Pluto Transits

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Pluto already passed the square to your moon, what happened then?
Now it is retrograding back to that position, it will repeat itself, and any unfinished work will be brought to the forefront for you to handle.
You also have transiting Uranus that is on your sun!
Important times for you! Interesting opportunities for growth and maturity.
You did the chart when moon was conjunct your 8th house cusp, so this is the focal point of your spiritual work.
Hi Elenaj,
I don't know exactly when it was directly available, but I think it was at the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022. At that time I had a fight with my boss and I resigned (due to mistreatment). I felt bad that I didn't have a new one. A couple of months later, I still applied for my dream job, but I didn't pass the last test. And I felt like I was dying, after that I got another job, but not so good, that I also quit because they didn't pay well. I feel like these decisions to quit were made because I felt I deserved more than what I was getting, and I don't mind being without money or savings.
It is worth mentioning that all this time I had medical problems of lack of energy and problems that no doctor found the cause. (I have Pluto in the natal 6th house)
At the end of 2022 I found a great job that I keep until now, but I'm afraid of losing it. And my health also improved shortly before that.

I hope that doesn't happen again, hahaha
What is the difference between the 3 visits of Pluto?
Direct, retrograde, and direct again?
Perfect mutual reception between natal :saturn: in :aquarius: and :uranus: in :capricorn:, with transiting Pluto now moving back and forth, from one to the other. In whole sign Houses, that's a good connection between H8 & H9. The Venus trine summer mentioned is a good connection between :venus:/:taurus: and :uranus:/:capricorn:, more favorable than its square with :saturn:/:aquarius:.
Hi David Starling,
I hadn't noticed the good reception between Uranus and Saturn, thank you
So, both the house of my crises and the house of my beliefs and expansion, can good things happen between them?
It may be possible that the times I have had a crisis where I feel like I am dying, I have dedicated myself to studying and learning very deep things and changing my beliefs, that is how I came to astrology as well.
Hi Elenaj,
I don't know exactly when it was directly available, but I think it was at the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022. At that time I had a fight with my boss and I resigned (due to mistreatment). I felt bad that I didn't have a new one. A couple of months later, I still applied for my dream job, but I didn't pass the last test. And I felt like I was dying, after that I got another job, but not so good, that I also quit because they didn't pay well. I feel like these decisions to quit were made because I felt I deserved more than what I was getting, and I don't mind being without money or savings.
It is worth mentioning that all this time I had medical problems of lack of energy and problems that no doctor found the cause. (I have Pluto in the natal 6th house)
At the end of 2022 I found a great job that I keep until now, but I'm afraid of losing it. And my health also improved shortly before that.

I hope that doesn't happen again, hahaha
What is the difference between the 3 visits of Pluto?
Direct, retrograde, and direct again?
Each "passage" clears up something left over from the previous one.
Pluto in any house represent a TREND and not an event or even a relationship.
While Pluto is in a matter how long, HUNDREDS of other transits will be happening. If you attribute any specific issue or event to Pluto you are probably overlooking other transits.

What I am most aware of about Pluto is that it is the ONLY planetary energy over which we have NO power.
Even when we are aware of it...and often we are not...we only think we are....
We can't stop anything from happening. Pluto represents the Universe's "adjustments" in life.
It is not personal. We never have to feel guilty or have feelings of things undone when Pluto is in aspect to any planet because we are being moved and influenced by it....because of the natural order of universal energy...

My advice...although you haven't asked for to do charts for the dates of events of major issues or events or relationships in any specific time and look at Neptune, Uranus and Saturn ....and what transits THEY were making at these times.

It's hard to put Pluto in perspective...because it represents "metamorphosis" and that takes a LOT of time...because again, Pluto represents trends that are "irrevocable." The house in which Pluto resides in the natal chart is VERY important...because THAT is the area which must Metamorphose....regardless of which house Pluto transits...although those houses will be transformed also. BUT always for the benefit of the house and sign in which Pluto resides natally.

