Pluto Transits

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Wow, and I thought I was getting crushed by Pluto - I guess I really can't complain! You must be one tough lady, VenusMagic! Also, you opened my eyes to another way in which I was affected when Pluto was conjunct my Sun and Moon, as I too went through a devastating abortion at that time. It took me years to recover emotionally, my self-esteem was wrecked and I didn't trust myself to make good decisions anymore.

Anyway, thank you so much for sharing! I'm so glad Pluto has given you a reprieve these last years and have my fingers crossed for you on that Pluto/Mars aspect coming up!
My heartfelt empathy goes out to all those under Pluto's transits.
With Pluto between my Sun and Mars, squared by Saturn, natally I know this planet well.
Its brutal...but if its spiritual growth your after its "generous"
And the transits are soooooo slow, especially with Rx involved. No one can say this planet is not a major player in my view. I am just now nursing my sister through a Pluto opposition ASc , opposition Mars , conjunction to Saturn and finally a square to Sun which really is the final straw...she's barely holding on to life itself (I think she has Progressed Asc about to conjoin Pluto soon).That's easily ten years of extreme nerve wracking soul destroying heartache and pain.
I thought I was through most of the transits for a while ,but just started looking in to Vertex and Lo and Behold here it is again. When it goes ahead it will conjoin my vertex. I have no idea what it will bring but have no doubt I will feel it ...profoundly.
I seem to be a survivor...
I can only say, just get through it the best you can and be pleased with yourself when you look back...From my experience, it destroys preconceived trains of thinking opening totally unimaginable doors psychologically, and that, to me, means freedom in a sense. Hang on to your ethics or the kick back is worse ( if that's possible )
Just a few thoughts, I'm new here, if anyone has an idea of Pluto conjoining Vertex by transit I would love to hear (mmm I think I would ?) Nat
Transit Pluto is quincunx my Moon this year and next. I had the square Moon transit at age 10-11. Three years of calm. Pluto ending 12th and entering 1st. One year of calm. Pluto squaring Sun stellium most of my 20s. One year of calm. Pluto end of 1st and entering 2nd. Surviving the underworld for the past 25 years. Constant destruction and regeneration. I've seen deaths, near deaths, incarcerations, drugs, an abortion, a home fire, a business fire, I saw the World Trade Center collapse Pluto early in my 1st. My life went dark after age 9. I'm starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. At this point, I prefer darkness.
Transit Pluto is in my 1st house since age 12, and this is what I have known half of my life (now 22). Transit Pluto was in conjunction to my Sun and Ascendant at a young age, but cannot remember its influence. However, transit Pluto will soon be in conjunction with my natal Uranus and Neptune conjunction (still 1st house). I will most definitely do my best to analyse its power.

My natal Pluto is conjunct my Sun, Mercury, Jupiter (a mix of Sag and Scorpio signs, all in 11th house), sextile to Uranus and square to my Mars, Moon, and Saturn. I am not sure if this influence the power of the current transit. This transit is mainly all I know with my young age so I learned to embrace it (knowing my Jupiter and Uranus are strong in my chart, maybe they are supporting those changes?).

My love life has been quite poor with this transit, but I have really progressed in my career and succeeded in my studies, moved cities and grew in confidence of who I am and what I want - which is a constant battle but isn't this the best time to have this battle?

All that to say, I think transit Pluto in your 1st house during teenager and young adult time could be a blessing. Maybe it is also the influence of my natal Pluto, I would not know. I may change my mind when this is in my second house lol.

Hope this is of interest for you.
I am sure there is another Pluto thread but I'll post here for now.

Pluto is sextiling my Moon, I thought it would be more supportive but the sextile has not lessened the effects of Pluto.

The first pass was ok, I did move house after a very stressful incident. A very Plutonian energy was in the house share that I lived on, so much so that I had to move.

The 2nd pass retrograde though brought on a death in the family which came as a complete shock. My natal Moon is in my 2nd/3rd house cusp, family members, my Aunt passed away while the transiting Sun was inconjunct the transiting Pluto, tr Sun was square my Moon. It does four passes in total:unsure:.

Neptune rising; i became curious about what you wrote about the plutonian energy in the house you used to live in? Could you tell some more about this??

