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Unfortunately for Deutschland, the days of cheap, cheap Russian energy are over :)
The gas from Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Turkey will be marked up and won't be cheap.
The German industrial, energy-intensive economy based on cheap energy is over.

Moving to a service-based economy as suggested by the German government
is a fool's folly and won't fix Germany's economy

India supplies the USA
Turkiye supplies the EU
Who's gas is it, of course, the RUSSIAN BEAR'S
- MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: sanctions bypassed




The worsening energy crisis is starting to make European countries chaotic.
French President Emmanuel Macron recently announced at the EU headquarters
that France has decided to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty - ECT :)
on the grounds that the treaty is inconsistent with the Paris Agreement's "...carbon-neutral..." goal.
The Energy Charter Treaty is a multilateral treaty signed in the 1990s
and includes many Eurasian countries and institutions.
The treaty aims to stabilize energy supplies
and gives energy companies the right to sue governments

and seek compensation if their interests are harmed.



The US is now openly involving itself
in what was from the beginning US-engineered unrest in Iran.
Providing material support including communication equipment

is a stated policy of US plans for regime change
and specifically in regards to Iran.
Evidence from 2009 onward exposes the US government's use of US-based tech giants
- Google, Twitter, and Facebook - and now ELON MUSK's SpaceX

- to advance US foreign policy in violation of international law and the UN Charter.

Starlink got the funding it did
solely because of its military applications.
It wasn't because it helped humanity

it's a US DOD project disguised as a civilian internet service.


Recently, German Chancellor Gerhard Schulz
and French President Emmanuel Macron
had a three-and-a-half-hour lunch in Paris, a meal that could only be described as awkward

as Schulz and Macron discussed energy, epidemics, China policy and other issues
but failed to agree. But on one matter, the two leaders agreed :)
that the Biden administration's Inflation Reduction Act has seriously
affected the pocketbooks of European countries, especially in terms of
market protection policies on electric vehicles.

Germany and France are united in the belief that Biden should be treated with courtesy first
and if the Biden administration is stubborn
Germany and France will push the EU to initiate trade counter-actions.

USA using EU as a battering ram against Moscow.
Ukraine is merely a Berlin wall between EU and Moscow, and Ukraine the Wall
and EU the Battering Ram

both being battered


Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was “...violently assaulted...”
by a suspect who broke into the couple’s San Francisco home early Friday
the speaker’s spokesperson said in a statement.

According to CNN, the assailant repeatedly asked "...where is Nancy...?"


How did that person get past security?
How did the investigators get called in
if Pelosi was violently assaulted and the perpetrator was still in the home?
How could anyone "...break in..." with a gate around the property
and security that had to be installed?
waiting for the explanation on how someone was able to break into their highly secure residence.
motion detectors and cameras.
Sounds like "...the rest of the story..." will never be told.

any actual evidence that he’s in the hospital?
Something smells fishy
82 year old was beaten with a hammer, and then is expected to make a full recovery?
Was it a rubber hammer?
Wow amazing whoever got over that wall and past the constant security people. :)
Things that make you go hummmm



They want us to believe that a multi millionaire
living in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in San Francisco,
had a homeless man able to by pass all that expensive security
Something special about that guy to have had such access huh? :)
You don’t have to be Colombo to know about the glass on the outside of the patio door
the guy was trying to get out of the house - he was trying to escape :)
Paul’s guest was trying to break OUT by the look of it.
It’s strange how these things happen to this strange man when Nancy is not in town

Paul did a wellness check, not a criminal complaint
and referred to the "...attacker..." as "...a friend.." and by name as "...David..."

bc HE KNEW HIM lol
Not only is that neighborhood full of billionaires
pacific heights has cameras everywhere
every person has their own private security.
lets see the surveillance cameras of this dudes arrival
as there is no way he just walked into that neighborhood unnoticed. its not possible

Neighbors said they saw the same guy go into the house three four times :)



Let's recap:

I really don't know what the problem is here
when my wife is away from home, me and my buddies regularly run around in our underwear

we even invite some homeless people to join us now and again
Doesn't everyone do this...?!!!!! :)
Cue Alec Baldwin: “ officer I didn’t mean to hurt him. The hammer just fell...!”

leader of the House, the person who is 3rd in line for the POTUS
doesn’t have some sort of government sponsored security on her house 24/7.
Everything about it smells of deceit, as usual
when nancy is out of town paul is getting loose.
He is trashed at 2:30AM
and has a "...minor traffic accident..." that totaled his porsche and injured the other driver.
Dont forget the mysterious witness that was just hanging out on the side of the road
in the vineyards in the middle of the night. :)
Paul is 82. Not many 82 year olds having encounters with the police at 2:30AM
on a regular basis without some shady sh** going down.