It's not always easy to figure this out....which is why the natal HOUSE an all that is attached to it must be studied in great depth.
Lapis, what an interesting experience. So while Pluto entered your 10th house, you had to redefine your PLACE IN THE WORLD, manifesting as 4th house challenges. This is interesting, as Pluto is soon to enter my 4th house. Should I expect 10th house themes to play as well as 4th house themes?
if i can squeeze in on this theme as transiting pluto (oct /23) is hitting natal and prog. snode in Capricorn/Aquarius ninth to Dec. i live in parental city mostly.

natal pluto -not transiting -has been on cusp of 4th Leo and i met a real estate guy from 1964 in 1985 who owns many rooming houses and i lived in a couple. All so relevant today. Father took us out to live in logging in nature forest which leo rules i believe - it's embedded. this i like but those authorities and public clamour of the 9th/10th to come do not mesh well with yoga s aims - and Capricorn wealths which the real estate guy has me thinking in a few ways. What do i do with the abuses. The current black and white Aries like chiron. It goes into 10 th pluto to my Aquarius moon. The universal waves that rock and heal.
Pluto in any house represent a TREND and not an event or even a relationship.
While Pluto is in a matter how long, HUNDREDS of other transits will be happening. If you attribute any specific issue or event to Pluto you are probably overlooking other transits.

What I am most aware of about Pluto is that it is the ONLY planetary energy over which we have NO power.
Even when we are aware of it...and often we are not...we only think we are....
We can't stop anything from happening. Pluto represents the Universe's "adjustments" in life.
It is not personal. We never have to feel guilty or have feelings of things undone when Pluto is in aspect to any planet because we are being moved and influenced by it....because of the natural order of universal energy...

My advice...although you haven't asked for to do charts for the dates of events of major issues or events or relationships in any specific time and look at Neptune, Uranus and Saturn ....and what transits THEY were making at these times.

It's hard to put Pluto in perspective...because it represents "metamorphosis" and that takes a LOT of time...because again, Pluto represents trends that are "irrevocable." The house in which Pluto resides in the natal chart is VERY important...because THAT is the area which must Metamorphose....regardless of which house Pluto transits...although those houses will be transformed also. BUT always for the benefit of the house and sign in which Pluto resides natally.

It's not always easy to figure this out....which is why the natal HOUSE an all that is attached to it must be studied in great depth.
I agree with your interpretation of a Pluto transit. Its energy is underground so you can't really tell what exactly affects. I have been having Pluto transiting my 6H since 2008 and it will leave it when it reaches 2 degrees aquarius right opposite my asc. I can tell you I have suffered so much but it was still manageable because Jupiter came to the rescue. Then Uranus hit my mc in 2015 and still transiting my 10H at least until 2024/5 and it's been a violent transit. I have a stellium in Taurus and moon Saturn Pluto in opposition so the energy is vile. While Pluto trined all my planets i could cope. I had to deal with being underemployed, employment crises, slave labour for little money, I even had an employer who stopped paying our wages but I had help from other aspects that helped to manage the situation. With Uranus the transit is unmanageable. Unemployment, loss of home, loss of income and you can't plan anything as it will be disrupted last minute. Jupiter is not helping this time.
I do have a natal Pluto Saturn conjunction in the 4H which at the moment is being squared by Pluto from the last degrees of Capricorn.
This time the energy is out of control and can't be overcome by anything. So yes, other transits do help a Pluto metamorphosis
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It would be very interesting (and maybe helpful) for me to see your chart....and the dates when you feel were the worst in your experience.

Are you working now? Are you in committed relationship?

It would be very interesting (and maybe helpful) for me to see your chart....and the dates when you feel were the worst in your experience.

Are you working now? Are you in committed relationship?

Hello Lin,
I have put a link to my chart to see what was going on
What I can say is that my really prosperous period was 2010 to 2013. Then my Saturn return started the collapse and I couldn't recover.
Also when Jupiter entered the first degrees aries in 2021/2 I got a good amount of money that helped me pay off debt..
My progressed Venus was also locked in a square with Saturn and it lasted at least two/three years.
Tr. Neptune also squared my Venus for three years as it was retrograde in those degrees during 2019-21.
I ve been wiped out financially..
I am unemployed still and no significant other in my life.
Natal chart
Hi ....I see your chart was generated on Astroseek. Do you visit that forum too? Because I spend most of my time on that forum.
But I will look at your chart and especially beginning with 2019...and I'm wondering if the pandemic had anything to do with your lack of employment. Was it the beginning or ending of 2019?

To what do you attribute you unemployment? I'm also wondering how you are getting along without a paycheck......

