy objects,
with the same composition as Pluto,
that measure 100 km across or more in the Kuiper Belt.
For an object to be a planet, it needs to meet these three requirements defined by the IAU:

  • It needs to be in orbit around the Sun – Yes, so maybe Pluto is a planet.
  • It needs to have enough gravity to pull itself into a spherical shape – Pluto…check
  • It needs to have “cleared the neighborhood” of its orbit – Uh oh. Here’s the rule breaker. According to this, Pluto is not a planet....'

'.....What does “cleared its neighborhood” mean?
As planets form, they become the dominant gravitational body in their orbit in the Solar System.
As they interact with other, smaller objects, they either consume them,
or sling them away with their gravity.
Pluto is only 0.07 times the mass of the other objects in its orbit.
The Earth, in comparison, has 1.7 million times the mass of the other objects in its orbit....'

'....Any object that doesn’t meet this 3rd criteria is considered a dwarf planet.
And so, Pluto is a dwarf planet.
There are still many objects with similar size and mass to Pluto jostling around in its orbit.
And until Pluto crashes into many of them and gains mass, it will remain a dwarf planet.
Eris suffers from the same problem.....'
Your English is very good :smile:

'.....Pluto and its moons are now known to be just part of
a collection of objects called the Kuiper Belt.
Astronomers estimate there are at least 70,000 icy objects,
with the same composition as Pluto,
that measure 100 km across or more in the Kuiper Belt.
For an object to be a planet, it needs to meet these three requirements defined by the IAU:

  • It needs to be in orbit around the Sun – Yes, so maybe Pluto is a planet.
  • It needs to have enough gravity to pull itself into a spherical shape – Pluto…check
  • It needs to have “cleared the neighborhood” of its orbit – Uh oh. Here’s the rule breaker. According to this, Pluto is not a planet....'

'.....What does “cleared its neighborhood” mean?
As planets form, they become the dominant gravitational body in their orbit in the Solar System.
As they interact with other, smaller objects, they either consume them,
or sling them away with their gravity.
Pluto is only 0.07 times the mass of the other objects in its orbit.
The Earth, in comparison, has 1.7 million times the mass of the other objects in its orbit....'

'....Any object that doesn’t meet this 3rd criteria is considered a dwarf planet.
And so, Pluto is a dwarf planet.
There are still many objects with similar size and mass to Pluto jostling around in its orbit.
And until Pluto crashes into many of them and gains mass, it will remain a dwarf planet.
Eris suffers from the same problem.....'

all of the above has nothing to do with astrological system .... :cool::cool:

if wondering astronomers astrology would not have existed. :wink:

Many astrologers have a basic knowledge of astronomy, however, astronomers generally do not know anything about astrology ...

Read the answers from Imo and Catia, which are correctly recognized, Pluto energy

This is a practical research and reasoning through their own chart.
The only correct way to explore astrology and your own chart.

Also a lesson to those who are unable to do research on your own chart, and dare to give lessons to others ....

...and also a lesson to those who do not want to check astrological postulates and build them their own knowledge based on real life facts

Sorry for my english
Pluto has completed its transit across my IC. The most significant event I've experienced during this time is my father's remarriage after my mother's death five years ago from cancer. My whole sense of self and security has been obliterated in the process and it's been undescribably painful. I can't even put it into words. My stepmother is a good woman, but she understandably wants to create a new life with my father and for her that means erasing every single trace of my mother from my family's home--and sometimes I feel that includes her children. At the same time she's kicking us out, she's moving new folks in and my father doesn't seem to have the time for us he once had. I am having to accept my children won't have the grandparent relationship with my father that I had once hoped. I feel all alone in the world sometimes. When my mother was alive, I always knew no matter what I had a place to go and call home. A place where I was loved unconditionally and accepted. That is all gone now.

