Pregnancy question - again

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Dec 13, 2006
I posted this in general forums,but someone mention to post it here ...

so heres my copy/pasted q's!
Hello everyone,
I posted here in early December about my baby,i was scared i would have a miscarriage and couple of you replied and really helped me. I am now nearly 13 weeks pregnant and everything seems to be going fine,except from the fact that my next scan is at the end of march :eek: and i am starting to worry if everything is going ok and if my baby is healthy.
Because of my age they do not want to offer me any genetic testing for different annomalies but i just want to know if this little one is healthy and if there is a reason for concern??
I made a new chart because on the last one i put i was born about 15-20 mins later then i actually i was (i didnt know!) so this info is all correct down to every minute!

I would really appricite it if anone could help me,i feel so ashamed because i just keep asking but can't really help anyone else as i don't really know much about astrology..sorry!

Is there anything in my chart that would cause concern about this baby? I'll di until end of March :( it seems so far away ..

heres my chart!!
from a pre and perinatal perspective (which is a field I have specialized in), I suggest that you remain positive and trust that this baby is going to be happily coming into this world. What you feel, the baby feels. Everytime you see yourself panicking or feeling anxious, just breathe deep, breathe light into yourself and your baby.
I could go on and on to describe in length the effects stress and worry have on a baby; but since at this point your main concern is to see the baby arriving safely, I won't stress you out with additional information.
Just breathe and trust; visualize your baby being healthy and happy.;)

just ask straight forward is my baby okay?

then look at 5th house and 10th *6th house from 5th*

Good luck
Hi everyone,
Thanks for all your replies!
I had the healthies and most gorgeous baby girl 4 months ago,she's sleeping now and i couldn't be any happier.

Yes, congratulations indeed :)

I'm curious--since you seem to know your time of birth and I'm assuming that you know your baby's time of birth down to the minute due to your interest in astrology, are there any indicators in your chart that seem to point to characteristics of this child?

I've always been curious and a bit skeptical that one's future offspring could be determined by the parents' natal charts, but I have found that there is often some correlation between the planets in the parents' charts and those in the child's chart, even if the parents' fifth house doesn't exactly describe the child.

I know it may be a bit early to tell, but what do you think? Is your daughter have a strong fire element in her natal chart with Sagittarius on the fifth house cusp ruled by Jupiter in Aries? Interestingly, both the fifth house cusp and Jupiter are on the cusp between two signs--a fire sign and a water sign, but I wouldn't interpret Jupiter as having characteristics of Pisces no matter how close it may be. However, if your time of birth is inaccurate by even a few minutes, it's possible that Scorpio is the sign on the fifth house cusp; thus, its ruler would be Mars in Taurus instead of Jupiter. Mars makes a tight opposition to Pluto in Scorpio, which emphasizes the entire Scorpio theme; Mars is the ancient ruler and Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio, as you already know. This is a powerful aspect, and both planets are located in angular planets to boot...

Saturn and Uranus are also located in the fifth house, so I wonder if they could possibly lend their influence as well.

When was your daughter's birthday?

Arian Maverick

P.S. I apologize for pestering you with so many questions, but I don't have an exact birth time for either of my parents, so this topic fascinates me.
Hi :) you're not pestering me!

I can give you my details and my daughters but not my partners,because he's not sure of the exact time.

I was born at 14:30 and she was born at 23:40

I don't know much about all this,i was planning on spending some time studying it while i was pregnant but never got 'round to it,so i intend to start soon ..basic things really,but if you can tell me anything i'd appriciate it,but i don't want to pester all of you AGAIN,you really helped me and put me at ease when i needed it the most!

J x
wow Congrads to you !
congrads to me - i woke up this dormant thread

okay, spill the coffee beans - what is your princess'name?
got pictures?