Both me and my hubby are having bad pluto transits and have had them for the past year or so (him: Pluto conj moon, me; pluto conj DC). The year has been plutonian like hell. But- we also moved into a new home about a year ago, and we both feel there is kind of a bad energy there. I feel more relieved when outside - could be because of the tension between us, but feel there is something more as well.. Since we moved there things have been really heavy for us.. :/ so- please tell me what you experienced..
I was introduced to Astrology years ago by a family member. I found it interesting but didn't really take a great deal of notice of it. Anyway, fast forward 20 years to 2014, I came across some info on the internet about Pluto transiting the descendant (my DC is 17 cap) I read it and kinda laughed to myself. Fast forward to September 2015, I got a text message from someone, the stress after that message has been unreal, just can't believe how much stress it's caused me.
It's been an extremely difficult couple of years, It's made me push myself harder than I ever have in my whole life to change as a person.
Pluto has just gone direct on my DC, I must say I'll never forget the last couple of years.

Not much has changed though, apart from me being a full on workaholic before the transit. Trying to do as little work as possible now, I'm just not interested in working hard anymore.

Actually, I just can't imagine my life going back to as it was before September 2015, no way.
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I had Pluto in Libra in 6th house... I had reconstruction surgeries on my face to look pretty. Because I have Treacher Collins Syndrome (facial deformity).

When Pluto entered my 7th house... in Scorpio... I had difficult time with relationship with guys. Very hurtful.

Pluto was in my 8th house... I was paying back my loan and credit card...I learned that I don't have to pay back the student loan and credit card... A lawyer at the self help clinic said that because of my disability... I can contact nelnet and get my loan discharge. And also I can tell the credit card people that I can't use my Social Security income to pay off the debt. So Pluto in Sagittarius/Capricorn... helps me a lot.

So... now Pluto is in my 9th house... in Capricorn... I'm in and out of the court. I'm in sexual relationship with a foreigner who is in college. Since Scorpio is on my 7th house cusp. 7th house represents legal, lawyer and partner..

I was born with Pluto in the 6th, and currently it is in the 8th. I find a lot of parallels here.

When Pluto went over my DC (transition to 7th), it was conjunct my Saturn. I was a child and there was a parade of Plutonic authority figures in my life. Domestic violence, homelessness, institutions, drugs, psychotic breaks, the works. Neptune and Uranus also passed over my Capricorn Moon (square Pluto), ruled by Saturn, at the same time.

As Pluto transitioned into the 8th house Capricorn from the 7th, I just got out of some serious legal trouble with an academic institution, went into debt. 7th house cusp is in Sag.

In the first few degrees of the 8th house Capricorn, I lost my virginity and inherited belongings from the first death I've experienced in my family. I've paid off my debts - like you, I feel like the 8th house Pluto really drives the need to get rid of debts.

Pluto has been sitting on my Rx Mars for a few years. Mars progression went direct after Pluto transit began. I've changed in the way I assert myself, become more forceful, but in appropriate ways. I was forceful in inappropriate ways as a child. Through late teen and early adult years I became very reserved and meek, so now I've come back around.

I'm taking on more and more authoritative roles at work - been asked to move into management and oversee operations and development of a new laboratory (as this offer is made, Jupiter in Scorpio just entered my 6th house, is currently square Aqua MC and trine natal Pisces Jupiter in the 11th - the owner of this company that bought this acquisition has his Saturn conjunct my MC and Sun/Mercury/Mars conjunct my Jupiter in Pisces - the connections are endless!). I was told I was attractive for this position because I am "not afraid to make decisions and take control of a situation" which sort of screams Mars/Pluto in Capricorn, and would not have described me 5 years ago.

A new development with Mars/Pluto has been a transformation in the way I see and experience my physical body (Mars is trine Venus in the 4th house Virgo, so Pluto is also trine at this time). I have a muscle disease I inherited from my father. I was told all my life that I couldn't develop physical strength, so I never really tried. It has been a point of shame for my entire life because I look normal but can't do physical things that other people can do with ease, like going up stairs or getting off the floor without a lot of support.

I recently started a workout program to lose weight, and discovered that my problem with stairs was easily corrected with targeted exercise for lower abdominal and core muscles (I thought it was my legs that were the problem). I had an epiphany that I was listening to other people and not really listening to my own body - that my limitations were self-imposed. I cried when I realized this, and since have experienced a lot of joy as I am getting stronger and connecting with my body instead of abandoning it. I am physically more fit than I've ever been in my life. Again, Jupiter moving into Scorpio in my 6th (health) might have a hand spurring the spill-out that has likely been simmering from the longer Pluto transit.

So, that has been wonderful.

Next Pluto will be hitting my Moon when it goes into the 9th, opposing Mercury and Sun. I'm sure that will be a big one.