However, just like all the literature suggests, I am seeing the seeds of rebirth in my home life. My hubby and I are hoping to buy a home in about a year. Instead of centering my world on my parents' home and past traditions, I am thinking of new traditions that we could start. The holidays used to be such a joyous time for me because my mother loved the holidays and entertaining. Once we are into our house, I am planning on inviting friends and family over to my house instead of trying to hang on to how things were in the past.

I am also having to "let go" of my father. My father went into a deep depression after my mother passed and it was scary seeing him that way. He is now happy again and I don't have to worry about him having someone to take care of him as he ages. I am a daddy's girl, so it's been tough because I feel sometimes I have been "replaced" by his new wife and her family. My husband has told me that it may be difficult for him to spend too much time with me because I remind him too much of my mother (we look very much alike). But now I am realizing that, as painful as it may be, our changed relationship is preferable to the alternative. I don't think he would have survived being alone and at least I know the time we do spend together now I won't have to see him suffering.

I am still in the "letting go" process, but now that Pluto's work is just about done I can see some light at the end of the tunnel.
Brilliant story!!!

Thanks for sharing, gis
P.S. I think this is a good example of how astrology can help someone understand better what is going on in their life.
I was just about to post asking about pluto transits and this was the first topic... so that's awesome haha

So I was looking at my natal chart with transits and realized that I've been having Pluto conjuncting (currently its inconjunct my natal Sun/Mercury) my natal IC. So... yay. Right before it almost becomes EXACTLY conjunct, it then goes retrograde, before going direct again. So its gonna be hanging out by my IC for quite some time. When it become EXACTLY conjunct my IC, TR Pluto will be conjunct natal Neptune and squaring natal Mars (also sextile natal Pluto and natal NN)... i guess this nonsense is going to be lasting till the end of 2016...

Natal Info- Libra ASC, Pluto in Scorpio in the 1st house, natal Mars in Aries in the sixth but conjunct the DSC. Capricorn on the 4th and Saturn in the 3rd.

I guess I was wondering if anyone knew things to keep an eye out for or had any experience dealing with this transit.... I've been reading about a lot of divorce and death or changing of location... but I was wondering if there were any "positives" like birth or marriage or I don't know... something to look forward to haha.I think I'm most concerned about the square to natal Mars as well as being on the IC... iep

Honestly, I can't wait till things calm down and it just doesnt seem like its going to be for awhile... I had the grand cross transit happen on all my angles earlier this year I think it was so I've had Pluto on the IC for awhile and Uranus sitting on my DC (also conjunct my natal Mars) for what feels like forever... I know this is all progress and learning pains but I can't wait for some breathing room ... my little rant haha

So yeah... I'll take whatever advice I can get :)
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I am experiencing a Pluto transit as well, though different from yours so I've been doing a lot of research and read a lot of the "what happened to me" posts during Pluto transits. I can't say that there was any positives WHILE it was happening but only after it was over was the value seen. One person even said that it was a blessing because it got rid of all the garbage, the people who don't matter, the **** you don't need in your life....but as I said, it appears to be after it's all over before you see/understand the signifcante of it all...but during the transit, "hell" seems to be an oft used word.

Good luck...
Here is my blog post from today which I will probably make a permanent page. It deals with both Uranus and Pluto transits since they are hitting people's charts together right now.

Uranus & Pluto in personal growth covers planets through Mars, as well as Asc and MC...
Pluto transiting angular to natal Asc: transformation of identity and overall orientation; purging of old relationships no longer needed; expect some sense of psychological death and rebirth.

That's nice :happy:
Been purging relationships almost every year ever since Pluto was in my 1st.
People also just come and go so often.
Reading through this thread terrifies me. lol Transit Pluto will conjunct my Cap Asc in a few years. Shortly afterwards, Saturn will conjunct my Asc as well. Oh and a couple years after that Uranus will conjunct my Sun in my 4th house. It is hard to believe life could get tougher than it already is for me with T Saturn opposing my Sun, Mars, Mercury and Chiron this past year. :unsure: