Pluto Transits

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Sorry but it's useless that you look with dread at what might happen. You might as well hide under the bed! Of course, at the risk that it collapse on you!
When Pluto transited a square to my natal Saturn I began work overseas. Uprooted, Pluto changed my life. Capricorn rules my 6th of work, therefore Saturn.
Shortly I'll have Pluto opposing my Saturn. The 6th is also health issues, so I'm eliminating some minor problems in this area.
I'm not dreading it. And nether should you.
The transformational possibilities of Pluto serve to toss out the old, worn out, now-useless parts of your life, giving birth to new possibilities.
Chin up, shoulders back, face it without fear, but as a welcomed opportunity for growth.
Remember, you never remain still, you either proceed or recede. Choose.
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Pluto is currently in my 12th house. The last few years were challenging. Lots of letting go. I was let down badly by people I trusted. I've really turned to spirituality since Pluto entered the 12th house.

Pluto crossed my Capricorn moon. This was a period of emotional transformation. Relationship with mom changed. She went through depression and I supported her as best I could. It was a tough transit but I feel a lot stronger emotionally now.

It will be several more years until Pluto crosses my ascendant.
Pluto is currently in my 12th house. The last few years were challenging. Lots of letting go. I was let down badly by people I trusted. I've really turned to spirituality since Pluto entered the 12th house.

Pluto crossed my Capricorn moon. This was a period of emotional transformation. Relationship with mom changed. She went through depression and I supported her as best I could. It was a tough transit but I feel a lot stronger emotionally now.

It will be several more years until Pluto crosses my ascendant.

Pluto is currently conjunct 9th house Cap moon for me, after finishing transit to 8th house Mars in Cap. My mother moved in with me when Pluto came into orb of Moon. Transit Pluto is also opposed Sun and Mercury in the 3rd, and square natal Pluto in the sixth. Transit Saturn is conjunct Mars, now, soon to join Pluto, and for a short period Jupiter will join both over Moon (if I recall correctly, I should verify that). I am quite overwhelmed in just about every area of life.

what do you think about the notion that the universe never gives you more than you can handle?

Richard, who has currently Pluto transiting Saturn (23 degrees) and Jupiter (27 degrees) in his second house Capricorn and who didn't really notice Pluto making a square to his natal Sun at almost 20 degrees Libra a few month ago.
Pluto is currently conjunct 9th house Cap moon for me, after finishing transit to 8th house Mars in Cap. My mother moved in with me when Pluto came into orb of Moon. Transit Pluto is also opposed Sun and Mercury in the 3rd, and square natal Pluto in the sixth. Transit Saturn is conjunct Mars, now, soon to join Pluto, and for a short period Jupiter will join both over Moon (if I recall correctly, I should verify that). I am quite overwhelmed in just about every area of life.

Take a look at your solar returns. Find your progressed chart ruler and find it in your solar return chart for this year. If it is with your pluto transit, or has a connection to it, you're going to go through plutonic themes which are extremely hard to bear.

For example, this year I'm going through a mars pluto conjunction but because none of my solar return aspects emphasized it, it doesn't feel like hell like the last few years with pluto transits.

what do you think about the notion that the universe never gives you more than you can handle?

Richard, who has currently Pluto transiting Saturn (23 degrees) and Jupiter (27 degrees) in his second house Capricorn and who didn't really notice Pluto making a square to his natal Sun at almost 20 degrees Libra a few month ago.

Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stranger. :wink:

Thank you for the encouragement.

Take a look at your solar returns. Find your progressed chart ruler and find it in your solar return chart for this year. If it is with your pluto transit, or has a connection to it, you're going to go through plutonic themes which are extremely hard to bear.

For example, this year I'm going through a mars pluto conjunction but because none of my solar return aspects emphasized it, it doesn't feel like hell like the last few years with pluto transits.

Thank you for the tip, love-thinking. :sideways:

2020 solar return has progressed ruler (Moon) conjunct Sun, opposed SR Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter conjunction and natal Moon. It may become more obvious next year by that indicator.