I'll probably have my first child during that time. My partner has Mars in Capricorn conjunct my Moon, and he has Cap Rising. It would be fitting that we'd bust out a kid with natal Pluto conjunct our Mars/Moon conjunction. I'm not planning it, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's how it turned out. :pinched:

I was introduced to Astrology years ago by a family member. I found it interesting but didn't really take a great deal of notice of it. Anyway, fast forward 20 years to 2014, I came across some info on the internet about Pluto transiting the descendant (my DC is 17 cap) I read it and kinda laughed to myself. Fast forward to September 2015, I got a text message from someone, the stress after that message has been unreal, just can't believe how much stress it's caused me.
It's been an extremely difficult couple of years, It's made me push myself harder than I ever have in my whole life to change as a person.
Pluto has just gone direct on my DC, I must say I'll never forget the last couple of years.

Not much has changed though, apart from me being a full on workaholic before the transit. Trying to do as little work as possible now, I'm just not interested in working hard anymore.

Actually, I just can't imagine my life going back to as it was before September 2015, no way.

Yeah, crossing the AC/DC axis is very influential. It's a transformation in how you relate to others, how they relate to you, and how you present yourself. My personality seemed to do a 180 after that transit. I was completely different in how I related to other people. It may take another few years for you to fully realize what has happened with you during this time.
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I'm sorry, guys I realized I forgot this is the thread to post about Pluto transits. Its been a while since I've been on because of life...but I was wondering if someone could help me understand what this could mean.

So my Pluto is in the 3rd house right now. But I know one of these days my Pluto will be transiting Aquarius from 3rd house to fourth house...At one of those times in my life Pluto will be squaring my natal sun, moon, and Pluto. I'll be honest, I'm scared out of my wits! I don't know how I should prepare for it. Am I simply doomed? Has anyone ever had these aspects or seen them?

What makes matters worse is that my Uranus is about to transit the 7th house and oppose my natal Pluto in the first house very soon within the next two years. My fear is that they will coincide with each other. Does any one have similar transits as me and how will I be able to cope?
Oh boy, this is gonna be a long story (and this is the short version). lol

Pluto transiting my AC is so crazy. When it first started, I actually got diagnosed with schizophrenia and had an episode of psychosis. It was mild in the scheme of schizophrenic breaks. I heard some voices/whispering around me, was extremely paranoid, but functioned quite well. I never missed a day of class, except when I went to the hospital to get help during my first 'break'. My medical reports say I don't fit the stereotypical schizophrenic profile.

During this first 'break', I had PTSD symptoms, flashbacks and nightmares of horrible events from my childhood. I wrote about 150 pages that are lost on my last dead computer actually. During this time, the whispers were telling me to stop smoking weed and get my act together and get to class and take showers and wash my face/brush my teeth.

I now view my 'psychotic episodes' as spiritual emergencies.

The second psychotic break occurred last year and I saw a shadow demon figure following me around, but no voices, just fear of this entity. I can't remember, but I think Pluto was retrograding over my AC around that time.

When the shadow figure started following me around, it coincided with extreme adderall addiction, a strong contributing factor to my hallucinations (never been delusional btw). I lost my ****. I couldn't function anymore and I burned out working 50-60 hours a week while going to school full-time. I just couldn't do it anymore, so I pulled out of school for a bit and took a break.

Anyway, I found spirituality shortly after my diagnosis in 2016, started doing tarot and bought a bunch of crystals. In 2017, I developed an interest in astrology via tarot and the Golden Dawn tradition.

Now, as Pluto goes direct over my AC again, I've found an interest in the occult and frame some of my experiences under a spiritual lens. I'm starting to dust myself off (shuck off the schmutz so to speak) and get back on track with school and work and life in general. I've lost some friends along the way, really reformed my social group. I quit my two jobs where I was working 50-60 hours a week while going to school full-time in favor of a serving job working around 25-30 hours.

As Pluto crosses my AC again, I've given up drugs for sobriety as well. (The drug addictions have probably been in part due to Neptune in transit being conjunct my natal Moon-Saturn conjunction in Pisces.)

It's been a transformative series of years. I'm excited about it though and feel that I'm stabilizing and moving in a positive direction.

A few months ago, I quit my anti-psychotic, lost about 30-40 pounds (it made me gain 60-70 in the first 9 months or so of being prescribed it) and after the initial withdrawal, I'm doing better than ever. I think the medication made me extremely apathetic and restless at the same time. My paranoia levels have completely dissipated as well.

I consulted my psychiatrist and he attributes the psychotic episodes to a genetic predisposition, activated by smoking weed and taking adderall. I see the validity in this assessment and will add that extreme anxiety, developmental trauma, and haunting spiritual/existential questions were also contributing factors.

Anyway, that's my basic experience with Pluto transiting my AC. Just thought I’d share!
I'm sorry, guys I realized I forgot this is the thread to post about Pluto transits. Its been a while since I've been on because of life...but I was wondering if someone could help me understand what this could mean.