Uranus should not be the deciding issue....but it can be unpredictable.....In order for you have have such bad luck for 4 years....I think we'd have to look at Neptune....I know about transit Neptune....I've been dealing with in since it it entered Pisces...I have planets at the beginning and ending of mutable signs ....either squared the mutable, inconjunct my planets in Leo.. and then squared again other mutables......thru all the years it's been in a mostly unfriendly PIsces in my chart. So I sympathize.
Hi ....I see your chart was generated on Astroseek. Do you visit that forum too? Because I spend most of my time on that forum.
But I will look at your chart and especially beginning with 2019...and I'm wondering if the pandemic had anything to do with your lack of employment. Was it the beginning or ending of 2019?

To what do you attribute you unemployment? I'm also wondering how you are getting along without a paycheck......

Uranus should not be the deciding issue....but it can be unpredictable.....In order for you have have such bad luck for 4 years....I think we'd have to look at Neptune....I know about transit Neptune....I've been dealing with in since it it entered Pisces...I have planets at the beginning and ending of mutable signs ....either squared the mutable, inconjunct my planets in Leo.. and then squared again other mutables......thru all the years it's been in a mostly unfriendly PIsces in my chart. So I sympathize.
Hello Lin,
In my opinion it's a combination of all of these at the same time.. first it was Uranus since 2015 that hit my mc by conjunction. That's when I lost a job but struggled to find another one. Then the Pluto Saturn conjunction squared exactly my mc so that was the final blow. Now I have tr. Pluto squaring my natal pluto Saturn conjunction in 4H and it's a never ending nightmare. Saturn is currently transitioning my 8H so no chance of getting money. Generally tr. Pluto in my 6H is a major obstacle as it does not allow me to secure a good paying job only insecure low paying ones. That was a struggle and I have been going through it for almost 16 years.. Neptune was also for quite a long time through my 8H which at some point squared my Venus and it just made financial matters worse. Now Neptune is in my 9H , it trined my moon which was a big help in home matters but Uranus came in opposition to my moon and lost my home .. Uranus is bringing chaos in my life. If I am about to get a new home or job it will be denied at short notice despite having agreed both parties. Uranus has messed with my securities big time.
Astrologically, a straight jacket is probably a 12th house, or Pisces, thing! Imprisoned in a straight jacket?
that would explain my Pluto in the 12th house Cap experience since 2008. and yet, still standing. So Pluto is due to crossover my Ascendant {Aquarius} in January yet my Ascendant has progressed to Taurus. Does anyone have any insight on what the effects of this should mean?
Hello Lin,
In my opinion it's a combination of all of these at the same time.. first it was Uranus since 2015 that hit my mc by conjunction. That's when I lost a job but struggled to find another one. Then the Pluto Saturn conjunction squared exactly my mc so that was the final blow. Now I have tr. Pluto squaring my natal pluto Saturn conjunction in 4H and it's a never ending nightmare. Saturn is currently transitioning my 8H so no chance of getting money. Generally tr. Pluto in my 6H is a major obstacle as it does not allow me to secure a good paying job only insecure low paying ones. That was a struggle and I have been going through it for almost 16 years.. Neptune was also for quite a long time through my 8H which at some point squared my Venus and it just made financial matters worse. Now Neptune is in my 9H , it trined my moon which was a big help in home matters but Uranus came in opposition to my moon and lost my home .. Uranus is bringing chaos in my life. If I am about to get a new home or job it will be denied at short notice despite having agreed both parties. Uranus has messed with my securities big time.
I think I wasn't clear when I asked if you could attribute the lack of employment to anything in particular...I didn't mean astrologically... I can look at all the transits...I meant .I was interested in specific events or issues which interfered with getting a steady job........did your job become obsolete? Were you sick? Did you need to go back to school to update your status in your field?to become more valuable in the workplace? don't say what it is that you do....what your particular job is...and if you WANT to do that work or some other type of work or even in another field....knowing what actually happened instead of being vague about your difficulties. The more specific you are the more I can be specific in return.

I hope I am clearer with this post.
Hi Lin,
It was a misunderstanding, I thought you meant astrologically.
The pandemic indeed affected my job status as I have been a waitress. I absolutely hate it and don't want to do it anymore. I did a master's in marketing (just before the pandemic) as I wanted to work in that field in hospitality but it was impossible to find an internship or entry level job. I want to try other things other industries more secure more rewarding, more stable. I want to explore and find what I really like but I feel nothing is moving forward. Maybe I always get the wrong timing..
Terrible....for you have a Master's Degree and Not be able to find a job in that field --to not be able to use your MIND and to have to resort to a job that doesn't challenge your intellect.