Sun 28°16'50" Cancer
Moon 26°49'47" Capricorn

SR Moon 26° 5' 7" Cancer
SR Jupiter 21°32'19" Rx Capricorn
SR Saturn 28°40' 8" Rx Capricorn
SR Pluto 23°37'26" Rx Capricorn

Back to Pluto transits...
Sorry but it's useless that you look with dread at what might happen. You might as well hide under the bed! Of course, at the risk that it collapse on you!
When Pluto transited a square to my natal Saturn I began work overseas. Uprooted, Pluto changed my life. Capricorn rules my 6th of work, therefore Saturn.
Shortly I'll have Pluto opposing my Saturn. The 6th is also health issues, so I'm eliminating some minor problems in this area.
I'm not dreading it. And nether should you.
The transformational possibilities of Pluto serve to toss out the old, worn out, now-useless parts of your life, giving birth to new possibilities.
Chin up, shoulders back, face it without fear, but as a welcomed opportunity for growth.
Remember, you never remain still, you either proceed or recede. Choose.

I understand what your saying here in terms of change, however, the tossing out can be pretty rough. I had Pluto square sun and Pluto square Venus together and it was hell on earth and not helped by Neptune opposite Pluto 1st house) if I never have those transits again it will be too soon. However, each transit depends upon the natal aspects in the chart so I imagine that some people sail through, others may notice background changes perhaps whilst those with relevant aspects in the natal get hit get the full force.
I understand what your saying here in terms of change, however, the tossing out can be pretty rough. I had Pluto square sun and Pluto square Venus together and it was hell on earth and not helped by Neptune opposite Pluto 1st house) if I never have those transits again it will be too soon. However, each transit depends upon the natal aspects in the chart so I imagine that some people sail through, others may notice background changes perhaps whilst those with relevant aspects in the natal get hit get the full force.

Yes, I would say having the Neptune oppose Pluto at the same time was making it harder for you. What I have found is when Pluto come calling it has a way of calling bull sh$t on whatever it touches. If you have been avoiding things or trying to let things slide that really aren't the truth, it will come along and cuff you upside the neck. The fact that you had Neptune opposing natal Pluto at the same time would have made it harder for you to get clear on the lessons and would at times give you clarity before descending you back into a fog. I bet that it was a form of hell on earth. It is hard to transform something if you have no idea what it is.
Since I keep seeing references to several members remarking about Pluto transits....thought for organization purposes that a discussion thread be started...

Sag 8 degrees rising here...Pluto transiting my 1st house since around 1995. Squares and oppositions: Pluto opposition Sun; Pluto square Moon; Uranus opposition Pluto, etc and so on...I dont have the author of the following...this is from early notes I made on transits:

Pluto: Pluto symbolises complete change and transformation ~ not suddenly like Uranus but slowly, profoundly and with a focus on the very depths of our beings. It brings strength and intensity to whichever area of our lives it touches. Pluto transits question the central tenets on which we have built our existence and why we behave in the ways that we do. They bring hidden psychological baggage to the surface ~ allowing us to review and to rebuild matters from a fundamental standpoint. Outmoded yet deeply conditioned psychological and emotional responses are frequently notable candidates for such.

Pluto transits often confront us with highly sensitive topics which we would rather ignore, so it's effects can be very difficult whilst we are working through them. Issues of control, manipulation, jealousy, possessiveness, dominance and power are frequent. This planet can engender a very ruthless response, so attitudes which take no account of the feelings of others should certainly be avoided. It's entry into a house is often associated with destruction and with decay, yet in time a new order will arise providing that Pluto's essential challenges are squarely addressed.

Inappropriate resistance will generally prove useless anyway. It will usually only serve to extend and to prolong this planet's more difficult effects!

PLUTO TRANSITING YOUR 1ST HOUSE (approx. 14-30 years duration)
During this period you may desire increased personal power and physical invulnerability. You may transform your personal appearance and personal expression several times. You may increase your will power, self-confidence, and personal resourcefulness through physical or competitive activities. Through stages of self-improvement you cast off your vulnerable or threatened self- image and assume a stronger, more autonomous persona.

10 years of having Pluto transiting my 1st house has resulted in an 'armed truce' with the planet. I might add its effects on my psyche, reactions, feelings and perspective have been profound (thats putting it mildly :roll: ). As a side note, it was during this time that I earned the nickname, Amazon. Yep, friends and family really do call me Amazon.

The power issues in my personal life have been about 'others', specifically their attempts to manipulate, exert control or to totally dominate me and my reactions to their efforts. I would also like to note that if you ever have to deal with some of the oppositions and squares that I have had in the last 2-3 years and are still occurring presently in my chart...May all the blessings of the universe fill you with more patience for others and yourself than you ever thought possible. Cuz yer gonna need lots of patience...