Hummm, could it be that the "...assaulter..." was actually trying to get away from Paul P?


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Hard to belive Nancy's house does not have a first class alarm system installed with cctv
- that guy was let into the house
- Thats why he was charged with burglary and not home invasion :)
He was invited into the house by Paul .
the police called to the house for a `...wellness `check..."
Did they storm the building with salt lamps,incense sticks and using yoga mats as shields
Imagine the desperation involved staging an attempted murder

to avoid a homosexual political scandal.

The police also said that they knocked on the front door and someone opened it for them. :)
Either this was a very considerate attacker
or there were more than 2 people at their little party
They released what they found on the intruder’s laptop in 1 day

meanwhile Hunters laptop is still being “...investigated...”




police story keeps morphing. :)
First, they were let in by an "...unknown person..."
then, when a photo showed one of the Pelosi glass doors broken
they said they had to break it to get in
- never mind that the photo showed the glass fragments outside,

indicating it was broken from the inside
When a suspect changes their story, the police say they are lying.
SO, I guess if the police change their story,
it must mean they are being threatened, or paid to lie about it. :)

PP Drunk driving two months ago with a young male in his car.
Now being attacked with a hammer by a 42 year old nudist dressed only in his underwear.
You just know there's something going on here that we don't know about :)



entire world now knows that she's being cheated on by an 82yo alcoholic with another DUDE??
Paul Pelosi-David DePape in undies with Hammer
Should be a hilarious SNL skit if they are permitted.

awful how all these mean things seem to happen to poor Mr. Pelose at 2:30 in the morning
boy this man seems to have a lot of bad luck while Nancy is away
setting up more insider deals for the family

In the wake of the attack on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul
media figures and social media posters raced to assign blame
with one reporter – Laura Rozen – concluding that the guilty party must be - Jimmy Dore :)
Not that Rozen had any idea who Jimmy Dore is, necessarily
but that didn’t prevent her from tweeting out the accusation
Which she subsequently deleted without any explanation.
Jimmy and his panel of Convo Couch host Craig Pasta
and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the curious case of Paul Pelosi’s attack
and what might have motivated the assault

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Pelosis would have a state of the art security system. Audio and video.
So why would it be off. What about the Neighbors Cameras and Street Cameras ???

If he broke in the alarm would have sounded and alarm company would have called Police
and sent a patrol supervisor to the scene.
happened to be around the time the gay bars shut down in this area
100%, confusing is the cops enter the home they see him and the suspect wrestling over a hammer

they waited till the suspect hit him with a hammer
before they apprehended them
you would have think they would have busted the door down and rushed him

something else is going on here
The Chief police said that from the moment "...someone..." opened the door
to the moment they apprehended the attacker, no more than 3 SECONDS had passed.

Now they're saying that it was Paul Pelosi himself who opened the door
walked back to where the attacker was
and just like that they were both holding a hammer
but the attacker managed to take control of it and hit Paul on the head. (In 3 SECONDS???) :)
story seems to change once the FBI got involved. Think about that for a minute

if Paul Pelosi and David Depape were struggling over a hammer when the police arrived

then who opened the front door to let them in ? :)

Questionable written report
1) Witness saw D and then heard a banging and then a SIREN???
2) D did not allow Mr. P to access the elevator but let him go into the bathroom

to make the 911 call to police as he was talking in codes
- if the elderly man was so bold to get his cell phone in the bathroom

In which his cellphone just so happened to be charging :)
why didn’t he lock the door and ask for help in a frantic way ??
3) D did not have a gun it was a hammer - when did the hammer come out??

4) They both went downstairs after Mr. P made the 911 call and open the door
and greeted the Police I guess while holding the hammer

how could he open the door when Mr. D had one hand on the hammer and one hand on the forearm ??
5) the worse big pile of * is - D broke into the house - made his way up to Mr. P room woke him up
and Mr. P was so sound asleep, :)
he did not hear the banging on the door, glass breaking and the SIREN
that the witness heard

and after all this 82yr Mr. P went into detail that his wife was not home

and she was not coming home for a few days.
6) So after all this happened
David had left his backpack in the back porch
and he came into the house with only one hammer?
- So how was he going to tie anyone down or even duct tape anyone

there is no mention that he was waving the hammer at the 911
did they eventually take the elevator
did they walk down the stairs to open the door

for the police that observed both men supposedly holding the hammer

- then the next day police go to Davids home and retrieve a hammer, gloves
then to top it off - one of the charges is robbery
what did he steal ? :)
It was not the hammer, he left the other hammer outside with the rest of the tools, tape, gloves & his journal
this smells like a big rotten fish.
Looks like a repair man that forgot his key

and in his backpack he had his appointment note book
- unless he was making daily entry about his life that makes it a journal



So Paul gets up, walks to the door, opens it for the police
then walks back to DePage
and starts to wrestle over a hammer - got it
For all we know David was being held against his will
and was trying to escape from 2 perverts

and the zip ties and duct tape were being used on him



If only we had technology like security cameras and body cams on cops :)
ohhh we do? Oh OK well let's just look at those
ohhh none of them were working at that time.
Well that explains everything
just like when he smashed his SUV into those people while drunk off his ass
Let's clear things up and release the body cam footage and house security footage.
Unedited of course. Videos can't change their story. This smells like a massive cover up!

