Pluto's temperament (and other outer planets)

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Dima Gur

Well-known member
Jun 3, 2019
There seems to be a wide consensus that Neptune is cold and wet, and also a rather wide consensus that Uranus is hot and dry.

Any opinions on Pluto's temperament, though?
It seems to me that Pluto is cold and dry, somewhat like Saturn and Mercury, although various astrologers tried to give it 'just dry' or variable.

Edit: Pluto has to do with cold qualities such as having a poker face, staying cool in the face of danger, not showing one's emotions or intentions, etc.
The dry quality may have to do with a lone wolf type of mentality, being anti-social to an extent, not necessarily being forthcoming in social situations, not being too talkative, etc.

What do you think, and why?
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There seems to be a wide consensus that Neptune is cold and wet, and also a rather wide consensus that Uranus is hot and dry.

Any opinions on Pluto's temperament, though?
It seems to me that Pluto is cold and dry, somewhat like Saturn and Mercury, although various astrologers tried to give it 'just dry' or variable.

What do you think, and why?
I agree with cold and dry. Pluto is explosive. Pluto is cold. It’s explosive nature is like plutonium. So cold, that it’s boiling point is way up there! in several,the development of nuclear power.
Plutonium Element - Visual Elements Periodic Table
Discovery date1940
Discovered byGlenn Seaborg and colleagues
Origin of the namePlutonium, is named after the then planet Pluto, following from the two previous elements uranium and neptunium.


Fact box​

GroupActinides Melting point640°C, 1184°F, 913 K
Period7 Boiling point3228°C, 5842°F, 3501 K
Blockf Density (g cm−3)19.7
Atomic number94 Relative atomic mass[244]
State at 20°CSolid Key isotopes238Pu, 239Pu, 240Pu
Electron configuration[Rn] 5f67s2 CAS number7440-07-5
ChemSpider ID22382ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database

Aren’t you a traditionalist?

Exploring the other side?

No offence meant. Just curious, you seem to be delving into modern.🌺🌸
Opal hi,
Nice, thanks for replying.

I do consider myself a traditional astrology, mainly, but I work with outer planets, and also have a background in modern (like most astrologers who begin with modern), so I like to mix and match from time to time.
In the end, it's the same sky we try to make sense of. The tradition is good for a firm base, but one can explore past that base once the fundamentals are firmly in place (or hopefully they are, LOL).

What makes you a premium member?
Premium membership is for people that make a “donation” and it gives you advertisement free access. I paid under 50 dollars, and am happy with the lifetime access.

Also, for the enjoyment that I get using the service, for under $50 for a lifetime, the money was well worth it. I can’t remember the exact amount, it was a couple/few years ago.

Glad to hear that you are open to the other entities. I see traditional, as the meat and potatoes, and the outers and fixed stars as the gravy, and dessert.

I agree. The basics are important, but the other entities add flavour.
Transformation is key to Pluto. As the ruler Modern, of Scorpio, it is similar to it. Rebirth and regeneration.

With the transformation its always abrupt, or sudden, fighting it, can make it worse. Accepting it, doesn’t guarantee that it will be easy. But it causes change, in the natal and the Mundane. I have it as my 2nd strongest Ruling planet, fortunately I have domicile Jupiter as 1st strongest.

Change of homes, friends it is tightly sextile my Neptune in the 11th, it causes change. Watching it placement natally and by transit is the same.

The way it acts, is flavoured by the zodiacal signs, which you know well.

The suddenness of it and its intensity are similar to Mars, Scorpio only I would say more violent.

It also gives strength of mind, if positively aspected. If it is strong you need it’s power to deal with its “fun”.

Probably dark humour, but I can’t say that for certain.