Possession by astral entities

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Hello. I wanted to share something i thought would be interesting, that i saw.
I'm a medical student, and in this summer I'm doing practice in psychiatry clinic, in so called Acute state section. simply - a place where are the most severe cases of psychopathy. So within a month i saw examples of interesting inadequate behaviour - from simple delirium to aggressiveness, violence when nurses were beated by accident.
So i took randomly few horoscopes of the pacients (the ones that i thought would be interesting to see a horoscope) - few of them knew also minutes and hours of their birth, since they were quite conscious, but not necessary easier cases of psychopathy.
I only took 4. One had only a simply weak horoscope, with a weak chartruler conjunct neptune, saturn with node in first house of aries. but these 3 seemed more interesting.

1)young pacient - man - who had problems with anxiety, destructive aggressive behaviour, "voices in head" , and diagnosed with psychosis.
I checked his horoscope and what immediately caught my attention was - Sun, Saturn and NorthNode in 28 degree of Capricorn! conjunct tightly by one degree. - Didn't know exact time - so didn't know what house it was in. other planets didn't caught my attention.

2) woman with schizophrenia, had Moon, North node, and Saturn in Virgo loosely conjunct. in 3rd house. Saturn here is ruler of 6th, 7th, 8th, and Moon is ruler of 12th house. since she is an early Leo ascendant. Also chart ruler - Sun(Gemini) exactly squaring the nodes.
Neptune - the planet of mentally ill - didn't have any significant contacts with other planets, just sextile to pluto, and while sitting in 5th house.(sag)

3) the other woman i found very interesting. She absolutely differed from other pacients. Her eyes looked extremely conscious and very mysteriously evil while she also tried to maintain the image of a nice pleasant person, as she thought she really is. She was a woman 52 years old, had 2 healthy sons. but was a known pacient since 22 years of age, diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.
lastly Came to hospital cause she slit her throat with a shaving blade about 8 times, almost survived. and since she had been in hospital several times for long periods - she was well known to doctors and nurses for what they describe as extreme, crazy, evil, devilish attacks (grabbing anyone who comes around by hair, kicking, biting, screaming all night long in a cell) that were impossible to soothe even with the largest doses of pharmaceuticals like Haloperidol and diazepam, mixed. Doctors said- it just doesn't work on her.
While i talked to her she remained calm, but she always kind of begged me to save her. when i asked her from what, she couldn't tell, like she doesn't understand from what (might be just a parasitic type of a person, that wants to be saved all the time)
So i take her horoscope and See aspects: Moon(Aq), SouthNode(Aq), Saturn(Aq) tightly conjunct on 12degrees(5th house), exact square to Neptune(scorpio) 12 degrees(3rd house).
(Moon rules 11th, Saturn rules 5th,6th).

Mars in Aries 28 degrees (in 8th house, ruler of 3rd and 8th) Exact trine to Uranus 27 degrees in Leo(12th)
Jupiter(pisces) 11degrees(6th house) - exact trine Neptune in scorpio.
gemini sun loosely squaring virgo pluto.
Chart ruler mercury (virgo asc), in gemini in 10th house unaspected (21degree)
Then i grab one of my astrological books by Frances Sakoian and S.Acker(astrologer's handbook). and check the moon square neptune aspect in natal chart. there was ofcourse mentioned the difficulty to separete reality from fantasy, but also it said that the mind can be distorted by lower plane astral phenomena.
How would you interpret this?
I would say that the moon in aquarius is lacerated by strong saturn and south node and couldn't stand up against neptunes square influence - so all the "demons" could easily go into her mind.
I'm actually quite shocked, that horoscopes that i randomly took (as "should be the most interesting ones") had these triple exact conjunctions, quadruple exact combinations.
my 2cents ~

One needs to be very careful with "astrological labelling" :smile:
particularly in this case as there is no verification of the exact official time of birth

and furthermore
these are people who have been in crisis for many years
have been medicated with the various psychiatric drugs you mentioned
These drugs have serious side-effects

as a simple internet search illustrates:

for example


  • Difficulty with speaking or swallowing
  • inability to move the eyes
  • loss of balance control
  • mask-like face
  • muscle spasms, especially of the neck and back
  • restlessness or need to keep moving (severe)
  • shuffling walk
  • stiffness of the arms and legs
  • trembling and shaking of the fingers and hands
  • twisting movements of the body
  • weakness of the arms and legs

  • Decreased thirst
  • difficulty in urination
  • dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting
  • hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not there)
  • lip smacking or puckering
  • puffing of the cheeks
  • rapid or worm-like movements of the tongue
  • skin rash
  • uncontrolled chewing movements
  • uncontrolled movements of the arms and legs

  • Confusion
  • convulsions (seizures)
  • difficult or fast breathing
  • fast heartbeat or irregular pulse
  • fever (high)
  • high or low blood pressure
  • hot, dry skin, or lack of sweating
  • increased blinking or spasms of the eyelid
  • increased sweating
  • loss of bladder control
  • muscle stiffness (severe)
  • muscle weakness
  • sore throat and fever
  • uncontrolled twisting movements of the neck, trunk, arms, or legs
  • unusual bleeding or bruising
  • unusual facial expressions or body positions
  • unusual tiredness or weakness
  • unusually pale skin
  • yellow eyes or skin

  • Continuing nausea or vomiting
  • increase in the frequency of seizures
  • loss of appetite
  • swelling of the face
  • tiredness and weakness
I want to say that although you may find a chart interesting and fascinating, the things YOU believe are the cause of the pathology may not be. YOu would need to be a very experienced astrologer to ascertain the truth of these things.

And the patients' chart who you found not very interesting or remarkable may be just as telling if you were very experienced and knew what you were looking for.

EVERY chart will contain the information about everything in the person's life. The chart is the "schematic" of the psyche and the "life." It is the symbolic map of the life (psyche).

EACH chart requires examination in depth to be able to understand it. We think often that something which 'stands out' MUST be the most powerful indication in the chart...but often this is not true. Often a combination of things, part of which may represent genetics, will be part of the 'answer.'