Presidential and others astrology

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Dec 30, 2011
[moved thread hijacking posts - Moderator]

Dec 27, 2019: Solar eclipse (Sun/Moon conjunction), Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are hailed as rather good luck charms for many (or most) people worldwide.

Dec 21, 2020: The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn visible 30-45 mins before sunrise (in astronomical zodiac constellation Sagittarius conjunct our sun). It is thought to herald the age of Aquarius for the next 2,000-2,160? years, in Aquarian Saturn in its other ruled sign Capricorn conjunct Jupiter.

I'm keeping an eye on the Trump impeachment trial and the US presidential election in 2020 to be the most serious period we ever had in our nation's history. Our decade started badly after the 2008-09 "Great" Recession and we ended in 10 years+6 months of a record economic growth boom surpassing the 9 years+6 months under the Clinton administration (1991/92/93-2000/01).

Every 2 decades since 1800, an US presidential death or the like occurred. It is thought by some astrologers to be related to those 2-decade cycles of Grand conjunctions. 2020-25 will involve threats to our 245-250 years as a country not relating to assassination, more like the stability of our federal government.

1799 - George Washington, the first US president (1789-97) dies naturally 10 days (Dec 15th) before Christmas at age 67, almost before the 19th century begins. Like every 2 decades, every quarter a century like 1950 and 1975 were near-attempts (Truman by Puerto Rican separatists, and Gerald Ford twice in a visit in Northern CA by two women, one of them a Manson family cult member).

1826 - Two deaths of founding father presidents: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, on the nation's 50th anniversary on independence day, July 4th. There were 3 grand conjunctions of Jupiter/Saturn in the 1820s (and 1980s).

1841 - The shortest (30 day) presidential term of William Henry Harrison died of pneumonia on April 4th. His grandson Benjamin Harrison was president (1889-93) followed by McKinley and then Theodore Roosevelt, FDR's uncle.

1850 - Sep 9th (not 2 decades), Zachary Taylor dies and it is now believed he was poisoned by arsenic in his meal in a dinner that day in the white house.

1865 - In the end of the Civil War when the South (Confederacy) surrendered to the North (Union-the USA), Abraham Lincoln was the first to be assassinated on April 14th to die the next day. John Wilkes Booth was the assassin to later be killed while in hiding in Virginia. It happened in Ford Theater, Washington DC. Succeeded by the first impeached president, Andrew Johnston (1865-69).

1881 - On July 6th, James Garfield was shot, and he died on Sep 19th from infection relating to the wound. He was the second to die in office. He was the president for 4 months and 2 days (or 6 months, 13 days including his stay at a hospital). Garfield was shot by Charles J. Guiteau, a disgruntled office seeker.

1901 - On Sep 6th, William McKinley was shot and died in 8 days from an infection relating to the wound. He was the third to die in office. His assassin was Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist. It happened in the 1901 world fair in Buffalo, NY State (9 months and 6-14 days in the 20th century if you go by 1901 not 1900 as the start of the century). He was succeeded by Theodore Roosevelt.

1923 - On Aug 2nd, Warren Harding dies of pneumonia in San Francisco. He was succeeded by Calvin Coolidge and he dealt with the Teapot Dome scandal.

1945 - On Apr 12th, Franklin D Roosvelt dies of natural causes in a health spa treatment center in Warm Springs, GA. Harry Truman secedes him to help the USA win WW2 vs Nazi Germany in May 7 and Japan surrenders after 2 atomic bombs dropped on the country by Aug 14 to prevented an US army invasion. FDR was president for 4 terms - 16 years, a month and 10 days - the longest.

1963 - On Nov 22nd, John F Kennedy was assassinated and died within hours in Dallas, TX. His assassin Lee Harvey Oswald would be assassinated in 2 days by Jack Ruby. His brother Attorney General and presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy was assassinated on Jun 4-5, 1968 in Los Angeles. And 2 months earlier, their ally in civil rights, Martin Luther King Jr. This is popular with conspiracy theorists who talk about the "Grassy Knoll-CIA-military-Soviet-Castro-LBJ-Nixon-Bush-KKK-Mobs-Onassis who later married widow Jackie" myths. And the Feb 1-8, 1962 conjunction of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius (astronomical Capricorn) foretold this complex event.

1981 - On Mar 30th, Ronald Reagan survived an attempt on his life when the bullet by an inch misses his heart. The shooter was John Hinckley Jr who was obsessed with child actor Jodie Foster. His father was a friend of vice president George HW Bush. Conspiracy theorists also dwell on the "CIA-Bush connection".

