Pluto Transits

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Yes, also true that everyone has room for improvement. Another word for change is maturity.
And Pluto will push you and pull you until you come to terms with what it is telling you.
NN 13°21' in Cancer.
I have put the link of my Western Tropical Zodiac Chart below. Thank you!

Gemini and :cancer: are about being young. Pluto will give you a pass on not wanting to be a grown-up, because of your NN placement. Thinking and feelings are intertwined in your Chart. Reminds me of a country song lyric, "I know what I was feelin', but WHAT was I thinkin'?!? :biggrin:
Thank you!

Wish my physical body intertwined with my Thinking and feelings too. I mean wish I could have stay physically young for long too. :D
I wish I could say something positive about Pluto. However, I have recently come out of a Pluto (transit 5th house Capricorn) square my Sun in Aries in 8th house. Turned my world upside down in a very difficult way, including power/control and violence against me. I learned a lot about myself and stopped life cycles that I had been in up until the point of transit. My current life bears no resemblance to the one I had prior to this transit. Thank god, it only comes once in a lifetime. Phew!
No your future is not doom... pluto might be the equivalent to 'tough love' in the zodiac. But it is still there to help you transcend. As uncomfortable as it can be sometimes.

This is correct, and what we need to remember.
Thank you for posting this, HarmonE.

Pluto transits can definitely be changing, but change doesn't have to be negative...
I had Pluto Cnj Sun a few years ago. I didn't exactly find it to be bounds of fun at the time, but it shifted some pretty negative things, and made way for what was something that I truly enjoy, to come into my life.

My Pluto Cnj Asc was quite a while ago now (25 years ago), and when it came, it was a relief, and brought only positive changes and light into my life after what had been over 10 years of darkness and heaviness before that transit.

I have Pluto Cnj Mercury coming up in about 18 months. I've not been dreading it, if anything, I'm half-planning to use that energy to get into some kind of a project or research or maybe formal study.

As for Pluto entering he 4th House... I read once that someone who had Pluto Cnj IC, they got in and did a lot of work under their house (I think they said they had a cellar or something)… putting that underworld and transformative energy into their house.

I can only recommend that going 'with' your transits is the best way... work at ways to positively meet that energy coming your way. Not only does it give your brain something else to focus on, rather than focusing on words like 'doomed', but it also gives you something to 'do', rather than feeling paralysed with fear.

There's lots of good advice here. I hope people who are worrying can find something positive to work with.
As for Pluto entering he 4th House... I read once that someone who had Pluto Cnj IC, they got in and did a lot of work under their house (I think they said they had a cellar or something)… putting that underworld and transformative energy into their house.

I can only recommend that going 'with' your transits is the best way... work at ways to positively meet that energy coming your way. Not only does it give your brain something else to focus on, rather than focusing on words like 'doomed', but it also gives you something to 'do', rather than feeling paralysed with fear.

Excellently put hypatia. Thanks for your outlook! I think your approach is very encouraging. I hope we can all find a way to befriend pluto, poor little planet with a bad rap
Hi there...

In the last year Pluto came across my ASC...then went back...and then went over my ASC again.

Now is at the first degree of my first house.

When the first ASC transit happened, I had a major face surgery that changed my appearance. I didn't know it at the time, but the same day I had the surgery, Pluto was at the exact conjunction with my ascendant.

Now, the second time, the transformation is more in terms of my personality.

Yes, I am more aware of my mortality. I have also discarded a lot of things that proved not useful...old habits...patterns of thinking. It gave me that 'I don't care' point of view, that I guess comes from that palpable sense of mortality...'This too shall pass, so why bother' kind of thing.

And so, that could someone see as power, since, you are not under any obligation towards anyone, or not wanting or desiring anything. You can be yourself.
"I can only recommend that going 'with' your transits is the best way... work at ways to positively meet that energy coming your way. Not only does it give your brain something else to focus on, rather than focusing on words like 'doomed', but it also gives you something to 'do', rather than feeling paralysed with fear.

There's lots of good advice here. I hope people who are worrying can find something positive to work with."
This is so true, thank you for stating it.
The transits are not there to harm us, but to help us develop and transform. Dreading them is useless, it's bringing on what we fear most.
I'm feeling incredibly stressed right now as a result of learning earlier today that Pluto will begin to square my natal Saturn in just a couple of weeks. It's actually a good thing that I'm becoming aware of this now, and I'm trying to find some comfort and reassurance from that since it means I have some time to prepare -- the transit shouldn't reach its full strength for at least a couple of months. (I think I might have started feeling it already because I suddenly started feeling depressed and stressed out last week for no particular reason I could identify.) Forewarned is forearmed, and I know that. However, based on what I've been reading, the Pluto square natal Saturn is one of the most difficult transits of all. I tried to figure out when Pluto opposed my natal Saturn in Aries as it passed through Libra and as near as I can tell, it appears to have taken place at some point between 1981 and 1982 -- that was around the time that a childhood friendship of many years standing abruptly came to an end. It seems significant to me that at the time, Pluto was passing through my eleventh house of friendship...and now Pluto is passing through my second house of earned income and possessions. This does not strike me as being a good sign.

