I had Pluto in Libra in 6th house... I had reconstruction surgeries on my face to look pretty. Because I have Treacher Collins Syndrome (facial deformity).
When Pluto entered my 7th house... in Scorpio... I had difficult time with relationship with guys. Very hurtful.
Pluto was in my 8th house... I was paying back my loan and credit card...I learned that I don't have to pay back the student loan and credit card... A lawyer at the self help clinic said that because of my disability... I can contact nelnet and get my loan discharge. And also I can tell the credit card people that I can't use my Social Security income to pay off the debt. So Pluto in Sagittarius/Capricorn... helps me a lot.
So... now Pluto is in my 9th house... in Capricorn... I'm in and out of the court. I'm in sexual relationship with a foreigner who is in college. Since Scorpio is on my 7th house cusp. 7th house represents legal, lawyer and partner..
I was born with Pluto in the 6th, and currently it is in the 8th. I find a lot of parallels here.
When Pluto went over my DC (transition to 7th), it was conjunct my Saturn. I was a child and there was a parade of Plutonic authority figures in my life. Domestic violence, homelessness, institutions, drugs, psychotic breaks, the works. Neptune and Uranus also passed over my Capricorn Moon (square Pluto), ruled by Saturn, at the same time.
As Pluto transitioned into the 8th house Capricorn from the 7th, I just got out of some serious legal trouble with an academic institution, went into debt. 7th house cusp is in Sag.
In the first few degrees of the 8th house Capricorn, I lost my virginity and inherited belongings from the first death I've experienced in my family. I've paid off my debts - like you, I feel like the 8th house Pluto really drives the need to get rid of debts.
Pluto has been sitting on my Rx Mars for a few years. Mars progression went direct after Pluto transit began. I've changed in the way I assert myself, become more forceful, but in appropriate ways. I was forceful in inappropriate ways as a child. Through late teen and early adult years I became very reserved and meek, so now I've come back around.
I'm taking on more and more authoritative roles at work - been asked to move into management and oversee operations and development of a new laboratory (as this offer is made, Jupiter in Scorpio just entered my 6th house, is currently square Aqua MC and trine natal Pisces Jupiter in the 11th - the owner of this company that bought this acquisition has his Saturn conjunct my MC and Sun/Mercury/Mars conjunct my Jupiter in Pisces - the connections are endless!). I was told I was attractive for this position because I am "not afraid to make decisions and take control of a situation" which sort of screams Mars/Pluto in Capricorn, and would not have described me 5 years ago.
A new development with Mars/Pluto has been a transformation in the way I see and experience my physical body (Mars is trine Venus in the 4th house Virgo, so Pluto is also trine at this time). I have a muscle disease I inherited from my father. I was told all my life that I couldn't develop physical strength, so I never really tried. It has been a point of shame for my entire life because I look normal but can't do physical things that other people can do with ease, like going up stairs or getting off the floor without a lot of support.
I recently started a workout program to lose weight, and discovered that my problem with stairs was
easily corrected with targeted exercise for lower abdominal and core muscles (I thought it was my legs that were the problem). I had an epiphany that I was listening to other people and not really listening to my own body - that my limitations were self-imposed. I cried when I realized this, and since have experienced a lot of joy as I am getting stronger and connecting with my body instead of abandoning it. I am physically more fit than I've ever been in my life. Again, Jupiter moving into Scorpio in my 6th (health) might have a hand spurring the spill-out that has likely been simmering from the longer Pluto transit.
So, that has been wonderful.
Next Pluto will be hitting my Moon when it goes into the 9th, opposing Mercury and Sun. I'm sure that will be a big one.
I'll probably have my first child during that time. My partner has Mars in Capricorn conjunct my Moon, and he has Cap Rising. It would be fitting that we'd bust out a kid with natal Pluto conjunct our Mars/Moon conjunction. I'm not planning it, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's how it turned out.
I was introduced to Astrology years ago by a family member. I found it interesting but didn't really take a great deal of notice of it. Anyway, fast forward 20 years to 2014, I came across some info on the internet about Pluto transiting the descendant (my DC is 17 cap) I read it and kinda laughed to myself. Fast forward to September 2015, I got a text message from someone, the stress after that message has been unreal, just can't believe how much stress it's caused me.
It's been an extremely difficult couple of years, It's made me push myself harder than I ever have in my whole life to change as a person.
Pluto has just gone direct on my DC, I must say I'll never forget the last couple of years.
Not much has changed though, apart from me being a full on workaholic before the transit. Trying to do as little work as possible now, I'm just not interested in working hard anymore.
Actually, I just can't imagine my life going back to as it was before September 2015, no way.
Yeah, crossing the AC/DC axis is very influential. It's a transformation in how you relate to others, how they relate to you, and how you present yourself. My personality seemed to do a 180 after that transit. I was completely different in how I related to other people. It may take another few years for you to fully realize what has happened with you during this time.