So my Pluto is in the 3rd house right now. But I know one of these days my Pluto will be transiting Aquarius from 3rd house to fourth house...At one of those times in my life Pluto will be squaring my natal sun, moon, and Pluto. I'll be honest, I'm scared out of my wits! I don't know how I should prepare for it. Am I simply doomed? Has anyone ever had these aspects or seen them?

What makes matters worse is that my Uranus is about to transit the 7th house and oppose my natal Pluto in the first house very soon within the next two years. My fear is that they will coincide with each other. Does any one have similar transits as me and how will I be able to cope?

I wasn't into astrology as I experienced my Pluto transit and I'm not sure there's any way I could've 'prepared' for it. I also have the Neptune transit going on at the same time. Anyway, I will say that I'm very thankful for the experiences of the past few years. They shaped me, made me wiser, more empathetic. I found all of these experiences, framed and written above for you, cathartic and healing in the long-run.
I'm sorry, guys I realized I forgot this is the thread to post about Pluto transits. Its been a while since I've been on because of life...but I was wondering if someone could help me understand what this could mean.

So my Pluto is in the 3rd house right now. But I know one of these days my Pluto will be transiting Aquarius from 3rd house to fourth house...At one of those times in my life Pluto will be squaring my natal sun, moon, and Pluto. I'll be honest, I'm scared out of my wits! I don't know how I should prepare for it. Am I simply doomed? Has anyone ever had these aspects or seen them?

What makes matters worse is that my Uranus is about to transit the 7th house and oppose my natal Pluto in the first house very soon within the next two years. My fear is that they will coincide with each other. Does any one have similar transits as me and how will I be able to cope?

Well, the first step is to try to pin down the dates before you worry yourself into never leaving your house! One thing to note is that pluto is a very slow planet and by the sounds of it, it might be many years off. For instance, I had pluto cross my ASC for a couple of years about 6 years ago, yet it won't leave my first house for nearly 20 more! It will never make it to my IC unless I live to well over 100.

Another thing to note is that any time pluto makes contact with our natal charts it's a reality check. For those that have an affinity with its energy, it can be just another day so to speak. I'm wondering if you have a natural affinity with its energy as you have it natally in your first house. For others that have resisted being real with themselves and their purpose, it can be a rude awakening. I personally didn't really notice as it transited over my sun, jupiter, and mercury. It really became much more apparent that I had lessons to learn when it crossed my ASC. Clearly there was work to be done there.

I suppose the same can be said for Uranus. For many being shocked or upset by changes is a daily event. For others, they resist. So when Uranus comes along to a part of our chart that needs change and we are unwilling, it can be a bit unsettling.
Yes, if someone has a certain type of corresponding energy in their chart, they feel the transits less... an Aquarius sun or a chart with strong Uranus aspects will already be familiar with the type of effect a Uranus transit can have on them. Same with a Scorpio or a chart with strong pluto (es. on the ascendent), the tearing down and rebuilding of pluto is "normal" everyday work!
Probably, thanks to astrology, we can foresee these effects and be somewhat prepared for them, or at least understand better what is happening when they do occur.
...At one of those times in my life Pluto will be squaring my natal sun, moon, and Pluto. I'll be honest, I'm scared out of my wits! I don't know how I should prepare for it. Am I simply doomed? Has anyone ever had these aspects or seen them?

Hmm, what stands out for me here is, as in some other postings, that people are afraid of Pluto transits!!!
Why, I wonder???

By being fearful you attract negative things into your life when you do not know if what is coming your way is useful or not!

Pluto to me means, above all, CHANGE. And if you go with the flow instead of resisting that change then all will be well.

In the summer time you don't worry about the cold winter, do you?
So when Pluto is in house 3, then why worry, if you have to worry, about what Pluto might cause in house 4?
You might prepare for the winter in the summer time and so you can prepare for Pluto in house 4 and making certain aspects, but worry???

Right now I have tPluto square nSun and so I look at what areas of my life are calling for change, i.e. what is not working the way I would want it to work and then I try to initiate change. And since I am changing what is not working anyway, I look forward to it.

Don't have more time right now, but if you like reading, read 'The Nature of Personal Reality' by Jane Roberts or listen on YouTube to Abraham Hicks. Lots of goodies in there re power of the mind etc.

All is well and things are always working out for you, Richard
In Natal Chart Pluto in 6th Libra.
Pluto Conjunct Mars, Vertex and Jupiter.

Currently tPluto entering into my 9th House. nPluto Opposite my nMercury(mental depression). tPluto Square nMars(power struggle in work life). Later tPluto Square to nPluto, then nVertex, then opposite nSun, then Square nJupiter in couple of years. Looks like my future will be Doom. :sad: