Portland, OR

Astrologers' Community

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2011
Portland, Oregon
I'm living in Portland, OR. I've been for about 2 years and just had a professional consultation with Tony Howard. It was the first experience I've had where I actually met someone else in person who is interested in astrology. I came from a smaller town in a rural area so the fact that I was the only person interested in astrology in that area is not surprising. It's exciting for me to be in the city because I know that there are more people out there with similar interests.

I know that there is at least one group who meets in the Portland area just to talk astrology and I'd definitely be interested in connecting with any of you out there who are in the Portland metro. Let me know!

Here's the meetup group:

Peace, Love, Unity
Aaron~ have you been to any of the Oregon Astrological Association meetings? They have a good membership. All meetings are in Portland metro area. They have a Eugene chapter I'm pretty sure. Renaissance Bookstore on NW 23rd & Overton or Pettygrove used to have an announcement board and table for groups or gatherings.
Are you an Oregon native? I moved back to Southern California 3 years ago after 21 years in Portland. Raised my son there. He's in college down here now. I love P'town, but the weather became intolerable. Anyway, good luck connecting with Astro folks in Portland.