2001 - On Sep 11th, foreign terrorists attacked America: the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Arlington, VA; and 4 American men in a 4th hijacked plane diverted it from flying into the Capitol in Washington DC as it crashed in Shanksville, PA. George W Bush was visiting a Sarasota FL grade school that day, but this was sheer luck when he could be a terrorist target.

And 2020 - Better not be a disaster, but a removed president and a VP with a poor reputation unable to be (re)elected. Donald Trump and Mike Pence need to be in prison, that's all...and Joe Biden's name is involved (and Barack Obama?), to further complicate an upcoming presidential election: No Trump? No Biden?

Ironically, George W Bush and Bill Clinton we're not directly elected, Clinton is impeached but allowed to keep his job, and multiple attempts to impeach GW Bush failed due to the patriotic fervor during the war on terror in the 2000s.

Dec 2020 is a direct conjunction, but Dec 2019 involves a total solar eclipse. There's going to be a lot of political division, tension and protest (currently, over 100 out of 202 nations in the world are having demonstrations, esp. Hong Kong in China, France, Iran, Iraq, South America like Chile, and Venezuela).

The 1980-81 period was a difficult time for America, extending the Watergate crisis of the Nixon resignation and 2 presidents with one term in office: Gerald Ford who succeeded Nixon (Aug 9, 1974- Jan 20, 1977) and Jimmy Carter. I want to add George HW Bush (1989-93) was an one termer, due to the end of the cold war and the 1987 crash (alike the 1929 crash did to Herbert Hoover's presidential career) devastated the US economy the worst since the 1970s.
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Re: virgo rising 2020 saturn-pluto-jupiter conjunction

Well, the covid19 pandemic will make the American people to tell president Trump: "You're fired", were in either a temporary crisis or a new normal we have to adapt. His impeachment last month was repealed by a GOP majority Senate and this ended the economic boom peaked on the first month of the 2020s. I have a feeling a Democrat like Joe Biden has a much higher chance of election and in 2021, a government better dedicated to combat covid19 by scientific research and economic aid to those affected by lost jobs, business closures and a long stay in their homes.
Re: virgo rising 2020 saturn-pluto-jupiter conjunction

And back on topic, Trump has a 29' Leo or 1' Virgo ASC, apparently he's going to lose his presidential job. Trump has that arrogant Virgo rising. In sidereal, he's a 3' Leo that in sabian symbols describe a pandemic and covid19 will damage his career other than his health (good luck).


Red flags everywhere!
Knowing Hunters legal and drug problems
concern about Joe Biden intervening
and may be involved in some, if any, of these illegal dealings :smile:
Do other children of president and vice president
get this much support from the administration? Is this normal?

Why does Hunter need American taxpayers money to protect him?
Senators DEMAND Hunter Biden’s UNREDACTED Secret Service Travel Records




Boris in the UK feared calls for his resignation
and is lifting mandates


Trudeau has no respect or fear of his citizens.

Although the measures are ending in the Czech Republic
the anti-constitutional Pandemic Act
which violates fundamental human rights
guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
has been pushed through in a legislative emergency! Don't get me wrong!

The Marxist, left-wing svoloč is on horseback and will not stop there.
The point where things could be dealt with democratically is long over
it will only take a while for most people to realize this.
Until 2019, a similar crime was called genocide :smile:
today it is called a pandemic!
They have killed less than 6 million people
are preparing to kill at least another 30 million.
we are sitting all in the same boat
we have to support each other to fight the evil

"....For the first time in history
the ineffectiveness of a medicine
is being blamed on those who refuse to take it..."

JupiterASC, can you...may you...should you make one of French President Emmanuel Macron, another Christmas Day baby (1977)? or the one of Dr. Anthony Fauci born on Christmas Eve (1940)? PM Justin Trudeau was born on Boxing Day (1971) in Canada where it's a holiday after Christmas observance. The current trucker protests in Ottawa for the last 2 weeks brought a national state of emergency for Canada's capital city...caught between Anglophone Ontario (Kanata with its French-Canadian minority enclave) and Francophone majority Quebec (nearby Hull across the Ottawa river is a historic British or English settlement). And the protests blame both PM Trudeau imposed his powers too strongly on the parliament and intervention by US President Joe Biden in his first year of his term to damage close diplomatic relations of 2 neighboring "brother/sister" nations.
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A winter solstice (in France, the USA and north of the equator hemisphere) baby, huh? Can you also post one of Dr Anthony Fauci, not a president but a leading figure in world health and science matters in the COVID pandemic?
Dr Fauci time of birth is unknown :smile:


