Pluto Transits

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Although I've gotten in trouble here before for doing it, let me say, that if one is in possession of halfway decent software, it is not too difficult to determine the time and place of a horoscope. Or if one is an antediluvian who can cast one with paper and pencil. The whole idea of a horoscope is, after all, to precisely determine an event in space and time.
I am by no means advocating astrological "snooping" or "stalking," and in fact am saying this to remind everyone that those kinds of calculations are easily done. So if you value your anonymity keep that in mind.
Of course, one's present abode may be thousands of miles (kilometers?) from their birthplace.
I don't disagree....but....If a person asks personal questions, and provides a chart without a place of birth, I have to think that this person has no confidence that giving me a place of birth can add any information...and if that is the other words, partial confidence....then I have little motivation for continuing to work on her problem.

I don't wanrt to be seen as anything other than an astrologer....this takes give and take, and confidence or at least giving the astrologer the benefit of the doubt. It is possible that the person feels that I will have some sort of prejudice regarding the birth place...and that means the person doesn't understand how disinterested I am about where the person was born or lives....except for the questions asked and giving as much practical information possible.
reply to what? Pluto was cusp 3/4th by seconds and every relationship after 40 i knew right away was about communication . i think slow row me felt a little retarded and fearful so these relations helped interpret. Then computers came.
I understand that a cusp like 4th helps one SEE within what's going on. I was to learn of less desirable communications too. Now pluto in leo is in my 4th as is a son s. He has a house and family to work on. i have a housing crisis almost homeless senior. Different takes. That's natal and transit pluto went thro my Capricorn on ninth with conjunction to saturn when mom died 2015 and saved my worthless ass. Progressed saturn in cancer in 2nd. lol Now here we are 29th degree capricorn - January around the corner and it is going over both south node rx in Capricorn which apparently can be fairly evil. Who knew . pluto will next hit my south node 00 Aquarius heading for my moon in same sign and it's about inner strength. My health is pretty fair as i used yoga to purify for many years going thro trials. For a long time my elimination was wholesome but the interest level is changing. My Danish yoga teacher fem would at times blurt things out and one such was February so every February i would wait to see.
Here i am again. i ve grown in spiritual awarenesses. and i see the story of Russia my parents suffered for and a tie to the Catholic Church Mother Fatima and i m just knocked like the wind out of me that life fits. i read Bill Gates year end and i listen to Pam McGregor astrology astronomy info on how earth is in discord as electromagnetic disturbance is happening as earth moves to the edge of the Milky Way Dec. 2024 and then 200 years of peace so definitely i wanna be around awhile yet. What a movie.
Since I keep seeing references to several members remarking about Pluto transits....thought for organization purposes that a discussion thread be started...

Sag 8 degrees rising here...Pluto transiting my 1st house since around 1995. Squares and oppositions: Pluto opposition Sun; Pluto square Moon; Uranus opposition Pluto, etc and so on...I dont have the author of the following...this is from early notes I made on transits:

Pluto: Pluto symbolises complete change and transformation ~ not suddenly like Uranus but slowly, profoundly and with a focus on the very depths of our beings. It brings strength and intensity to whichever area of our lives it touches. Pluto transits question the central tenets on which we have built our existence and why we behave in the ways that we do. They bring hidden psychological baggage to the surface ~ allowing us to review and to rebuild matters from a fundamental standpoint. Outmoded yet deeply conditioned psychological and emotional responses are frequently notable candidates for such.

Pluto transits often confront us with highly sensitive topics which we would rather ignore, so it's effects can be very difficult whilst we are working through them. Issues of control, manipulation, jealousy, possessiveness, dominance and power are frequent. This planet can engender a very ruthless response, so attitudes which take no account of the feelings of others should certainly be avoided. It's entry into a house is often associated with destruction and with decay, yet in time a new order will arise providing that Pluto's essential challenges are squarely addressed.

Inappropriate resistance will generally prove useless anyway. It will usually only serve to extend and to prolong this planet's more difficult effects!

PLUTO TRANSITING YOUR 1ST HOUSE (approx. 14-30 years duration)
During this period you may desire increased personal power and physical invulnerability. You may transform your personal appearance and personal expression several times. You may increase your will power, self-confidence, and personal resourcefulness through physical or competitive activities. Through stages of self-improvement you cast off your vulnerable or threatened self- image and assume a stronger, more autonomous persona.

10 years of having Pluto transiting my 1st house has resulted in an 'armed truce' with the planet. I might add its effects on my psyche, reactions, feelings and perspective have been profound (thats putting it mildly :roll: ). As a side note, it was during this time that I earned the nickname, Amazon. Yep, friends and family really do call me Amazon.

The power issues in my personal life have been about 'others', specifically their attempts to manipulate, exert control or to totally dominate me and my reactions to their efforts. I would also like to note that if you ever have to deal with some of the oppositions and squares that I have had in the last 2-3 years and are still occurring presently in my chart...May all the blessings of the universe fill you with more patience for others and yourself than you ever thought possible. Cuz yer gonna need lots of patience...

Interestingly, over the past six days or so, I have been pondering this very subject and reviewing journal entries. Had a great 'aha' moment too...I took a special work assignment in another state 2 years ago to 'get away' from what I thought at the time was dysfunctional family dynamic.

LOL! Guess what I learned? You might move or remove yourself from what you may perceive as the source, but your transits chase you regardless!! In the new state I found the same Pluto issues just with different people. At the time I was unaware of natal charts or transits and have now become aware. So it was actually the energies and reactions I carried within myself that brought out issues in another location.

You cannot change people or events. But you can change how you react to them, positively or negatively. You can change your thoughts not theirs. One of the most important lessons I have learned since Pluto came to visit my 1st house.

So, this Amazon keeps her plutonian charged arrows of assertion lightly sheathed, chooses her battles wisely, welcomes the challenge of introspection and personal growth, follows her own path regardless of what others would attempt to dominate, and realizes that a little bit of Pluto goes a very long way.

And so...where is Pluto transiting in your chart?


Coming to this thread late. Pluto is also going through my 1st house. So many power and control issues. I don't know if my marriage will survive this, but either I gain power, or I get over-powered.

"Amazon" is a fitting name for someone who has Pluto going thru 1st house.

either I gain power, or I get over-powered.
This is so typical of the pluto energy.
All energy interactions go either way.
The trick is to mold the energy into something positive for you.
Pluto is not only power but transformation. Pulling down to rebuild. Out with the old to let the new enter.
New ways of reacting and interacting.
Use it for your own good, rather than just remaining immobile letting it go over you like a steam roller. That can hurt!
I worked in a Plutonian environment when Pluto tr 10th house. Co workers were basically a bunch of power trippers. I found ways to work with it, owning more of my own vs letting them get the chance to overpower me. Once I set that template up in a year or so, I didn't have too many more problems.
This is so typical of the pluto energy.
All energy interactions go either way.
The trick is to mold the energy into something positive for you.
Pluto is not only power but transformation. Pulling down to rebuild. Out with the old to let the new enter.
New ways of reacting and interacting.
Use it for your own good, rather than just remaining immobile letting it go over you like a steam roller. That can hurt!
Positive? It's a bit difficult and pessimistic with Neptune going through my second house of value and resources too. I don't know how to describe it, but I learned to live without hope, and never expect anything good to come my way now.

I'm being just bulldozed over, in taking my last stand to save the family's finances whether the divorce goes through or not, and my wife can't understand any of that, as if $200K saving in capital gain tax is nothing.