Interestingly, over the past six days or so, I have been pondering this very subject and reviewing journal entries. Had a great 'aha' moment too...I took a special work assignment in another state 2 years ago to 'get away' from what I thought at the time was dysfunctional family dynamic.

LOL! Guess what I learned? You might move or remove yourself from what you may perceive as the source, but your transits chase you regardless!! In the new state I found the same Pluto issues just with different people. At the time I was unaware of natal charts or transits and have now become aware. So it was actually the energies and reactions I carried within myself that brought out issues in another location.

You cannot change people or events. But you can change how you react to them, positively or negatively. You can change your thoughts not theirs. One of the most important lessons I have learned since Pluto came to visit my 1st house.

So, this Amazon keeps her plutonian charged arrows of assertion lightly sheathed, chooses her battles wisely, welcomes the challenge of introspection and personal growth, follows her own path regardless of what others would attempt to dominate, and realizes that a little bit of Pluto goes a very long way.

And so...where is Pluto transiting in your chart?


Thankyou for a really interesting post Amazon. A lot of what you wrote resonates with me particularly about others control and manipulation when I had Pluto transit 5th square Aries sun 8th. It was probably the worst transit of my life and not sure how I got through it, but somehow managed to. I have Pluto natally in the first house and that's no picnic either lol. Thanks again
How did you feel the transits?
Apologies but I have only just noticed your question. Not sure if it is to me but if it is then it ripped my life apart on every level and in every element of life. Having the rug pulled from under my feet is an understatement but that's Pluto. It doesn't do things by half that's for sure.
Despite Pluto transiting 5th and sun (8th) natally and Venus 10th natally it felt like it affected all of life and not just those ruled by those houses. You only get it once in life I think thank god.
Yes, I would say having the Neptune oppose Pluto at the same time was making it harder for you. What I have found is when Pluto come calling it has a way of calling bull sh$t on whatever it touches. If you have been avoiding things or trying to let things slide that really aren't the truth, it will come along and cuff you upside the neck. The fact that you had Neptune opposing natal Pluto at the same time would have made it harder for you to get clear on the lessons and would at times give you clarity before descending you back into a fog. I bet that it was a form of hell on earth. It is hard to transform something if you have no idea what it is.
Yes I think hell on earth is a good description lol and yes, Neptune made it impossible to know what on earth was going on in my life and Neptune is still around. Bloody Neptune.
I have currently transiting Pluto in 5th house on 7th degree. I become mother in 2021 but there were other transits too.
Pluto conj Saturn, opposed the Moon (both were difficult beyond measure, hel*) then conj the MC (while Uranus conj Asc.). W/ it transiting the MC, at least I could reorganize my life and felt like I had some control again, along w/Uranus out of the 12th.
Transit Pluto is square my Pluto/Saturn conjunction in Libra. It's been rough.
Pluto transit to the natal Saturn is rough. I have Saturn in Capricorn, and when Pluto in Capricorn hit my Saturn in Capricorn in 2009/2010, it was the most emotionally painful period of my life.
It's also a big group of people, because 2.5 years of people have Saturn in Libra, or Capricorn.
Pluto transit to the natal Saturn is rough. I have Saturn in Capricorn, and when Pluto in Capricorn hit my Saturn in Capricorn in 2009/2010, it was the most emotionally painful period of my life.
It's also a big group of people, because 2.5 years of people have Saturn in Libra, or Capricorn.
Yikes! I bet! Was it a period of tearing down everything in your life that you thought was secure? When I saw this transit on the way, I had thought it wouldn't mean much since it's a generational transit. I sure was mistaken! I have some other big ones going on right now too, transit Saturn square my Taurus Sun, Mars, and Chiron conjunction. Transit Neptune is squaring my natal moon. I'm trying to stay strong but it feels like the universe is trying to break me.
Yikes! I bet! Was it a period of tearing down everything in your life that you thought was secure? When I saw this transit on the way, I had thought it wouldn't mean much since it's a generational transit. I sure was mistaken! I have some other big ones going on right now too, transit Saturn square my Taurus Sun, Mars, and Chiron conjunction. Transit Neptune is squaring my natal moon. I'm trying to stay strong but it feels like the universe is trying to break me.
Yes, but I was born with not much, so it helped insulate me from the pain like 40%. Pluto is leaving Capricorn and I am starting to feel things get lighter. Pluto goes into Aquarius on March 23! Get ready.
A tarot reader told me that Pluto in Capricorn transitting conjunct my natal Saturn in Capricorn would be the last 'bad' transit that I would have.