Stay tuned for the next story change.

all calming down because the people in charge of Sunak
are also in charge of the banks and the markets. A smokescreen of gaslighting. :)



1. Wealthy gated community. Congress women has serious security.

Back door wide open to some guy in his underwear suggests more was going on.
What person gets through all that security then allows the home owner to call 911.
If Paul was beaten up with a hammer at his age he wouldn't be walking around making calls.
What - he didn't want to pay the male prostitute?
Picked the guy up in a drunken blackout then sobered up a little came to and didn't remember.
Or knew the guy wanted some company.
Maybe this is one of their employees they wanted to get rid of.

First off the Pelosi's are people involved Drug cartels, pedophile ring, human trafficking
and Involved in rigging elections.
Visited Epsteins sex island.
Remember black spray paint across her garage door "...1,000 dollars Pelosi... "
This was during Antifa and B.urn L.oot. M.urder government funded activities.

What kidnapper lets u go in the bathroom to make a phone call?
First report from officer said someone (third person) opened the door

and officers saw the 2 men were holding hammer
The first police report said "...a third person opened the door..." then it sounded like AFTER

the police entered they saw DePape - in his underwear - AND Pelosi
both with their hands on the hammer
so police shouted at BOTH of them to drop it.
The report you read doesn't make sense.
If Pelosi opened the door why would he then run over and grab the hammer

if the police were there to save him?
Or was DePape and Pelosi both by the door.

But that wouldn't work either
since the police entered before they saw both of them holding the hammer.
Nancy: Paul help me Distract from the insider trading.
Paul: okay I'll call my friend David.
soooo “...David...” didn’t hit Paul until after the police were in - but we have no footage?
So the hammer used wasn’t the suspects since it was still in the bag?

So Paul gets up, walks to the door, opens it for the police then walks back to DePage
and starts to wrestle over a hammer - got it - For all we know David was being held against his will
and was trying to escape from 2 perverts
and the zip ties and duct tape were being used on him



If only we had technology like security cameras and body cams on cops :)
ohhh we do? Oh OK well let's just look at those
ohhh none of them were working at that time.
Well that explains everything
just like when he smashed his SUV into those people while drunk off his ass
Let's clear things up and release the body cam footage and house security footage.
Unedited of course. Videos can't change their story. This smells like a massive cover up!

Stay tuned for the next story change.


that particular vein is raised and rigid. Is there something in there? GPS tracker
under his skin because they don't want him to get lost.
This way when he gets lost they can track him down and find him
when he's running out of the juice he's so weak and moves slow

and then there's days where he's popping and hopping
that's when he gets a fresh batch :)
they've been propping him up with drugs for a long time
- all the weekend trips to Delaware are to give his body a break from
all the pharmaceuticals being pumped into him
to try and keep him somewhat “...cognizant...” during the week!
he's being given a mix of things in the IV.

Like stimulants, drugs to deal with alzhimers/dementia, vitamins and minerals
and anything else his physician thinks will help keep him going.

wonder how sharp he would be if he didn't get the daily dose.
must have spent the week-end with Hunter and got some of his goods.


Police saying they didn't know it was the Pelosi's house is bull Right!? :)
Give me a break. The police that are stationed & patrol that area didn't know
that it was the home of the 3rd highest ranking person in our country. BS

details emerging
that Paul Pelosi walked back towards David Depape after answering the door for police!
if he was under threat but could open the door

and the cops right there
why didn't he run out screaming and hollering save me

SFPD to allow the Pelosi family to review all of the information first, to prepare their cover-up.
The broken glass was a BREAK OUT. not a BREAK IN. You can clearly see that in photos.
Not only is the glass is on the outside
but the center window brace is broken Outward. You can see it from that helicopter shot.



And when Pelos answered the door in his underwear with a hammer
he went back into the house to where the illegal was
and only then, as police stood there with their mouths open, had a hammer fight.