I don't know where you live.....but I'm-- wondering if you have explored the field of "non-profit"--in either the running of a non-profit or in one of the many types of jobs that field offers within each program.

There are so many programs in the area of all types of non-profits...from working within a program itself or of the area of major fund raising..., managing....etc.

I know this to be a viable my daughter has been working in the non profit area for about 8 years now...she has a Master's ....but not in your field...but in Urban planning. HOwever: the organizations she has worked for have had little to do with her field of study....the the fact that she is ambitious and has the Master's ....has served her very well...and with each organization she has worked with, she has made more money with each move.

This may take some major research on your part....but if you research you will see there are SO many jobs available which rely on a person's intellect more than one's physical strength.

I think you have to think way outside the BOX...because of Pluto's change of sign.

I will be looking at your chart... but had too much to do today to get to it....but.....when Pluto is involved, it often is true that you can "fall into" a type of job you never thought about.

Thanks Lin fir your insights
It is a tough thing and that is tr Pluto on your 6H! Unfortunately it makes you take up jobs way below your abilities... Another indicator of this is my natal mercury chiron conjunction... It's a similar energy but I am working on it to resolve it, I put all my energy now to showcase my abilities that I can do more than just manual work..
Your daughter was lucky she knew what to look for..
I do hope Pluto leaves me alone in itd new transit..
Thanks Lin fir your insights
It is a tough thing and that is tr Pluto on your 6H! Unfortunately it makes you take up jobs way below your abilities... Another indicator of this is my natal mercury chiron conjunction... It's a similar energy but I am working on it to resolve it, I put all my energy now to showcase my abilities that I can do more than just manual work..
Your daughter was lucky she knew what to look for..
I do hope Pluto leaves me alone in itd new transit..
Hi Cornucopia....
I don't want to keep at a subject you don't seem interested in.....but...if there are non profits (and you can find them all listed in your area on line) you will see that there are probably hundreds of jobs you can think about doing.

My daughter was not so much that she built on (after she had children) a job she had had her early 20s.
She was in college and was also cooking in a deli. She saw an ad for a meals program director for a non-profit organization near where she lived....what served 30 lunches a day. When she left they were serving 200 lunches a day plus special meals...and she had helped to redesign an old out of date kitchen. Had she ever designed a kitchen? No. Had she ever directed a meals program? No. She took a chance and believed in herself. (the previous is the SHORT version).

So when she was looking for a job after she had her children, the jobs that were available in HER Masters subject suddenly were NOT she looked at local non profit organizations. The first one was a non profit which repurposed flowers and flower arrangements from weddings, parties, even funerals...Bar MItzvahs...any event where there were fresh flowers....and with some paid help and some volunteers they repurposed these flowers to bring to hospitals and nursing homes, etc.

From there she went to other non-profits....getting more "experience" as she went. It's a PROCESS...if you are not someone willing to go thru a process to arrive at a goal, but want the job you have fixed in your mind, you may have to wait another year....until you get some better luck.
But my experience is that you have to GO OUT AN FIND a place for yourself....and get experience ...even if that particular job is not the one you really want.

And by the way....I can't think of a worse job that waitressing....not because there is anything wrong with the work itself or the money you make...because I have known women who did VERY well waitressing - bUT IT WILL NEVER PREPARE YOU FOR MORE....except if you want to manage a restaurant....which in itself is sort of a dead end...even if the money is good.

You need to think OUTSIDE THE may not think you are IN a box....but you are.

PS: OK....I just studied your chart with the current transits....(but not in depth) ....and I see what has happened. Over the past few years.

Jupiter in Aries ....the sign before year.... should have helped you considerably...I am thinking you had some sort of opportunity you passed up.....for one reason or another.
BUT....over's definitely Neptune. Like me, you have had squares all the way thru it's path in PIsces from the beginning. First you had Neptune square Uranus...(look at the ephemeris for these transit dates)... then it was overlapped by Neptune square Jupiter ...and these were considerable because your Sagi planets are in your 5th house of creativity....and these squares blocked your creative energy....then you had Neptune oppose Venus..- this was Venus is found in your 11th house of goals...and friendships, and "groups" - not to mention that Venus rules love, and a sense of things being "right" .and approaching now is Neptune square Neptune...which, being a generational aspect, everyone goes thru eventually.