I realize that it could be worse, possibly much worse -- my natal Saturn is not in the first four houses (the personal houses) of my chart, nor is it in one of the angular houses. My natal Saturn is in Aries in my fifth house, a succeedent house -- largely because I have Saturn in fifth, I have no children who might be affected by the transit and I can't say I've ever had much luck with romantic relationships anyway. I think this transit could be worse if it were hitting me in an angular house (the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house). Nevertheless, I would appreciate some advice or at least insight from other people about how best to cope with this transit -- especially from people who've been through it themselves.
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Sorry but it's useless that you look with dread at what might happen. You might as well hide under the bed! Of course, at the risk that it collapse on you!
When Pluto transited a square to my natal Saturn I began work overseas. Uprooted, Pluto changed my life. Capricorn rules my 6th of work, therefore Saturn.
Shortly I'll have Pluto opposing my Saturn. The 6th is also health issues, so I'm eliminating some minor problems in this area.
I'm not dreading it. And nether should you.
The transformational possibilities of Pluto serve to toss out the old, worn out, now-useless parts of your life, giving birth to new possibilities.
Chin up, shoulders back, face it without fear, but as a welcomed opportunity for growth.
Remember, you never remain still, you either proceed or recede. Choose.
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Pluto is currently in my 12th house. The last few years were challenging. Lots of letting go. I was let down badly by people I trusted. I've really turned to spirituality since Pluto entered the 12th house.

Pluto crossed my Capricorn moon. This was a period of emotional transformation. Relationship with mom changed. She went through depression and I supported her as best I could. It was a tough transit but I feel a lot stronger emotionally now.

It will be several more years until Pluto crosses my ascendant.
Pluto is currently in my 12th house. The last few years were challenging. Lots of letting go. I was let down badly by people I trusted. I've really turned to spirituality since Pluto entered the 12th house.

Pluto crossed my Capricorn moon. This was a period of emotional transformation. Relationship with mom changed. She went through depression and I supported her as best I could. It was a tough transit but I feel a lot stronger emotionally now.

It will be several more years until Pluto crosses my ascendant.

Pluto is currently conjunct 9th house Cap moon for me, after finishing transit to 8th house Mars in Cap. My mother moved in with me when Pluto came into orb of Moon. Transit Pluto is also opposed Sun and Mercury in the 3rd, and square natal Pluto in the sixth. Transit Saturn is conjunct Mars, now, soon to join Pluto, and for a short period Jupiter will join both over Moon (if I recall correctly, I should verify that). I am quite overwhelmed in just about every area of life.

what do you think about the notion that the universe never gives you more than you can handle?

Richard, who has currently Pluto transiting Saturn (23 degrees) and Jupiter (27 degrees) in his second house Capricorn and who didn't really notice Pluto making a square to his natal Sun at almost 20 degrees Libra a few month ago.
Pluto is currently conjunct 9th house Cap moon for me, after finishing transit to 8th house Mars in Cap. My mother moved in with me when Pluto came into orb of Moon. Transit Pluto is also opposed Sun and Mercury in the 3rd, and square natal Pluto in the sixth. Transit Saturn is conjunct Mars, now, soon to join Pluto, and for a short period Jupiter will join both over Moon (if I recall correctly, I should verify that). I am quite overwhelmed in just about every area of life.

Take a look at your solar returns. Find your progressed chart ruler and find it in your solar return chart for this year. If it is with your pluto transit, or has a connection to it, you're going to go through plutonic themes which are extremely hard to bear.

For example, this year I'm going through a mars pluto conjunction but because none of my solar return aspects emphasized it, it doesn't feel like hell like the last few years with pluto transits.

what do you think about the notion that the universe never gives you more than you can handle?

Richard, who has currently Pluto transiting Saturn (23 degrees) and Jupiter (27 degrees) in his second house Capricorn and who didn't really notice Pluto making a square to his natal Sun at almost 20 degrees Libra a few month ago.

Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stranger. :wink:

Thank you for the encouragement.

Take a look at your solar returns. Find your progressed chart ruler and find it in your solar return chart for this year. If it is with your pluto transit, or has a connection to it, you're going to go through plutonic themes which are extremely hard to bear.

For example, this year I'm going through a mars pluto conjunction but because none of my solar return aspects emphasized it, it doesn't feel like hell like the last few years with pluto transits.

Thank you for the tip, love-thinking. :sideways:

2020 solar return has progressed ruler (Moon) conjunct Sun, opposed SR Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter conjunction and natal Moon. It may become more obvious next year by that indicator.

Sun 28°16'50" Cancer
Moon 26°49'47" Capricorn

SR Moon 26° 5' 7" Cancer
SR Jupiter 21°32'19" Rx Capricorn
SR Saturn 28°40' 8" Rx Capricorn
SR Pluto 23°37'26" Rx Capricorn

Back to Pluto transits...
Sorry but it's useless that you look with dread at what might happen. You might as well hide under the bed! Of course, at the risk that it collapse on you!
When Pluto transited a square to my natal Saturn I began work overseas. Uprooted, Pluto changed my life. Capricorn rules my 6th of work, therefore Saturn.
Shortly I'll have Pluto opposing my Saturn. The 6th is also health issues, so I'm eliminating some minor problems in this area.
I'm not dreading it. And nether should you.
The transformational possibilities of Pluto serve to toss out the old, worn out, now-useless parts of your life, giving birth to new possibilities.
Chin up, shoulders back, face it without fear, but as a welcomed opportunity for growth.
Remember, you never remain still, you either proceed or recede. Choose.

I understand what your saying here in terms of change, however, the tossing out can be pretty rough. I had Pluto square sun and Pluto square Venus together and it was hell on earth and not helped by Neptune opposite Pluto 1st house) if I never have those transits again it will be too soon. However, each transit depends upon the natal aspects in the chart so I imagine that some people sail through, others may notice background changes perhaps whilst those with relevant aspects in the natal get hit get the full force.