Pregnacy thing again....

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Jul 21, 2009
Hello out there!!! I have made this chart, asking: Have I conseived this time??? I' ve been trying to figure out by myself but, I need somebody with experience to read the chart... Could anyone????


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Well, Acs in cancer (fruitfull). Jupiter in Pisches (fruitfull again) makes triangle with moon, which unfortunatelly is placed in Aries... I think it is a YES.....?????????????
Im just pondering the question you asked because if you are asking about conception...........women can often conceive but the fertilized egg dosent always implant for whatever reason and will fall away on a normal period cycle, so never knowing one had conceived.
I think a better question would be Am I pregnant?

I may be wrong here, but just a thought :biggrin:
Ok tee!! That is what I was thinking, Will I be pregnant this time??? I was just trying to be more accurate when I asked about conception because as I've read in other posts here, some think that its different to ask about pregnacy if you are not late...
Anyway, I am not late but we've been trying 7 months now and this time my doc helped me with hormones....
So Will I be this month???????????
The Saturn rx is quite near the 5th house, I am wondering if there is something to do with your hus(as saturn is the 7th house ruler), not you......

This chart is a little like the chart you cast before, but there are a good sign here: The 5th house ruler Venus is in 11th house=5H from 7H. But 7th ruler saturn and 5th house ruler and 11th houes ruler Mars are not in a fertile sign, only your asc is in a fertile sign.

But! I see the moon is separating Venus=5th house ruler, if you are asking: Am I already pregnant? Then the answer will be yes. But if you are asking: Will I ever be pregnanted? Then the answer will be no.
Candiceaqua, after hormone treatment I had this cycle, my doc said that today is my fertille day. So when I made the chart I was thinking if I got pregnant this time. Today!!
So whats the answer????????
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So, If I get it well the answer is...YES?????? I am pregnant????
Oh Gosh, please people out there give me your options!!! Please please please!!!!
I will have to wait at least 12 days to have a test and this is driving me crazy.........
Hi Taurous,

Moon is the significator for this chart. Moon is in the 10th house, so you are concerned with your position socially. This just shows that you are concerned with being seen as a Mother.

You mentioned that Moon made a triangle with Jupiter, I'm not sure what that means, but in any case, the Moon is not contacting Jupiter what so ever. I would not then suggest this is fruitful.

Moon is in Aries, issues relating to the body, particularly sex organs, as Mars is also the traditional ruler of Scorpio. This again shows your concern for your fertility.

Scorpio in 6th house- sex has become a duty and a chore. It weighs heavily on your mind.

The question you asked was unfortunately poorly constructed. So this answer is not a clear one.

But since you, the Moon, is nearly totally unaspected, save for a conjunction to Venus which is also essentially unaspected, but further information is gathered from Saturn in Libra and Capricorn on the 7th house cusp. Limits in your relationship here, assigning duty and responsibility to yourself and your loved one to become parents.

This attitude is not necessarily negatively impacting your capacity to get pregnant, but if this chart was whole house, then the Saturn in Libra would oppose your Moon in Aries, and therefore suggest this attitude is making it impossible for you to get pregnant.

I'm sorry dear, this looks like a no. I get the feeling you ahem, went at it, and then made this chart?

Disappointment again.... Yes you are right Mod, sex has become a duty and a chore. It weighs heavily on my mind. It is that I am 37 and we reaally want a baby.... And yes I am concerned with being seen as a Mother because everybody keeps asking: Are you???
When??? Do you try????.............
Anyway, our tests are fine and my doc says that its a matter of time... Who knows.. I really hope we dont really have a medical problem and I will concieve soon!!!!

But what do you mean with:
but further information is gathered from Saturn in Libra and Capricorn on the 7th house cusp. Limits in your relationship here, assigning duty and responsibility to yourself and your loved one to become parents.
I would use equal houses for this chart, that would make Moon and Venus two significators on MC, yet both in Aries is not so good for pregnancy issue.
Moon separated from Venus, but do others agree Moon here could be considered VOC??? I see no aspects before it leaves Aries. Suggesting and confirming what mod already stated - perhaps something has to change internally(Saturn retro on IC) change of circumstances before impregnation can take place.
Relax! is the best way to go, I know many rl examples how once people eased their mind about worries everything came to place. worrying is never helpful.
why would you use equal house systems?
shouldnt a horay chart be in regio?

im just going to take the question as "you want to know if a baby is going to be the result from this cycle"

your fertile asc in (semi barren aries) in the 11th H showing your hopes and dreams of wanting a baby.

your 5th ruler in (semi barren aries) in venus also in the 11th

moon haveing passed the 5th shows a event has just happened, otherwise if it was aspecting to it, it would show it has yet to happen... so i see that as good.

yor health should be strong becuase its ruled by fertile jupiter in pisces.

saturn your doctors ruler is backing of from your 5th showing his work is done.

I like your chances, but this is where i faulter okay, i do not know the state of the significators if they are good in its sign or not, so i hope a more experianced astrologer can finnish this of....
Oh the 2 week wait..... don't I know about it.

You have a very simular chart to mine as I just asked this question too. So we may be having the same problems. Except today I vowed to let sex be fun now and not a chore to conceive. My gut instinct is to say not yet to you. Which doesn't mean not ever. I think my eggs are the plastic empty easter egg kind. Good luck sweetie! Baby dust.
I wish I had a W Lily book for questions like these.

My take on it:

Moon rules you
Venus rules baby

They have aspected, and if the 17th is your fertile day (also few days before and after?), which is the day the chart was created, the Moon being so close to Venus suggests a yes, perhaps you conceived a few days ago. Would that make sense to you timing wise?

Both Moon and Venus are in the house of wishes, I take that as a positive sign.

Very fruitful ascendant looks like another positive.

Moon and Venus in Aries isn't looking abuntantly fruitful, and Venus is in detriment. But, I'm not sure if Venus being in its own term saves a bit of detriment by giving a bit of strength. There is not a mutual reception between them either.

So far it looks like 3 positives and 2 negatives.

Moon is deposited by Mars, which has now turned direct and is stationary, giving him extra strength. I would say this is a positive sign, things can start moving fowards after a period of delays. Mars in the 2nd house of worth, perhaps your self worth improving will help things.

Good luck with this, I really wish you well. :)
thanks for that neptune rising.....

I also think it looks good taurous16 all the best to you ..xx
Thank you so very much!!!! You give me back hope!!!!! Now I just have to wait for a couple of weeks or less and see what happens :)
I definitelly let you know as soon as I know.....