Also, they said Paul made the call in the bathroom in private
and then happened to put the phone on speaker

for David to introduce himself while Paul was in the bathroom! :)
the story isn't adding up at all.
Bet Paul and this guy worked out something for when cops showed up
and Paul said "...Hey, we have to fight and you have to hit me so it looks like a home invasion. T

his can't look like a lover's quarrel..." Guaranteed

Why did the police allow Pelosi to retreat back into the home
when they responded to a priority call involving an intruder?
Even they are changing the information they provided

Why did the reporter say " must of been terrifying for the 30 minutes

they were alone in house together... " BUT
the eyewitness stated to the FBI that he saw the suspect 3 minutes before police arrived
Cops already said Paul had the hammer and David took it from him.

Paul walked back into the house with the hammer and tried to hit David.
David took the hammer away and hit Paul.
Cops didn’t know what to do because Paul was the aggressor

they will do everything in their power to keep David from telling us in his own words what happened.


Police arrive calmly
& then address all 3 occupants by name
because it wasn't an intrusion
he didn’t get charged for breaking and entering, so he was a clearly a guest :)
ENFORCE the law, even when it involves a liberal elite.
They need to be held accountable for their actions!
When the "...official story..." changes every day
and no one is allowed to question it you know it's BS
How many victims do you know open the door for Police then walk back to their attacker?
How did the police know DePape was screaming "...Where's Nancy...?"
if Paul was knocked unconsious mere seconds after they arrived
and Paul immediately walked back to DePape after he (Paul) opened the door?
Paul would have been unable to tell them this detail.

Wouldn't surprise me if Hunter answered the door :)





most ungrateful country as far as trade & friendship with Russia is concerned
Shame on them

Germany is gripped by an extremely weak grouping of individuals now leading them

Because they have been serving the interests of American hedegemony and not their own
Germany and Europe jumped out of a plane without a parachute,
trying to grab on to a bird - first bird they grabbed was the US Bald Eagle.
But it spit on them, then as they fell away, it sh** on them.
The next bird was the wise owl of China.
But when Scholz said: "...It's me..."
all the Chinese owl said was, "...Who...?"

Scholtz and Macron have been openly blaming one another in regards to energy policies
"...Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity...."

~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Ignorance can be mitigated through education.
There is no antidote to self-inflicted stupidity.

Neither are there any sympathies from intelligent and thinking people worldwide.
"...Ignorance, the root and stem of every evil..."
~ Plato



Surprising they didn't use the phrase National Security excuse for not reporting

Nancy and Paul are good friends with the property owner where David was living.
The owner is the official photographer for the Grateful Dead.

They knew each other
Maybe this case can be known as "...underpants gate..."

They don't want this to ever go to trial :)

While Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul Pelosi continues to recover
after being attacked with a hammer inside his San Francisco home
more information is being revealed about the security in the home.
Surveillance cameras at the home were not being actively monitored by Capitol Police :)

meaning that the response to the attack on Paul Pelosi
could have potentially been quicker
had someone been watching the cameras. :)
Meanwhile, House administration committee chairwoman Zoe Lofgren sent a letter

to the Capitol Police saying the attack raises serious security questions for members of Congress.

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The U.S. invasion of Haiti is ramping up :)
as American armored vehicles attack
the fuel blockades in Port-au-Prince.
Not a news source elsewhere speaking on this
Redacted interviewed opposition leader Jimmy Cherizier
who warns a U.S. invasion of Haiti would be devastating for his country.

Dan Cohen filed this important report from the capital city of Haiti.
Russia & Ukraine have a common history - if Russia shouldn't be in Ukraine then why is US in Haiti?

Why is US in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and any other country without their consent



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the average population of AZ NV WI GA is about 3 million per state

Florida has over 22 million residents and they did an expedient count.


When you figure in all the rhinos
this is exactly what the puppet Master's planned :)


why does it take US Supreme Court so long to take action on US elections.
Especially up to 2 years
that doesn't make sense
that you have the wrong candidate put in place - yet it's okay

This should be priority in America - after election the dispute should immediately
be before The Supreme Court - should take precedence for fair and honest elections.
in NY at a polling place the poll guy told them there was no Republican staff
you could only vote Democrat there :)

How is this even happening ???

Despite that Democrats elected a dead man :)
Tony DeLuca

DeLuca will not be sworn in.
He died on October 9 from lymphoma, according to news reports. He was 85.


also Fetterman won with brain damage
yet Democrats are arguing over candidate quality
citizens outraged by this - how can a deceased person be elected?
From dead voters to dead candidates... amazing timeline we're living on
"...We have the most extensive and inclusive voter [fortification] organization in America..."
- Brandon explaining how they "...overperform..."

Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania literally said "...once we count all the votes Trump won't win..." in 2020.

That place is fortified - Josh Shapiro just won governor yesterday in Pa!

Once upon a time, long ago, in a land far away, elections were held.
The had paper, punch card and no computers.
People gathered and hand counted votes, and the people of the land
knew by midnight who won.
The peasants had trust and accepted the announcement and moved on their merry way.

The End.