Use the noon time ascendant (New York City, USA) in Eastern standard time: 1' Aries or 30' Pisces because NYC is 40-42' North latitude range. Almost exactly the 1-12 sign matched 1-12 house natal chart. Just use the 0' Aries as his ASC or rising, it is the winter solstice after all for New Yorkers and North Americans.
Use the noon time ascendant (New York City, USA) in Eastern standard time: 1' Aries or 30' Pisces because NYC is 40-42' North latitude range. Almost exactly the 1-12 sign matched 1-12 house natal chart. Just use the 0' Aries as his ASC or rising, it is the winter solstice after all for New Yorkers and North Americans.
reliable time of birth is essential for horoscopic astrology :smile:

Re: virgo rising 2020 saturn-pluto-jupiter conjunction

And back on topic, Trump has a 29' Leo or 1' Virgo ASC, apparently he's going to lose his presidential job. Trump has that arrogant Virgo rising. In sidereal, he's a 3' Leo that in sabian symbols describe a pandemic and covid19 will damage his career other than his health (good luck).
The Durham investigators have uncovered evidence that shows

Hillary Clinton’s team paid operatives to “...infiltrate...” Trump Tower :smile:

and then President Trump’s White House servers

in a failed effort - to link Trump to Russia
And Hillary Clinton pushed the conspiracy

knowing HER TEAM was behind the bogus accusations! :smile:


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Truckers for Freedom
stay peaceful, disciplined, positive
good humoured and politically sophisticated
Do not give authoritarian instigators
agents provocateurs any excuses
30 States have dropped their restrictions :smile:
but that's not good enough
all 50 states
and every single county
need to have their vaccine and mask mandates reversed

US Freedom Convoy to SHUTDOWN DC

as Canada Unleashes Worldwide STORM!!!

The Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, Ontario
was not cleared by Ottawa police.
Those two cities are nearly 500 miles apart :smile:
and Windsor has its own police department



Boris in the UK feared calls for his resignation
and is lifting mandates


Trudeau has no respect or fear of his citizens.

Although the measures are ending in the Czech Republic
the anti-constitutional Pandemic Act
which violates fundamental human rights
guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
has been pushed through in a legislative emergency! Don't get me wrong!

The Marxist, left-wing svoloč is on horseback and will not stop there.
The point where things could be dealt with democratically is long over
it will only take a while for most people to realize this.
Until 2019, a similar crime was called genocide :smile:
today it is called a pandemic!
They have killed less than 6 million people
are preparing to kill at least another 30 million.
we are sitting all in the same boat
we have to support each other to fight the evil

"....For the first time in history
the ineffectiveness of a medicine
is being blamed on those who refuse to take it..."
Re: virgo rising 2020 saturn-pluto-jupiter conjunction


CNN Covers for Clinton Spying :smile:
extremely troubling that basically no Democrat
and some Republicans

aren't EXTREMELY ALARMED by these reports :smile:

The future of the Republic is up to you and me.
Until people figure out, no one is going to rescue us, we're doomed.
We The People have the onus of saving the Republic.
John Durham is doing what he was hired to do
but all he can do
is give us the proof that what we knew all along was correct.

We the people
we are the majority
are responsible for putting the right people in place
to take this country back
we're wasting our time if we think the media and politicians
come out and admit that they were wrong.

Durham’s latest filing alleges a concerted spying campaign
both on candidate Trump as well as President Trump after he took office.
Now, there’s a clear whitewashing effort by CNN
and other mainstream media outlets
in their reporting on the allegations.
Jay, Jordan, and the rest of the Sekulow team discuss
the latest developments on this massive scandal.



The Durham investigators have uncovered evidence that shows
Hillary Clinton’s team paid operatives to “...infiltrate...” Trump Tower :smile:
and then President Trump’s White House servers
in a failed effort - to link Trump to Russia

Hillary Clinton pushed the conspiracy
knowing HER TEAM was behind the bogus accusations! :smile:


AMAZING! Canadian Police HUG Freedom Convoy Protesters!!!
This isn't easy for the police either
showing what our Canadian media is most reluctant to show.
showing the truth as fake stream doesn’t.
There was zero reasons for Trudy to activate the emergency act

Ambassador bridge was cleared
Alberta said they’d leave peacefully, they have.

Just shows the people what a tyrant he is

Truckers for Freedom
stay peaceful, disciplined, positive
good humoured and politically sophisticated
Do not give authoritarian instigators
agents provocateurs any excuses
30 States have dropped their restrictions :smile:
but that's not good enough
all 50 states
and every single county
need to have their vaccine and mask mandates reversed

US Freedom Convoy to SHUTDOWN DC

as Canada Unleashes Worldwide STORM!!!

The Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, Ontario
was not cleared by Ottawa police.
Those two cities are nearly 500 miles apart :smile:
and Windsor has its own police department



Michael Joseph Madigan born 19 April 1942

American politician former speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives.
longest-serving leader of any state or federal legislative body
in the history of the United States :smile:
held the position for all but two years from 1983 to 2021
served in the Illinois House from 1971 to 2021

He represented the 27th District from 1971 to 1983
the 30th district from 1983 to 1993,
and the 22nd district from 1993 to 2021.

This made him the body's longest-serving member

and the last legislator elected before the Cutback Amendment.

Chicago Magazine named Madigan as
the fourth-most-powerful Chicagoan in 2012

as the second in both 2013 and 2014, earning him the nickname
"...the Velvet Hammer—a.k.a. the Real Governor of Illinois....."

Rich Miller, editor of Illinois political newsletter the Capitol Fax, wrote
"...the pile of political corpses outside Madigan's Statehouse door
of those who tried to beat him one way or another
is a mile high and a mile wide..."

11 January 2021, Madigan announced he would be suspending
his effort to be elected to a nineteenth term
as Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives
and on January 13, he was replaced by fellow Democrat Emanuel "Chris" Welch

first African American Speaker of the Illinois House.

Madigan announced that he would resign as state representative
effective at the end of February.

18 February he announced that his resignation would take effect same day.
2 March 2022, Madigan was indicted on 22 federal racketeering charges.
Democrat Michael Madigan INDICTED on 22 Counts in Illinois
for Profiting from Political Connections :smile:

This guy was UNTOUCHABLE. He got Rod Blago convicted
Was the speaker of the house in Illinois for a long time.
And his daughter was Illinois Attorney General. That’s power.



It just doesn't add up.

Who really is Zelensky?

How is he worth over a billion dollars? :smile:

Are there US-funded biolabs in Ukraine that Putin is destroying?
Are the Nazis a threat or is that just Putin’s propaganda?
Why do so many US politicians have deep financial ties with Ukraine?
dig up the dirty truth about Ukraine and Russia.

Drahoš Želenský whole signs nativity

Re: virgo rising 2020 saturn-pluto-jupiter conjunction

The Durham investigators have uncovered evidence that shows
Hillary Clinton’s team paid operatives to “...infiltrate...” Trump Tower :smile:
and then President Trump’s White House servers
in a failed effort - to link Trump to Russia
And Hillary Clinton pushed the conspiracy
knowing HER TEAM was behind the bogus accusations! :smile:


t's amazing how much this defense
sounds exactly like what the Biden family did
and continues to do
in Ukraine. Personal financial gain.
Change my mind.
these people have no shame.
They hurt others without a care or thought
for anyone other than their own gains.
They are shameless beings with no respect for humanity

Trump's Lawyer LEAVES Adam Schiff and Entire Democrats HUMILIATED
in this Heated Hearing :smile:




Durham Probe Indicts Three

as The Atlantic Tells Readers to Forget Criminal Charges on Trump :smile:



CNN Covers for Clinton Spying :smile:
extremely troubling that basically no Democrat
and some Republicans
aren't EXTREMELY ALARMED by these reports :smile:

Durham’s latest filing alleges a concerted spying campaign
both on candidate Trump as well as President Trump after he took office.
Now, there’s a clear whitewashing effort by CNN
and other mainstream media outlets
in their reporting on the allegations.
Jay, Jordan, and the rest of the Sekulow team discuss
the latest developments on this massive scandal.

Durham Probe Finds Something Amazing :smile:

The Durham investigators have uncovered evidence that shows
Hillary Clinton’s team paid operatives to “...infiltrate...” Trump Tower :smile:
and then President Trump’s White House servers
in a failed effort - to link Trump to Russia

Hillary Clinton pushed the conspiracy
knowing HER TEAM was behind the bogus accusations! :smile:
[moved thread hijacking posts - Moderator]

I'm keeping an eye on the Trump impeachment trial

Durham Probe Indicts Three
as The Atlantic Tells Readers to
Forget Criminal Charges on Trump :smile:


Watch Sen Hawley RIP The Mask Off Biden’s Appointee For The WHOLE World To See

Opening up the borders
letting approximate 2 million into our country.
Flying them across the country

and DID NOT test them for Covid
was treasonous.
Shutting down Americas energy independence was treasonous.
Now Biden begging our enemies to supply us oil :smile:
EVERYTHING Biden Democrats have done since PLACED in office
has gone AGAINST America and the American people.
