Thanks Lin fir your insights
It is a tough thing and that is tr Pluto on your 6H! Unfortunately it makes you take up jobs way below your abilities... Another indicator of this is my natal mercury chiron conjunction... It's a similar energy but I am working on it to resolve it, I put all my energy now to showcase my abilities that I can do more than just manual work..
Your daughter was lucky she knew what to look for..
I do hope Pluto leaves me alone in itd new transit..
Hi Cornucopia....
I don't want to keep at a subject you don't seem interested in.....but...if there are non profits (and you can find them all listed in your area on line) you will see that there are probably hundreds of jobs you can think about doing.
My daughter was not so much that she built on (after she had children) a job she had had her early 20s.
She was in college and was also cooking in a deli. She saw an ad for a meals program director for a non-profit organization near where she lived....what served 30 lunches a day. When she left they were serving 200 lunches a day plus special meals...and she had helped to redesign an old out of date kitchen. Had she ever designed a kitchen? No. Had she ever directed a meals program? No. She took a chance and believed in herself. (the previous is the SHORT version).
So when she was looking for a job after she had her children, the jobs that were available in HER Masters subject suddenly were NOT she looked at local non profit organizations. The first one was a non profit which repurposed flowers and flower arrangements from weddings, parties, even funerals...Bar MItzvahs...any event where there were fresh flowers....and with some paid help and some volunteers they repurposed these flowers to bring to hospitals and nursing homes, etc.
From there she went to other non-profits....getting more "experience" as she went. It's a PROCESS...if you are not someone willing to go thru a process to arrive at a goal, but want the job you have fixed in your mind, you may have to wait another year....until you get some better luck.
But my experience is that you have to GO OUT AN FIND a place for yourself....and get experience ...even if that particular job is not the one you really want.
And by the way....I can't think of a worse job that waitressing....not because there is anything wrong with the work itself or the money you make...because I have known women who did VERY well waitressing - bUT IT WILL NEVER PREPARE YOU FOR MORE....except if you want to manage a restaurant....which in itself is sort of a dead end...even if the money is good.
You need to think OUTSIDE THE may not think you are IN a box....but you are.
PS: OK....I just studied your chart with the current transits....(but not in depth) ....and I see what has happened. Over the past few years.
Jupiter in Aries ....the sign before year.... should have helped you considerably...I am thinking you had some sort of opportunity you passed up.....for one reason or another.
BUT....over's definitely Neptune. Like me, you have had squares all the way thru it's path in PIsces from the beginning. First you had Neptune square Uranus...(look at the ephemeris for these transit dates)... then it was overlapped by Neptune square Jupiter ...and these were considerable because your Sagi planets are in your 5th house of creativity....and these squares blocked your creative energy....then you had Neptune oppose Venus..- this was Venus is found in your 11th house of goals...and friendships, and "groups" - not to mention that Venus rules love, and a sense of things being "right" .and approaching now is Neptune square Neptune...which, being a generational aspect, everyone goes thru eventually.
Theoretically, Neptune sextile the various planets in Taurus, should have helped you...but I guess the Neptune square was more powerful.
Neptune is now sextile your is, I believe why you are actually asking for "advice"....which is...according to your chart, VERY unusual....with your natal oppositions...Pluto/Saturn opposition the Sun.....and natal Moon opposition natal Mercury. You hate to feel "ignorant" and there is a part of you that always feels you don't know "enough" or are intellectual enough...even tho that absolutely untrue.
Your natal Uranus INCONJUNCTS your natal case you never noticed or realized how toxic it is...and how you have to work on those energies which will confuse you and complicate everything you believe is real about your life.
Somehow, some way, your past is getting in the way of your future. There are some things you really really have to let go of to move on.
I would really like to know your place of birth so that I can do some other can send me a personal message with that information...and I won't share it.