Theoretically, Neptune sextile the various planets in Taurus, should have helped you...but I guess the Neptune square was more powerful.

Neptune is now sextile your is, I believe why you are actually asking for "advice"....which is...according to your chart, VERY unusual....with your natal oppositions...Pluto/Saturn opposition the Sun.....and natal Moon opposition natal Mercury. You hate to feel "ignorant" and there is a part of you that always feels you don't know "enough" or are intellectual enough...even tho that absolutely untrue.

Your natal Uranus INCONJUNCTS your natal case you never noticed or realized how toxic it is...and how you have to work on those energies which will confuse you and complicate everything you believe is real about your life.

Somehow, some way, your past is getting in the way of your future. There are some things you really really have to let go of to move on.

I would really like to know your place of birth so that I can do some other can send me a personal message with that information...and I won't share it.
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Hi Cornucopia....
I don't want to keep at a subject you don't seem interested in.....but...if there are non profits (and you can find them all listed in your area on line) you will see that there are probably hundreds of jobs you can think about doing.

My daughter was not so much that she built on (after she had children) a job she had had her early 20s.
She was in college and was also cooking in a deli. She saw an ad for a meals program director for a non-profit organization near where she lived....what served 30 lunches a day. When she left they were serving 200 lunches a day plus special meals...and she had helped to redesign an old out of date kitchen. Had she ever designed a kitchen? No. Had she ever directed a meals program? No. She took a chance and believed in herself.
So when she was looking for a job after she had her children, the jobs that were available in HER Masters subject suddenly were NOT she looked at local non profit organizations. The first one was a non profit which repurposed flowers and flower arrangements from weddings, parties, even funerals...Bar MItzvahs...any event where there were fresh flowers....and with some paid help and some volunteers they repurposed these flowers to bring to hospitals and nursing homes, etc.

From there she went to other non-profits....getting more "experience" as she went. It's a PROCESS...if you are not someone willing to go thru a process to arrive at a goal, but want the job you have fixed in your mind, you may have to wait another year....until you get some better luck.
But my experience is that you have to GO OUT AN FIND a place for yourself....and get experience ...even if that particular job is not the one you really want.

And by the way....I can't think of a worse job that waitressing....not because there is anything wrong with the work itself or the money you make...because I have known women who did VERY well waitressing - bUT IT WILL NEVER PREPARE YOU FOR MORE....except if you want to manage a restaurant....which in itself is sort of a dead end...even if the money is good.

You need to think OUTSIDE THE may not think you are IN a box....but you are.
Hello Lin,
Don't get me wrong, I am searching for opportunities left and right. Any entry level job that could be a step towards something better. I have friends who started as receptionists in big companies and now moved on to admin positions that pay better money.
I don't focus on my degree but I am blending my skills from previous jobs to my academic knowledge so I can move on. I even got a cv coach to teach me how to write a good cv as I am really bad at it.
Believing in me is something I can get better at.
Getting financial stability is what I need the most right now and waitressing can't provide it unfortunately. Once I get that my next step can be to find what I truly like which gets harder to know when you don't have enough money to support yourself
Hello Lin,
Don't get me wrong, I am searching for opportunities left and right. Any entry level job that could be a step towards something better. I have friends who started as receptionists in big companies and now moved on to admin positions that pay better money.
I don't focus on my degree but I am blending my skills from previous jobs to my academic knowledge so I can move on. I even got a cv coach to teach me how to write a good cv as I am really bad at it.
Believing in me is something I can get better at.
Getting financial stability is what I need the most right now and waitressing can't provide it unfortunately. Once I get that my next step can be to find what I truly like which gets harder to know when you don't have enough money to support yourself that a "no" with providing me with your place of birth?? I'd like to do some SRs and progressions, etc.
Although I've gotten in trouble here before for doing it, let me say, that if one is in possession of halfway decent software, it is not too difficult to determine the time and place of a horoscope. Or if one is an antediluvian who can cast one with paper and pencil. The whole idea of a horoscope is, after all, to precisely determine an event in space and time.
I am by no means advocating astrological "snooping" or "stalking," and in fact am saying this to remind everyone that those kinds of calculations are easily done. So if you value your anonymity keep that in mind.
Of course, one's present abode may be thousands of miles (kilometers?) from their birthplace.